Everybody leaves at some point huh?
I've used to be Roxas 95 when I first started out here in 2008. We have had conversations before if you want to look through it. I've been Light...
Yep, basically, it suuuuuuuucks. lol
I'm doing pretty good thanks. I'm just trying to enjoy my night over here, and I'm talking with a mess load of my old friends and buds that I've...
Them, I remember perfectly. Never forget them.
Good, at least they'll take care of you. Healthcare over here, ehhhh...no comment.
Nah not really. If I talked with them I could remember perhaps.
That's great. Everything is covered. I hate surgicare so much though..
Epic coding failure. XD
They better. I swear they really hate paying for ANYTHING...
Lol, thanks bud! How have you been lately?
Got boring huh?
Yep, it was 2008. I remember you being a big coding guy back then though.
Insurance paid for it right?
Hehe, yeah! *gifts you a muffin*
Yes I have a Facebook too.
I understand bud, it is midnight over here. Nice to meet you Jake. And to think, you were the very first guy I spoke to on this forum. Years...
Hey there! Long time no see! I've missed you!
Yes it has bud. I'm doing just fine, just checking out all of my old friends and seeing how they are doing, plus sprucing up my profile. I'm...
Yes they do bud. I would think you have to Facetime me using email. Add my email to your contacts. My name is Chris Gunn. My email:...