Hahaha beats me. XD But I really don't like this character limit for profile posts. Ah well.
As the demon approached with his sword, Allison switched plans entirely as imagining fake plastic chains was dumb. She got ready to force the demon to cut her forearms and when he did, she tried moving her detached arm to take the sword from him, like in 80's cartoons. Allison had no idea why she never thought of doing this before, as her body parts moved a little all the time after being cut from her main body. This came as a bit of a surprise to the demon and through it, Allison's arm manged to win while her main body yelled distractions and taunted it trying to distract it. As the hand managed to steal the sword as it swung from the chain still attached to the wrist, it knocked the demon on the head, temporarily fazing it for a few seconds. She didn't have much time. Still swinging, the hand managed to wiggle out of the cuff albeit painfully using the sword as an anchor against the rock, falling to the ground. It dragged itself using the sword towards the demon as it began to recover and stabbed it in the face. It would heal fast, but that would buy her a couple more minutes. Wrenching itself free from the demon, the hand continued to drag itself towards the body and Allison reached her stump of an arm forward towards the hand as it stretched itself towards the stump using the sword, and soon Allison had a fully healed and freed arm with a sword to cut herself loose from her bonds before sticking her parts together and healing somewhat like Sally from the Nightmare Before Wintermas, a movie Allison didn't really like much as a kid. More importantly, she was free, and she had a free sword to boot. Snickering at her luck and still surprised she pulled it off, Allison took off in a direction away from her rock and trying to stay away from the other unfortunate losers still stuck and shouting for her help. The demon could wake up and sound the alarm at any time. She didn't have time to help anyone else. Besides, she already had a partner, didn't she? Speaking of which, while running she pulled out the mirror from under her clothes and gazed at it. Looked like an ordinary mirror to her, though for the first time in ages, Allison got a good look at herself. No wonder why her flirtations didn't work on the demon. She looked like a wreck. Well, this is Hell. Now to cross the bridges and get out of here somehow.
Jayn. I had a dream and you were in it. There was a show and you were running it and my act was to play the piano, even though I haven't played in...
Soo.....am I heading in the right direction with Circles?
Lols yeah it's cool. XD I was just hoping to be as lucky as Midnight but eh.
To be honest I had a story planned around being in Circle 7, but I'll try to think of something for this.
(Why am I so far down? ;_; I have such terrible luck. XD) Allison sighed before quickly drawing back her breath and wincing as the sword sliced through her torso before moving onto to the rest of her joints until she looked like a doll that was taken apart and put in a pile below her rock that she was previously chained to. She probably could've turned into a masochist and just enjoyed the pain to make it easier on herself, but that was just never something she could do. It wasn't in her. Pain was painful and it hurt every single god damn time that jerk of a demon came by. He wasn't even hot, just ugly. She sighed again as she moved her body parts around to heal themselves in a more proper fashion. How to break free...well if that voice in my head was for real, then even if I get out of here, I've got a long climb ahead of me. Though really, I'm tired of this. I mean really, who am I, Prometheus? she thought while tugging at her wrists. No matter how many times she had tried in the past, her shackles were like glue on her arms and there was nothing to do about them. The demon never cut the chains either, course not he was too smart for that. Freeing a sinner? How dumb would he be? Not to mention her ankles were also chained. In total 4 different chains for each of her valuable appendages. And each time she healed, some magical force would raise her cut body back up to how she was standing or kneeling before. For some magical reason, the cut appendages never bled either. The healing process was painful too, all those cells being rapidly regenerated and connected back again. In the past, Allison had also tried to make the demon cut the chains, but to her surprise, the chains were unbreakable. She had watched that guy swing down with all his might, aiming for her head and torso, but hitting the chain for her dangling arm instead, all there was was a little clink sound. He didn't even make a dent. And of course she had screamed out that all this was such bullshiz. She had tried talking to the demon, flirting with the demon, taunting the demon to try breaking the chains again, and none of it had worked. The guy was probably gay or had the mentality of a robot. Who knows? Then again, maybe this time was different. Maybe her chains were normal chains now instead of the super deluxe ultra forcefield chains she had before. And maybe it was just a mental thing of initially believing she could never escape thus condemning her to her fate. Well now she had hope. The voice had given her hope of escape and she'll take it. They're normal chains. Normal chains. Hell, maybe they're just plastic chains but Hollywood decorated to look like metal. Allison repeated that mantra of "normal chains" as she saw the demon, or Glady as she liked to call him for the Latin word for 'sword', Gladius, approach again. "Hey buddy, how you doin'?" she asked with a wink as she prepared to dodge and swing around, maybe even hop around as a torso to make him try to hit the chains again.
Yeah same here Hue. TT_TT That was fantastic Twilight. (Does this mean DOM's now some kind of....special NPC?)
Lols thanks. And nah I think Bushy's was pretty darn sad. I'd like to think mine is just kind of...scary and saddish. With serial killer Altair/Crestatia. Okay Twilight's post was way sad. I don't know what you're talking about. Almost made me tear up. Also loving how Jessie's Kilika. XD If that's how you spell his name...was so confused about whether he really was a guy. Also, I heard there was some kind of afterlife thing?
I guess this would be considered fanfiction? Or...something...though really I guess it'd be some...possible elaboration on what might've went down? Thank goodness this stuff didn't happen on Christmas. XD Also some blood and stuff. Also I'm still going to stalk/read the RP because it's suuuu gooood. Hope you don't mind. XD Oh also here's some music, I guess? I really wanted to end up using this song somehow, though I don't know how to do the fancy clicking...button...thingies...but uh yeah. I guess this is for when Altair's making his rounds? Spoiler: Previously... The first day that Elliot wasn't in class, school proceeded as normal for Allison and when she had gotten back to the dorm, she had went onto his tumblr and replied to his post. He never responded to her message to him about needing some major tutoring help. That, or tumblr ate it or she had dreamed that she had messaged him for help, but never actually did. That happened sometimes. Regardless, she replied to his post asking whether anyone's seen or heard of an Olivia, whom she hadn't, but assumed that this Olivia was a friend of Elliot's. Allison hoped that this Olivia hadn't been missing for long and that Elliot would find her or better yet, if she would come back herself. Word on the street was two Brookridge kids had gone missing over the break. Just up and gone. I guess they might've been a part of this... thought a part of Allison, but she ignored that thought. She never did seem to listen to her instincts really. She had tried to message Harley after finally finding his tumblr(he would have a picture of Quintus) but couldn't seem to. Allison just wanted to talk to him or leave him a message but alas. It didn't seem meant to be. The next morning it was another relatively normal day and after school was let out, Allison was back in the dorm attempting to study or do homework but failing. Elizabeth had also come back after school and the two were comfortable in silence each doing their respective whatever stuff. However, as it was beginning to get dark, there was a resounding knock at their door. Allison looked over at Elizabeth confused, but set down her laptop and went over to the door. They didn't really get visitors much and who would come to their door now? When she opened it, she saw that it was that tall snowy haired boy that was with Heidi at the hot springs way back when. But why would he be here? And this was a girls' dorm. Allison's right eyebrow raised in confusion and was about to greet him awkwardly when she finally gazed into his eyes and got a good look at this face. He was smiling rather deviously and his eyes looked...rather something. He didn't seem that human anymore and Allison tensed some more and froze as she stared at him. And it was only then that her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as a series of revelations exploded through the synapses in her brain gaining momentum like a positive feedback cycle of thoughts. The discussion with Elizabeth about the gathering at the auditorium, the boy who saved Quintus, he got cursed, they never found the solution, was this him? It had to be him. He was there at the springs when those two girls died. Now he was here for her and Elizabeth. These thoughts raced through her mind, but as always, Allison was far too slow as all she could do was half turn her head and utter out a call of warning, "Eli-!" before her world turned black as Altair chopped the back of her neck. She woke up again to a blurry world of spots before her vision gained some clarity. Her ears did not seem to be working at first as all she could hear was some ringing before the sound of some thuds and other strange sounds reached her. It would have been far far better had she stayed unconscious as the sight before her was grisly. There were many many teenagers, they all looked dead, but for all she knew they might've just been unconscious just as she had been. If they were, how lucky for them as Allison could only blink, breath, minimally turn her head and swallow while Altair went around with a knife. He either finished off some of them with a swift slash of the throat or he began cutting in all directions like a crazed surgeon. Allison swallowed hard as the tears began to well up, this was it. She always thought that she wasn't scared of death anymore, but this was such a terrible way to go. And it was only in this moment while she lay helplessly paralyzed, no doubt the work of some toxin which she would never know, that she realized she had a great number of regrets and fears. One of the biggest fears, was being forgotten. Allison knew that she probably wasn't much of a person to Heidi. They hadn't known each other long or talked much at all. And she never gave her those band aids either. She hadn't seen or spoken to Clarice in such a long time, and this was just such an unfortunate thing to happen to her school. Anthony seemed like a fun kid, they could've gamed together, but now they never would as she watched Altair slash his throat, he looked like he was in a peaceful sleep if not for the red band of blood on his neck. She and Elizabeth had eventually found out that Anthony was stuck in some other kid's body after all the bodyswitching nonsense and had found a picture of the other boy online, so they would be able to recognize Anthony if they ever saw him. She hoped to whatever kinder deity if they existed that Elizabeth was not awake. Her brother was dead, and she had watched it happen. Anthony was personally not Allison's own brother, but she still mourned that his life was cut short, even if it was in a body not his own. For the short time that they had known each other, she hoped that Elizabeth didn't hate her. It seemed like they had just become friends and Allison felt that maybe if she hadn't opened the door so suddenly, or at least asked who it was, they might've had a chance. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be as she could see Elizabeth, laying across the room, unconscious hopefully. How sad that she had just aged a year, only to die so soon afterwards. Well at least we had some ice cream before then, thought Allison sadly as she smiled while more tears ran down into her ears. Finally, there was Quintus and Harley. She had heard so much about Quintus from Harley, but had only spoken to her a few times, and maybe it wasn't true, maybe it was all just in Allison's crazy head as she always thought the world hated her, but she was relatively sure that she had annoyed Quintus all of those times at some point. How nice it would've been to be friends with her, but alas. It just wasn't meant to be. Lastly there was Harley, her only friend through all this. He tied into a lot of her regrets. As Altair got closer and closer to her, her heart beat accelerated at a constant rate with each step, she wouldn't have much more time to regret. Allison regretted never having fallen in love, she could've with Harley, but it always confused her as she could never tell if Harley would be loyal to her. It seemed like every other night he would sleep with someone different, and Allison didn't really know how to deal with possibly having an "open" relationship. Would the dog come back to its owner after running free? Now she would never know. She had wanted to be useful, a helpful person, a needed person, but who knew if she had fulfilled that. A fantastic friend, the best friend people wished they had, but she probably wasn't even considered that close to Harley. She never asked questions directly about his family, and he never mentioned them save for Quintus of course. Right, Quintus, Allison probably didn't even rank that high on the list with Harley, as no doubt Quintus was number one. Sure they were cousins, as he would always say, but sometimes she wondered about that. They didn't even look similar at all unless they were cousins through some relative's marriage. Besides, as much as he would try to hide his feelings, Allison could tell that Quintus made him happy. When Altair finally reached her, his bonechilling smile at seeing her awake scared her to the core. This would not be pleasant at all, but she hoped that Quintus would still be alive so that she and Harley might be happy together. Well, mainly Harley, as she didn't know Quintus that well. The paralyzing agent was starting to wear off on her tongue and throat, as Allison started to actually gain feeling there again. She had been afraid that she would end up choking on her own tongue at first. Altair remarked in his deep, inhuman voice that must've been Crestatia's, that maybe she/he could hear her scream some. That would delight her a lot. After the first few wild gashes, Allison finally passed out from the pain and strain of screaming, low and relatively quiet at first, before gaining volume. Maybe she'd be happier now in the next place.
OH HAHAHAHA JUST KIDDING FINALLY FIXED MY ISSUE AFTER FREAKING TWO WEEKS. Yays. XD Username: Firekeyblade Name: Allison Su (trolololololool) Age [between 23-55]: 23 Appearance [actual human images (dA works great for that)]: http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Female-91716460 Partner: do not fill this out Circle: do not fill this out Willing to make a second character? Nah.
I would like to join, but currently I've got extremely limited internet. Though I'll try and do something about it fast.
Oh really? Oh awesome! Thanks Jayn. XD It was a lot of fun, and you can go ahead and kick me out of the skype chat if you haven't already. Course...
Holy crap Jayn I'm so sorry for being inactive, but I forgot to tell you that I was going to be away at an all day event on Saturday. If I'm not...
Allison managed to wake up just in time to somewhat paradoxically lazily rush to class wishing she could have a few extra minutes or hours to sleep some more as those god damned eyes haunted her dreams for once. It had been a long time since she was last disturbed by a nightmare as she rarely even had nightmares, much less dreams. Though lately that seemed to have changed. Regardless she had managed to remember to put on the school uniform as much as she disliked wearing skirts and would much rather prefer pants as it was still winter. Allison had skipped breakfast and hurried to class before the bell rang. She looked relatively all right save for the tie as she was still trying to learn how to tie it and her hair had been down and flowing for once as she couldn't be bothered to tie it up in a ponytail as she normally did. She probably had enough time to take a few seconds and tie it up but she figured she was all right for her hair to be down for the day. How wrong she was. Allison had forgotten about the issues with having such long hair untied, running into the first problem on the walk to class. Wind. Pocahontas must've had magical hair because normal hair blowing in the wind did not look nearly as glamorous and beautiful. No, it was now a bit more of a tangled mess than it had been when she first awoke. When she got inside the building, Allison ran her hand through her hair a few times to try and at least make it look a little better. She had managed to reach her seat just as the bell rang. However, as she went about her day, she noticed a certain seat empty in some of her classes. A seat normally occupied by Elliot. She had been meaning to talk with him about some tutoring and had sent him a message on tumblr about it as well. Or maybe she had dreamed she did but hadn't. That happened sometimes.
After waking up, Allison went about her day as usual being on the internet. However, as she prepared to go to sleep, she just so happened to look at the window to check out the snow level. Suddenly something caught her eye that froze her heart and chilled her soul. Something that kept shifting with bright red glowing eyes that shone like the fires of hell was in the distance. And it had looked at her for an instant. Immediately, she stepped back from the window, but her eyes stayed locked on the creature. What was it? It didn't seem to have a corporeal form. That or she couldn't see the form well since it was pretty dark where it was, staying out of the light of the campus lamps that stayed lit even through the blizzard the past few nights. Even now they glowed with a peaceful calm luminescence, a stark contrast to the strange red glow from the form. After staring at it a bit more, it suddenly disappeared from view and Allison was freed from the binding spell those red eyes had cast on her. As she got into bed and said good night to Elizabeth and not to worry about whatever just happened, she couldn't help but still feel uneasy as her mind continued to visualize those dead fiery red eyes. Though eventually she did drift to sleep. Maybe she had only imagined it.
Will this still be a thing? Because I'm sort of interested(even if I'll end up failing school from all these RPs).
OOC- What the fuuuuudge..... Allison woke up frantically looking at her watch before relaxing herself again in the bed in defeat. She was definitely late for school, no doubt about it. However it then occurred to her as she laid lazily on the bed, not wanting to leave its warmth, that they had a blizzard the past few days. School might still be out as they cleared the roads and such. Sighing in frustration at having awoken herself so harshly, Allison tried to go back to sleep. If she didn't succeed in an hour, she would get up anyway and most likely browse the internet some more as she has done for the past few days.
Allison was thankful when Elizabeth took her ice cream and immediately began devouring her share. Within a few seconds, she was done and washed the saucer, spoon and ice cream scooper spoon, she went back to her own bed, browsing the internet and also sneakily waiting for Elizabeth to be done with her portion so she could wash her dishes too. Finally the birthday surprise was over. Well maybe it wasn't that much of a surprise, but at least Elizabeth seemed pleased with the ice cream. That was all that mattered really. When she was done, Allison immediately rushed out of bed, though careful to set her laptop in a stable place, gently taking Elizabeth's dishes, trying hard not to just snatch them out of her hands. Years of being in an Asian family where people kept saying 'oh no no no I'll do it' made her somewhat more awkward in social situations. Family members would literally fight over the restaurant bill. "Don't worry, I'll wash them," she said as she slowly took the dishes from her before turning around and washing them. Afterwards, she browsed the internet some more before telling Elizabeth good night and wishing her a late happy birthday again before finally going to sleep.
So does this mean Fuzzy's allowed back?