Allison twitched when Harley touched her and groaned as a complaint before turning over. She couldn't go back to sleep now, even though she still felt pretty drowzy and all around terrible. Still, she stayed in bed with her eyes closed and simply listened to Harley taking a shower. The sound of the water nearly lulled her back to sleep until he turned on the television causing her to gasp silently as she was again woken from her slumber. Allison didn't move a muscle but opened her eyes and continued to lay there, lazier than a sloth. That is, until she thought she heard something suspicious about the news, and especially when Harley whispered that he'd be at the springs because something had happened. Here, she had a few options. Stay in bed, continue sleeping and wake up at night not curing her of her jetlag. Get dressed and investigate with Harley. Option one seemed sort of inviting at the moment but also extremely boring. Option two required some effort then and there, but seemed significantly more interesting and exciting. Sighing, Allison slowly swung her legs out off the edge of the bed and sat herself up, waiting for the morning dizzyness to go away before attempting to get to her backpack and unpack her jeans. Her shirt was still relatively clean since she changed into it after the hot spring bath before she went to sleep last night. And since she was here, might as well unpack everything else before she forgot. Taking her time changing her pants, Allison wondered what could have possibly happened last night as she was now starting to hear all the commotion. Now mostly awake save for the still existing fog of sleepiness over her, Allison grabbed her bag and went downstairs. What awaited her caused her to blink a few times before she continued more slowly down the stairs as she stared at the scene before her. There was a gathering crowd of people by the entrance to the hot springs and more importantly, there were many policemen, coroners (judging by the uniforms that say 'coroner'), and detectives(judging by how well dressed they were) as well as a lot of yellow CAUTION tape. This could only mean, the aftermath of...a crime scene. And she had missed it all. Oh well, not like the times spent reading Detective Conan were going to do her any good her. Allison didn't know the first thing when it came to these kinds of things. The only thing she had gotten from reading so many chapters of it, was that if you had found the body first, you're not supposed to touch or move anything and to try to preserve the scene as much as possible until the police got there. Oh, and that everyone was a suspect. EVERYONE. But there was no need for that, it was too late anyway, and she was sure the professionals were handling it nicely or something. Now to find Harley. Where had that troublemaker gone to? He said the entrance right? Well, so many other people are here, it's kind of hard to pick him out. Eh, I guess I'll just stay here on higher ground by the stairs, where he can see me if he looked. Allison thought as she stayed to the side of the stairs and stood with her back to the railing to try and flatten herself as much as she could to let people go by. She wondered what Harley could possibly find in this crowd and gridlock. The police weren't letting anyone into the crime scene, for obvious reasons. Forgot your purse last night? Oh too bad. You may or may not get it back later when the place was cleared. Still, she continued to search the crowd with her eyes, looking for Harley.
"Yeah I hear you," agreed Allison about the rocks. "I'm Allison. And yeah I go to Bellhurst too. But...I...don't think I've seen you there, Zoey." It's true that Allison's memory of people was pretty terrible, but it was mainly because they all ended up looking the same to her. All the girls were pretty and nice(well most), and all the guy were handsome and nice(well most), and so they all blended together and blurred for her until they individually stood out from the crowd to her as being called "friends". Or if you're like Harley, a "friend of sorts". Well, a normal friend now. Regardless, her attention kind of got diverted by the sounds from the men's side. Things seemed to have calmed down some, and the heat from the hot spring had by now made Allison so relaxed and drowzy, she could fall asleep in the spring itself, if it didn't mean drowning. So she decided it was time to go, and maybe she could also find out what was up next door and maybe help in some way. "Ah, sorry Zoey, but I guess you can tell me some other time. I think I've had enough hot springing for today and just call it a day. See you," she said as she turned away and made her way back to the locker room area. As she headed back, she checked to see if Quintus could see her and waved goodbye to her with a drowzy smile. She also waved goodbye to Heidi, despite never catching her name, and quickly made her way to the locker room, having forgotten to grab a towel nearby before entering the hot spring. The stark temperature difference between the water and the air was amazing. The mist from the spring helped warm it up a bit, but not by much. Allison was chilled, and if she didn't dry herself off and get some clothes on, she'd have to get back into the spring just to warm up again. Oh gosh this is terrible. I'm naked in front of all these other girls, and they're probably judging me and holy frick where are the towels. After a frantic search, she found them and quickly dried herself off and attempted to dry her hair. She never got submerged, but from that slip of hers, she got a lot of it wet. Satisfied and also lazy to continue drying it with a towel rather than a hairdryer, Allison got dressed in her spare clothes, forgetting to use the bath robes. She really didn't know how to hot spring. Finally warm and dressed in comfortable clothes for sleeping, she slowly left the women's bath. Jetlagged, and sleep deprived, she wasn't really sure what she was doing anymore. She just knew that she would dry her hair and collapse in bed. It was then she saw Harley walking with some girl up the stairs. Well that was strange. But she couldn't really focus that well. All she wanted was to get to bed, but she ended up following after them like a stalker up the stairs to their floor. How awkward. She hoped he didn't turn around and see her and ask what the deal was. Not like she could give him an answer now. She briefly wondered who the girl was. Had Harley picked up a girl so fast? Damn he was good. Not that she cared. Nope. When they had all gotten to the 3rd floor, Allison slipped by them and went into the room to immediately blowdry her hair. After a few minutes, satisfied that it was dry, she finally went to a bed and went to sleep after settling herself. She'll unpack tomorrow.
As soon as she had finished explaining about her general "tardiness" to all that was going on, Allison heard someone exclaiming in joy about hot springs. Well, she sure seems excited. she thought without turning her head. She would soon see who it was anyway, as the girl rushed out of locker room stark naked, and seeming completely unabashed by it. Though the next thing she did confused Allison a bit. Before the girl hopped into the spring, she sort of washed herself off first. Oh...were we supposed to do that first? Well I guess that would explain why the water's so clean....despite lots of traffic...oh mans I really don't know how to hot spring. How does one hot spring? she thought closing her eyes and frowning in embarrassment. It didn't seem to matter as much here, but she was sure back in eastern Asia or something, she would've committed a travesty and be sooo rude. Because people just get so offended there so easily. While musing with a frown at Asia's strict manners, she didn't notice the new girl going into the bath until she heard a rather violent splash catching her attention immediately. Had she fallen? Allison got up and as fast as she could waded through the water trying to reach where the splash had been. Though thankfully the girl resurfaced again and Allison breathed a sigh of relief. "Hey, are you all right? Did you sl-! uh...slip?" asked Allison holding back a laugh as she herself also slipped a bit. The rocks and ground sure were slippery.
"Oh....uh...well that's....uh....that's really? Geez that's's...rough," mused Allison. Death? Actual death? What exactly had these people gone through? She couldn't imagine it. Harley may have told her stuff, but she had fallen asleep during the car ride. This relaxing atmosphere actually made her want to sleep too, but it felt weird being this relaxed with such high tensions roaming around. "Temperance huh? Nice name. But..." Allison trailed off. Something tells me this Temperance isn't that temperant and in control of herself. "Well, uh thanks for letting me know the situation, I guess. So...uh...what's your name? I'm Allison," replied Allison with a slight smile. She had gotten in right between Quintus and the girl in her haste to get into the water. Sure, it was relatively clear, and you could still see just about everything, but it felt better having the cloth of water surrounding her than nothing but air. Looking back at what she just said, Allison realized she was an idiot. Acting like everything was okay after hearing this poor girl rushing off because her friends died. What a horrible person she was, trying to act normal. Bluh, I'm drowzy and jetlagged. I'm not thinking properly. Give me a break. "Um, sorry for my behavior, but I just got back from an overseas trip yesterday, so I'm feeling a bit loopy from jetlag and the timezone difference. So if I yawn it's not because I think what you're saying is boring or anything, I'm just...kind of tired, but not really, is all." She was glad that she hadn't gone to "help" because she really can't say or do anything for any of these poor fellow classmates and schoolmates. No doubt she had probably missed a lot or something and would most likely have to be filled in later by Harley again or someone else. Though she also felt that that could potentially be dangerous. Harley had said most of the kids their age here were on some list on the e-mail, but there seemed to be an active "don't ask, don't tell" thing going on about discussion of the e-mail. She could feel it. Well that was fine, she had pushed all thought of the e-mail to the back of her head throughout the trip. Opening that Pandora's Box now was a bit too soon for her. It wasn't that she didn't believe in it, but she was having a healthy disbelief in it, in the event it all turned into an elaborate hoax. Or something. But she still kind of believed it. Kind of.
Allison moved out of the way as the girl had suddenly gotten up and left, lying through her teeth that she was fine, when it was obvious to all around that she really wasn't. She was surprised as to the calming the white haired boy had on the girl. They must've been really close or some such. It was then that the boy removed his sunglasses and thanked her before leaving elsewhere. "Oh, uh right then...hehe..." replied Allison nervously. He really was quite handsome without them on. "Um...okay...uh...see you..."she said as she rose her hand in a goodbye. After the boy had left, she decided to finally head to the baths. Maybe she would be able to relax for once or something. Though as soon as she was pretty far in in undressing herself she heard a great amount of yelling and screaming before a girl came rushing out, naked except for her towel and noticed her leaving the women's bath and going in the direction of the staircase or the men's bath. Shortly afterwards, she heard a great clamor coming from the men's bath. What the heck? She went into the men's bath? For what? I kind of want to see what's up's bath...thought Allison, blushing at the thought. Well at this point, she was only half naked from the waist up and she pondered whether she should go check it out.'s technically not my business, right? But...what if they needed help? Oh come on, what kind of help could you give? She then continued to undress and when she was completely naked, she went into the bath area and noticed Quin and the girl from before in there. And so she quickly slipped into the water because being naked in front of people was awkward. "Um, hey Quintus, do you know what happened with that girl that rushed out? I think she went into the men's bath, but I don't know why. Do you know what's going on?" she asked as she turned to look at her, noticing a strange broken electronic device on the floor of the bath. She almost stepped on that. "Also do you know whose phone this was? Looks sort of expensive."
OOC- Just FYI, flowergothic, it's best not to do double space. Makes your post unnecessarily long. Allison still stared at the crying mortified girl, unsure of whether to help her or not, and so she took a small step forward and froze before taking another halting step. Oh how she wished she had tissues with her. She made a mental note to always carry tissues with her from now on. They had been very useful in China especially in some bathroom situations, but for whatever reason, she never took any extra and kept them with her. It was then that she was saved. It appeared that the boy with the cane and sunglasses and white(bleached?) hair knew the poor girl and immediately rushed to comfort her. Relieved that she didn't have to comfort a stranger, Allison walked more easily towards the two and asked, "Um, are you guys going to be okay here or, do you need help getting something or somewhere?" she asked, wanting to make sure the situation was defused and all right before trying to find the hot springs where Quintus and Harley both left her for. Really, the girl was like a ninja. She turned away once, and she was gone. Actually kind of like Harley. How amazing was that.
"W-wow, really?! Sure! Thank you. But...uh..bear with me, because I've actually never been to a hot spring I don't really know what to do...I have, however gone skiing before, so that's cool. Well sort of, I'm not too great at it, but I'm decent enough I think. What about you? Oh, before that, what...uh..what do I need to get before going to the hot spring?" asked Allison embarrassed. She didn't think it was a swimsuit, regardless, she didn't bring one, but if it was something like a legitimate bath or something with other people then, well that's way more embarrassing. She hoped that she wasn't annoying this poor girl like she no doubt annoyed the poor boy near reception(he actually wasn't), but some questions couldn't really wait with her. However, Allison figured that with Quintus here, she should probably hold back with the questions and just stay quiet, what with her extreme polite manner of speech, and her also conservative dress(cept more fashionable than she herself of course). She seemed to be the kind of person who was like herself, almost? except not nearly as annoying and talkative and lame like herself. Allison had no doubt that Quintus was also probably smarter than her, what with such interesting and intellectually sounding names. At least they sounded smart to her. I mean, they've got to be Roman or Greek in origin. That's practically the where knowledge began. Well...besides China, of course, hehe...and...probably other places too...okay I'm not good at remembering history, shut up. I passed the class. That's what counts. She followed after Quintus and her friend Tyler, trying to keep quiet from then on, while hoping the other guy would join them. Allison felt kind of bad for not really including him in the conversation or something. Leave no man behind. And that includes women too. Leave no one behind. But then looking at the cane again, she supposed that maybe he couldn't really go to the hot spring yet on account of being injured or some such. Wait, but then why's he here? Just to hang out with friends? Well maybe the hot water'll help. Mom seems to believe soaking in hot water helps everything what with relaxing the muscles or something. She also believes that swimming is the best sport. But bah. I hate swimming. It was then that a sudden shout shocked Allison from her thoughts. Her attention was drawn to a girl who looked extremely distraught and distressed sitting on the stairs leading up. "Uhhh......"was all Allison could say. They were bound to notice her eventually, but her particular outburst seemed strange to Allison. What had she said? 'Please leave me alone'? Did she mean other people? Well no one seemed to bother her. Maybe she actually means the opposite and wants someone to talk to her? Though Allison thought that, she was a little unwilling to go to the girl just yet. Maybe if no one else was really going to go to her. Not to mention it looked like she really needed a tissue. But I don't carry tissues...
"Uhh..." Allison was starting to feel slightly more uncomfortable around Harley's cousin Quintus. And it wasn't because of the awkwardness. She was starting to feel like Quintus was...hostile. But the feeling would only last for a second or two. She had confirmed that it did mean 5 in Latin. But hadn't explained why her middle name was 5 in Latin. Ooookay...It was then that even Allison noticed Quintus was growing increasingly...distraught. And she was even about to tell her she didn't have to tell her what the deal with her first name was if she didn't want to. This wasn't meant to be an interrogation, but Allison realized a bit too late that it kind of ended up that way with her rapid fire questions. Finally, when Quintus spoke, she said that it reminded her of her mother. Which seemed like a rather tame reason to hate it to Allison, but then she had said it brought up bad memories. Bad memories? Did she...get abused? Or...something? Or...did she die? Man I wish I had paid more attention during the few times Harley talked about his family. thought Allison annoyed with herself. "Ah...all right. Um...sorry...bout that..." said Allison more quietly. She wasn't exactly sure why she was apologizing, but she felt the need to, as if she had just committed a grave crime. It was then she tried to lighten the mood a bit more and redeem herself as a good human being. "AHEM., you guys know what to do around this place?" she asked, also looking at the other boy with Tyler. Did he dye his hair white? that a cane? I don't...did he hurt himself? And what's with the sunglasses? Too cool for school? Or is he actually...blind?
"Huh?" after giving a more focused look at Harley's cousin, Allison noticed that she seemed a bit...tense. She wasn't THAT scary was she? Nah can't be herself, had to be something else. Then she explained that she preferred her middle name Quintus over her first name Kallisti, that Harley always called her by. Huh, no wonder she drew a blank on her name. Before she could compliment/voice her thoughts on her name, she and Quintus got distracted by someone calling them. Allison turned around and saw two guys. One was waving, and judging by Quintus' sudden behavior change, it was he who had greeted them. Wait, did he just call her Al? Al. Like a guy's name. I mean I know I'm kind of a tomboy and nowhere near as stylish as Harley's cousin and some of the other girls in our school, but really? Well, I guess it isn't too bad of a nickname. I guess. thought Allison slightly offended yet appreciated at the same time. A nickname other than the one Harley used, which was Alli. She patiently made her way a bit more slowly than Quintus over to the boy, he was called Tyler? Well she preferred to have people introduce themselves to her instead of being observant but seeming like a stalker and just calling them by their name without ever having known them. Like a stalker. "Um, hey there. So uh the two of you...good...friends?" Despite having lived in awkwardness for her whole life, being so awkward was still relatively uncomfortable. And despite being aware that you should never bring up dead conversations, Allison had to let her thoughts be heard regarding whatever stuff or no one would ever hear her thoughts on the matter ever again. Even if it's boring and painful for the listener. "So you prefer to be called Quintus? As in...5 in Latin? And what's wrong with your first name anyway? I think it sounds really nice and pretty. Also kind of familiar...but I can't quite remember why..." mused Allison as she got into the classical thinking pose with her right hand holding her chin and her left arm supporting her arm.
"So yeah...that' I got here...hehe..." finished Allison awkwardly. It was an amazing thing that this poor boy didn't tell her off a while back. She had practically almost told the guy her life story. Thankfully someone spoke to her and allowed the poor guy to do his job again. "Wha! What? Oh hi!...uh....." jumped Allison as Quin had startled her when she spoke. As she said, they were both from Bellhurst but Allison wasn't quite remembering her name. Which she was sure she would be able to remember any strange name she heard. Unless it was too complicated but, currently she was having a massive mind blank. Especially since this person was connected to Harley in some way. "Ah wait a second...aren't you Harley's- that...VANILLA COKE?!" she exclaimed as her eyes went wide with surprise. How had she missed such a treasure?! Since when does Vanilla Coke come in a vending machine?! "Duuuuuuude.....that's so awesome, I had no idea these guys had so many rare sodas in their vending machines! Oh but it's $2 right? Mans....I need to spend some of this money so I can get smaller bills and quarters and be..." she sniffed in a deep breath before exhaling it out in a glorious title, "Vending machine rich!" It was then Allison realized how silly she was being. " bout that...I guess I can be a bit....theatrical in public? Which is why I tend to stay holed up in home...unless someone drags me out or kidnaps yeah, so...uh....who're you again?" There was no way to ask the question without being horrendously awkward about it, so might as well go about in the most awkward way possible.
"Ah wait a second I'm perfectly f-" Allison got interrupted by the door closing. And now she was alone. ALONE. "Annnnd you're gone. Great." Now I'm forced to make friends on my own again...thought Allison nervously. It's not like she was completely socially inept it was just that, sometimes she was aware she could be weirdly cold or just ignorant of people for whatever reason. She was just pathetic like that. NO. I'm''s just how it is! I've been trying not to be unintentionally rude! Sometimes...oh bah. Since you couldn't catch up with Harley, being the slowpoke you are, just go to the dining area and get something to drink or something. And so Allison tried to find the dining area by heading to the lobby first because just as expected, when she opened the door again, Harley was gone. I'll give him hell for ditching me later. What kind of partner leaves his other partner behind? JERK. grumbled Allison with a scowl on her face. She then tried to hide her scowl and discontent with her normal stoic face. When she got to the lobby, she looked around for signs as to where food or drink was. It was then she saw it. A glorious vending machine. And there! Towards the bottom. MOUNTAIN. DEW. CODE. RED. Heck. Yes. Allison flocked over to the vending machine in disbelief. They had Code Red. THEY HAD CODE RED. Code Red was practically her favorite Mountain Dew besides Voltage, or Blue Mountain Dew. Orange Mountain Dew was all right. But she wasn't surprised they didn't have blue. Having red was good enough. She immediately checked the price. $2?! That's highway robbery!...I don't know if I have any spare $2 right now, thought Allison as she opened up the top pocket of her bag and checked her wallet. Nope. Not yet. Soon, my love...soon...she thought wistfully as she gently touched the button. Well now what? I can't just hang around in the lobby all day, can I? Nah, only losers of losers do that...maybe I'll do that later if I really have nothing else to do. She wasn't quite that desperate for companionship and a place to loiter yet. After finding and wandering in the dining area for 3 seconds and not going to the hot springs quite yet, she came back to the lobby and decided to talk to the clerk. The guy was cute looking anyway with glasses. So she started off with this, "So I see you guys have Mountain Dew Code Red. That's pretty sweet..."
"You'll pay? Jesus that's going to be a lot. How 'bout we split it instead? IF it comes to that." compromised Allison as she mentally thanked her past self for deciding to pack a decent amount of money as well. Harley had suggested skiing tomorrow. Sounded good to her, she wasn't quite ready for skiing yet. Car trip tired her out a bit. "Lunch? I technically already ate, but sure," she replied somewhat excitedly. Food was food. Not to mention eating would definitely distract them from the strange atmosphere that was in the room at the moment. As she went to leave the room, she glanced back at their bags. Welp, they could always unpack later. Procrastination, a teenager's worst enemy. While they were going down to wherever food was, Allison glanced at her watch. It was kind of late in the afternoon to be eating lunch, but eh. She could have something small or something like some cookies or chicken fingers with honey mustard sauce(best sauce besides ranch) or something. "I'm sorry I didn't offer to take a shift driving. I'm still drowzy from the trip and I guess I fell asleep shortly after my interrogation...heh...," laughed Allison nervously, "sorry about that."
"Heh cool. But I can carry my stuff. I managed to fit eeeverything I may need in this one backpack. Unless I forgot something. But I don't think it'd be that important if I forgot it right?" replied Allison to Harley's offer. The guy was slipping. He should've known Allison preferred to carry her own stuff and whatnot. With a small huff, she got the bulging backpack on her back and followed Harley after closing the passenger doors. When they got to their room, Allison was surprised how nice it was. "Whoooaaaa.....this is....swanky....wait. How expensive was this? Also who exactly is paying?" she sometimes hated being so Asian and cheap but it was kind of ingrained into her at this point, after growing up with her parents. It was then that Harley mentioned the number of beds. Well it wasn't that surprising, this was sort of like a hotel wasn't? But the way he asked it seemed like...flirting. Nah, Harley was just joking. Who the fudge would be interested in her? She was far too..."motherly" and picky about stuff (but not food. Never food. No wasting food. Wasting food is bad). "Hahaha....very funny Harley. But since, I know just about no one that well on that list of people you explained to me during the car ride, I wouldn't mind rooming with you. And no, we're not sharing beds. Unless you were really cold. What?" laughed Allison nervously. She hoped to god that Harley didn't hear that last part. And that if he did, he would figure she was joking. Half joking. "AHEM. So what do we do now? Do we still have time to go skiing or something?"
Once Allison had gotten in and turned to Harley, she had tried her hardest not to immediately gag from the smoke. She had forgotten that he had that awful habit. Aw shiz it's going to be a long car ride. She thought with dread. However, Harley's reply distracted her from the smoke. "Who's Brian? And what names are you talking about? There were names attached to that e-mail?" Then after pondering about the mysterious Brian and names, a sudden thought occurred to her. "Waaaiiittt a do you know about that e-mail?! Wait...HARLEY. DID YOU GET IT TOO?!" Allison asked, eyes wide at the sudden revelation. And then shortly after that excitement of not being alone in the world, came sadness in a great wave. "Oh...but if you got're also going to...ah I'm sorry Harley for not having talked to you in so long. I was supposed to be your moral compass, wasn't I? Err...something like that..." she said a bit more quietly between pauses of silence while looking down. Then after another long pause, "A hot spring huh? And skiing...been a while since I've last gone skiing. You ever skiied before, Harley?" It may be a few more moments before the thought that everyone else who had also gotten that e-mail would show up at the hot springs would occur to Allison. For now, it would seem that Harley was bumped up from "friend of sorts" to "normal friend" in Allison's book.
It was quite a while before Allison got Harley's text message saying he was here. She looked at her watch. 30 minutes had passed just about. Oh crap... She immediately felt guilty for not having asked where he was first before accepting his offer. But what's done is done. Allison said goodbye to her parents and left the house with her puffy warm snow jacket. But after leaving the house and pondering about the drive there, she decided it was best to take it off. She waved hello to Harley with a slight smile and opened the back door to put her backpack with her extra clothes and other essentials in it. Then she got into the shotgun seat and took off her puffy jacket before throwing it back. Allison hoped Harley wasn't checking her out. With all of that done, and she being relatively comfortable, she put on her seatbelt and turned to look at Harley. "So. Long time no see eh? So where're we off to? And who are these "kiddos" you keep talking about?" This would only be the start of her interrogation.
After getting more ready for the world, but still feeling relatively drowzy, because she still wasn't used to this time zone, Allison checked her phone again for a reply from Harley. Nice to hear from you, too, Alli. Trembling Mountain is the skiing resort down I-90, you've never heard of it? Because all these other kiddos from the email are going, and this should be an interesting experience. I don't think you get out of the house enough, kohai. See you there ~. . . Unless you'd like me to come pick you up? ( : Allison's eye twitched and her face turned down into a grimace. Kohai? KOHAI?! WHO THE FUDGE DOES HE THINK IS?! MOTHER FREAKING...I'M OLDER THAN HIM BY A FEW MONTHS! DARE he....why I...I... thought Allison with rage. However she quickly calmed down. This did seem like an interesting experience. She had gone skiing a few times before, but she had never heard of this Trembling Mountain. And he had offered her a ride. Staring down at the text with minor contempt, Allison texted Harley back, hating herself a little more as she did. Fine. Come pick me up. And also i am older than you, harley jay jackson! Also what time are you coming? And what time do we have to be there? And who are these kiddos? Sighing, Allison went to work asking her parents if she could go. Such a trip was a great surprise since it was so last minute but, they allowed it. Maybe this is to help cheer her up. So she went to find her snow jacket and some snow pants and a change of clothes. She tried not to forget anything important and her mom tried to help with that. Allison tended to forget some pretty important things when packing for trips. All right I think I have everything. She then waited for Harley to text her that he was here.
After hours of tossing and turning and staring up at her ceiling, Allison had finally gone to sleep at around 5 in the morning. However, it wasn't even 4 hours later that she got woken up by a text message, causing her to start and nearly fall off the bed. "Uuuugggghhhhh.........." she moaned. And she was JUST getting into REM sleep. At least she felt like she might've been. Slowly and painfully, Allison raised her head and looked at the bedside digital clock. 8 AM. Who on earth would text her this early? "Bllaaaaarrrghhhh......." Whoever it was, they better be saying something important because if it was another one of those stupid T-mobile "your text balance is x number" or whatever bullshiz then SO HELP HER she would rage an unholy wrath of sleeplessness. Getting up shakily, she nearly fell over but managed to keep her balance and made her way over to her bag and unzipped the bottom pocket for her cellphone. She opened up the message and looked at the number up top. She didn't really recognize it and immediately opened up the second pocket for her address book. A lot of her friends laughed at her for this, but she didn't mind much. Writing down people's names and numbers just seemed easier to her than messing around with her phone and learning how to put them in there instead. After flipping through some pages she finally found the number. "What the...Harley?!" she gasped in surprise. What the crap? Why on earth would he text me? Uh wait, what does this thing say? Yo, Trembling Mountain, gonna meet all these other kiddos there, you should come and be my partner-in-crime. I've got people to inspect and nothing but time. Allison stared at the message as if it were in Chinese. Trembling Mountain? What kind of name is that? Sounds so....freaking.....dirty....and what does he mean 'other kiddos'? AND WHAT THE FUDGE IS THIS ABOUT BEING A PARTNER-IN CRIME?! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WE WERE CONSIDERED THAT "CLOSE" THAT GOD DAMN MOTHERFREAK- Upon seeing the "partner-in-crime", Allison's face contorted into a grimace. Being a partner in crime with someone was her goal in life. But she wasn't sure she really wanted to be Harley's partner in crime. The guy smelled fishy. And ever since that fateful confusing afternoon, she'd been somewhat wary of him. Spoiler 6 months earlier... "You always seemed really cute and adorable to me..." drawled Harley as he pressed forward towards Allison until she was up against her bedroom wall. "Wha....Har..ley? What're you talking about? You're starting to make me feel....nervous..." whispered Allison blushing madly and looking down towards the side, trying desperately to not look at her...friend? Harley. "Hahaha.....oh don't be like that know full well exactly what I mean...don't you?" said Harley, finally trapping Allison against the wall, his left arm blocking her right side towards freedom and escape. Her left side already blocked by the bed. "But...but Harley..I...I don't even know...," she was starting to stutter and her thoughts were flying everywhere. Allison took a breath and calmed herself before looking back up into Harley's devilish smirk and, more importantly, his trollish eyes. "Harley, I don't even know if I like you in that way," she said as she softly put her left palm flat on Harley's chest and gently but with enough force, pushed him back off of her. She then briskly walked to her bedroom door but quickly calling back in a jumbled blurb. "I'mgoingtogetapopscicledoyouwantone?OkayI'llgiveyoutheotherhalfbeback." Whether or not he understood didn't matter much to her. Her face was still so very red. "Heh....well what do you know? Never thought she had it in her...guess I've got to work on my skills..." Back in the present... Upon remembering what had happened, Allison let out a groan of annoyance. After the incident, by some chance of a miracle, things were back to normal between the two of them. Sort of. However, she stopped inviting Harley to her house to hang out help with studying and other stuff. And now, out of the blue after they sort of stopped talking to each other for the rest of the summer and the school year, he texts her to go with to...a mountain? With a bunch of other people. That she probably didn't know. That well. Sighing, she texted him back with some questions. Okay dude. First of all, what the crap is trembling mountain? And second of all, how'd you know i was back from china? And third of all, why are you texting me now all of the sudden? Even though he was considered a 'friend of sorts' by her, she still called him dude. Too lazy to go back and replace it with something else, she sent the message and groaned again before putting the phone down and going to the bathroom before getting dressed in something more appropriate than her sleeping pants.
Ah all right. Sorry about that.
Yes, he was a member here a long while back. I thought you might've been his cousin.
Wait a second....I think I remember you know ICSP?