Hehe! I was doing great, but now...ehh.. My favorite beloved tree was cut down. I woke up this morning wondering. "Hey, something is weird about...
How might you be doing today so far?
lulz, *throws you a muffin basket* There, your ready. XD
You better be ready! Got all of your stuff together?
Indeed they are. Tick me off every second to look at the world.
Hey there! Long time no see! How ya been?
Hey Namin3! Nice to meet you! I've been seeing you around recently, and bam, friend request. XD
Not me, just things with this country, and the world these days. Everything isn't going...too well..if you know what I mean.
Oh wow! That's awesome to hear! Do your darn well best in college bud. I can assure you, it pays off well. In cash!! XD Me, I've been pretty good...
Thanks guys for your kind words, though I think a rule refreshment might do me some good. As long as I get my free Mountain Dew afterwards. XD
Weather eh? Though I'm glad you're doing okay. All that matters. Me, I've been fine, just living life, and making sure all crap hasn't broken...
Dude....I've been great!! Everything is going just...awesome! I'm learning so much about myself, and everything else on top! However...school...I...
It has been going AOK. I've done quite a bit, made some money, and been kicking it up at home. XD I recently picked up a new game from Gamestop,...
I've been great! Just dealing with life as usual. School begins Monday, I dread the day, but I'll be prepared, are you prepared?
Yeah, I had a few minor issues sleeping last night. I eventually got through though. I guess I was just too full of energy to relax. XD
Hey guys, long time no see! It has been maybe around a year since I've truly been here. I've missed all of you, the oldies, it feels really good to be back. To the new people, hey there, I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, I hope we can all be friends. So, time to continue my time at KH-V once more!
I actually kind of did leave the site a year ago. I was hating on it and I didn't want to come back. However I've realized that I do belong here...
You better remember me! How ya been bud?
Hehe, I'm doing fine. Yesterday I figured I should return to this place, I've really missed out on a lot and I want to be a part of it all again....
Hey bro, I'm gonna head to bed. Message me later okay bro? G'night!