no i mean maybe some1 already tryed that so i just know if i ported it correctly or not :( and why should i calm down i just ASKED
did any1 tryed that?
did you watched at codjunkies???
nice anwser i wasn't sure that it is the code you don't have to anwser like that is this the FM+ version or NTSC so i can port it Skateboard mod 11C53AC4 0000???? Save point mod for the hall of the cornerstone: 01C538E8 0000???? here i ported i'm not sure if this works
some1 ported it already a few pages back
any1 codes i could test?
okay you said the NTSC user have more codes then we have give me them and i port them then
why should i port this or any1 else we already have better codes so you play as mikey or auron everywhere
erkz made the code
OH MY GOD man you have no idea how to use them you have to buy and an ar max or raw so you can use it
what do you mean with wite???
guys if you watch this you want the code or watch this and this kool room mods i didn't knewO_o and i know how to fix the problem where there is just the world of darkness it's very easy you have to try it there where xigbars room is it should work then
hmmm ask erkz maybe he already hacked it??? it would be cool
i think he yeah he
you have to go to a battle donald has a flying keyblade around him
it should change donalds weapon to something very kool
ummm yeah can you try this code and tell me what it does QD6Z-H34H-6VNWD U01C-W1CW-KA2KA 1TAK-J36W-89U0H NERR-HGQV-PKDFJ 2UU2-AR3M-AX65C M7MZ-PX2A-NZMUB 8AJ3-6FXY-4YR63 this should be an awseome code
okay i know why it didn't worked or it worked but i couldn't move but now it works for me
did you tested them? i tryed Room 2- Memory's Contortion and it worked O_O and in the air are treasures????? and now i tryed Room 4- Station Of Awakening it worked too XD where nothing gathers work but i can't move ????
here have fun Mastercode F02FD330 002FD333 Play as Riku 11CFA3FC 0000089B 01CDCE77 0000002E 21CDCE78 7465736D 21CDCE7C 00000000 21CDCE80 00000000 01CDCE96 00000023 01C88E64 00000005 10340E60 000001C6 10340E66 00000001 11CDCE9E 00000002 20340CE4 00020100