Dude, how have you been? I haven't seen you in forever.
Jesus I had to pause after 1 minute.
While browsing tumblr a bit more, Allison found that the boy had replied to him and started a series of messages that tumblr messed up. However it was very enjoyable to just sit back and do normal things again, like browse the internet and talk to this Elliot person. He seemed like a really funny uptight kind of person. She was kind of glad that he wasn't part of this crazy game. However when she browsed more of his tumblr, Allison realized her mistake. The list that he and some other mystic? girl had been talking about had to have been the e-mail. Her mind flashed back to the party and the strange girl that announced her entrance. So they were both part of this. Though it was strange that he had paid her a visit, if she was some kind of fortune teller, if he was so opposed to that kind of thing. Allison felt embarrassed by her response, no doubt he'd probably question her about it and then find out that she was also part of this crazy game. Poor guy, his faith in science and logic must be so shaken up by now. She wondered how he had fared the past couple days, since he must've been bodyswapped too.
Oh my gosh Cherry hi!
When Allison got up that morning, she found that this time, she was alone and Elizabeth had left her instead of the other way around. Huh...guess it's just me again. She thought plagued by the ever-present loneliness. It was a shame because she had thought she had made progress in being Elizabeth's friend, but apparently she wasn't really there yet. Allison sighed and got dressed for the day, wondering why she was always so alone and lonely. Harley was always busy doing something or spending time with someone else and she couldn't always be so clingy to him, and Heidi, she hadn't seen Heidi in person since the hot springs. Anthony, well they had just met, and he also seemed to know Harley too. Harley knew everyone and everything and she knew no one and nothing. How the fudge does he know so much anyway? Guy's got like a database full of people. She had to make new friends and get their numbers. She could probably get Heidi's phone number from Harley, but she wondered about Anthony. He seemed like a really cool kid and it didn't feel right that he was in this situation. Still, even if we're all going to die, I'd rather have a good time til then. But how could she get in contact with him? Or anyone for that matter? There had been that one guy she had mistaken for Harley, but she never heard back from him after she messaged him a second time. He seemed really into science, which was pretty cool, but she wasn't that great with the sciences. Preferred them over English and writing, but still. She hadn't really been using tumblr much. Maybe it was time to search and find people. She had managed to find Anthony's tumblr at least.
OOC- looks like all the drama llamas have been unleashed. All of them. Or at least starting to. Also thank you Saxima, you did a great job dragging me around and I'm sorry that you had to do that. Allison was left standing awkwardly looking at the backs of the two people she was just with. Should she go to the left with Harley or should she go to the right with Elizabeth? She sighed closing her eyes in frustration. Harley's parting words didn't help. In the end she took off after Elizabeth somewhat awkwardly following behind her as she didn't really know what to say to her. Well rather, she was somewhat curious as to who she wanted to visit at the hospital, but maybe that was a private matter so it was probably better she didn't pry. She still had some HIPAA training in her regarding privacy and confidentiality in the hospital and especially regarding patient information. She was never nervous in the hospital as she was too used to being in one volunteering. Once upon a time she had plans to have a career in the medical field. Not that any of that mattered now, as Allison reminisced with a sardonic smirk. Yes, none of it mattered now, her steadily dropping grades, her impossible dreams and goals. "Hee..." she followed after Elizabeth and bid her good night after taking a shower finally despite Elizabeth already taking a shower in her body as Allison just felt the need to wash all of the past few days off of her in a soothing shower. After her hair was completely dry, she changed into another white long sleeved shirt and pants and went to sleep. She seemed to own a lot of white long sleeved shirts and turtlenecks. Briefly she wondered why as her thoughts eventually dissipated as a dreamless sleep claimed her.
92 OOC- Jesus, Bronagh is bringing ALLLL the drama llamas. All of them. Also what the fudge does pending mean? @_@ Allison woke up the next morning and turned her head to see herself sleeping next to her, thus confirming that yes they were still body swapped, she and Elizabeth. It looked like the two of them had ended up sleeping with their backs to each other and Harley was left alone. Well that was fine, who knew what went on on his bed the past few days. She slowly got up and just sat on the edge of the bed for a time before stepping off and allowing Elizabeth to have the rest of it. What should they do today? Were there still snakes in the room? Did they get in? She really found it hard to believe that the people whose JOBS were catching these things and containing them or at least cleaning up their mess, all went home and called it a day yesterday. Leaving everyone else to fend for themselves.
Ohhhhh my gosh dude happy bir-.....uh....premium!
99 "Heeeeeeyyyyyyy....." said Allison bringing her hands to her hips. It was embarrassing that she was in jail in the first place, but nothing could be done. Now she was out, and hopefully Heidi wouldn't get it. More importantly it was bed time and so Allison chose a bed tried to take up half of the space on it in case either Elizabeth or Harley wanted to share. She'd fret and worry about it in the morning. In the mean time all the panicking and excitement of the day settled on her and she was fast asleep in no time.
Welp it looked like Tyler would be on his own to do whatever stuff. Not part of the party it seems. During the journey to Harley's room, Allison was extremely paranoid about rogue snakes jumping out and biting her. Sure, Elizabeth's body had pants and shoes, but who knew how deep and sharp those venomous snakes were. When they got to the room, she breathed a sigh of relief, before inhaling it back again as Harley did a room check to make sure no snakes would assault them in their sleep. He gave the okay and then sealed the room up with a pillow under the crack of the door. Showers? She for sure needed one, but...the thought of washing Elizabeth's body kind of bothered her. A lot. Her face burned up immediately with the thought, but she really did need a shower. She had spent a day in a jail cell, and they might be stuck in this room for a while longer as well. Better to be comfortable, right? Then again, there were some problems that she had just thought up with showering. Come to think of it, it was the winter, and she had been relatively comfortable hardly even sweating from extreme temperature differences. Maybe super cleanliness could wait a day. Thus, she passed up being super clean and decided to just sleep with her current clothes, that is Elizabeth's clothes. It was then that she noticed Harley calling someone and asking for Heidi. "Ooh! Tell her I said hi!" she excitedly told Harley with a smile. She remembered sort of seeing Heidi at that meeting, but the whole thing had felt so surreal and dreamlike, Allison wasn't entirely sure if it had even happened. Regardless there was another situation that had to be talked about. The bed situation. Unless two of the three of them were cool with sharing a bed. It didn't feel right for one of them to sleep on the floor and potentially die. Sure, the snakes could probably just as easily climb the beds, but at least you'd die in comfort, right? Allison didn't really mind too much with sleeping with either Elizabeth or Harley, it was just awkward in general for both of them. Maybe more with Harley since she still wasn't sure if the guy truly liked her. Not to mention she was still in Elizabeth's body so maybe it didn't matter that much. Plus, she tended to stay immobile while asleep so that was another plus sort of.
Allison was shocked as Tyler had apparently woken up and she watched as he grew increasingly shocked and distraught. However when he got up to leave, she got up herself and put her hand on his shoulder. "Dude, wait! It's dangerous to go out there. I mean, it's kind of getting more dangerous in here too, but do you have a plan once you're outside? I'm sorry about you mom but you can't go charging out." Though Allison was a bit shocked herself at Harley's possible plan. A deal for a life? Whose life? She was surprised that Harley actually decided to show his darkside to her in the light of day. Looks like she was in the company of two dangerous people, though the question was, did that mean she was in danger or as safe as could be? "Well, where should we stay, Harley? And would you mind Tyler coming along, if he decides to stick with us?" she asked turning back to Harley.
OOC- Words can not describe the mini heart attack i had when I thought the thumbnail of that video was Quintus. Also damn really wanted to know Heidi's past too. Also wow this hospital sure is slack on confidentiality, but I guess it's for plot purposes lols. Can't wait to see Bronagh's reaction when she finds out Cristina can't talk. At this point Allison had finished off her drink and discarded the plastic container it was in. When she returned to the table, she was left wondering what to do again. She figured it was for the best that the three of them stick together for now, unless Harley didn't want tagalongs and Elizabeth was a loner or something. Besides, there were dangerous snakes around, and currently they were stuck in the campus coffee shop. Should they stay here and hunker down for the rest of the day and night? Or should they move somewhere else? "So guys, are we staying together through this? And should we go some place else? I mean, this place is pretty all right, but I'm fine with a better suggestion," she suggested. Sure the shop would ensure food and drink and that's way cool, but even Allison saw that this place wasn't really "locked down" tight enough for her tastes. After all, it was a business and still open so the doors were still swinging open and shut a little too much for Allison's tastes. Somehow not a single snake had gotten into the shop just yet, though that probably wouldn't last long. A room would probably be easier to hold out in than an establishment. "Maybe someplace else a bit smaller and less public than this place?" she suggested again as the creeping paranoia of a snake loose in the shop silently creeping about looking for prey was rising in her.
Allison was shocked that Elizabeth had offered her some money to buy something. Well now that she had another moment, her stomach growled as she realized she hadn't eaten anything for practically a day. "Thank you so much Elizabeth." she said with a grateful smile. She actually felt tears of gratitude welling up, but Allison managed to calm herself before anything embarrassing happened. She used the money to order a sandwich and a caramel frappacino or some such. Some kind of sweet coffee, as she had always wanted to try something coffee but never knew what to order. Luckily, she had just enough with some change left over which she gave back to Elizabeth. She supposed this was in return for her treating Elizabeth all those days ago the first time they came here, but Allison could also feel like Elizabeth didn't do such kind acts frequently. When her order arrived, Allison devoured the sandwich in record time before moving onto the frap and draining it halfway in a few seconds. She was now full and sipped on her drink more casually and slowly. She didn't really know what her next play was in this game and so she shrugged at Elizabeth. Maybe she'll have an answer later.
Allison followed them all into the cafe quietly. She tried not to grin in amusement at Harley carrying Tyler and putting shades on him, but it ended up looking like she was hiding something suspicious with a mischievous part smile. When the waitress came, she was about to order something sweet to drink, before realizing that she felt much lighter than usual. My bag! Where is it?! She thought frantically patting her left side where it normally hung down to. It was then that she remembered. Oh right. Confiscated. Sighing, Allison told the waitress she'd take a water. She really didn't like drinking plain water unless it was a bit of a desperate circumstance. Like exercise. Though she hadn't really had much to drink in the past day and so she just grinned and beared it as she sipped on her water. There was no way she was asking either Harley or Elizabeth to cover for her. They had done enough, especially Harley. Good god, she couldn't possibly impose on him anymore. Besides she didn't know how she would be of any help to him as a friend anyway. Sure, she'd do anything for him depending on whether she was able to since he was a friend, but there didn't seem to be much she could do really. Except maybe listen. And try to make him laugh. She nodded at Harley's understatement of the century and replied with, "No kidding. I'm surprised this place hasn't been on some kind of lockdown what with the snake situation and the...uh...well...you know."
Allison was a bit intrigued by the statement about Elizabeth being part of Harley's family. Or rather Quintus' family. She couldn't tell if it was a joke or not. Either way she shrugged it off and decided that despite what he had said, she would try and make it up to him somehow too. Though in reply to his question, "Fudge if I know," she shrugged, "I've been out of the loop for the past day. Not that I haven't always been out of the loop, but point still stands." She had heard the helicopter go by, but it was just a news copter probably. Trying to get coverage on the snake situation. "Oh by the way, I heard from some of the cops about some kind of snake situation? How's everyone else?
"Hee..." was all Allison could say in response to Elizabeth's sidestep. It was fine to admit it wasn't it? It wasn't really her fault, she was forced to. But before Allison could ask more she felt her cuffs being taken off and she looked at Moody in surprise before turning and staring at Harley, dumbfounded. What had he done? Questions could be asked later, she wasted no time wanting to leave, but first she asked Moody about her things. He replied that they'd notify her when she could come pick them up later. How annoying. It'd probably be easier to notify Harley, and Moody agreed tentatively. Then they all booked it out of there as calmly and quickly as they could. As soon as they got out, Allison sighed and took a deep breath of the fresh freezing air before promptly feeling freezing and hurrying to the car. She let Elizabeth take shotgun as she had beat her to the question. However when she opened the door to the backseat, she found the sleeping body of Tyler. Raising an eyebrow, she gently pushed him to lean on the window on the other side as she buckled up. If she didn't know any better, she'd think they had kidnapped Tyler. This whole body switch thing has got everything so screwed up. I so wish I had my bag at least. It would be at least a day before she'd get it back, Moody had assured. Looking at the back of the driver's seat "Thanks Harley. Really. And...um...sorry about laughing at you...but I really needed that...you know?" she said smiling sheepishly.
Allison had been stressing over her newfound questionable ethics. In the end she decided that maybe if a few strings were pulled to allow her not to be stuck some place wasting the rest of her remaining days, she'd be fine with it. As soon as she came to this decision, a guard rapped on the bars of her cell to get her attention. Moody told her that she had some visitors, and so she was escorted to the visiting room handcuffed. She brightened up when she saw it was Harley himself. But then her eyes narrowed. Why was he switched back? It was also still strange seeing herself, but she managed a slight smile and wave at the both of them. She sat down in front of them and just stared at each of them. She sure didn't have a plan to get out of this. Sure she was the one stuck and had the most time to think of something, but Allison was never much of an ingenious planner or thinker. Though first things first. "Um, are we allowed to have some privacy?" she asked Moody as he declined but took a few steps back. They'd have to be relatively quiet. Moving on, "Elizabeth, I'm sorry that you had to...take care of John. But...out of curiosity, how'd you do it?" So a question had been asked. And the interrogation would begin. But whose would it be?
OOC- Aw what the fudge? I guess there were too many deals made. Also lols. Didn't know Harley was such good friends with Elizabeth. XD Nothing had happened and Allison sighed sadly. It looked like she'd be trapped here for a while longer. They had said something about a trial that wasn't a legit courtroom Judge Trudy, Law and Order trial but a smaller trial where she would only be able to see not guilty. Well she wasn't guilty anyway, so that wasn't a problem but good god there was so much red tape and waiting and the process was taking a long while. She moped in her cell, being bored out of her mind with no internet or anything to pass the time. However, suddenly the station seemed to get a lot quieter and more panicked at the same time. Allison gazed through the bars of her cell at the opening to the rest of the station with the offices and such and saw lots of people walking around faster and more phonecalls than usual. What's going on? She crept closer and cocked her ear to the side, her face squished against the bars and her hands holding them. Listening carefully she heard another officer ask what was going on. He seemed young, and also just stepped out of the restroom. A dispatcher managed to tell him the news in the little time he had before answering another call. Her eyes widened in disbelief. Snakes? Wow really? Well...I guess I should be relatively safe here....I mean it is the police station. I mean, I'm still trapped, but this should be as safe as I could be right? Though I sure hope everyone else will be all right. It annoyed her that she still hadn't gotten her stuff back. Allison was actually pretty confused as to why she hadn't been questioned about her bag. After all, it was her bag and not "Elizabeth"'s bag. Maybe they thought I just stole it or something or maybe I'm just on the backburner now and not a priority. Eh. Still, she didn't really like feeling like a trapped princess in some dungeon in need of rescue, but there was no way she was going to be breaking the law to get out. Wait. Why not? She thought as she sat back down on her "bed". You don't have much to lose. You're going to be dead in a couple more days. And if the penal system is this slow with things, you'll never even make it to the trial. Why should you care? About anything? Well...what if the family heard? That'd be pretty ter- bullshiz. You shouldn't care anymore, you can do anything and suffer no consequences. You can be free finally. Allison was surprised at this revelation, but she still had reservations about going ballistic all of a sudden and screwing the rules. Well, laws. She pondered more about whether she should try to break out and how.
Allison had woke up eventually to the general noise of people working and walking around. It was actually a bit of a surprise that she slept with all the noise in the first place though that may have been because the noise reminded her of ambient white noise like the city. She sat up in her "bed" and just thought. She had a lot of time now, so she could think about various things, mostly about the e-mail and the events that she witnessed. Allison didn't want to think about death, but she had to come to terms with the fact that at least 3 teenagers around her age had died. This "game" was deadly and she didn't know what to do to calm Crestatia down from killing them all immediately. She didn't want to kill anyone else and be a murderer too, and she really didn't want anyone else turning into one. Being forced to, just seemed so...it didn't seem right at all. She thought back to the meeting and the questions and the vague answers they received but recalled one particular one. Deals...no one had made a deal yet, and no one knows what the consequences are...well how do you go about making a deal with Crestatia? Is it like bargaining like in the 5 stages of grief? Or do I need to summon her with a full on magic circle of blood or some crap? Allison was confused as she pondered about these things. There was no way she was drawing some intricate circle that would probably end up looking like a lopsided oval because she was no Michaelangelo and the thought of cutting herself made shivers run down her spine. Not to mention she wouldn't know what to put in the circle. Plus there was a space issue, and she wouldn't know what sort of fanciful "spell" to say since her Latin was so rusty it might as well have been nonexistant. 3 years wasted... she sighed ashamed of herself. That left old fashioned "bargaining". How to go about this? It had been a long time since Allison had "prayed" as she stopped being religious a long time ago. However she closed her eyes and folded her hands together in her lap. This was probably good enough. Dear Crestatia, I guess I'll try making a deal with you. I don't really have much to lose at the moment since I'm stuck in jail for something I didn't do, but Elizabeth was forced to do because of you. However since this is a deal, there's got to be an offer right? Some kind of give and take thing. I...actually don't know what I REALLY want right now, but for starters I guess for this situation to somehow rectify itself. You're magical right? That can be done right? But I guess you wouldn't really do something that nice and miraculous would you? At least not without a price. So, I guess I'd like to know your price. What do you want exactly? Besides a winner of course. You said we're all pawns, so we're all on a gameboard. Do you want an upgraded pawn? To something like...a rook? Or a knight? Or a bishop or something? Some kind of other chess piece? Obviously I'm not fit to be a player like you, but work with me here. Also I sure hope this is working. Otherwise I feel so ridiculously silly that I just thought up an imaginary imaginary conversation to myself. Um...sincerely, Allison Zhao. She opened her eyes again and tried not to feel embarrassingly silly that she had practically "wrote up" something like a letter to Santa mentally. For now there was nothing much else to do but wait and maybe "compose" more letters later.
Allison nearly felt tears of joy and relief well up when she heard Harley's harsh 'yes'. Thankfully he had been quiet throughout her explanation and she only then realized how close she was to breaking apart. She thought she had it all contained within herself as she became dead inside again, but speaking to Harley made her realize how desperate she was to not have this happening to her right now. And also how incredibly weak it made her sound practically begging Harley for help. He loves this kind of stuff doesn't he? Anyway knock it off. Isn't it more of a weakness to be too proud to not ask for help? She smirked at how ridiculous this all was. Was thinking to yourself the first step to insanity? If so, she was partway there, and it'd probably be a lot easier to get that plea for insanity. However much it helped. Oh, but Harley was talking wasn't he? When she listened to him a bit more closely, she sort of recognized the voice a bit. From where though? Wait. Ty...ler? Quintus' friend from the hot springs! Wait...was this same Tyler...the one Harley always complained about? It had to be. Quintus' friend Tyler and Harley's hated Tyler had to be one and the same. Harley was in Tyler's body. She tried not to instantly burst into uncontrollable laughter right there and then, but maybe a huff or small scoff made their way through to the receiver. Allison almost didn't hear the touching part about trying his best and finally Harley's question. But first she had to get this out of the way. "H-hey Harley...a-..are you in....pffff....in...T- cuhahaha....Tyler....ngehehehe....Ash-shhhhhshshshshsh....es...b-.puh.....BODY?! Guahahahahahaha!" she giggled and laughed gasping for breath occasionally as she could not contain the absolute hilarious irony of her best friend being trapped in his mortal enemy's body. This attracted some attention but she wouldn't let them have take the phone away from her right then. She still had some things to say in between the laughter in one short breath before she was escorted back to her cell, still dying from laughter. "She'sinmyroomandIneedbail!" That night after calming down and being empty once more, Allison spent the night in her cold metal cell feeling very alone and isolated from the world and helpless as can be.