Realized I forgot to do this, but I updated the OP with Nuthead's new reserves.
~The Capital - Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin~ “Lena, do my bidding. Lena, find a dime in a sea of dimes. Lena, don’t get mad when my money shark tries to eat you,” Lena mockingly mimicked Magica de Spell as she looked around, trying to see if she can find Scrooge’s Number One Dime among all the money and treasure he has collected over the years. “Lena, I just figured out how to beat the money shark!” Webby exclaimed as she caught up to Lena… “Since it seems to be reliant on some sort of dark magic, then it must be weak against light magic,” Webby continued, “And there is no greater magic than friendship! So together, we can beat it!” “Well… that’s not how magic works,” Lena replied, “But the shark is made of coins so maybe if we can find some kind of coin that holds a special significance, we could stop it.” “Oh, like Scrooge’s Number One Dime!” Webby cried. “Oh, yeah! But… you told me that you don’t know where it is,” Lena replied. “Actually, I forgot to tell you, but I found out where he keeps it yesterday,” Webby said, “Turns out, Scrooge keeps it in his pocket at all times.” “What?! The stupid dime isn’t even stupid in here!” Lena complained, “We need to get to Scrooge now!” Just then, however, Lena and Webby noticed the money shark jumping straight towards a wall, crashing through it, and landing outside Scrooge’s money bin as it let out a mighty roar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Sky Over Scarif in The Maldives~ “What’s going on down there?” Bogo questioned while observing the battle taking place on the large island below from inside his ship. “Unknown, sir,” someone from the crew responded, “We can’t reach them. All Rebel frequencies are blocked.” “Keep trying,” Bogo ordered, “Engage those Helicarriers and let’s start probing that shield.” “Yes, sir,” the crew member responded. Meanwhile, as the battle between the Rebel fleet and the New World Order continued over the sky, Gold Leader Hera Syndulla flew her X-Wing towards the shield gate preventing any contact between Scarif and the outside world, leading other members of her squadron to attack it… “We’re going in,” Hera informed her squadron, “Stay with me.” Hera and squadron then began to fire at random spots around the shield gate while trying to avoid getting hit by the shield gate’s turrets. As for the battle happening below, Blue Leader Cham Syndulla and his squadron were successfully taking out AT-ATs with their X-Wings, making life a lot easier for Rebels on the ground… ‘Heh, is that all the New World Order got?’ Cham thought to himself as his squadron took down another AT-AT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Virginia - Forest~ Suddenly, the group noticed the unconscious Cal suddenly wake up, gasping uncontrollably as though he were having a panic attack while BD-1 worriedly watched. “Woah, woah, woah, woah, easy there, easy…” Kristoff said as he rushed to Cal, slowly cradling him in his arms, “It’s okay… you’re with friends now…” As Cal began to relax, he slowly opened his eyes, and looked around, recognizing them as the people he saved earlier. “Y-You saved me… thanks,” Cal thanked the group. “Yeah, I mean, it’s the least we could do after you helped us out with the New World Order earlier. But your droid also deserves some of the credit,” Krstoff replied as BD-1 happily approached Cal, with his electronic beeps sounding very enthusiastic considering his friend was now awake. “I see,” Cal commented as he looked at BD-1, “Thanks, BD.” “So, you got a name? Or should we just call you ‘Power Ranger’?” Olaf questioned. Leaving Kristoff’s arms and scooching over to a log so he can sit upright, Cal answered, “Yeah, I got a name. It’s Cal. Cal Kestis. Well… I introduced myself. Mind doing the same yourselves?” “Fair enough,” Kristoff said, “Name’s Kristoff. The reindeer is Sven.” “And I’m Olaf. I like warm hugs,” Olaf introduced himself. “Saphir,” Saphir introduced himself. “Oh, I know who you are, along with Elsa and Anna,” Cal replied to Saphir, “The way the New World Order lost track of you three certainly caused a big ruckus in Europe, at least that’s what I heard. Never thought I'd ever come across you three here in America. What’s even more surprising is how you, Saphir, whose own brother is the New World Order regional governor of Europe, ended up shooting and killing Stormtroopers. I don’t know whether to trust you or stay suspicious of you.” “I know, right,” Kristoff concurred with Cal over their shared mixed feelings on Saphir’s true loyalty. Sighing, Saphir thought to himself, ‘Great, now I have to prove I’m trustworthy to someone else as well.’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base (Jewelry Store)~ “S-types? You mean those creatures that appeared the same time the New World Order took control?” Lina asked as she scratched her head, “Hmm, never thought of them as being important to be honest. But, what do I know? Anyway, I better get going. It was great meeting you Kairi, along with Mario and Luigi. Never thought I’d ever meet someone else with a Keyblade just like me. Maybe we can have a friendly duel with each other if we ever meet again. But until then… best of luck! See ya!” Lina then waved goodbye to Kairi as she exited the store while carrying the jewelry she collected from inside with a bag. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Flashback: 22 Years Ago (1992) - Apartment Building in Tokyo, Japan~ “I observed for as long as I could!” N’Jobu exclaimed to his brother, T’Chaka, describing the discriminatory situation that people of African descent were experiencing in places around the world like Japan, “Their leaders have been assassinated, communities flooded with drugs and weapons. They are overly policed and incarcerated. All over the planet our people suffer because they don't have the tools to fight back. With vibranium and the help of the Crystal Order, they could overthrow every country and rule them all, the right way.” Shaking his head, King T’Chaka of Wakanda said, “You will return home at once, where you will face the council and inform them of your crimes.” Angered, N'Jobu reached into his waistband and pulled a handgun, aiming it at Zuri. Acting quickly, T’Chaka popped his Black Panther claws, springing forward and digging his claws into the handgun’s slide and destroying it before N’Jobu could pull the trigger, and then buried his claws into N’Jobu’s chest, killing his own brother instantly. Zuri was shocked as he watched T’Chaka gently lower his deceased brother’s body to the floor. As tears welled up in T’Chaka’s eyes, he closed his dead brother’s eyes, and told Zuri, “Speak nothing of this.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Cemetery~ As Matt and the others heard sirens wailing in the distance, indicating that the police were getting closer, Matt pondered for a bit before telling Frank, “Frank… go.” “Huh… what was that?” a surprised Frank questioned while Foggy appeared to be surprised as well. “Go,” Matt repeated, “Get out of here before they catch you.” “You really gonna let me go?” Frank questioned, still confused by what Matt told him. “Just this once,” Matt replied, “But next time, you won’t be so lucky.” Chuckling, Frank slowly got up, and began limping away. But before he left, Frank turned to look at Matt once more, telling him, “Catch ya later, Red.” Frank then left the scene, leaving Matt and Foggy alone, with the demon now trying to figure out what to tell the police. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Siberia, Russia (Area Near New World Order Base) - Outside The Millennium Falcon~ Once the Rebels taking part in the mission exited the Millennium Falcon, Connor told Natasha, “Natasha, you and your team are up.” “Got it,” Natasha replied as she shifted her attention to Finn, BB-8, and Rey, “Let’s go.” “Right,” Finn concurred, nodding as he turned to Rey, “Come on, Rey.” Natasha, Finn, and BB-8 then charged towards the base, ready to deal with the enemies outside the base’s entrance in order to open a path for the other Rebels. “Star. You and your team go on ahead as well,” Connor told Star, “But stay behind and do not engage the enemy until Natasha and her team have opened the path for you to enter the base.” “Yes, sir,” Star enthusiastically replied as she, Marco, and Tom all gave a salute and left. “And now, we wait,” Tuxedo Mask commented as he crossed his arms. “Indeed,” Haytham concurred. And as they waited, Connor looked at his father, telling him, “Must be strange for you, discovering my existence as you have.” “I’m actually curious to know what your mother might have said about me,” Haytham replied, “I always wondered what life might have been like had she and I stayed together. I was devastated when I heard she was unintentionally killed in a crossfire in Osaka.” “Crossfire? Unintentional? That is not what I heard,” Connor told his father, “My mother was actually murdered in cold blood by a Crystal Order member.” “What?!” a surprised Haytham questioned, “B-But that’s impossible. I was assured that she was not a target whe-” “Oh really?! And who told you that?” Connor questioned, “I saw Mother’s corpse and the bullet wound she had. I will never forget what I saw all those years ago. That wound was not from a crossfire, but clearly an intentional shot. The Crystal Order, the very group you were a spokesman of for years, was responsible.” “This doesn’t make sense…” Haytham said, “He gave me his word that no harm was to ever come to her.” “And who is this ‘he’ you are speaking of?” Connor questioned his father, “Someone you can trust more on this incident than the son who had to watch as his mother was buried?!” As Haytham struggled to think of an answer to give to his son, Connor simply shook his head in disappointment and turned away while Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Mini Moon tried cooling him down. As for Haytham, he turned to face Discord and Mewtwo, only for Discord to immediately tell him, “Oh no. Don’t you try pinning this on us. I wasn’t even part of that mission, and Mewtwo wasn’t even born yet. Maybe you should have a long look in the mirror to see who is really responsible for this rift with your own son.” Sighing, Haytham sat at a nearby rock, pondering what he was told by Connor regarding the circumstances of his mother’s death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~The Capital - Peni’s Apartment~ With some help from Anais, Peni worked extensively on a mech suit for herself for hours until she was finally finished with a design she was happy with. “Anais… I give you… ‘SP//dr’!” Peni announced as she removed tarp from the mech suit she designed, revealing it to Anais. “Wow…” Anais said in awe, “Very spider-themed.” “Yeah, for good reason,” Peni replied, thinking of Spider-Woman. “Is it ready to test out?” Anais asked. “Not quite,” Peni answered as she sat in front of a computer, “Gotta finish installing necessary software to the suit.” As she initiated the installation, Peni turned around and said, “And now, we wait.” “Hmm, anything you wanna do?” Anais asked. “Well, there is one thing I’d like to do to kill some time,” Peni replied.
Thanks, I appreciate it, I really do. But while the thought of reserving Clannad characters certainly did cross my mind for a bit, in the end, I ultimately decided against it. The reason I decided this is because I feel Clannad is too special for this rp, and in my opinion, including the characters into the rp would cheapen and ruin Clannad's perfectly beautiful story. I did have an idea to incorporate Clannad elements in a way that didn't need the characters included in the rp, but then I realized you and Chel already have characters reserved, so I scrapped the idea. But let me be clear, this is all just my personal opinion. I am in no way dictating what you and Chel have to do with your Clannad characters. You acquired them a long time ago fair and square, and it is not my place to force you to give them up. Whatever you do with them, I will fully respect despite my personal feelings on the matter.
Updated OP with new reserves.
~The Capital - Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin~ As Launchpad charged his boat towards the money shark in order to save Huey, Dewey, and Louie, the money shark opened its large mouth wide open, ready to swallow the boat and those on it. Screaming, Lena and Webby jumped out of the boat and landed on the money and treasure surrounding them, watching as the money shark swallowed the boat with Launchpad on it. “Next time, we have a sleepover at my house,” Lena told Webby as they watched the money shark swim away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scarif, The Maldives~ While the battle outside continued, inside the stolen NWO ship that the Rogue One team used to arrive to Scarif, Bodhi Rook approached the Rebels he was in charge of, telling them, “Get ready. We’re going to have to go out there.” “What’re you doing?” one of the Rebels asked Bodhi. “They closed the shield gate, we’re stuck here. But, the Rebel fleet is pulling in. We just have to get a signal strong enough to get through to them,” Bodhi replied, “For that, we have to connect to the communications tower. Now, I can patch us in over here, the landing pad, but you have to get on the radio, get one of the guys out there to find a master switch. Get them to activate the connection between us and that comm tower.” “Okay,” one of the Rebels said. “Then go!” Bodhi ordered the Rebels as they immediately scrambled to get ready and do what Bodhi ordered them to do. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Virginia - Forest~ Listening to Elsa singing to her sister while Olaf sat next to him, Saphir smiled as he loved listening to Elsa sing. "That's a really nice song, Elsa," Olaf commented. "Yeah, it really is," Saphir concurred. "Anna," Kristoff called out to Anna as he approached her, handing her a blaster that used to belong to one of the Stormtroopers they battled earlier, "Here, take it. You're gonna need more than a stick if you're gonna deal with Stormtroopers in the future. Consider it a sort of Valentine's Day gift… I guess…" Looking at Kristoff as he handed Anna a blaster, Saphir noticed a bit of a blush on Kristoff's face, and began to wonder if he was developing a crush on Anna. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base (Jewelry Store)~ Once Mario and Luigi left, Lina told Kairi, "Umm, I know it's not really my business, so sorry if it feels like I'm butting in, but… will those two be alright? From your discussion, it sounds like they're walking into danger." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~ As he approached Zuri, T'Challa noticed the shaman tending to a glowing purple plant as he asked T'Challa, “So your mission did not go as planned?” “What happened to my Uncle N'Jobu?” T’Challa questioned, “My father told me he disappeared… but there was a Stormtrooper today wearing a ring around his neck identical to this one.” T’Challa lifted his hand, showing Zuri the ring he was referring to. “That is not possible,” Zuri replied, turning away uncomfortably. “He attacked us, and he was wearing this ring,” T’Challa said, “My grandfather's ring! Do not tell me what is possible. Tell me the truth.” “Some truths are too much to bear, T'Challa,” Zuri replied. “That is not your choice to make,” T’Challa retorted, “What happened to him?” “I promised the King to say nothing,” Zuri replied. “The King is dead!” T’Challa yelled, “And right now, there is no king.” Sighing, Zuri told T’Challa, “Your uncle took an assignment in Japan. Your father placed me there to observe, unbeknownst to him. Your uncle fell in love with a Japanese woman. They had a child. The hardships he saw there radicalized your uncle, so he ended up betraying Wakanda and joining the Crystal Order.” “No…” T’Challa said in disbelief, shaking his head as Zuri continued explaining to him the truth behind his uncle, “No, no, no, no…” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Cemetery~ Having escaped the gang hideout and made their way to a nearby cemetery as it was raining, Matt continued helping the bloodied Frank walk, both panting as Foggy followed them. Eventually, Matt lay Frank near a tombstone, allowing both himself and Frank to rest after the exhausting ordeal they went through in the hideout earlier. “Hey. Not bad,” Frank commended Matt. “Thanks,” Matt responded. “So, how did you find me?” Frank questioned. “Well, let’s just say my hearing is infinitely better than my vision,” Matt responded, “I could hear them torturing you a mile away.” “Is that so? Heh, I guess I, uh I guess I was wrong,” Frank said. “About?” Matt asked. “About you being a pus*y,” Frank answered. “Don't get all sweet on me now, Frank,” Matt jokingly said, with Frank chuckling before coughing, “Frank, do you need help?” “Nah. You should go. I'm past saving. But hey, if they send me somewhere instead of executing me, at least I'd have company, right?” Frank replied, chuckling a bit, “I think I might cash out. You'd have made a hell of a soldier, Red.” “That rhyme… what's it mean?” Matt questioned Castle. “What'd you say? Huh?” Frank questioned, unsure of what Matt was referring to. “At the hideout, I heard you say something... when you were preparing to pull the trigger,” Matt replied. “What... you heard that?” Frank questioned. “Yeah, I heard it,” Matt replied, “So did Foggy.” “Osha,” Foggy concurred while nodding. Sighing, Frank told Matt, “It's, uh, ‘One Batch, Two Batch... Penny and Dime,’ you know. It was her favorite book. You know, you... you gotta cross the ocean... and go fight. You see... whole time you're thinking you're gonna be scared, right? But then, you're not. See, that part of it was always easy for me. Killing. Even watching my buddies die, it just... it didn't mean nothing. The first time I got scared was on a plane on the way home. I kept thinking God was gonna pull the rug out from under us, you know? Sh*t, that's his kind of funny, you know. But the plane landed safe and we were home. Driving through traffic. Yeah, you pass fast food and donut shops and all that that greasy sh*t. It's the sh*t you fought to protect and then the car stops. We were outside her school, Nintendo Elementary. I get to her classroom, right? She's in there... but she's got no idea. She's got no idea that Daddy's home. I walk in, these kids, they're not even studying, they're doing some kind of yoga.” Chuckling a bit, Frank continued, “Yeah. You know? She's there. She's doing her poses, you know. She's bending and, you know, she's moving. She looks like a flower. Yeah. And, you know, you can't even understand it, you know, how does something like that have... how does something that beautiful... how does that... does that come from me, you know? And she looks up and she sees me. I see her. By God, that's real. That's real, Red. Boom. In an instant, she's across that classroom floor, she's in my arms. She's squeezing me so tight, I swear I was gonna bust a rib, you know? We just stayed there like that, we're holding each other. Teacher, she's filming the whole thing on her phone, you know, she's gonna put it on YouTube or some sh*t. She can't hold the thing steady, because, you know, she's... she's bawling so hard, and the kids are all wailing, you know, they're screaming. And me? Sh*t, I'm the worst of all. I'm a... I'm a rubber-face clown, you know. I cried so hard.” At that moment, Frank began to tear up as he remembered his daughter, continuing, “But not my baby. Not my girl. You know, she's my girl. She's… she's not crying, she's holding me up. My girl, she's keeping me on my feet. She says, ‘I knew it, Daddy. I knew it.’ And then we go home. Wife, the boy. Place is the exact same. It's like it was just holding its breath waiting for me to get back, you know? Then it hit me. All of it, you know. The first time I felt how tired I was, you know, I was just tired, you know? You… you ever been tired, Red?” “Yeah,” Murdock replied. “So, you know. It's just, I couldn't do nothing, you know? All the things... I couldn't take my wife to bed. Ball with the boy. Sh*t... I was too tired, I couldn't even drink a damn beer, you know. But not her. My girl was up. See, she wanted me to, uh... she wanted me to tuck her in. She... she outgrew it, she knew it, but she didn't care. She wanted it. She had that book. Her favorite book was out on the pillows. ‘One Batch, Two Batch... Penny and Dime.’ Yeah. I read her that book every night before this sh*t. I read it every single night, but, see, that was over now because Daddy's home now. She looked at me and she begged me, Red. She begged. She begged,” Frank continued, with tears rolling down his eyes as both Foggy and Matt teared up as well while listening to Frank’s story, “I said, ‘No. Daddy's too tired, see. But I'll... I'll read to you tomorrow night. I'll read to you tomorrow night, I promise.’ Yeah. Never think that... for her there was not gonna be any tomorrow, see. The last time I'd see her, I'd be holding her lifeless body in my arms. Meat was spilling out of her, Red. The place where her face used to be. Yeah. I think I'm done... Red. I think I'm done.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon~ "I got it!" Cid told his granddaughter after hearing her ask for help, joining her in the cockpit and landing the Millennium Falcon safely. Looking out the window, Cid could see the New World Order base in the distance, commenting, "There it is…" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon (Again)~ Once the Millennium Falcon landed, Connor told everyone, "We have arrived. Everyone, get together with your groups as we exit the ship." "Right," several of the Rebels responded as they joined their respective groups while waiting for the ship's hatch to open up, including Connor, who, along with Tuxedo Mask, Discord, and Mewtwo, maintained their suspicion around Haytham. "You know, you don't have to spy on me all the time," Haytham told his group. "Oh, I'm sure that's what you want us to think," Discord retorted while crossing his arms.
Character reserve time... Name: Mando Description: A formidable bounty hunter who conducts bounty hunting jobs all across the Star Road dimension. Despite not one to question the jobs he is assigned, Mando has a soft spot when it comes to targets who are children, often refusing such jobs, or even going so far as to take out clients requesting such jobs. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: The Mandalorian Image: Spoiler: Image Name: The Child (popularly known as "Baby Yoda") Description: A baby from the Star Road dimension who lost his family to marauders. He was found by Mando, who now keeps him by his side and cares for him while the bounty hunter conducts jobs. Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None Series Character is from: The Mandalorian Image: Spoiler: Image
~The Capital - Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin~ “This is coming out of Dewey's portion of the inheritance,” Louie commented as he took out a candelabra from a sack of coins and treasure in order to lure the money shark. Just then, Louie, Webby, and Huey were startled when they saw the money shark appear, snatching the candelabra from Louie’s hand as the three heard a faint cry for help from what appeared to be Dewey’s voice before the money shark dove back into the coins and treasure around the boat. As Huey, Webby, and Louie were still stunned by what they saw, Huey said, “Did you know sharks never run out of teeth? They have the most powerful jaws on the planet. On average, there are about 100 shark attacks a year.” “Dude, now is not the time!” Louie scolded his brother. “Facts comfort me when I'm nervous!” Huey retorted as Lena rejoined the three after spending time inside the boat... “Back! It's back! Look!” Louie cried, pointing at the money shark as it was swimming around the treasure and coins. “I'm just gonna crash into it,” Launchpad announced as he rushed to the helm of the boat and grabbed the wheel... “No, Dewey's in there!” Huey warned Launchpad as he grabbed a harpoon gun, “Louie! Money bags!” As Louie tied the rope attached to the harpoon gun to a nearby money bag, Huey shot the harpoon gun, sending a spear flying high with the money bag and landing in the treasure. Noticing the money shark eating the money bag, Huey said, “Gotcha!” Huey and Louie then grabbed the rope that was attached to the money bag in order to reel in the shark, with Louie mockingly remarking, “Ha ha ha! Stupid shark!” The money shark, however, pulled Louie and Huey off the boat with the rope instead, with both boys screaming as they were flying high falling towards the shark. “You know, until the 16th century, sharks were referred to as ‘sea dogs’!” Huey cried as he and Louie were swallowed by the money shark. Webby and Lena screamed in terror as Launchpad cried, “Whoa! Dewey's brothers!” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Scarif, The Maldives~ Running away from an incoming AT-AT, Noctis, Prompto, and the Rebels they were in charge of were trying to figure out how to deal with the walker that was following them. Just then, Prompto and Noctis noticed X-Wings flying near them. “Look!” Prompto cried as he and the others watched the X-Wings shoot the AT-AT and destroy it, eliciting cheers from Noctis, Prompto, and the other Rebels with them... Noticing the cheering Rebels below from his X-Wing cockpit, Cham was happy to see he and his squadron were able to help, and proceeded to lead his squadron to deal with other New World Order targets. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Virginia - Forest~ Upon setting up camp in a forest with the others, Kristoff lay the unconscious Cal near the fire while resting his head on a log. BD-1 then approached Cal, scanning the area where he was wounded to check for any possible infections. Once he was finished, BD-1 electronically beeped to Kristoff indicating that Cal had no infections. “What did he say?” Saphir asked Kristoff as he took a seat next to him. “He has no infections, which is good news,” Kristoff replied, “One less thing to worry about. Now… we wait for him to wake up.” “I see,” Saphir remarked. “By the way… I did not expect to see you attack Stormtroopers and help us escape,” Kristoff told Saphir. “To be honest… I had no idea what went through my head at that moment,” Saphir replied, “I guess… it was just instinct.” “Well, either you’re telling the truth, or you’re the most convincing actor I’ve ever met,” Kristoff said as he got up, “Either way, I’ve still got my eye on you, Saphir. But… I am curious where this’ll go.” “Then that’s progress, I guess,” Saphir said as Krstoff left to take care of something. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base (Jewelry Store)~ “Actually, the reason these valuables are still here is because when the mall went bankrupt, the company that owned this store figured it’d be cheaper to just abandon the inventory then to spend money on transporting it elsewhere. It’s the same with other stores all over this mall that still have some leftover merchandise,” Lina informed Mario and Luigi as they wondered why there were still valuables left in the jewelry store, “Either way, I’m sure glad we were able to come to an agreement.” Upon hearing Kairi complement her Keyblade, Lina smiled as she replied, “Aww, thanks… Kairi, was it? Your Keyblade looks pretty great as well.” Once she was asked regarding a plume of black fiery energy or a black and green Rider, Lina pondered to herself before replying, “Hmm, haven’t heard anything about a Rider. But, a plume of black fiery energy? I haven’t seen anything myself, but… I have heard locals mentioning something like that appearing near some local pizza place. I think it was called… Mr. Gatti’s? Either way, I’ll definitely be on the lookout. Thanks for the tip.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Outside the Rebel Base~ As the Royal Talon Flyer returned from Nigeria and landed near the Rebel base, T'Challa stormed out of the aircraft, marching straight towards the base… "He doesn't look happy," Thorax commented as he, Okoye, Nakia, and Shuri stepped out of the aircraft and watched T'Challa enter the base. "Something tells me he's upset about something other than our failure with the mission," Nakia remarked as she and the others wondered what was bothering T'Challa. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital: Gang Hideout~ “There! That room there,” a gang member out in the hallway told fellow gang members as Matt, Foggy, and Frank were hiding in a room, ready to ambush any gang members that entered. Just then, three gang members entered the room where they were, pointing their guns as they tried looking for them. But the gang members were caught by surprise as Matt and Frank ambushed them from behind, successfully knocking them all out. Unlike Matt, however, Frank intended to do more than knock someone out, using a pistol he grabbed from one of the gang members he attacked, pointing it at one of them. “Osha?!” Foggy cried upon noticing what Frank was going to do, using a Water Gun to blast a forceful shot of water towards Frank’s hand, making him drop the pistol he was going to use. Noticing a nearby hammer, Frank quickly grabbed it, and was about to smash the head of a knocked out gang member as he knelt down, but Matt noticed and quickly snatched the hammer from him and threw it away, telling Frank, “No killing.” “Altar boy,” Frank mocked the demon while appearing exhausted. “All right, let's get out of here,” Matt said, ignoring Frank’s insult as he put his arm around his shoulder, helping Frank walk out of the room while the two were followed by Foggy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon~ “Wait… you’ve heard of the Millennium Falcon before?” Finn asked Rey, “I thought it was just some random ship that Cid bought.” “Random ship?!” Cid’s voice from the cockpit questioned as he was piloting the ship, having overheard the conversation Finn and Rey were having… “I told ya… this ship is somethin’ special! Did the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs!” Cid’s voice continued. “Alright, alright, I get it… the ship is apparently famous,” Finn replied, “Just focus on flying the ship, Cid.” Smiling at Rey as he shrugged, Finn said, “Anyway… you said this was your first time flying? Well, hope this first trip of yours is a good one.” “Guys,” Natasha said as she approached Finn, Rey, and BB-8… “Ratonhnhaké:ton’s about to brief us on the mission,” Natasha continued. “Alright, we’re coming,” Finn responded, “Let’s go, Rey.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon (Again)~ "Everyone, may I have your attention, please?" Connor requested as the Rebels (plus Haytham) gathered to hear what Connor has to say, "We will be arriving near the New World Order base soon. As you all should be aware, infiltrating the base will be no easy task. And because of that, we will have to split up in order to infiltrate the base as efficiently as possible. Natasha, you will lead Rey and Finn to the entrance, where you will deal with any enemies, and then open it to allow us to enter the base. Once the entrance is open, I will need Star and her team to enter the base, and disable the turrets and security system of the base. And while Star and her team are dealing with that, I will lead a team consisting of Sailor Moon and Sailor Mini Moon, Tuxedo Mask, Mewtwo, Discord, and… Haytham Kenway… where we will try to locate Castiel and put a stop to his actions. Any questions?"
As promised, Square-Enix has revealed more information on the new mobile entry in the Kingdom Hearts series, 'Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road'. It's been revealed that the game will be playable within the Union X app, and won't be a separate download, though players can still play through it without having played Union X. The overall look of the game (such as character and world designs) is very identical to Union X. But unlike Union X, Dark Road will utilize a high speed card-based gameplay that is dependent on the player's reflexes. It appears the game will allow you to play as Xehanort in his early years (and possibly Eraqus too?) as he explores various worlds, and dives deeper into Xehanort's friendship with Eraqus, and what drove him to become a seeker of darkness. Check out screenshots of the upcoming game below: View attachment 50469 View attachment 50471
Today is a great day for Xbox Kingdom Hearts fans, because for the first time, all non-Mobile KH entries can be experienced on the Xbox One, as all HD collections (1.5, 2.5, and 2.8) are now available to be purchased digitally on the Xbox One! In addition to that, it has been confirmed that 'Kingdom Hearts III' will be available on the Xbox Gamepass starting February 25th.
~The Capital - Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin (Inside Boat)~ Passing by a mirror while inside the boat being used to locate Dewey, Lena was stunned when she didn’t see her own reflection, but rather Magica de Spell instead, causing her to gasp... “Ugh, you seriously have got to stop giving me jump scares like that!” Lena complained to Magica. “Ha ha! I would never have thought to feed Scrooge's family to the Hunter's Stone before it ushers about his destruction!” Magica explained, “Well, done, Lena!” As Magica laughed maniacally, Lena complained, “Next time you give me an amulet that turns into a monster, I'd appreciate a little heads up.” “That monster has a name,” Magica retorted, “Show Tiffany some respect!” Gasping upon noticing Lena wearing a friendship bracelet that Webby gave her, Magica questioned, “Are you wearing a colorful personalized bracelet?” “It's not that colorful,” Lena replied. Laughing, Magica playfully said, “Oh my sweet, dumb, dumb little Lena. You're being the worst fool of all... a sentimental fool, which doesn’t make sense because it’s literally impossible for someone like you to have feelings of any sort. But still… you’re seriously trying to help them...” “No!” Lena retorted, “I had to do something to keep them from getting Scrooge involved. And I'm sorry if I don't wanna be killed by a money shark!” “I doubt the sincerity of your apology!” Magica yelled, “Now get out there and stall while Tiffany accumulates mass.” “Wait… it's gonna get bigger?” Lena questioned. “Oh, she's going to get really big and really mad until she gets that dime,” Magica replied, “Just don't get eaten until then.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Scarif, The Maldives - Citadel Tower~ “Rebel fleet has arrived,” Ignis informed Cassian and Jyn, having gotten his information by tapping into New World Order communications. “What?” a surprised Jyn questioned. “There’s fighting on the beach, they’ve locked down the base,” Ignis continued, “They’ve closed the shield gate.” “What does that mean? We’re trapped?” Jyn questioned, with Ignis silently looking at Cassian, who gave Jyn a silent nod to indicate that things weren’t looking good for them right now. “We could transmit the plans to the Rebel fleet,” Ignis suggested, “We’d have to get a signal out to tell them it’s coming. It’s the size of the data files. That’s the problem. They’ll never get through. Someone has to take that shield gate down.” As he tried to think of a solution, Cassian quickly had an idea, grabbing his communicator to contact Bodhi as he spoke through its microphone, “Bodhi. Bodhi, can you hear me? Bodhi, tell me you’re out there. Bodhi!” “Hello, I’m here,” Bodhi’s voice responded from the communicator… “We’re standing by,” Bodhi continued, “They’ve started fighting, the base is on lockdown!” “I know, listen to me,” Cassian said, “The Rebel fleet is up there. You’ve got to tell them to blow a hole in the shield gate so we can transmit the plans.” “Wait, I can’t,” Bodhi replied, “I’m not hooked into the comm tower. We’re not tied in.” “It’s the only way we’re getting them out of here,” Cassian insisted, “Find a way! Cover our backs.” Once Cassian finished giving orders to Bodhi, he and Jyn began walking to the data vault room, with Jyn telling Ignis, “Good luck.” “Good luck to you two as well,” Ignis replied. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Virginia~ As Elsa used her ice powers on Cal’s wound, he cried in pain, with BD-1 watching him worriedly as Kristoff tried to offer words of comfort, telling Cal, “It’s okay, it’s okay… hang in there.” Once Cal’s wound had been successfully cauterized by Elsa’s ice magic, Cal breathed a sigh of relief as he passed out. After Kristoff checked Cal’s pulse, he said, “He’ll be fine. He just needs some rest. We’ll have to set up camp and monitor his condition. Saphir, help me carry him to the truck.” “Right,” Saphir replied, helping Kristoff carry the unconscious Cal over to the truck. “We have to get out of here as soon as possible,” Kristoff told Olaf, Elsa, and Anna, as he placed Cal inside the truck, “Otherwise, we’ll risk running into the New World Order again, and I’m not in the mood for another battle.” As BD-1 rushed to the truck and climbed up to stay near Cal’s side, Olaf told the droid, “Don’t worry little guy, I’ll keep ya busy while your friend recovers.” BD-1 responded to the snowman with an electronic beep, indicating he was grateful to Olaf and his friends. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base (Jewelry Store)~ "Oh, I'm sure of it," Lina replied when Mario mentioned the possibility of the New World Order placing a bounty on her head. Once Kairi introduced herself and showed Lina her Keyblade, Lina was visibly surprised at the sight of the weapon, and proceeded to summon her own Keyblade as well, commenting, "You have a Keyblade as well? Huh, I thought it was just something unique for myself. Guess not. But that is really interesting." Once her Keyblade dematerialized from her hand, Lina heard Mario ask what she was going to do with her stolen loot, replying, "Oh you know, sell 'em to the highest bidder. Make a bit of moolah. I mean, a girl's gotta make a living after all. Although, I may keep this one necklace for myself. I think it'd look great on me, dontcha think?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral~ "So, what's this I hear about someone trying to rob something from the cathedral?" Vanitas questioned as he and his Stormtroopers approached Officers Don Eppes and James Carter outside Tokyo Cathedral. "See for yourself," Eppes replied, handing him the threatening letter that Frollo got. "Hmm, very interesting," Vanitas commented after reading the letter, "If you don't mind, my Stormtroopers and I will be on the lookout as well for anything suspicious." "Aight," Carter replied. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital: Gang Hideout~ Noticing the gang leader and one of his thugs enter the room where he was, Castle was expecting them to torture him. Only this time, Castle was ready to surprise them. Once the thug approached Frank, ready to start torturing him once more, Castle surprised him by breaking free of the tape that had restrained his hands, grabbing the thug’s arm and twisting it hard while grabbing his shotgun, which Frank used to shoot the surprised gang leader in his shoulder. “He's loose! Get down here!” the gang leader yelled while crawling on the ground for any gang members outside the room as Frank shot and killed the thug that had accompanied the leader while freeing himself from the chair he was strapped to by removing the tape restraining his feet. Once he was up, Frank was limping as he dropped the shotgun he used earlier, and grabbed a nearby shotgun located in the room, approaching the gang leader, pointing the weapon at him. “You wanted this,” the gang leader told Frank as he was breathing heavily. “No, I counted on it,” Frank retorted, “Now I can ask you face to face. Who was there that day? Who killed my family?” “Your family?” the gang leader questioned. “Yeah,” Frank replied. “Who cares?!” the gang leader scoffed. Hearing gang members outside heading towards the room he was in, Frank pulled the trigger, shooting and killing the gang leader before rushing to a nearby pillar while dropping his shotgun and retrieving the shotgun he used earlier. As two gang members arrived and began shooting at Frank’s location while he hid behind the pillar, Frank was getting ready to jump and begin shooting as he panted and quietly said to himself, “One batch, two batch. Penny and dime.” But before Frank even attempted to attack, the two gang members were attacked by Matt Murdock, who knocked them out by throwing one of his batons at one of them, and kicked the other in the face… As Frank stepped out and was surprised by the appearance of Matt and Foggy, he said, “They're gonna pay. Every single damn one of 'em.” “They will,” Murdock responded, “But not tonight. Let’s move.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon~ "You really like it, huh?" Finn asked Rey as he noticed her admiring the ship, "Funny thing is, when I first saw it, my friend… and myself thought it was a pile of junk. Cid however proved us wrong, and I now appreciate it a lot more. Maybe I could have Cid and Cindy give you a full tour of the ship once this mission's over." "Everyone, get ready for takeoff!" Cid yelled out from the cockpit… "We'll be takin' off shortly!" Cid continued. "Looks like we'll be flying soon," Natasha commented. "Yeah," Finn concurred. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon (Again)~ “Ah, there you are,” Connor told Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Mini Moon as he sat with them, “We should be taking off soon. Our destination should not be too far.” “That’s good,” Sailor Mini Moon commented. “Yeah,” Tuxedo Mask concurred, “Hey, Connor, can I ask something?” “Sure,” Connor replied, “What is it?” “When we confront Castiel, can I try talking to him?” Tuxedo Mask asked, “Maybe… there’s a part of the old Castiel that I remember, still in there. I’m hoping if I talk to him, maybe I can get through to him and get him to stand down. Please.” As he pondered about it for a bit, Connor nodded and replied, “Very well. I will give you a chance to talk to him, but should he act in a way that makes him dangerous, I will have no choice but to treat him as a violent enemy.” “Understood,” Tuxedo Mask said. “Ah, Connor… so this is where you and your ‘gang’ are hanging out,” Haytham said as he approached Connor and the others, much to Connor’s dismay… “Father,” Connor greeted his father while trying not to act rude as Haytham sat next to him. “So, I see you’ve made friends with not just Tuxedo Mask, but also with the Sailor Scouts as well,” Haytham commented as he looked at Sailor Moon, Sailor Mini Moon, and Tuxedo Mask, “I must say, you all did a really good job of avoiding getting detected by the New World Order ever since it came to power. For that, you’ve earned my respect despite being on opposing sides.” Noticing Sailor Mini Moon appearing to be uneasy after Haytham spoke while Tuxedo Mask looked at Haytham with a dirty look on his face, Connor told his father, “Do not speak to my friends unless it is necessary.” “Right, my apologies,” Haytham immediately apologized as the group felt the Millennium Falcon take off, “So, Connor… I noticed the Rebel Alliance logo happens to look exactly like the Kenway family emblem. I feel almost flattered to see our family’s emblem being used by a movement as big as the Rebel Alliance.” “It is no coincidence,” Connor said, “After all, Edward, my grandfather… your own father… was a huge inspiration for me to start this movement.” “Hmph… I see,” Haytham commented, “I would think he would be proud of you were he still alive.” “Do you really think Grandpa Edward would approve of what you do?” Connor questioned his father, “To see you tarnish his legacy?” Sighing, Haytham replied, “My father and I would clearly have had very opposing views if he were still alive, I’ll admit. It’s unfortunate, and I wish I could at least explain my reasoning for my actions to him in person. But, I’ve made peace with the fact that such a thing will never happen. I loved my father, but I’ve moved on.” “Have you really?” Connor questioned. “I don’t know,” Haytham answered as he and his son remained silent, not looking at each other while Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Mini Moon also remained silent.
~The Capital - Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin~ While Launchpad and Lena were busy inside the boat as they and the others were waiting for any sign of the money shark, Huey brought a sack full of coins and treasure, telling Webby and Louie, “You lure real sharks with chum, so logically we should be able to lure a money shark with expensive stuff.” As Huey handed him an old valuable vase, Louie sighed as he took it and threw it off the boat, commenting, “So long, future inheritance.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sky Over Scarif in The Maldives~ As the battle in Scarif raged on, a Rebel ship suddenly appeared in the sky overlooking the battlezone, accompanied by dozens of X-Wings and other ships ready to battle the New World Order... “This is Bogo of the Rebel Alliance,” Bogo announced from the main Rebel ship, “All Squadron leaders report in.” “This is Blue Leader standing by,” Cham Syndulla responded from his X-Wing. “This is Gold Leader, standing by,” Hera responded from her X-Wing. “This is Red Leader, standing by,” Benjamin Clawhauser responded from his X-Wing. Way below in the New World Order base in Scarif, Director Orson Krennic, having been surprised by the appearance of Rebel ships, ordered a complete lockdown of the base, which would involve closing the shield gate that allowed air traffic in and out of Scarif. Noticing the shield gate beginning to close while the Helicarriers hovering around it began to send dozens of TIE Fighters to deal with the Rebels, Bogo contacted the Rebel Squadron leaders, ordering, “Red and Gold Squadron, attack formations. Defend the fleet. Blue squadron, get down there before they close that gate.” “Copy that,” Cham responded, “Blue Squadron, on me.” “Copy, Blue Leader,” all members of the Blue Squadron responded to Cham as they piloted their X-Wings through the shield gate, making sure to avoid getting hit by TIE fighters and turret fire while also making sure to get there before the shield gate completely closed. Unfortunately, one of the X-Wings didn’t make it, crashing right into the shield just as it completely closed, leaving Blue Squadron one X-wing short as they were now flying around the Scarif base. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Virginia~ Noticing Anna knock a Stormtrooper with a stick, Kristoff commented, “Huh, not bad.” As for Saphir, he joined Elsa as she shot ice blasts at Stormtroopers, shooting Stormtroopers himself with the blaster he stole earlier. However, once all the Stormtroopers were taken care of, the Cybermen were all that remained. But since the Cybermen’s metal made them impervious to any sort of attack, the group was at a disadvantage as they ducked to avoid incoming blaster fire from the Cybermen while the Power Ranger used his Golden Power Staff to deflect the blaster fire to protect the others. “BD! A little help here!” the Power Ranger cried. “BD? Who’s BD?” Olaf wondered out loud as he leaned out the window of the driver seat in the truck. Just then, a small adorable droid rushed to the scene, answering the Gold Zeo Ranger’s call… BD-1 gave an electronic beep, introducing himself to Olaf, Kristoff, Saphir, Elsa, and Anna. “Oh, so you’re BD,” Olaf told the droid, “Well, nice to meet ya! I’m Olaf, that’s Kristoff, that’s Sa-” “Olaf, not a good time for introductions!” Kristoff interrupted the snowman. “BD-1! Get me a sonic stabilizer!” the Gold Zeo Ranger cried as he continued trying to deflect blaster fire from the Cybermen. Just then, however, the Power Ranger was hit by a Cyberman’s blaster fire above the hip on the right side of his body, causing him to collapse as he cried in pain. As BD-1 appeared to be worried about the Gold Zeo Ranger while the others were worried now that no one was protecting them from the Cybermen, the Power Ranger cried, “BD! Give them the sonic stabilizer, now!” Doing as he was instructed, BD-1 ejected a sonic stabilizer hidden inside him, tossing it to Kristoff, who was able to catch it immediately. “A sonic stabilizer?” Kristoff wondered out loud as he suddenly had a plan, “Sven! When I say ‘Go’, charge towards the Cybermen!” As Sven nodded from the back of the truck, Kristoff threw the sonic stabilizer that BD-1 handed him towards the incoming Cybermen, weakening their metal and making them vulnerable to attack. “SVEN! GO!” Sven then jumped out of the truck, and charged towards the Cybermen, easily smashing through them all and breaking them into many pieces. “Good boy, Sven,” Kristoff complimented his reindeer, patting him on the head as he returned to him. As for the Gold Zeo Ranger, he de-morphed while still hurt from his wound… As BD-1 rushed to Cal’s side to check on him, Kristoff, Saphir, and Olaf rushed to his side as well to check on his wound in order to see how bad it was. Once BD-1 scanned Cal’s wound, Kristoff commented, “It doesn’t look too bad, but it needs to be cauterized asap to stop the bleeding.” “Cauterized? Well, we don’t have anything extremely hot… but something extremely cold should have the same effect,” Saphir replied before turning to Elsa, “Elsa, please… we need you to use your ice powers to cauterize his wound.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - New World Order Dungeon~ “... and that is what really happened,” Moon said after confessing to her husband what really happened when she confronted Toffee years ago. “Moon… why didn’t you tell me?” River questioned, stunned to hear what Moon just said, “I’m your husband! We should never keep secrets from each other… especially secrets like this one!” “I know, I know…” Moon responded, feeling ashamed as she sighed, “And the fact that Star might pay the price for my own decisions makes it even worse… oh, what have I done…” Realizing that his wife was feeling guilty, River sighed as he said, “Look, Moon… I’m still not happy that you kept this secret from me all those years. Still… we shouldn’t dwell on the past like that. What’s done is done. All that matters now is hoping that Star can deal with whatever Toffee has prepared for her. And I said it once, and I’ll say it again, Star is very tough and capable of defending herself. Don’t you worry about her.” Smiling a bit, Moon responded, “Thank you, River.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral~ “Very well, go right ahead then,” Eppes replied to Esmerelda, giving her permission to go in, “By the way, if you see anything suspicious, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to report it, alright?” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital: Gang Hideout (Hallway)~ As four gang members walked down the hallway to see who was taking out their own members, Matt Murdock surprised two of the gang members from behind, knocking them both out with his batons… “Get him!” one of the other two gang members cried out as Matt quickly dodge rolled towards the other two gang members, throwing one of his batons towards one of them and knocking him out, and then quickly grabbing hold of the other gang member’s rifle, forcing him to the ground and punching him hard enough to knock him out. And as one of the gang members who was knocked out was trying to get back up, Foggy appeared right next to him, smashing him in the head with his scalchop... “Oshawott!” Foggy cried after knocking out the gang member who tried to get back up, and proceeded to follow Matt as they tried to locate Frank Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility~ “Exit’s right over there!” Thorax cried as he and the rest of T’Challa’s group were running down a hallway, trying to get away from the Cybermen chasing them, “But we gotta get rid of the Cybermen!” “I’ll take care of it!” Shuri responded, turning around as she stopped to face the Cybermen. Quickly taking out a sonic stabilizer, Shuri threw it towards the Cybermen in order to weaken their Vibranium metal. Shuri then used her Vibranium gauntlets to shoot blasts of sonic energy towards the Cybermen, shattering them into many pieces. Once the Cybermen threat was gone, Shuri cheered, “Yes!” She then rejoined her group as they stormed out of the facility through the exit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base (Jewelry Store)~ As she was collecting jewelry, Lina suddenly noticed Mario appear beside her, though she didn't appear surprised, simply commenting, "Busted already? Wow, that's gotta be a new record. Man, I'm really falling behind when it comes to trying not to be seen. Still, I suppose this isn't as bad as when the New World Order tried to capture and kill me after I successfully stole from Ft. Knox." Lina then proceeded to continue casually collecting jewelry despite realizing that Mario caught her in the act, telling him, "So, since ya caught me, I suppose introductions are in order. The name's Lina. Lina Inverse… master thief. Got a name yourself?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon~ “You sure you want to fly right now?” Finn asked Cid as he and Natasha were accompanying him to the Millennium Falcon’s cockpit, both of them worried on whether Cid was fit to fly since he had drank some vodka earlier in the day. “Maybe Cindy could pilot the ship instead,” Natasha added. “Now don’t you two fret none,” Cid retorted, “I’m completely sober! I guarantee it!” “Alright… I’ll take your word for it, Cid,” Finn said, shrugging as Cid entered the cockpit. “You sure he could pilot in his condition?” Natasha asked Finn. “Hey, I’ve known Cid for a long time. He can fly better than any other pilot even with one hand tied behind his back,” Finn replied. Just then, Finn noticed BB-8 approach him... “Hey, BB-8,” Finn greeted the droid as he knelt down next to him, “Did you go get Rey?” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon (Again)~ Walking around the Millennium Falcon as they were getting ready for their mission, Mewtwo and Discord were stunned but not surprised to see Haytham Kenway, their former second-in-command from their days in the Crystal Order, passing by them… “Ah, Discord, Mewtwo… it’s been a while,” Haytham greeted the two as though there was no bad blood between them. “Yeah, it sure has. And everyday since has been a blessing,” Discord scoffed. “You know, it’s a shame you both had to run off like you did that day,” Haytham said, “The two of you would’ve been granted respectable positions in the New World Order had you stayed with us. Oh well, good luck with the mission, lads.” As Haytham left to find Connor, Discord told Mewtwo, “I really hate that guy.” “Let it go, Discord… let it go,” Mewtwo replied, trying to calm his friend down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Siberia, Russia - Outside The Millennium Falcon~ "This way," Connor told Star, Marco, and Tom as he showed them the ramp to enter the Millennium Falcon. "Oooh… such a cool looking ship," Star commented as she entered the Millennium Falcon with Tom and Marco. "Will you be alright?" Katniss asked Connor, "Going on this mission with your father…" "It is impossible to not have concerns given his history, I will admit," Connor replied, "But fear not. After all, I will have Darien, Serena, and Rini by my side… I am in capable hands regardless of whether my father plans to backstab me or not." "Well, either way, be safe," Katniss said. "I will," Connor replied as he Katniss shared a kiss. Looking down as he noticed Haymitch seemed to be worried about him too, Connor knelt next to the Pikachu, patting him on the head as he said, "Watch yourself, Haymitch. I will be back before you know it." "Pika… chu," Haymitch replied as Connor got up, gave one last nod to Katniss and Haymitch before entering the Millennium Falcon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon (Again x2)~ Arriving to the Millennium Falcon with Serena while transformed, Darien/Tuxedo Mask and Rini/Sailor Mini Moon took a seat around a table, with Tuxedo Mask commenting, “Connor assured me that Clemont asked Sammy to help out with some tasks just like he did in China, so that way, he won’t suspect a thing while the three of us are going on this mission.” “Huh… and is Connor going to join us?” Sailor Mini Moon asked. “He will, just as soon as he takes care of final preparations outside,” Tuxedo Mask replied.
It's been announced earlier today that a new Kingdom Hearts collection will be coming to the PS4 on March 17th, aptly called the 'Kingdom Hearts All-In-One Package'. This package will include titles from 'Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far' (which includes the titles included with the 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 collections), as well as 'Kingdom Hearts III', and will be sold for $49.99, making it a great bargain for anyone curious to get into the series.