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  1. Firekeyblade
    At this point it wasn't as early in the day anymore and this time, after getting up shortly after waking Elizabeth up and trying her best to ignore that awkward moment with the whole "psychic" thing, Allison made sure to prepare the ice cream after surfing tumblr a bit. When she was done there were two scoops of ice cream in each little saucer plate thing that she found and a spoon in each. After Allison put the ice cream back in the fridge, she took each saucer in hand and held out the recently served one to Elizabeth with a slight shy smile. "I heard it was your birthday some time back, so happy late birthday, Elizabeth," she said not meeting her eyes. Oh god I'm so lame. Why am I so lame. This is so stupid. I hope she takes the ice cream. If she doesn't, I will. Mine's already melting fast. Please take the ice cream.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Firekeyblade
    "O-! Oh! Uh...hey are you psychic?" she asked with a smile trying to hide her surprise as Elizabeth had woken up shortly after she did. It was still far too early for this but maybe it was too late to go back to sleep. Allison hadn't intended for her gaze to linger on Elizabeth throughout all her thinking, but now that she was awake and caught her doing so, there was no doubt that Elizabeth probably thought her a creep. Not to mention most of the time while they were sharing the room during the past couple weeks, Allison hadn't even looked in Elizabeth's general direction. Funny how trying to act natural manifested ways in which she wasn't acting natural. "Um...sorry I couldn't really sleep, but I'll try again. Sorry for...inadvertently waking you." she said as she laid back down and tried to sleep at least a few more hours. The sky was so cloudy from all the snow, it was hard to tell that it was even in the early morning hours of 5-6AM.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Firekeyblade

    DAY 39
    January, 7th Monday

    The previous day Allison had completely forgotten about the superpost birthday festivities for Elizabeth and didn't remember until the middle of the night after she had gone to sleep. She woke up immediately eyes wide and slowly looked over at Elizabeth's sleeping form. What could she do? Allison made her decision. As soon as it was a more appropriate hour of the morning, she would prepare ice cream and they would have ice cream. For breakfast. During a blizzard. For a superpost birthday. It made perfect sense. Meanwhile, Allison waited for Elizabeth to awaken.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 13, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Firekeyblade
  5. Firekeyblade
  6. Firekeyblade
    "Eh....not really...I think I bit off more than I can chew with all these science courses I'm in. I think I'll have to actively get tutoring from a guy I know. Sort of. What about you?" she replied as she browsed tumblr and her favorite webcomic sites for updates. Getting snowed in probably wasn't going to be much different than the previous day.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 10, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Firekeyblade
    "H-! Hi...Elizabeth." recovered Allison trying not to show that she had been startled though it was fairly obvious as she had twitched and almost closed the freezer with a bang. She smiled trying to hide her nervousness and embarrassment while searching. Well, now what could they do? Would they just celebrate now and then separately browse the internet while being snowed in? Was she going to keep it a surprise by preparing some scoops of ice cream? They didn't even have mini candles or anything. I'll just wait until maybe the afternoon or something...then I'll tell her Happy Birthday and serve her and myself some ice cream. Her parents even included an ice cream scooper, but all of that could wait later. It was a bit early for ice cream. As much as Allison loved ice cream. She went back to her bed and pulled up her laptop and hung out on the internet as usual. She hoped Elizabeth wasn't too suspicious that she was up to anything. Allison had even balled the card back up to its approximate shape before and placed it back into the trash before searching.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 10, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Firekeyblade

    DAY 38
    January, 6th Sunday

    Allison woke up uncharacteristically early the next morning. She was starting to get behind on homework, but the internet was a great distraction. As she tried to quietly get up so as not to disturb Elizabeth, she went and unwrapped a brown sugar Toaster Tart that she had gotten from a snack vending machine a long while back. It was kind of surprising that she hadn't eaten it until now, having almost forgotten it until she opened a cabinet. While tossing the wrapper into the collective trashcan, something caught her eye. Slowly Allison fished it out and looked at it. It was a birthday card. For Elizabeth. From an aunt. Three days ago. Elizabeth's birthday was on the 3rd? The card had been crushed and rolled up, though it didn't hide the bear and the cake that well. What could she do for someone's birthday? She was pretty sure Elizabeth did nothing on the day and though Allison normally did nothing much on her birthday either, she still tried to at least have a sweet treat. I'm about 80% sure we don't have any cakemix or browniemix here. So what sweet treat could I get for Elizabeth? Allison pondered while absentmindedly opening all the cabinets and the fridge. She opened the freezer and paused as she was about to close it again. Back when she requested more clothes from her parents, they had also sent lots and lots of food. Ice cream was one of the items. Perfect! Everyone likes vanilla.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 10, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Firekeyblade
    Clarice- Childhood friend and Asian success story that goes to Brookridge. I think eventually I'll mention her once more.

    That's the main one I think. Everyone else is the nuclear family. Also sorry I've been kind of behind due to..uh....neglected math homework...XD Eh heh....
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Firekeyblade
    OOC- What the fudge has happened? @_@

    Allison slept in and hung out on the internet for the whole day since it seemed word on the street was that a blizzard was on their doorstep and she was not going to trudge through snow. Nope not happening. She decided to browse tumblr instead for a bit before trying to focus on some homework. She really needed help from Elliot if he was as great of a scientific genius as he made himself out to be. When it got dark, she took a shower and went to sleep.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 9, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Firekeyblade
    "Hahaha...yeah...I'll...I'm working on it." replied Allison to Quintus' remark as she wrote down her number in her book before packing it away along with the pencil. "We could get food first and talk," she added quickly, as that was the whole reason she woke up early, "That's where all of you guys were headed to right? For food?" Allison didn't really want to force people to eat breakfast but freaking hell she was kind of starved, and unless Quintus was lying or just didn't feel hungry, she could be too. Talk could wait. Food first.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 4, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Firekeyblade
    Allison actually managed to pull herself out of bed early intent on getting breakfast. Most times she traded breakfast in favor of more sleep, but this day she decided to try and be a bit healthier. As she walked slowly on precarious hidden ice, she noticed a small group of people gathered on the path to food. Normally she would just walk past them as it seemed one girl had slipped and fell, however she noticed one particular girl in the group which caused her to freeze and turn towards the group. She waited until Quintus was done talking and had a chance to talk to her. "Quintus! Hey, I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been? Uh...well...I mean...uh nevermind. Don't answer that. Hahaha..." she laughed nervously, her eyes looking right. Anyone in the game is obviously not doing that great, so that answered that question. "Uh so how'd your break go?" she asked looking back at Quintus' face giving her a chance to answer. "I kind of ended up...holing up in the room...what with..all the happenings...but uh, it's really nice seeing you again." she didn't have to say what the happenings were, Quintus probably already knew. "I hope you've been...relatively all right," she said genuinely, actually daring to look up at Quintus' stunning blue eyes. This girl had fared quite a lot thus far what with being forced to kill someone, and Allison had no clue as to what else she had been through. She was about to say goodbye and leave but then remembered something important at the last second. "Oh! I allowed to have your number?" Allison asked shyly as she pulled out her book and a pencil from her bag, trying to be a bit more polite and respectfully than she normally was when writing down people's numbers in her book rather than being blunt about it. Not quite up to "ey yo gurl can i have yo numbah?" but more along the lines of "yo dude, what's your phone number?" Really not much of a difference.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 4, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Firekeyblade
    The day's classes had sunk Allison's spirits. These classes were a bit harder than she first imagined. She had seen and talked to Elliot just for a bit as she passed him in the hall on their way to their respective classes during the day, though she was a bit embarrassed at having been confused and forgotten that meeting they had. Elliot seemed pretty amused by it, and Allison decided to let it go and not worry about her weird mental blank. Lunch had been the savior of her hunger and she was quite satisfied with the school's food. Unfortunately, after lunch she felt tired and almost slept through her last few classes, though thankfully after lunch the school day seemed to pass by much faster. When she was free at last, Allison hung out on the internet some before preparing for bed in far more comfortable clothes than the academy's female uniform. She hadn't seen Harley at all during the day, nor a whole lot of other people she recognized, though she did spot Elliot in a few of her science classes. For sure she'd have to ask him for help and tutoring, and hopefully this time she'll remember what he taught her. Resolute in this decision, Allison went to sleep intent on waking up in time for classes.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 3, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Firekeyblade
    After a while, Allison got a bit bored staying at the school during the Christmas holidays since most of the remaining stragglers staying at the school during winter break left. Not that she could blame them, Christmas was a pretty awesome time for food and family(but mainly food), however since she had already missed Christmas with the family, she didn't see a point in going back for a few days for New Year's. She had met up with Elliot a few days after Christmas, found the room herself and all, however Allison couldn't seem to remember what happened after meeting Elliot. Or if she even met Elliot in person at all. That whole part of her memory was a complete blank and she couldn't seem to figure out why. Regardless, the rest of break was all right and she had some fun but was also bored for the most part. She was very happy when school started up again as she could finally talk to other people besides just Elizabeth(not that she didn't enjoy talking to Elizabeth the few times they would talk) but Allison did like a little variety. For whatever reason she hadn't really seen Harley much since the jailbust and for that she felt a bit guilty. Maintaining her relationships with people was always a challenge for her. It was a constant surprise as to how she still had friends.

    Since Brookridge had more variety of classes than Bellhurst, Allison decided to take more science courses as she might as well absorb some knowledge before leaving this earth. She had actually been planning for college, what major she would be and what her career might be. That is, until she remembered again. Sometimes it was easy to forget. That was the primary reason for all the science classes, but now it was just stuck. For the most part, Allison just looked forward to lunch. The food at this school was something. She hoped that she could see Harley and the others soon. Loneliness never really fades away, and for some reason she was always lacking initiative in contacting people to hangout or do something.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 2, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Firekeyblade
  16. Firekeyblade
    Lols? XD I don't think I deserve much love sometimes.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Feb 2, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  17. Firekeyblade
    OOC- I totes thought that Nora was going to get hit by a car and it would've been tragic. Mono I'm so sorry I'm a horrible person.

    Allison was incredibly surprised at the object that landed by her legs on the bed. A present? From Elizabeth? Wait...presents? She had forgotten that it was Christmas again. "Oh wow, thanks so much, Elizabeth! Though I'm sorry I didn't really get you anything. I kind of forgot that it was Christmas...hehe..." she explained embarrassed. For sure, she'd have to make this up to her somehow. "Oh hey, you and Anthony are related? Whoa I had no idea. That's really surprising." she said smiling. Elizabeth and Anthony just seemed so radically different from each other, Allison would have never noticed otherwise. "I'll try and treat you to something some time or some such. That's the best I can do, sorry Elizabeth." she said sadly. Though as she got back on tumblr she noticed that Heidi had responded to her again and no one else seemed to be responding to her main update. Had no one else received the letter but her? That couldn't possibly be right. Some time during the day, she had heard someone at the door doing something and somehow an object had slipped under the door. At first she had let it stay there but then remembered it and gotten up to go and get whatever it was. To her great surprise it was another game, and a Tales game at that! Allison could hardly believe that she had gotten two games in one day. So this is what Christmas felt like...I remember now. She hadn't felt so surprised and thankful and happy in a very long time. For sure she'd have to make it up to Elizabeth and this mysterious person somehow. Who else would give me a game for Christmas? Elizabeth was surprising enough, but who else? After pondering about the question off and on until it turned night while she was on tumblr still, Allison eventually came up with a likely suspect. Could it be Harley? Guess I'll have to make it up to him somehow too. He did bust me out of jail. Best buddy. I should spend some more time with him. It seemed for the rest of the night it would be eventless for her.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Firekeyblade
    Profile Post Comment

    Lols I'm all right. XD

    Lols I'm all right. XD
    Profile Post Comment by Firekeyblade, Jan 31, 2013
  19. Firekeyblade
    Allison woke up and turned to see that Elizabeth had also woken up as well as a cute little plastic tree on the desk drawer between their two beds. "Oh hey, this is really cute. Did you buy this yesterday?" she asked as she rubbed her eyes. She then got up and got dressed in jeans and wondered what she was going to do today. When she opened up tumblr she was happy to see that Anthony had replied to her message and that tumblr hadn't eaten it. Immediately she went to her back to pull out her book and a pencil, but was surprised to find an extra folded up paper in that pocket. Normally she did keep some assorted folded up papers of various things, but unlike the others, this one seemed new and wasn't folded as much. She slowly took it out and put it next to her as she focused on writing down Anthony's phone number. Now she could call him and he could do the same with her. Now for this mysterious nice paper. She opened it up and read it, eyes widening and mouth dropping before reverting back into a confused expression with her left eyebrow raised. According to this letter she was freaking rich. And she had to use it wisely in this game? Did this mean this was sent by someone who knew? And it was signed by Orpheus. Orpheus....that name sounds familiar...didn't he...have to go down to the underworld for his wife? I forgot if he failed or not...He couldn't look at her as they were going back up. That could be very hard. Anyway, is this another of the..."actual players" like Crestatia? I mean this thing did magically magic itself into my bag. Hm. For now, Allison just shrugged and decided to do something on tumblr for once.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Jan 29, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Firekeyblade
    Despite wanting to have done SOMETHING today, Allison did the exact opposite. She had ended up staying in the dorm room the whole day being on tumblr. Granted she had been talking with the boy she had previously mistaken for Harley and learned his name and made plans to meet soon. So that was something great. He had also reminded her that tomorrow was Christmas. And she had nothing to do. Once upon time, a long long time ago, Allison used to absolutely love Christmas and be in the gift giving mood and was so bright and cheery and happy all the time. Well, not anymore. All of her holiday spirit had evaporated out of her a long long time ago. Sure she still liked holidays some if she remembered them because most times there was candy and desserts involved and food in general really. However most times, now she would inadvertently spend holidays as any other normal day if she had forgotten, which tends to happen a lot. Elliot said they would meet up some time later after Christmas since he had plans. That was fine with her. She didn't really want to spend Christmas with her family right now. Not with all this madness going on. It'd make her too sad. Then she might actually want to continue with this game and become something she didn't really want to become in order to succeed. No, she'd hold off on that for as long as she could, which isn't for much longer. Eventually, she knew she'd have to do something terrible, forced to, just like some of the other past participants of this "game". Anyway, she was glad that Elliot still had faith in the sciences and was just being flexible with all these magical happenings. Good for him. Though she did wonder what they were going to do when they met. He wasn't really that clear, and she wasn't sure what was going to happen. It was then that Elizabeth had come back from shopping it seemed as Allison noticed the bags. She greeted her with a small wave and smile as Elizabeth went about her business preparing for sleep. When she was done Allison did the same, wondering what would happen tomorrow. She closed her eyes and went to sleep dreamless again.
    Post by: Firekeyblade, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame