please! any1?
can any1 PLEASE give me the REACTION COMMAND reversal?
yeah thats what i mean
repeating this question
can i get the RC slide please ?
i need the reaction command of this video where anti form glides on the ground vs roxas really fast its from the nobodies that you fight i don't know the name of the RC sorry i hope you know what i mean i think its called slide
yeah its working and awesome ask him
yeah i have it for saîx too cloud gave it to me^^
there are already codes like that
i use delta maker too thats why there's only a 50% chance so it'll work
here Bosses are super powered (including the ones that replace Donald) Press R2 E00602FF 0035B55C 11C95400 00000D48 01C95588 000000FF 01C9558C 00000080 21C955A8 12121264 21C955AC 00641212 Party of Mickey and Riku (only works in Hollow Bastion and TWTNW) 203411E4 10100309 203411AC 10100309 Riku wields Oblivion (MUST BE ACTIVE TO USE RIKU AS A PARTY MEMBER IN HOLLOW BASTION) 11CEFCB0 00000074 Mickey wields Xaldin's lances 11CEFC88 00000845 And these please: Wisdom Form dual wields (recommended to remove all combo pluses and to equip negative combos) 200F9500 10400005 200F9504 944F004C 200F9508 24010001 200F950C 142F0002 200F9510 240F000A 200F9514 A44F004E 200F9518 03E00008 201D19F4 0803E400 Wisdom Form's left hand keyblade is Oathkeeper 1034104C 0000002A Oathkeeper is replaced by Mickey's golden keyblade 11CEF610 00000074 Bosses are super powered (including the ones that replace Donald) Press R2 ZZYE-8ZWY-2R0FN 9W4E-75Z4-7H09N 59EM-9QT1-9KUPF TJAW-TU4G-BRAF2 K6Z4-FFUD-JCWG2 TDBT-DVRJ-EV41C C00F-AW6V-M640A 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Party of Mickey and Riku (only works in Hollow Bastion and TWTNW) 6K03-UKEK-T5D45 K5V0-HYNU-2R0E2 PC44-T5N6-VXJ5E Riku wields Oblivion (MUST BE ACTIVE TO USE RIKU AS A PARTY MEMBER IN HOLLOW BASTION) XWHM-QEED-22785 09CN-QFDA-NRCVW Mickey wields Xaldin's lances P5V6-5J2K-5JC5E 68Z7-9P3D-5T7HZ And these please: Wisdom Form dual wields (recommended to remove all combo pluses and to equip negative combos) C32F-H4FT-7U130 U01C-W1CW-KA2KA 1TAK-J36W-89U0H Q5BH-FNM8-TNR7V 2UU2-AR3M-AX65C GAGD-KVTR-4QCAH 8AJ3-6FXY-4YR63 4VY1-U9H8-16R75 MRAY-CF9T-WEA6U Wisdom Form's left hand keyblade is Oathkeeper 21X1-QEYU-RW9F3 HDM9-V8XC-D7C9F Oathkeeper is replaced by Mickey's golden keyblade RNU4-78MY-8HRQJ 9ZX2-A6VK-JRP28 i tryed DW wisdom bt it didn't worked so i ported it wrong ask roxas or cloud to port them
if you convert all to RAW i'll port them
can any1 give me that riku as an ally like sephirot not as an enemy that hurts other too please
can any1 give me that riku as an ally like sephirot not as an enemy that hurts other too please and here Cloud made that code Saîx as an ally WYU8-ZPB7-Y7NRK 4FDX-546H-DDNVV 8U2H-E772-AP3Y5
thanks but i said DW wisdom form not anti form so you hadn't need to post it. and why the damn't hack are you so nice to every1 lol ????? ^_^
is it a dual wileding anti form where the keyblades fly if so then can i get a dual wielding wisdom form like in this video from erkz
yeah we could just active the code so every1 is black then giving roxas struggle bat and we a have a shadow roxas or we could try to hack it :)
did you already tryed to change the digits or not? and thanks to Roxas for the code
interesting theory i would try but first i have to learn to hack and that will take to much time so if i can do anything else tell me
thank you roxas i try them now and last request can i get sora has final moveset please thank you very much guys