do i have to active anti form to use this code R4BT-1QPB-UERX9 U01C-W1CW-KA2KA 1TAK-J36W-89U0H Q5BH-FNM8-TNR7V 2UU2-AR3M-AX65C ZPHY-89K1-ZQAN2 8AJ3-6FXY-4YR63 4VY1-U9H8-16R75 HR7T-A55N-XBYYF and was that ported with delta maker or pcsx2?
did anyone tryed this? please i need to know Normal Sora/Final-Form Moveset BU6U-HGYV-76HM2 969P-YJXQ-95VYG DW Roxas/Final-Form Moveset KV7R-3DNU-2MGXD 1DTT-UFZM-J912H
did this work for any1?
thank you dude
sorry but i can you give me sephirot boss?so i can use the ally code?
MAN YOU NEED A NEW KH code file i mean you have to add the game that is called kingdom hearts 2.1 then the master code will work for ya because then you have two kingdom hearts and two master codes
you can see it in the NTSC attachments its a shorter form of the moveset codes
do you mean the neo movset code?
sorry but i don't have an ar max for you that do something like that maybe you mean an ar max code?
umm but with soras moveset he can do his ability if you only equip tornado its a blue ability and you have to unequip all other blue abilties so it'll work here an example UCM: Team Auron - Donald - Goofy (Drücke / Press R1 + R2 + L1 + L2) D7WJ-K5V7-F6N1D 2B96-88B6-JC37H EUMJ-XVJM-URCJ2 BGHV-2WTE-D67ZN Auron's Status is Sora 6JFR-Z2PJ-QN1DH AKK9-P42M-M6DGD MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF V7CU-DMEN-BGG6X FY7C-MWXP-685FJ CDDP-BE00-YBDUR WGKN-DP0Y-YEG9C UDX7-1HK7-TGTRD Enable Code (for Status Swap) 0WBM-ZNRE-H8FVY TF6M-P8FV-F0RXK E5ZY-T38R-2JBFJ 2KV2-465C-C15Q1
the code didn't worked i had a black screen EDIT: cloud gave me this thats the working code Ally Sora (Replaces Goofy) [Temp] 01CB9F4F 00000001 11CB9F54 00003031 11CB9F74 00003031 21CB9F94 00010003 2037BD18 61726F73 2037BD1C 00000000 103405A8 00000029 the first line is different
here i converted it for those who use ar max Ally Sora (Replaces Goofy) [Temp] PPH8-HAV5-918BY BVJ4-NAHA-2BEQF W4VC-GWP9-UUYM7 ZT7T-JYW8-JFQWG QC82-PEG6-EANRW W1PF-AQ44-KPD0J GCW3-6TP3-6ARJY AMBB-0G7W-ZZ01F can i active roxas as an ally too or will it freeze then?
i think this code should change a party member
can any1 try this code ZYQH-EUV0-MXXZQ V2F2-498U-W665H 11CFAC7C 00000168
can some1 port this code pleaese
i think it only works in the battle vs. Axel and again cloud can you port this code because i cannot port this code so it works perfectly Ally Sora (Replaces Goofy) [Temp] 01CB9A4F 00000001 11CB9A54 00003031 11CB9A74 00003031 21CB9A94 00010003 2037B898 61726F73 2037B89C 00000000 103400A8 00000029 <- Kingdom Key
did you looked at the shortcut menu there it should work cloud can you port this Ally Sora (Replaces Goofy) [Temp] 01CB9A4F 00000001 11CB9A54 00003031 11CB9A74 00003031 21CB9A94 00010003 2037B898 61726F73 2037B89C 00000000 103400A8 00000029 <- Kingdom Key
yeah i think he throws his keyblade but i'm not sure
the dodge roll doesn't work and here look what i found burst edge" set to square 10341364 000001BC its for roxas his RC
if no1tested the dodgeroll code final master posted i will try then and which sora model is the code i may can give you a working code if you tell me wich it is??!! @final master2 my ar max exepted it but it didn't worked do i have to active another code?