I'm not sure if it's officially confirmed but that's almost definitely Ashly Burch.
Somebody at Bend played Last of Us and said "I really like this but I think it could use bikers"
That was ****ing abysmal. 2.5 minutes of Noctis running back and forth with a dodgy camera, then they press a button to use Blizzara and another to swing the sword? And this game is coming out in three months? You best be kidding Square. Obviously they'll be showcasing the game big time at their own conference but that was some hot garbage.
where's my invite i'm fun to have at parties
I haven't but as I understand it it's mostly jump scares.
I hate that I'm working or have plans every day of E3. At least Sony is airing when we have a lull at work usually so I can probably catch it... if they go on on time this year (ha ha ha ha). The only things I'm really looking forward to is info about the Star Wars RPG Amy Hennig is doing and a show off of Horizon Zero Dawn. Pokemon S&M too. Not much hype or interest for me this year sadly.
To be fair my technical experience is in networking not av so it could be different, but I don't think Monoprice would sell them if it would a run issue. And they generally sell high quality cables.
Lexi is right that cables have a maximum run length but 25ft is pretty negligible. Shouldn't be an issue. As for where to buy, Monoprice is great for cheap cables: http://www.monoprice.com/mobile/pro...categoryid=10235&subcategoryid=1023507&cpncd= (sorry for the mobile link i'm on my phone)
Where can I do this bc my boyfriend has been whining about missing mew
Not sure how they plan to sell consoles when they're shuttering all their exclusives.
i have negative one billion interest in zombies run i'm not looking for fitness routines or anything. I'd really just like something that keeps track of how fast i'm running and **** anyway I'm trying Google fit right now
Does anyone use Nike+ Running? Or really any running apps. Back when I started Nike+ was like... the thing but idk what's out there now
I'm trying to start running again. I don't have a goal weight or anything because I'm happy with my current weight, I just want to be a little more active. When I was running before I cut my mile time down to like 8 minutes (doesn't sound very impressive but I started at 11 or 12). I ran a 10.5 min mile when I went Friday night, gonna try to go again tonight.
I think smartphones being so prevalent has helped society develop this idea that people are always available. Which, like I said, is a cellphone thing in general. But smartphones also have email, I get work emails a lot and I don't really want to deal with them when I'm not working. It's a school thing too. I've had professors send out assignments or changes to the readings the night before the class. I don't feel that's really fair to students. In cases of emergencies where the class has to be cancelled last minute of course I like to have as much notice as possible, as a commuter. I'm not in the anti-smartphone party by any means, but I think that people now have this expectation that I'll text or email them back in any situation because they know I have my phone on me. Cellphones did that already but smartphones have made it worse. Because with older cellphones, people were still primarily taking calls and there are situations in which a person can't take a call (at a movie, out to dinner, in the shower, whatever), but in some of those cases with a smartphone, people expect a reply regardless.
I'm not going to turn off my phone because I don't want to be contacted by my job because I also use it for family and friends and ****
i'll adopt u cal