Sorry Hue. School stuff happened. The RP was fun while it lasted. Though also quite the puzzle. XD
Oh wait nevermind. I remembered what happened to that post. By the time I had finished it, the thread was already locked.
Dude. I totally had a post. But I guess it either never submitted or something. MY TEARS. TT_TT I'll think of something.
Okay Hue. Ill catch up when I can.
Ah sorry to hear that Hue, but it's all cool. I had fun regardless. Best of luck with whatever stuff. XD
True....there ahve been times where I myself got a bit annoyed with some of the things people compare to Homestuck. -_-
Oh lols I never got a a message saying you had replied. Sorry bout that. Yeah I'll reread your story again eventually and let you know. Granted...
OH MY GOSH DUDE YOU READ HOMESTUCK TOO? Also spoilers. >_> Man. Also DF, I was wondering who did your two sigs and your avatar? They look fantastic. (Also wish I could see Kairi's pactio card...and not understand it because freaking Latin. Wish I had paid more attention those years ago.)
AMBER YOU'RE ALIVE TOO?! And I'll read through allllll of this eventually. And enjoy eeeeevery second of it. At some point.
Well if that's the case, what're you going to do when you're done? Disappear again? Also really like how Kairi's pretty much even with Sora and Riku in terms of abilities and such.
Having caught her breath again from that tremendous climb, Allison sorely sat back up, wincing at how much her whole body ached. Her partner still hadn't answered her and at this point, she was starting to get slightly annoyed but hey. Maybe her partner was busy with his/her own crap in this frozen Hell. Speaking of which, Allison did notice the change in temperature up on this cliff. It really was a little warmer up here. It was still kind of cold, but Allison didn't mind it that much. It was far better than the temperature down from where she was before. Slowly getting back up onto her feet, and wincing in pain when she used her hand to help push herself up, Allison surveyed the area before her. There was another gigantic wall a good distance away that looked like it went in a circle, surrounding the inside like a wall to a city. However, this didn't seem like any normal city, and Allison figured it was really surrounding more punishments for more sinners. The question was, how to pass through it? Can I go around?
Well, it says I posted replies, so I guess I read it. Man this is really long. Well okay then. So, this is your second account then? Did you...
OOC- Oh my god, looked back and completely forgot I had a MOTHERFRICKING SWORD. It felt like an earthquake, and Allison nearly toppled over into the abyss, but managed to still be alive by clinging to the rope like a cat. She had to get out of this place pronto. Fu*k it, I'll just have to tough it out and climb. She thought eyes wide with the fear of everything around her collapsing into the oblivion below. Quickly, she grabbed her sword that she had managed to attach to her pants, and after getting off the bridge on the other side, going away from the wall, she started sawing at a knot trying to release the rope bridge from its restraints from the side. It didn't take too long and soon, she was ready to swing on the rope to climb back to the ledge at the base of the wall. She hoped she wasn't too fat or something and the rope would just snap as soon as she swung on it. It was a lot of tension for sure, but this was the only way she could think of getting the maximum use of the rope to the other side to get ready for the climb. Taking a breath, she steeled herself and dropped off the side, swinging to the other side, planting her feet against the rock face. Grunting at the impact, she hurriedly pulled herself up the rope over the side of the ledge and laid on her back before something terrible happened. The tremor seemed to have stopped almost as soon as it had started luckily, but as the voice said, she didn't seem to have much time anymore. Sitting back up again after her small break, she pulled up all the rope from the bridge and examined the length. It looked all right. But I'll still have to free climb. Allison sighed as she craned her head up to look at the wall again. Looking more carefully she could see a few ledges that looked like they could potentially be rest spots as well as some newly formed cracks, most likely from the tremor. All right, well, I've got nothing to lose. What luck that the earthquake would create some hand and foot holds. As long as that earthquake didn't make them too loose, I might be all right. After readying the rope, Allison got to climbing again, this time not being afraid to jump and reach for cracks for handholds and footholds. Every single time, she feared she would miss and plummet like a rock, but likewise with each risky jump and reach, she steeled herself for a second death. It was all or nothing every single time. When she managed to reach the first "rest area", she only had a few seconds of rest before quickly jumping back onto a foothold as the ledge crumbled away. Heart pounding, Allison sighed and continued on, looking forward to the next rest area. The plan was to somehow fix the rope to be of some help towards the middle stretch of the wall, as that seemed to be the area with the least amount of hand and foot holds. At least as far as Allison could see. However much to her surprise, it ended up being the area with the most easily accessible hand and foot holds, the stray cracks being perfect for climbing. It's almost like I got this rope for absolutely no reason. Man, what a waste. If I had known this would happen, I would've just left it there as a bridge. She thought scowling as her arms and legs burned from exertion. The thought that she was halfway up cheered her on and simultaneously depressed her. When she got to the second rest area in a particularly wide crack, Allison pulled out her mirror and left another message for her partner. "Hey...I'm almost out...I think...what...what about you?" she asked breathlessly as she put weight back into her gelatinlike legs to climb some more. She had managed to tie the rope to a solid piece of rock jutting from the inside of the crack. As she was almost at the last rest area before another couple meters to the top, her foothold collapsed and Allison fell, without a single scream as her heart jumped to her throat. She had managed to fall close enough to the wall, but not hitting it as she fell towards the crack and the rope. When she grabbed onto it and slide down, she screamed then from the rope burn, but thankfully she stopped halfway down the rope. Gasping for air from the realization that she was still alive and also hurting like a motherf-er, she cautiously took off her right hand from the tight grip she had on the rope and looked at it. It was bleeding and stinging and she guessed her left hand was the same, but she still had a long ways to climb. All right, how am I going to fix this? There's no way I'll make it up with hands like these. Painfully making her way back to the crack, she got her sword and cut off some of the cloth from her clothes and managed to bandage her palms relatively poorly, but makeshiftedly. She'd have to ask her partner to tie them for her a bit better. Putting her sword back, and testing her hands as she gently balled them into fists, she figured that this was as good as they were going to get. They still hurt something terrible, but better then exposing them to more rock and cuts. Sighing, she continued on a bit more carefully and quickly, trying to get off of footholds and handholds as fast as she could without killing herself. After some time, she managed to make it to the last rest stop after a very roundabout route climbing there. Okay. Almost there. Got this. Augh these hands hurt so much. And I bet there's not clean water around here either. God I hope there's no such thing as infections or some shiz in Hell. Maybe it only belongs to one Circle or something. Jesus, I sure hope so. The last thing Allison needed was an infection from millenia old rope burn and rock. Finally after climbing a distance more, Allison reached the top of the wall and rolled over on top of it, panting for breath, and feeling so very sore. She was never a strong person when living, despite having climbed a climbing wall a few times before but it wasn't often, and she never enjoyed it. And she also had a belayer. For safety. That supported practically half her weight. Still lying on the ground on the edge of the 7th Circle, she got out her mirror and said to it, "Hey. I made it. Made it up to Circle 7. Where are you?"
Uhhhh.......the name sounds familiar? The...story?...doesn't?
"Yarrrrgh...." sighed Allison upon hearing the answer. Though at first she was quite surprised she had even gotten an answer, but now she had to think some more. There was no guarantee that in the future there'd be more "escapees", so ideally, she COULD use the rope bridge for rope to help escape since no one's going to use it later. Potentially. Sighing, Allison kneeled by the tethers she just noticed holding the bridge to this side. She peeked her head over the edge and looked at the abyss below. It felt colder down wherever there was than where she was now. Though still curious, she picked a nearby ice chunk and dropped it over, listening to hear the sound of the fall. After a couple seconds, that felt like minutes (though really there was no way to tell time here in Hell) Allison gave up trying to hear the sound of the ice as it never came and if it took that long for it to fall, it wasn't worth the risk of seeing whether there was a way out going down. She was already so far down in this place, going down again would just lead her to the 3 great betrayers. Where it was even more cold. She turned away and went back to looking at the bridge. The main thing she wanted to do with it was at least create a safety guard for her so she wouldn't fall to her death. Man how funny would it be if the huge wall was just an illusion and it wasn't actually that huge.
Allison kept looking at the rope bridge to the right and at the great cliff wall to the left. There had been no response from whomever was her partner, so her little speech really did seem like leaving a message on a phone. Regardless, could she really use the rope? It would mean cutting off the only way to get this far from this circle for anyone else who might escape. Could I really be this selfish again? Unlike maybe some of the others here, she had learned her lesson the first time. Sometimes being selfish does no good at all. Quickly trying to think of something else than linger on the bad memories that left a terrible taste in her mouth and her heart hurt, Allison wondered if she could ask this "Guardian Angel" of hers and the other souls. Bringing the mirror back out again, she figured she had nothing else to lose to sound as terribly awkward as she did before. " was just wondering....well...uh....what happens if I take this rope bridge apart? Will you guys....fix it? the future?" she asked smiling her trademark nervous smile that probably looked far more grotesque and more like a grimace than a grin. And even if she could use it, what could she use to cute the rope? Well there are a few rocks here and there. Some of them are sharp....sort of...And if she couldn't use it? Well....wait....there are a few icicles scattered around here...I mean...I could try...? A few ideas were beginning to formulate, but no cohesive plan.
Hue I am so sorry for not posting, lots of tests.
It took a jump and some intense leg kicking at air before she rolled over the side of the small little wall that surrounded "her" little ditch of hell. Allison never had a whole lot of upper body strength, much less arm strength, and frankly she chalked it up to luck again that she had managed to pull and push herself up over the edge. She stayed lying on the ground panting the frigid air for a few minutes before sitting up and looking around her. All around were the ditches of the various other "mini" circles of hell for all the other sinners in Circle 8. Having caught her breath back again, Allison stood up and looked at the rope bridge ahead of her that would lead her across a chasm to the other side of the top wall of another ditch. She looked down at the drop. She didn't know how deep it was or how cold it was, and worse, whether she could get out from the seemingly bottomless drop should she fall from the extremely precarious and insecure looking rope bridge. In the distance she could see the high cliff wall that she would have to somehow scale to get out of this particular circle. If it meant being a degree warmer, that was fine with her. Being this far down was just freezing. Standing up and taking a breath, Allison carefully and slowly made her way across all the ditches on the rope bridge, making sure to step carefully and lightly on each knot until she finally reached the wall. There were a few times where a few ropes snapped, but miraculously, she managed to hurry across to the top of a wall before the bridge would snap under her. What happens If I fall back down from the wall? I can't die twice can I? Can I still heal fast? Or was it only isolated in that one hole? She couldn't be sure if she'd be all right after a fall. After all, she had never freeclimbed before and frankly Allison wasn't sure if she'd have enough arm strength to go all the way up. Since she was here, she gazed at the pocket that contained the mirror. Would her partner hear her? Might as well let her know she was ascending. Pulling it out she gazed at it once more looking at herself and sighing. She touched the right side of her head at the gash. Surprisingly it still hurt, and she quickly flinched her hand away, scrunching her face up in a wince. Sighing again, she tried to get over the fact that she was about to talk to a mirror. "Um...hello? Uh...just wanted to say I was coming circle..." she said awkwardly. She never was good with answering machines and leaving messages. Putting the mirror back in her pocket, she steeled herself for the climb and went for it, trying to find handholds in the steep cliff face before getting stuck a few feet above the ground. Slowly and shakily descending, she looked back at the wall. How could she scale it? Can I use the rope from the nearby rope bridge?