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  1. Misty
    Because it's also my personal phone.
    Post by: Misty, May 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Misty
    i'm a failure who dropped out of school again

    (i'm going back next semester I just needed $$$)
    Post by: Misty, May 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Misty
    I don't necessarily love the idea that people have to be accessible at all times. It started with texting, which of course you can do on flip phones, but is basically the standard now that everyone has a smartphone. And I guess that's a cellphone thing in general, that it's easy for someone to get in touch with you no matter where you are and when it is. That certainly has its benefits for emergencies and such, but it's kinda nice when I go on vacation upstate I'm often out of cellphone range and have no wifi. I can detox a bit.

    Of course, feeling this way doesn't stop me from getting frustrated when someone doesn't reply to me in a timely manner.

    I don't know. I don't hate smartphones and a lot of people's annoyances with them are related to people's habits rather than the thing itself (scrolling through insta when you're having a conversation with them), but on my days off I'm still getting blown up with texts and emails from my job and I would rather not lol
    Post by: Misty, May 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Misty
    you can get a cheapo router for like 25 smackaroos
    Post by: Misty, May 19, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Misty
    do you know specifically that the outage was caused by someone ****ing up?
    I'm sure the people that work at the data centers and **** know what they're doing. they are trained professionals. technology just isn't flawless, and yes there are safeguards you can take (redundancy, colocation, etc) but **** happens and it's unrealistic to expect that it doesn't

    always carry cash with you tho. there's no reason not to. I'm not saying walk around with a grand in your pocket but enough to get you home if your car breaks down, runs out of gas, whatever. if you're just driving locally and know someone could come get you in the case of an emergency, sure not a big deal, maybe have a $20 on you. if you're going more than like hour from home just have cash. whenever I go on road trips or w/e I make sure to have at least $100 or 200 on me
    Post by: Misty, May 14, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Misty
    A consideration may be Disney's rather strict policies regarding fan games or people using their properties in general. Even Square is under strict guidelines regarding how they can and can't use Disney characters. They originally wanted Dissidia to be a Kingdom Hearts fighting game but Disney canned it because they didn't want their characters fighting one another (if I remember correctly), and the late Disney Infinity suffered for similar reasons. A Kingdom Hearts fangame could never exist without incorporating Disney characters, worlds, and elements, otherwise it's missing a solid chunk of the Kingdom Hearts equation; but including Disney properties is also a great way to get slapped with a cease and desist.

    The climate for fan games altogether is tricky. For starters, developing a game even as a hobby is very time consuming for just one person or a small team of people. Considering they would be doing it with little financial return, not to mention the skills required to develop games, it's a task few would want to take on. If they gain any sort of notice or attention, it's likely the developer or publisher will catch wind of it too and legal action taken (which usually amounts to just a cease and desist). Even if they manage to put out a finished product, they can't sell it for anything -- which, you can of course pose it as a "labor of love" type deal, where they're not looking for money, but again, it's so time consuming to make a game. That's why things like spiritual successors exist -- if you have the skills and desires to make a game, and are inspired by an existing franchise, you (legally) can't just pick up copyrighted properties and such, even if it's just a fan effort.

    As a slightly related example, a group recently set out to remake Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic in Unreal Engine 4, called Apeiron, adding new worlds and characters and such. Because they'll be using the original game's files (audio etc.), they're posing it as a "mod" and stating you will need to own a copy of the game in order to play it. Regardless of personal opinions on the work they've done (I don't like it), most fans' initial reaction was dubious because of the scope of the project and the legal status of it. On the latter point, Apeiron comment on the legal issues on their website:
    Convincing, no?
    In an AMA, many redditors asked the so called "Video Game Attorney" to comment on Apeiron. He says:
    It's not Fair Use, either. These are copyrighted characters and models and music and you can't just use it and distribute it.

    Kingdom Hearts fans therefore settle for hacking and modding the existing games, or modding Kingdom Hearts characters and weapons into other games. They're smaller efforts unlikely to gain notice by Square or Disney, and even if they do, it's a pretty common practice within mod communities. Building an entire game is a way different story. The fan game you linked is definitely ambitious, but if it gains any traction it will be shut down. Sure, if you're just tinkering around on your computer, learning about game development, Disney isn't going to sue you or anything. Once you start distributing your work -- their work -- it's a different story, and while it's unlikely you'll actually be taken to court, you can bet they'll stop your project and remove it from the internet (by telling you to, under threat of legal action).

    Here's an article you can read if interested in other fan projects that have been shut down, including one shut down by Square (a fan sequel to Chrono Trigger):
    Post by: Misty, May 13, 2016 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Misty
    Kinda bullshit when they just released a new Battlefront in late 2015 and it's pretty feature sparse. But hey, why release DLC when you can grab another $60 from everyone, plus a $70 season pass.

    I just really hope EA isn't pulling an Activision and releasing a new one every year or so. Which, it's EA, so probably. I know there's a new Star Wars movie every year from now until basically forever and I love that, but I'm not buying a new Battlefront every year, especially when content from the new movies can easily be added as DLC, like they did with Jakku.
    Post by: Misty, May 11, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  8. Misty
    ffx, kh, kotor
    Post by: Misty, May 10, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Misty
    below told me he couldn't really get into brand new and if I remember correctly I was okay with it
    Post by: Misty, May 9, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Misty
    i don't understand this whole like "80 seconds isn't enough to judge something give it a chance thing!!!!!!!!!!!!" like why. why do i owe my time to something. there are a hundred games out there that i could be playing. why do i have to play overwatch? why do i have to give it a chance?

    below posts salty **** like this all the time and i love it and i love watching y'all getting your panties in a knot about it
    Post by: Misty, May 9, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Misty
    i can't believe you guys are talking about games other than stardew valley
    Post by: Misty, May 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Misty
    Skyperious is excellent. In my experience, years worth of Skype logs of group chats and such were seriously slowing down the program each time I logged in. I backed everything up to my preferred format with Skyperious, saved a backup of the database, then started a fresh one. I tried a few different one and preferred Skyperious. Fair warning though that the export all option takes forever and eventually just froze on my laptop (in fairness I had a lot of **** in there), so I just exported each conversation individually (the ones I cared about).
    Post by: Misty, Apr 30, 2016 in forum: Technology
  13. Misty
    Those panels show your recently visited / top visited sites. It's meant to be a convenient way to access them and it's the default behavior of Chrome's new tab page. You'll need an add-on to change it. There are a few available: tab

    If you'd like to basically just have the Google Search when you open a new tab and no top sites, just download an add-on that will let you change the new tab page and make it the Google homepage.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 29, 2016 in forum: Technology
  14. Misty
    Not all Androids have a physical home button, actually; most of the newer ones don't. It varies by manufacturer and a simple Google can tell you, but to my knowledge all of them can take one by holding the power button and selecting screenshot from the pop-up menu.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 27, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  15. Misty
    Post by: Misty, Apr 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Misty
    yesterday I was eating grilled cheese and I bit my tongue really hard and it started bleeding and it still hurts
    Post by: Misty, Apr 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Misty
    ?? it's $15
    Post by: Misty, Apr 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Misty
    play stardew valley it never ends
    Post by: Misty, Apr 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Misty
    I've only played the platinum demo
    Post by: Misty, Apr 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Misty
    I like to have trailers and screens and interviews, ones that give an idea of what the game is about. SQEX is definitely hyping FFXV, framing it as the best FF since 7 and the movie and the anime and the demos and all that ****. the sad thing is that it's not totally their fault, they kinda need to do this given the game's dev cycle and history and junk. it's going to hurt them, though, because there's no way the game will deliver on expectation -- there wasn't before they started the hype train in motion and especially not now that it's in full throttle

    I think demos are a nice idea to give players an idea of how a game plays before they buy, since dropping a blind $60 on a game is hard for a lot of people (myself included). if Square had just done the FFXV demos and trailers, interviews, screens, etc, I think that would have been good; two demos is a lot but I see them as a kind of "sorry it took so long" goodwill measure. that uncovered event was so embarrassing though.
    Post by: Misty, Apr 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone