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  1. Misty
    i'm torn between transferring to two different schools right now (my academic career is confusing and a mess) and a huge factor going into my decision is how much ****ing cheaper it will be to rent an apartment at one of them. like I could pay my rent for a year with the money I have saved rn
    Post by: Misty, Apr 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Misty
    my issue was never the pose so much as the pants. it's part of an unfortunate trend where "pants" or leggings on female characters ride up the buttcrack and basically look like she dipped her legs in paint. so really this doesn't fix much of anything. i don't love that it's inspired by pin-up girls either. if the idea was to desexualize the character then i'm not sure why they drew inspiration from sexy pics fighter pilots would keep

    that said i do think it's more playful, dynamic, and original. the whole situation is just ****** and this is just an ok solution
    Post by: Misty, Apr 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Misty
    This used to exist, yes. It allowed guests to view I think 15 pages (not necessarily of a single thread, but load 15 pages of the site) until they were prompted to register, the idea being that it would drive guests that browse a lot or who just found an interesting thread to register. Whether the staff would be interested in implementing something like that again is a separate suggestion and sort of a different subject matter. That has to do more with encouraging guests to register rather than protecting user content behind a registration wall. I'm not sure what Amaury's intention behind this suggestion was (privacy or bolstering registration).
    Post by: Misty, Apr 7, 2016 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Misty
    With registration taking like three minutes, I can't see much point in this. For resource sites, sure, since there's often some kind of barrier to registration (license validation, payment, etc.). Here we have open registration and it's a public forum. If you don't want something to be seen by any old person on the internet... maybe don't post it on a public site. I can't imagine what anyone could be posting here that is for registered members' eyes only.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 7, 2016 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Misty
    I don't think Warren's representation in the nightmare sequence was necessarily connected to the character, as many players didn't see him as overbearing or creepy, but rather a fear young women must grapple with about men, especially male friends who are sexually or romantically interested in them. Even if you think Warren is an alright normal dude and play the game that way (agreeing to go ape with him, kissing him, etc.), given what Max has seen in the Dark Room I don't think it's really unbelievable for her to fear similar behavior from Warren. It's a sort of trauma-induced paranoia, regardless of whether you as a player felt it had practical basis -- psychologically, it adds up. The game to me very much deals with sexual assault and gendered violence and I found it a natural and even fitting choice to have a nightmare sequence about the various men Max knows and meets in Arcadia Bay.
    To clarify my thoughts a bit, I was dissatisfied with both options, really. I don't blame Dontnod for it really, because I know they had much more planned that had to be abandoned for time and budgetary reasons, but I'm unhappy with the consequences of both. The sacrifice Chloe option felt too obvious to me -- so I agree in that the game was pushing you towards believing Chloe needed to die, given how frequently it happened. But I never felt there was really a compelling or interesting reason for it, while I had a compelling reason to want to save Chloe.

    Both options bastardize the entirety of the game in their own way. They're like two giant red reset switches. Obviously the sacrifice the town ending destroys everything you changed and established over the course of the five episodes (like you said, whether Kate lives or dies in Episode 2 doesn't matter as much when she gets killed by the storm, same goes for Frank, etc.), but the sacrifice Chloe ending returns everything to its pre-Episode 1 state too, aside from Max. Neither really deliver on the promise of consequences to your actions.

    I disagree that the difference in ending cutscenes is indicative of Dontnod's preference, too. To me it was pretty clear that they straight up ran out of money in the sacrifice the town ending, and I believe in an interview someone from Dontnod alluded to that being the case (obviously not in such specific language, but sort of that he regretted it wasn't a meatier scene). I have watched the Chloe dies ending and I dislike it too, I found it very overwrought, melodramatic, and altogether a huge tonal difference from the rest of the game. The sacrifice the town ending by contrast I feel reinforces the sort of recurring theme of finding a way to live and move on from trauma by leaning on friends, because Max isn't alone in knowing all the ****** and horrifying stuff that went through over the week.

    Both endings are disappointing to me so it really just came down to "I like Chloe so I'm going to choose her." I wouldn't say one is superior to the other and I think Dontnod did a pretty good job in keeping a pretty objective stance on the two, even if the diner scene is fairly weak compared to the "look at all your awesome memories with Chloe" museum thing (which I guess can be seen as a sort of eulogy if you're intending on sacrificing her but I digress).
    I definitely disliked Chloe at some points (like when she wants to steal the handicap fund, like I get she's in a rough spot owing Frank money but holy ****, and when she's rude to Joyce) but yeah, some people really hate her and I'm like... how did you get through five episodes of this ****.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: Community News & Projects
  6. Misty
    i wish people talked about my ass this much

    Gamergate absolutely has something to do with this. Their blogs and communities have been pretty unanimous in their criticism of Blizzard over this and are framing it as a "censorship" issue. Which, whether you agree it is or not is up to you, but if you are labelling it censorship, know you're sharing an opinion with Gamergate "activists" and evaluate your life from there
    Post by: Misty, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  7. Misty
    I haven't really read any commentary about Sazh because I have a kind of blanket dislike of the XIII series but I'd be interested to hear your take on him
    Post by: Misty, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Misty

    am i a torn up, tattered, worn out piece of fabric, not suitable to stitch up a rip?
    'cause i'd like to be tightly braided, gold and silver bracelets,
    the type you like to wear 'round your wrist.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  9. Misty
    I added rainmeter finally because I want to lay in bed and know what i'm listening to

    View attachment 44459
    Post by: Misty, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  10. Misty
  11. Misty
    I think a PC port is even more likely given Tabata's recent comments on it (all but confirming it) and that ridiculous 10 million sales goal. There is still time before release to polish the frame rate and some IQ issues but I agree that the demo casts some serious doubt on just how good looking and functional the game will be on consoles. (Of course, it may be better on PS4K and whatever the Xbox equivalent is.)

    It's even more worrisome when they've said Platinum is meant to demo the graphics and tech more than gameplay or anything (and that's how it feels playing through). They have said they will work on the frame rate and getting it to a stable 30fps is a goal, but nothing to my knowledge about polishing anything else.

    I'm glad they're abandoning Lumionous as an engine if this is what it produced. Wish the game had made the jump to Unreal like KH3.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  12. Misty
    that is super weird

    but like, there's also no black people I have seen thus far in any FFXV trailer
    not that Square has a great track record for racial representation, though this can thing is different from being uninclusive
    I don't really know histories if race in Japan, I find it odd that they would be including very Western stereotypes abt black people
    maybe this is what they meant when they said they were creating a more westernized game
    Post by: Misty, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Misty

    i i i i i

    I will listen when I have my good speakers and headphones (not my ****** phone speakers) but maybe have her check out Brand New (and I think you would like them too actually). They have minimal screaming in their early stuff, with Daisy there's much more, but IMO they're a good transition band. Deja has some here and there, TDAGARIM I think it's only in Sowing Season
    Post by: Misty, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Misty
    painting a chick blue or purple or whatever doesn't exclude her from feminist critique, if anything it adds another dimension to it -- because blue chicks are often sexually objectified (star wars, mass effect, I don't know enough about star trek to cite anything specific but I have read about it in there too) and often erase the actress's race (zoe saldana in gotg)
    Post by: Misty, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  15. Misty
    I just watched this episode and I'm like no way Matty didn't waste like three or four of those guys
    Post by: Misty, Apr 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Misty
    Phones have come a long way since Coded, which was developed I believe for an operating system specific to Japanese phones. Their options then were to develop it for iOS/Android, and at the time smartphone adaptation was still very low, or consoles/handhelds (eventually landing on the Nintendo DS). Smartphones and smartphone games in the years since Re:Coded have absolutely exploded and have proved a very lucrative market; even Square's ventures into it have done fairly well last I read.

    I don't know how much space Unchained takes up on phones nor games in general as I don't really play any on my phone, but you can easily stick an SD card in a phone to expand its storage. Unless you're using an iPhone but, well, that's what you get with Apple.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 4, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Misty
    the complaint was only about tracer though. as far as I can tell and have seen, nobody has said dick about widowmaker
    Post by: Misty, Apr 2, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  18. Misty
    I think they said during the event that the movie has been in development for three years (so we'll say it started in early 2013). Things that also happened in 2013:
    • FFXIV hadn't been re-released yet (and so they were millions in the hole on it)
    • Lightning Returns would come out later that year (but FFXIII-2 didn't exactly bode well for the series's future)
    • We don't know when Versus was internally rebranded to XV, but it was publicly announced at E3 in 2013
    I think it's fair to say that XV in its current state/vision existed at the very least in the planning stages in 2013. But in 2013, things looked pretty grim for Square. Deciding to make a movie for a game that they really just needed to get out is a weird choice now and it was an even weirder choice given their state of affairs at the time. The only reasonable explanation I can see for the movie is @libregkd 's point that maybe it's pretty much Versus (or parts of Versus) turned into a movie. It's still a very bizarre decision... and all this supplementary story stuff has me questioning what's going to be in the actual game.

    Making a movie isn't necessarily the weirdest thing, but bloating the budget to cast big VAs is just... what. Nobody who doesn't know what FF is or only knows it by name & nothing else is going to sit at home and be like "hey I love Breaking Bad and Jesse Pinkman so I definitely need to pay money to see this Japanese video game movie that I otherwise know nothing about."
    Post by: Misty, Mar 31, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  19. Misty
    You're missing my point of confusion, though. Yes, this movie will be enjoyed by people like you: fans of FF and people buying and playing FFXV. That's it. And that's not necessarily a limited audience, but it is limited for a feature length CGI movie with big name VAs. Making a movie this like won't be cheap; it went disastrously for Square before (Spirits Within). Advent Children had the benefit of continuing off of one of the most popular and well-regarded games even today. But FFXV is a game that isn't even out yet, whose fan-following is very niche right now, and whose development has even without a movie flown wildly off the rails and costed Square hundreds of millions of dollars. Lumping a movie into that -- again, before the game even came out -- seems insane from a budgetary perspective and probably just exacerbated a development cycle that is a huge public embarrassment to Square.

    Even for a gesture of good will to fans, this seems incredibly far to me. I don't understand their motive or reasoning. I suppose @libregkd could be right in his point about creating a FFXV "universe" with many games & other stuff involved, but we saw how that went with FFXIII (not good). Square put the cart before the horse and planned an entire FFXIII universe, only to have its premiere game have mediocre reception; their resulting plans had to be changed (Type 0, Versus -> FFXV) and it ended up being a PR and financial disaster for Square. You would think they would have learned their lesson with XV and just put the game out, then, if/when it was successful, looked into spin-offs. In my eyes they have already re-established some good will with those dissatisfied by XV's development hell with the demoes, ATRs, emphasis on fan feedback, and generally just assigning Tabata to the project to get it done and get it finished. It just feels like Square is repeating past (and very recent) mistakes and it concerns me for their future and the future of the FF series.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 31, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  20. Misty
    Sure, yes, hugely successful and popular media often gets spinoffs. But games that already have an absurdly long development cycle and has cost the company millions? Was it really necessary to sink even more time and money into a CGI movie, especially considering Square's previous ventures into the medium?

    Like I've said, I'm sour about the game and that's definitely affecting my opinion. But there's just so much unnecessary **** going on here and I really wonder what Square's game plan is (the Audi? Really? And are they even selling it?).
    Post by: Misty, Mar 31, 2016 in forum: Gaming