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  1. Meilin Lee
    Took me a while (especially since it's been two months since I last posted), but I finally posted today! We are back in business! Hope you all had a great holiday season. Now then, to reserve some characters...

    Description: A great Keyblade Master residing in a place in Norway called Fornburg, where he has trained countless Keyblade wielders for years, and continues to do so to this day. Odin has a deep love for every single one of his students as though they were his own children, striving hard to make sure they all succeed in becoming Keyblade Masters.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Kingdom Hearts

    Eivor Varinsdottir
    Description: A Keyblade Master who trained under Master Odin and currently assists him in training young Keyblade wielders. Orphaned at a young age, Eivor was found by Odin, who took interest in her ability to wield a Keyblade, and eventually trained her to become the skilled Master she is today.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Assassin's Creed

    Sigurd Styrbjornsson
    Description: A Keyblade Master who trained under Master Odin and assists him in training young Keyblade wielders. Sigurd is especially close to Eivor, with the two having deep sibling-type relationship.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Assassin's Creed

    Name: Vor
    Description: A young girl who trains under Master Odin in hopes of becoming a Keyblade Master one day. Having a relaxed and cheerful nature, Vor loves brightening the mood of any situation.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Kingdom Hearts
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jan 16, 2021 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. Meilin Lee
    ~Nantucket, Massachusetts - Javert’s Mansion~


    Upon arriving at Javert's mansion, Bobbi was escorted to a balcony by security, where she awaited Javert. After waiting for about a minute, she noticed Javert arrive, smiling as he looked at her…


    Javert,” Bobbi greeted Javert, “It’s good to see you again.” “And you even lightened your hair?” Javert responded, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were a natural blonde.” “Would you believe me if I told you I did it for you?” Bobbi questioned, trying to make it look as though she was flirting with Javert. “No,” Javert responded with a grin, “Please, have a seat.


    ~The Star Road Dimension: Unknown Planet (Thanos’s Ship)~


    It can’t be!” Nebula cried as Ronan and Nehelenia explained what had happened during their absence, “How can you two allow the vast and glorious empire of Queen Beryl to be reduced to a single planet!?” “Now now, Nebula,” Thanos said, trying to calm Nebula, “While the criticism is valid, now is not the time for such things. We have more pressing matters at hand, including the fact that our grip on Xandar is weakening. Nebula, you will join Ronan and Nehelenia, and assist them in quashing the rebellion taking place on Xandar.” “It’ll be my pleasure, Father,” Nebula responded with a grin. “What about me?” Gamora asked. Thanos then showed his daughters his Infinity Gauntlet, replying, “When Zordon defeated me, three Infinity Stones were displaced. Your job, Gamora, will be to locate and retrieve them back to me. Either one of them could also prove useful in battling those opposing us on Xandar.” “I assure you, Father, I will locate the three missing stones and bring them back to you,” Gamora told Thanos. “Good,” Thanos replied as turned to face the others, “Leave us for a moment.” “Yes, Lord Thanos,” Ronan and Nehelenia responded as they left the area, with Nebula following them. But before she left, Nebula glanced back, looking at Gamora and Thanos as they were about to talk, feeling a bit jealous as she always felt Thanos preferred Gamora over her. Once Ronan, Nehelenia, and Nebula left, Gamora asked Thanos, “Do you have more to say, Father?” “I do,” Thanos replied, “Gamora… once you retrieve my missing Infinity Stones, you must resume looking for what I asked you to locate all these years ago.” “You mean the Chasm of Dreams?” Gamora asked. “That’s right,” Thanos replied, “I trust you will be able to finally locate it soon.” Nodding, Gamora said, “You can count on me, Father.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Ah, Looker, there you are,” Vanitas said as he and two Stormtroopers approached Looker’s group. “Vanitas, you wanted to see us?” Looker questioned. “That’s right,” Vanitas responded, “I’ve already dispatched Ogami over to Marty’s Auto Repair Shop nearby. It’s one of the locations the Rebel informant we are looking for may have been recently. Work with Ogami to investigate and locate this informant. I will be busy elsewhere, but if you find out anything, notify me immediately.” “Understood, sir,” Looker told Vanitas before shifting his attention to Jenny and Kiriko, “Let’s go.


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    After getting her stuff, Rini was about to go inside the tent she and Serena will share, but stopped upon overhearing Luna’s and Serena’s discussion. As she listened, Rini thought to herself, ‘Serena doesn’t know what to think about Darien being in love with her… huh, guess she needs a little bit more time. Besides, they’re destined to be with each other eventually. Otherwise, I wouldn’t even exist anymore.’


    ~Aleppo, Syria (again)~


    A third of the city is under Rebel control,” Riad said as he was explaining to Connor how things were going in Aleppo, “The rest is under occupation by the New World Order.” “We have attempted to capture portions of Aleppo under their control, but any gains we make are almost immediately retaken by the enemy,” Yusuf added. “Hmm, do they not have a base of operations?” Connor asked. “I believe there is,” Altaïr responded, “My sources indicate that the New World Order forces are mainly gathered in a steel factory located on the northwestern part of the city, under the command of two Inquisitors.” “Two Inquisitors?” Hiccup wondered out loud. “Any word on their identities?” Katniss asked. “One of them, we don’t know,” Sam replied, “The other, is someone myself and the others have a bit of history with. His name’s Juhani Otso Berg. He and I were both in the JIA, helping out Riad and the Syrian Rebels during the civil war in the country. But on the day of the Great Purge, that idiot turned on us. He’s the reason Riad needs a cane to walk.” “I understand the feelings you have, Sam,” Connor told Sam, “But you must try to keep them restrained. Losing control would provide a great advantage to the enemy.” “Understood, sir,” Sam responded. “So, what do you think should be done?” Riad asked Connor, “With New World Order forces dispersed throughout the majority of the city, how can we be able to push them back?” As he pondered for a bit while looking at a map of Aleppo, Connor asked, “Have you tried attacking the base from the air so that all New World Order forces in the city would then retreat towards the steel factory in order to protect it? If they were gathered in one spot, finishing them off would be an easier task.” “Already tried,” Sam replied, “We got no helicopters… nothing that could fly. Except for me. But I almost got hit by a turret they had, so I had no choice but to retreat before even attempting to launch an attack.” “But what if we had others help you out with the attack from the air,” Dick suggested, “Hiccup could fly with Toothless. Discord, Mewtwo, and Thor could help out too!” “Good thinking, Dick,” Connor commended his friend, “With more than one target, the turret will surely be too distracted and not be able to stop an attack from either Rebel in the air.” “Hmm, that just might work…” Yusuf remarked.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    Well, as I said, Lydia and Lucario can provide assistance if needed,” Luke told Jake and the others, “Perhaps it would be a good idea to practice combat with them. After all, it would not only benefit you, but Lydia as well. Like Sunburst, she too is aiming to become a Keyblade Master, although she hasn’t had as much training as Sunburst has.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums~


    Rey, huh…” Marle responded after Rey introduced herself, “Well, I appreciate you offering to help. But usually, it’s the other way around where I’m the one providing help. That is why you’re all here, isn’t it?” “That’s right actually,” Leia said as Finn took out a list and envelope, handing them to Marle. “Nikolai was hoping you can ship us the food items on the list,” Finn informed Marle, “And the envelope contains your payment in advance.” “Hmm…” Marle pondered out loud as she went over the list, “Let me see what I have. Do you mind following me?” “Not at all,” Leia replied as she followed, while Finn and BB-8 joined her too. “Let’s go, Rey,” Finn told Rey.


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    "Still, I'm not exactly comfortable with Stormtroopers in the same building as us," Kristoff remarked. "I agree," Cere concurred, "Once we're done with breakfast, we leave immediately and head to Greez's ship." "Where is the ship though?" Saphir asked. "About two miles from here," Greez replied, "In the middle of the forest." "We could get there quickly with Kristoff's truck," Cal commented, with Kristoff nodding in concurrence.


    ~Sky Over Egypt~


    After taking care of things in Siwa, Iron Man was flying away from the area, only to notice he was being tailed by three TIE fighters. The three fighters then began to fire trying to land a hit at Iron Man, but he was easily spinning and maneuvering left and right to avoid getting hit. Soon enough, missiles were ejected from both of Iron Man's feet towards one of the TIE fighters. The fighter that was targeted managed to avoid getting hit by one missile, but the other missile hit it and destroyed it, leaving two TIE fighters left tailing Iron Man. As the fighters continued firing at Iron Man, he surprised the two TIE fighters by suddenly stopping completely in midair, causing the fighters to pass by him. The two TIE fighters quickly turned around to try and locate Iron Man, but he was nowhere to be seen. But as they continued searching, the pilot on one of the TIE fighters noticed Iron Man was actually hanging onto the wing of the other TIE fighter. Notifying the other pilot of what was happening and what he planned to do, the pilot slowly began to aim at Iron Man so that he could get a direct hit and not damage the other TIE fighter. Once he got a clear shot of Iron Man, the pilot fired a shot. Iron Man, however, was quick, and was able to quickly fly out of harm's way, leading to the TIE fighter he was hanging on to to get hit instead, causing it to crash towards the desert way below and get destroyed. As for Iron Man, he pointed his repulsors towards the last TIE fighters, blasting it and destroying it for good. "Too easy," Iron Man remarked as he continued to fly away.


    ~Gringey City, Japan~


    Here we are… Gringey City,” Finnick remarked as he drove the SUV he was sharing with Hiro, Baymax, and Lita towards the old abandoned city full of factories and pollution…


    Ugh, doesn’t look any better than it did the last time I was here,” Hiro commented while Finnick continued following the vehicle where the others were, slowly approaching the old Pym Tech factory.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    As their obstacle course test began, Peter, Pietro, and Wanda wasted no time in trying to get through it as quickly as possible. Pietro zipped past pillars and jumped over hurdles while easily avoiding getting shot by Stormtroopers and Cybermen, mocking them, “You didn’t see that coming?” Web-slinging his way through the obstacle course, Peter came to a halt upon noticing he had to climb a rope ladder to get to the other side. Looking up to see how high it was, Peter jumped high, and continued climbing up while noticing Cybermen and Stormtroopers about to shoot him. “Woah!” Parker cried as he jerked left and right, trying to avoid getting hit as he continued climbing up. “Made it!” Peter exclaimed, as he eventually made it to the top, and jumped as he continued web-slinging. As for Wanda, she’s been using her powers to create a barrier to protect herself from getting hit by Stormtroopers and Cybermen as she made her way through the obstacle course. Upon reaching a rock climbing obstacle, Wanda noticed the Stormtroopers and Cybermen intensified their attack on her, and was stuck using her powers to keep a barrier protecting her intact, trying to figure out how to progress. Suddenly, Wanda had an idea, using her powers to send her flying high, performing a backflip over the rock climbing obstacle, and landing on the other side, giving her a chance to continue with the obstacle course without getting hit. “Impressive…” Alpha said as he and Sunset Shimmer were watching the three progress through the obstacle course…


    Yeah,” Sunset Shimmer concurred as she wrote up notes, “They’ve been doing well before, but I feel like with today’s performance, they’re more capable than we thought.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Rebel Hideout~


    As Akko and the others joined Kassandra into the underground Rebel hideout following the earlier battle, Kassandra watched as Sucy was treating the wounded leg of Jairo, the Rebel whose leg was shot, as he was lying on a bed. "Will it work?" Kassandra questioned as Sucy poured one of her concoctions over the wound. "He'll need to rest for about two days," Sucy replied, "After that, his leg will be as good as new." "Understood. Thank you," Kassandra thanked Sucy as she turned to face the rest of Akko's group, "I am sorry for what happened earlier. Please, let us discuss what's going on while I show you around." "We appreciate your hospitality," Diana thanked Kassandra as she and the others followed the Rebel leader.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jan 16, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Meilin Lee
    I understand that @NutheadBros already posted on Skype that he's taking some time off partly due to the holidays, but just making it official here...

    The two week posting rule is void until Jan. 5th due to the holiday season. Happy holidays!
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 3, 2020 in forum: OOC Lounge
  4. Meilin Lee

    With 'Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory' out for about a week now, Dengeki got a chance to chat with series director, Tetsuya Nomura, regarding this new entry and what to expect with the series moving forward. Check out the interview below (translated by @RyujiBlades of, though beware of minor spoilers related to 'Melody of Memory' if you haven't finished the game yet:

    Both the game and the official soundtrack came out within the same time frame. Please tell us what kind of request you made to Indieszero (known for developing the Theatrhythm series) when developing Memory of Melody.

    Nomura: Their proposal, in a few words, can be described as "Theatrhythm: KINGDOM HEARTS edition". However, I didn't want it to make it a carbon copy of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, and slap the Kingdom Hearts moniker on top of it.

    So you wanted it to be similar, yet completely different to Theatrhythm?

    Nomura: Correct. I asked Indieszero to combine the action of Kingdom Hearts with the rhythm genre. As you can imagine, it took a lot of trial-and-error, and lots of testing, because it is complicated to put those two pieces together nicely. We also wanted to make the game not look too flashy, so that people wouldn't feel sick when playing the game.

    I see. There are Keyblade strikes and magic, so you can really feel you're actually playing KH.

    Nomura: It makes me glad that you're saying that. After all, that was the main objective of this project.

    Kairi will play a specially important role as this game's "storyteller". Could you elaborate more on that?

    Nomura: In the game's story, Kairi will recap the entire story of the Kingdom Hearts series so far, in a way that even newer players can easily digest. However, it is impossible to get into the most intricate details, so if you're curious about a certain part of the story, I strongly recommend you play that game and enjoy the story for yourself in its fullest.

    The game contains a total of 140 songs. Were any songs personally suggested by you, Nomura-san?

    Nomura: None in particular. I guess my initial request was to include as many songs as possible, as I did not want to implement more in a DLC package.

    Next, let's talk about a future outlook for the series. With KHIII, a saga [The Seekers of Darkness' saga] ended. But there's still a lot of mystery surrounding the characters, correct?

    Nomura: Of course. In the near future, I plan to change the story drastically, as in, change the structure on how it's told in a way that it can grab all the pending mysteries. The objective here is to try out a brand new story while still integrating the plots and mysteries that are currently pending.

    In KH UX Dark Road, you delve into the past of Xehanort. So does this mean we'll see more of him in future series?

    Nomura: To be fair, Dark Road wasn't a project that took future titles into consideration. It was more of a project the KHUX team was thinking of doing that's been in the backburner for a bit. Xehanort's saga ends with KH III but you can clearly see in Melody of Memory's story that his influence does shift the atmosphere, even if just a bit. However, I don't think Xehanort will become a main antagonist/main boss in future titles.

    One of the main perks of Kingdom Hearts is how it always sets the atmosphere for a continuation. Is that something you commonly think of when developing the game? Example: When developing Kingdom Hearts I, did you anticipate the existence of Sora's nobody—Roxas?

    Nomura: Whenever I think of a story, I try to make it as extensive as possible. For example, when developing Kingdom Hearts I, I was thinking of its sequel, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. However, not everything I thought came to fruition. One such case is KH Dark Road, where I haven't really thought much about it.

    The Kingdom Hearts series started on the PlayStation 2 system. However, there were no new releases to the PS3 or the PSVITA (instead, what happened is that remasters of KH1 and 2, dubbed KH1.5 and KH2.5 were released). Why wasn't there such a jump to new hardware?

    Nomura: I had some foggy ideas to release new titles on the PS3 and the PSVITA. Especially since…the PSVITA, for a portable console, packed quite the beefy hardware, and could stand up to the task. However, those plans never fully materialized, mostly because at the time, I was involved in FF Versus XIII's development.

    Is the new KH game going to take advantage of the powerful technologies boasted by the new PlayStation 5 and XBOX Series X/S?

    Nomura: We can't say we have plans to do so as of now, but if Kingdom Hearts were to come to these new generation consoles, it would most certainly be a latecomer [basically, the game isn't likely to come out in the 1st year of the consoles' release]

    One of the most talked about topics in Kingdom Hearts is its music. Particularly, the songs composed by Yoko Shimomura. Why did you decide that she would be perfect for the job?

    Nomura: I got a recommendation from the music department at Square. At the time, I had worked with her on Parasite Eve [PlayStation 1 game released in 1998 by Squaresoft. It was an unique kind of RPG, known as a cinematic RPG.], so it was fairly easy to approach her, since we were already acquainted by then.

    Her songs are popular both in Japan and overseas.

    Nomura: To be fair, I was pretty surprised. When the overseas fans called her "Goddess" and how they called me "Papa", I was honestly quite surprised such nicknames existed for us.

    What was your first request to Shimomura-san?

    Nomura: It was when I wanted to make a battle arrangement for all world songs. As you know, each KH world has a field song and a battle song. I wanted it to feel like you were in a theme park.

    What do you think of her songs, from your point of view?

    Nomura: Hmm…they sound they carry a lot of emotions…? They sound like drama…? [TL NOTE: The tenses in the original Japanese show that he's completely unsure.]

    Aside from Shimomura-san, we also have other well-established composers for the KH series, such as Takeharu Ishimoto and Tsuyoshi Sekito.

    Nomura: I believe it was during KH: Birth of Sleep's development process that we asked them to compose. Ishimoto is involved with the Dissidia series, as well as The World Ends with You. He's great in creating cool-looking songs. As for Sekito…his forte is creating bright and cheerful songs. He also has a close relation to the development team in Osaka, so it's very easy to request bright and cheery songs for things such as the UI [example: World Map] or mini-games.

    Finally, please give a comment to everyone to wrap up the interview.

    Nomura: We are proud that we managed to release Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory and the KHIII soundtrack. Both me and the team hope that all players enjoy it fully. After the release of MoM, the series will probably take a little break (no announcements and/or new things) until 2022. 2022 marks the 20th anniversary of KH, so I plan to share some great news by then.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 19, 2020, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Meilin Lee
    ~The Star Road Dimension: Unknown Planet (Thanos’s Ship)~


    Arriving in a small room inside the ship, Thanos, Ronan, and Nehelenia found two frozen carbonite blocks standing together, both containing the frozen bodies of Thanos’s two adopted daughters, Nebula and Gamora. “Here they are, Lord Thanos,” Ronan told Thanos. “Wake them up,” Thanos replied. Ronan and Nehelenia both nodded as they approached the carbonite blocks, pressing a button on the side of the blocks to initiate the defrosting process. Soon enough, the carbonite encasing in both blocks began to evaporate. Eventually, the carbonite had completely evaporated, and Gamora and Nebula, having been encased in carbonite for decades, collapsed as they were experiencing weakness and dizziness from having been frozen for so long…


    As both Gamora and Nebula looked up, they noticed Thanos, with Gamora asking, “Father… is that really you?” Thanos grinned and responded, “It’s good to see you as well, Gamora, Nebula.


    ~Nantucket, Massachusetts~


    After landing the Quinjet not too far from Javert’s mansion, Lace, Bobbi, and May were now planning how to go about with their mission, with May commenting, “Javert has the weapons from the attack in Buffalo, so we have two options... one... firefight. Surprise them, take down as many as we can before they bring out heavy artillery.” “And option two?” Hunter asked, “Just to hear it.” “I use my New World Order cover... a cover that could be blown,” Bobbi answered. “That's why I like option one,” May said. “On the other hand, I know Javert. The best way to get him to leak intel is to get him bragging. I think it's worth the risk,” Bobbi remarked. “She can handle it. Deception's her forte,” Hunter added, before realizing May and Bobbi were giving each other looks indicating that they weren’t impressed with what he just said regarding Bobbi and deception, “Uh, I… I mean that sincerely, not passive-aggressively. As in, it's a good attribute for a spy to... bloody hell.” “You can go in,” May told Bobbi, “But if anything's off, we're coming after you.” “They'll search you for weapons,” Hunter added, holding his hand out for Bobbi to hand him any weapon she may be carrying with her. Sighing, Bobbi handed her ex-husband a gun she was carrying. “Don't die out there, all right?” Hunter told Bobbi, who simply responded with a silent nod as she left the Quinjet, heading towards Javert’s private mansion.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Hmm, Kiriko, you’ve never worked with Ogami before?” Officer Jenny questioned as they exited the conference room and were looking for Vanitas. “Now that I think about it, I believe Kiriko is one of the few officers in the department who haven’t had a chance to work with him before,” Looker said. “Oh, so that explains why you weren’t familiar with him,” Jenny told Kiriko, “Well, since I’m sure we’ll be working with Ogami soon based on what Vanitas said, just be prepared to be amazed by how good Ogami does his job as a private investigator.


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    Arriving to two small tents with Rini, Serena, Luna, and Sammy, Darien noticed each tent could hold up to two individuals, saying, “Looks like we’ll have to use two tents. Serena, Rini, the two of you could share one tent. Sammy and I will share the other. I know it doesn’t look like much, but given the condition of the area, this is the best we can expect.” “I don’t mind it to be honest,” Rini said as she went inside one of the tents and then came out, “They’re very cozy!” Looking around, Sammy noticed locals around his age playing with a soccer ball, saying, “And it looks like the kids here know how to have fun as well. If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to see if I can join them. Be back in a bit.” “Okay, have fun,” Darien responded as Sammy dropped his backpack and went to see if he could play soccer with the kids he saw earlier.


    ~Aleppo, Syria (again)~


    Leading Connor and his group to a damaged parking garage that serves as the local Rebel headquarters, Riad told Connor, “This is where all the important decisions are made regarding our operations in the area. Allow me to introduce you to my team.” Connor’s group and Riad then approached three individuals going over a map on a table…


    Over here is Altaïr, one of my most trusted spies during our country’s civil war,” Riad said. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Ratonhnhaké:ton,” Altaïr told Connor as he shook his hand. “The pleasure is all mine,” Connor responded. “And this is Yusuf Tazim, a former Turkish intelligence officer who assisted us during the civil war,” Riad added. “Salam, Ratonhnhaké:ton,” Yusuf greeted Connor. “Salam alaykum,” Connor replied to Tazim as he shook hands with him. “And finally, this is Sam Wilson, a survivor of the Great Purge,” Riad said, “He was with the JIA before it collapsed once the New World Order came to power.” “Well I’ll be…” Sam remarked upon noticing Connor, smiling as he was shaking his hand, “Sir, this is an absolute honor.” “Thank you Sam. But please, treat me no differently than you would any other of your fellow Rebels,” Connor replied, “Think of me as just another comrade helping in this fight.” “Understood, sir,” Sam said with a nod and a smile. “So, Riad, how is the situation with the New World Order?” Connor asked.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    Huh? Noah, you’ve never seen me use my Keyblade?” a surprised Sunburst remarked as he heard Noah say he doesn’t know what a Keyblade is and how a unicorn would use it, “Oh wait, now that I think about it, I don’t think you ever did see me use it when practicing with Gia. And with all the confusion that happened during our mission at that New World Order facility in the outskirts of town, I doubt you may have noticed me use it then. Well, in that case…” Sunburst then summoned his Keyblade, levitating it around using his unicorn magic as he told Noah, “Hope that answered your question on how a unicorn such as myself can use it.” Sunburst then turned to face Luke, telling him, “Master, if you’ll excuse me, I better start practicing.” Luke replied with a nod, while Sunburst gave him a bow and left to start practicing for his Mark of Mastery exam.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums~


    Thank you,” Marle told a delivery truck driver as she signed a form on a clipboard and handed it to him. The driver then nodded and went back to his truck, and began driving away in order to deliver food to different restaurants in the area that had purchased them from Marle’s food distribution company. Just then, Marle heard a familiar voice call out to her, “Hey, Marle!” Turning around, Marle noticed the voice came from her good friend Leia, who was joined by Finn, Rey, and BB-8…


    Oh, Leia! Good to see you!” Marle happily responded as she and Leia shared a quick hug, “Hope the Rebels are treating you well.” “They sure are,” Leia said. “That’s good,” Marle replied, “And hopefully you haven’t gotten in trouble with the New World Order ever since that whole ordeal with the orphanage.” “No, no trouble so far,” Leia assured Marle, “Besides, as long as Finn is around, I’m sure nothing bad will ever happen to me.” “Oh yeah, Finn,” Marle said as she took note of him, “So should I refer to you as Leia’s knight in shining armor?” “Kn-knight?! You’ve got the wrong idea!” Finn retorted as he blushed. “Hmm, in denial are you?” Marle teased Finn before noticing Rey next to him, “Or perhaps there’s someone else you’re interested in? You’re a new face. What’s your name, dear?


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    “All right,” the waitress remarked after taking Anna’s and Elsa’s orders, “We’ll get those orders out for ya as soon as they’re ready. And I’ll be sure to get the drinks for the two of ya right now.” “Thanks,” both Cere and Greez thanked the waitress as she left to get the two of them their drinks. Just then, however, Saphir and Kristoff gasped as they noticed three Stormtroopers enter the restaurant…


    Keep a low profile and don’t make eye contact,” Kristoff warned the others in the group. “What are they doing here?” Olaf asked. Glancing at the Stormtroopers, Cal noticed another waitress walking the Stormtroopers to the other side of the restaurant, where they sat at a table and removed their helmets. “It… looks like they’re just having breakfast,” Cal remarked, as the rest of the group breathed a sigh of relief that the Stormtroopers weren’t here for them. “That was a close one,” Saphir commented. “Still, goes to show that there is not one place on Earth where you can truly hide from the New World Order,” Cere said, “Even a small remote town like this isn’t truly safe.


    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    Okay… we surrender, now let Khemu and Senu go!” Bayek demanded as Stormtroopers and Cybermen confiscated the Rebels’ weapons. “But of course, I’m feeling generous,” Admiral Trench responded, snapping his fingers to signal his stormtroopers to let Kemu and Senu go. The Stormtrooper who had been holding on to Khemu let him go, while the other Stormtrooper tossed Senu to the ground near the Rebels, with several of them rushing towards the Pokemon’s aid. “Mama, Baba!” Khemu cried as he rejoined his parents, the three sharing a hug. However, Bayek was suddenly pulled away and dragged by several Stormtroopers. “Baba!” Khemu cried as he watched his father being dragged away by Stormtroopers. “What are you doing?!” Aya questioned as Stormtroopers and Cybermen prevented her and the other Rebels from moving from their current position, “We surrendered!” “Yes, that is true. But an example must be set to make sure you Rebels know your place,” Trench replied, “Perhaps taking out the Rebel leader of North Africa would do the trick.” “No!!” Aya and Khemu cried as they watched helplessly while Bayek was shoved to the sandy ground, with Stormtroopers repeatedly kicking him. “Finish him off!” Trench ordered the Stormtroopers who were kicking Bayek. The Stormtroopers surrounding Bayek then pointed their weapons at him, ready to take him out as Khemu cried out, “BABA!!!” Just then however, everyone in the area heard a sonic boom and noticed something in the sky flying towards them. Soon enough, a metallic man, recognized by many as Iron Man, landed in the area…


    What on Earth…” Admiral Trench wondered out loud as Iron Man took advantage of the surprised Stormtroopers, punching several of them and blasting others with the repulsors in both of his hands. “Get him!” Admiral Trench ordered, with Stormtroopers firing their blasters at Iron Man. However, Iron Man’s suit was able to withstand the blaster fire from the Stormtroopers, allowing him to instead focus on continuing to blast Stormtroopers with his repulsors. However, the Stormtroopers and Cybermen who had surrounded the Rebels pointed their weapons at the hostages, signaling to Iron Man that any further attack by him will result in their death. As he analyzed the situation, Iron Man realized that while he could deal with the Stormtroopers easily, the Cybermen would be much harder, since their Vibranium metal made them immune to any attack, even his. “Here, use these against the Cybermen,” Bayek told Iron Man as he got up after being freed from the Stormtroopers that were about to kill him, tossing him three sonic stabilizers. “Thanks,” Iron Man replied, catching the three sonic stabilizers, and throwing one towards the Cybermen holding the Rebel group hostage, weakening their metal and making them vulnerable. Once he did that, small micro-guns popped up on Iron man’s shoulders, shooting bullets that quickly took out the Stormtroopers and Cybermen holding the Rebel group hostage, freeing them. “Baba!” Khemu cried as he and Aya rushed to Bayek, with the three sharing a hug once again after having escaped danger. Meanwhile, as the Rebels were retrieving the weapons confiscated from them, Iron Man flew towards the massive number of New World Order reinforcements in the distance, avoiding getting hit as they tried shooting at him, while easily taking them out by sending a number of missiles towards Stormtroopers, killing them, while also destroying all the Cybermen in the area after making sure to use the remaining sonic stabilizers he had on them. As for the AT-STs, Iron Man was also able to destroy them with missiles, while he destroyed the AT-AT walkers by sending missiles towards their legs, causing them to collapse. Gasping as he witnessed Iron Man single-handedly take out all the New World Order forces he was commanding, Admiral Trench shook his head as he said, “This is not good…” The admiral then turned around to try and run away, only to stop upon noticing Bayek pointing his khopesh at him. “Going somewhere?” Bayek questioned as all the Rebels surrounded Admiral Trench, realizing he has been defeated by them.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Not at all,” Coulson responded. “Now that we’re all here, we should get going,” Adewale said. “All right… Hiro, Baymax, Lita, we’ll be sharing a car together,” Finnick announced. “An’ everyone else wit’ me,” Lt. Surge added. “Okay then, onwards to Gringey City!” Hiro said as everyone got into the car they were assigned to in order to drive off towards the mission.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    As she and Alpha waited, Sunset Shimmer noticed Pietro, Wanda, and Peter all arrive while wearing the attire provided to them in order to enhance their powers (Pietro with his special clothes, Wanda with her wrist bracelets, and Peter with his black outfit)...


    All right, listen up,” Sunset Shimmer announced, “Like previous tests, this obstacle course will test each of your individual strengths. And since the keyword is ‘individual’, that means you cannot assist or team up with each other. Every individual for him or herself. But don’t feel like this is a competition either. We simply want to see how you would handle yourselves in a situation like what you’re about to experience. So don’t feel the need to outdo the other. Understood?” “Yes,” Pietro, Wanda, and Peter all responded at once. “Good,” Sunset said, “Then you are ready to proceed.” “Please follow the Stormtroopers to the obstacle course,” Alpha added. Nodding, Pietro, Wanda, and Peter followed Stormtroopers escorting them towards the obstacle course.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 18, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Meilin Lee
    It's been announced today that Dark Horse Books will publish the first ever Ultimania Kingdom Hearts book in the west, titled 'Kingdom Hearts Ultimania: The Story Before Kingdom Hearts III'. This Ultimania book is based on the 'Kingdom Hearts Series Memorial Ultimania' book released in Japan back in 2014 around the time of the release of 'Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix'. The book can be pre-ordered from Amazon for $44.99.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 13, 2020, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Meilin Lee
    'Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory' has now officially released worldwide on the PS4, XBONE, and Nintendo Switch, allowing fans of the series to relive their favorite tracks from the series while experiencing a follow-up to the events of KH3 Re:Mind! To celebrate the occasion, Tetsuya Nomura shared the following message to fans:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 13, 2020, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Meilin Lee
    After nearly two years since its release, 'Kingdom Hearts III' finally has an official soundtrack that fans can purchase and listen to! The soundtrack can be purchased/streamed from the following locations:
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 11, 2020, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Meilin Lee
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 5, 2020 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Meilin Lee
    With 'Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory' scheduled to be released in Japan a week from today (and November 13th elsewhere), Square-Enix is hyping up fans by releasing several screenshots that you can check out below (which confirm that King Mickey is a fourth playable character in certain situations):

    In addition to the above screenshots, new character renders of King Mickey and Kairi were released:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 4, 2020, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Meilin Lee
    ~The Star Road Dimension: Unknown Planet (Thanos’s Ship)~


    As Thanos entered his old ship (named ‘Sanctuary II’) along with Ronan and Nehelenia, the three made their way to the ship’s massive throne room. “Nehelenia and I will search for your daughters,” Ronan informed Thanos. “Very well,” Thanos replied as Ronan and Nehelnia went to search for Thanos’s daughters. As for Thanos, he looked at the throne in the center, reminiscing to the time when his mother, Queen Beryl, gave him ownership of this ship…

    ~The Sanctuary II~


    The planet has been taken, Mother,” Thanos informed his mother as he approached her while she was seated in the throne in her ship, “Its king pledges eternal loyalty to your cause.” “He accepted my terms?” Queen Beryl questioned. “Eventually,” Thanos responded as he threw a sack to the ground containing the head of the king he was referring to just now. Realizing what Thanos had done, Queen Beryl grinned as she remarked, “Well done, my son. Well done.” “Anything for you, Mother,” Thanos replied as he knelt to show respect to his mother. Getting up from her throne while carrying her staff, Beryl walked over to her son, telling him, “You’ve served me well, Thanos. And yet, you never ask for anything in return.” “You’re my mother. Everything I do, is out of my love for you,” Thanos replied. Smiling, Beryl told Thanos, “Nevertheless, you deserve something for all that you do. In fact, you can have this entire ship, just for yourself.” Surprised by what his mother just said, Thanos questioned, “Mother, are you sure?” “Of course,” Beryl responded, “Think of it as a mother’s gift to her child. You’ve more than earned it, my son.” As Queen Beryl placed her hand on Thanos’s cheek, Thanos simply said, “Thank you, Mother.

    Thanos? Thanos!” Nehelenia called out to Thanos, who shook his head as he snapped out of the flashback he was having. “What is it?” Thanos questioned Nehelenia. “We’ve located your daughters,” Nehelenia replied.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground (Lab)~


    Morning, Fitz,” Jemma greeted Fitz, approaching him while he was alone in the lab, tinkering with a few devices. “Hey,” Fitz responded upon seeing Simmons, noticing she was carrying a hard-drive, “Is that the, uh... hard drive that you stole?” “Mace asked me to search it for anything related to the attack in Buffalo,” Jemma said, “Um, I was hoping you could help. That is, if you're not too... I mean…” “Yeah, um, if you need m-my help, I suppose I've got some time,” Fitz interrupted Jemma. Jemma was delighted to hear that, especially because, while she and Fitz were inseparable, ever since she infiltrated the New World Order and reunited with Fitz, things felt awkward with him. “Well, unfortunately, the drive was damaged during our escape. We'll have to repair it to access any of its i-intel,” Simmons informed Fitz, noticing he was looking at her strangely, “What?” “Just, um... you look different. That's all,” Fitz responded, “Not ‘bad’ different. Just...” “Oh,” Jemma said, handing Fitz the hard-drive. “Okay.... uh... let’s take a look…” Fitz said as he began examining the hard-drive to see what was wrong with it.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ (Conference Room)~


    "Good," Vanitas said, "Dismissed. Looker, gather your team and meet me outside." "Will do," Looker responded as Vanitas exited the conference room, "Jenny, Kiriko, let's go." Nodding, Jenny got up and began following Looker outside.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil~


    As she continued battling the Stormtroopers and Cybermen that had surrounded her, Kassandra noticed one of the Stormtroopers managed to shoot one of the Rebels that had been accompanying her in the leg, wounding him. “Jairo!” Kassandra cried out to the Rebel named Jairo as he fell to the ground, crying in pain due to his wounded leg. “Okay… that’s it!” Kassandra declared, transforming her Keyblade so that it took the form of a shield, using it to protect herself from the Stormtroopers and Cybermen as they tried blasting her. Kassandra also used her transformed Keyblade to smash Stormtroopers and destroy Cybermen (after throwing a sonic stabilizer at them). And even as more reinforcements arrived, Kassandra was able to raise her transformed Keyblade to surround herself and the two Rebels accompanying her with an electric force field to push the enemy back further. “Time to finish this!” Kassandra exclaimed, intending to finish her enemies off once and for all as she transformed her Keyblade from a shield to a chariot pulled by an ethereal pegasus (like so), which she rode on, flying around the area as bolts of lightning were cast on Stormtroopers and Cybermen (which were only able to be damaged thanks to Kassandra’s use of a sonic stabilizer earlier). Pretty soon, all the New World Order forces that had surrounded Kassandra had been dealt with, and her Keyblade transformed back to its default appearance. Kassandra then quickly rushed to Jairo, the Rebel who was shot in the leg earlier, looking over his wound with the other Rebel accompanying her. “It looks bad, but not serious, for now at least,” Kassandra said. “Hey. Need some help?” a voice questioned Kassandra from behind. “Who’s there?” Kassandra questioned as she turned around quickly with her Keyblade in hand ready in case she needed to defend herself yet again…


    Woah, woah… no need to point that weapon at us,” Amanda told Kassandra as the local Rebel leader realized that the group consisted of the witches that she has been expecting for a visit. “Oh, I’m so sorry about that,” Kassandra replied as her Keyblade dematerialized from her hand, “Ursula, and Amanda, correct? I have been expecting you. Did you just watch me battle the New World Order just now?” “As a matter of fact, yes,” Ursula answered, “It really seemed like you had things under control.” “Still…” Diana remarked as she noticed the wounded Rebel, “We have to get out of here before more reinforcements come. And that Rebel clearly needs medical attention urgently.” “Right,” Kassandra agreed, “Let’s go now.


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    Qalat shokran,” Darien told the little girl who gave Serena a rose, translating what Serena said to her. The little girl then smiled at Serena and Luna, petting the cat before running off to find her parents. Just then Discord teleported above Connor’s group of Rebels to give an important message…


    Everyone, may I have your attention please?” Discord said with a megaphone he made appear as he floated above the Rebels, “We’ve gotten word that there are tents straight ahead that can be used for our accommodation. Please follow my direction and choose a tent to stay in once you see them.” “Guess we better follow Discord,” Rini said. “Yeah, let’s go,” Sammy concurred.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    So… what should I do, Master?” Sunburst asked Luke. “Well, to make it fair, I’ll give you a few days to practice,” Luke responded, “You should know all the basics by now, but having a refresher wouldn’t hurt. I will then proctor your Mark of Mastery exam. And should you succeed, hopefully, I will name you a Keyblade Master.” “Understood, Master,” Sunburst responded as he bowed to Luke. Looking at Gia and the others, Luke said, “I want to thank you for providing Sunburst shelter during these dark times, and I truly don’t wish to impose on you any further, but would it be alright if you help Sunburst practice for his Mark of Mastery exam? Lydia and Lucario can provide assistance if needed.” Lydia and Lucario both concurred with a nod.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums~


    Once Rey wrapped her arms around Finn’s left arm and asked if doing this would really make people stop looking at Finn weirdly, Leia looked around, noticing the locals shrugging and shifting their focus to something else. “Yep, I think it’s doing the trick,” Leia responded to Rey with a smile. As for Finn, who was still blushing now that both Leia and Rey were doing the same thing, he said, “After we’re done with Marle and get back to the hideout, we never speak of this again, okay?” “Suuure, whatever you say, darling,” Leia responded with a flirty tone, playfully poking Finn’s cheek. The three then continued on their way to Marle while BB-8 followed them.


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    Alright, looks like we have a deal,” Cere remarked once no one objected to her conditions. “All right, I got yer drinks right here,” the waitress from before said as she approached the group, placing a tray full of drinks on a nearby table, handing each individual the drink they ordered (except for Cere and Greez, since they arrived later), “Oh, hiya. Do you need me to get you two anything to drink as well?” “Yes, though I’d also like to order,” Cere responded to the waitress. “Same thing,” Greez added. “Alrighty then, what can I getcha?” the waitress asked as she took out a small notepad and a pen. “I’ll have a decaf, cream and no sugar,” Cere replied, “And, I’m going to have the veggie omelette with bacon and sausage on the side.” “Regular coffee, no cream, just sugar,” Greez told the waitress, “As for breakfast, I’ll have cheese grits with a biscuit and hash browns on the side.” “All right…” the waitress said as she was jotting down what Cere and Greez ordered, “How ‘bout the rest of ya?” “I’ll have the stack of pancakes,” Saphir replied, “And I’d like some hash browns on the side.” “Scrambled eggs with sausage, bacon, and hash browns, please,” Kristoff added as he took a sip of his coffee. “I’ll just have one pancake as well as an over-easy egg. Bacon and hash browns, but no sausage, please,” Cal ordered. “...No sausage… got it,” the waitress said as she wrote down the orders before turning her attention to Anna and Elsa, “What about you, dears?”


    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    As the battle in the outskirts of Siwa continued, Bayek and his Rebels appeared to be winning, managing to kill a number of Stormtroopers, as well as destroying some Cybermen and AT-STs as well. "We're winning!" Aya exclaimed as she continued battling herself, "Keep fighting!" The New World Order forces then appeared to be retreating, eliciting cheers from the Rebels. But the cheering soon stopped as the Rebels noticed massive reinforcements of Stormtroopers and Cybermen arriving along with AT-STs and AT-AT walkers. As Bayek and the other Rebels were stunned to see what they were now up against, they noticed Admiral Trench of the New World Order emerge from the line of reinforcements, looking at the Rebels in the distance…


    "Bayek!" Admiral Trench called out to Bayek as he walked towards the Rebels, "You and your Rebels are outnumbered. Surrender now, and we might spare some of your lives. Refuse, and we will annihilate every single one of you." Once Admiral Trench arrived near the Rebels' location, Bayek responded, "We will never surrender!" "We will fight to the death!" Aya added. "Hmph, I was anticipating you might say that," Admiral Trench scoffed as he pressed a button on a wrist device located on one of his arms, "Perhaps… this will convince you to change your mind." Just then, two Stormtroopers emerged from the line of reinforcements, heading towards Trench's and Bayek's location. But what Bayek and Aya saw stunned the two of them as they gasped. One of the Stormtroopers approaching them had apprehended Khemu, Bayek's and Aya's son, while another Stormtrooper was carrying Bayek's Pidgeotto, Senu, as it was completely tied by a rope to prevent it from escaping…


    "Mama! Baba!" Khemu cried as the Stormtrooper wouldn't let go of him while a worried Aya helplessly watched. "Khemu! Senu!" Bayek cried upon noticing them, shifting his attention to Admiral Trench with an angry look in his face while pointing his khopesh at him, "Let them go, now!" Without even flinching, Trench replied, "As I said, surrender. Do so, and I will spare their lives." Looking at each other, Bayek and Aya realized they didn't have much of a choice. The two then threw their weapons to the ground, with Bayek signaling to the Rebels that he was commanding to the same. "Good," Admiral Trench responded with a grin.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Once they were done with breakfast, Lt. Surge and the other Rebels gathered near two SUVs they'd be using to drive towards Gringey City. "Is everyone here?" Phil asked. "Looks like it," Lt. Surge responded, "Except for dat Lita girl… she said she'd be joinin' us on da mission." "Lita's coming?" Finnick asked. "Yeah," Lt. Surge replied to his son, "She was da one ya recommended, right?" "Yeah, that's right," Finnick replied. "Lita, huh… didn't expect her to volunteer," Hiro commented, "But hey, the more the merrier. I'm curious to see how she'll handle things in this mission."
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 31, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Meilin Lee
    Today, we finally got confirmation from Tetsuya Nomura himself in the Tweet above that the 'Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory' demo will be available to download tomorrow, October 15th! The demo will be available on all three consoles the game will be released on (PS4, XBONE, and the Switch).
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Oct 14, 2020, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Meilin Lee
    ~The Star Road Dimension: Unknown Planet~


    Arriving to a rocky desolate and empty planet with Ronan and Nehelenia, Thanos gazed upon a large ship on the ground, the same ship he commandeered a long time ago, and had last used it when invading Azarath. “My daughters are there?” Thanos asked as the wind in the area was picking up. “Indeed,” Ronan replied, “Following your defeat and disappearance, Gamora and Nebula took your ship to this planet, isolated from any hint of civilization.” “Their last transmission indicated that they would freeze themselves in carbonite, where they said they would wait for the day of your return,” Nehelenia added, “It seems that day is today.” Without saying a word, Thanos slowly began walking towards his old ship while being followed by Ronan and Nehelenia.


    ~Sky Above Massachusetts: Inside Quinjet~


    While May piloted the Quinjet over Massachusetts, making sure to avoid any potential New World Order ships and aircraft in the sky despite making sure to cloak the Quinjet, Bobbi and Hunter were seated close to each other in the back of the plane, experiencing an awkward silence as neither knew what to say to the other. “You look good,” Bobbi told her ex-husband, trying to break the silence. “Oh, yeah? Cheers,” Lance replied, “And, you know, with the... blond and everything, you... don't look too bad yourself.” “It's nice of you to say,” Bobbi said, “Because I heard you've been telling people I'm a hell beast.” Appearing to be surprised by what Bobbi told him, Lance replied, “Uh... no, I... I don't think so. I definitely didn't use those words specifically. That doesn't even sound like something I'd say, really. So, you vouched for me, knew I was with the Rebels the whole time?” “I'm honestly surprised you stayed this long,” Bobbi remarked. “Well, you know, I'm here for now, but keeping my options open, obviously,” Lance replied. “You always do,” Bobbi said. Upset by what Bobbi just said, Lance scoffed, “If we're gonna do this now, at least let me grab a beer first.” “I'm gonna go check on May,” Bobbi said, unfastening her seatbelt, and joining May in the cockpit, wanting to avoid Hunter for now so things don’t get heated with her ex-husband. “We'll be touching down soon,” May informed Bobbi. “Okay,” Bobbi replied with a sigh, “You ever been married?” May gave a nod, indicating to Bobbi that she was married. “Still talk to him?” Bobbi asked. May simply gave her a dirty look in response, signaling that, like her, May was divorced as well, but she doesn’t talk to her ex-husband anymore. “Right. Good advice,” Bobbi said.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ (Conference Room)~


    Once all the officers who were in the building arrived at the conference room, Vanitas stood in front of those in attendance in order to speak to them, saying, “Good morning, and thank you for coming to this meeting in such short notice. As you all are aware, the New World Order is increasing its efforts to stamp out any trace of the terrorists referring to themselves as Rebels. While the New World Order has thankfully made great progress getting closer to finally ridding the world of the Rebels, we should never be complacent. Rather, we should continue to be vigilant at all times, dealing with threats from these Rebel scum before they happen. Which is why, as of today, the New World Order has ordered that, to deal with any possible Rebel threats in the Capital, all police activity will now be devoted to monitoring and dealing with any suspected Rebel activities in the city. Any cases that don’t involve the Rebels in any way must be put to the side for the time being. If you have any questions, please direct them to Looker. Anyway, now that we got that out of the way, I’d like to focus on two specific cases. First off, a threat of theft at Tokyo Cathedral from someone possibly associated with Rangers or Riders. Looker, what’s the status of that case?” “Officers Eppes and Carter are in charge of a patrol that continues to monitor the area over there ever since we first learned of the threat,” Looker responded, “There are even Stormtroopers and Cybermen assisting them around the clock.” “Thank you, Chief,” Vanitas said, “Now then, the next item on the list involves a potential Rebel informant in the city, leaking sensitive information over to the Rebels. We don’t know for sure who the informant is or where the informant’s treasonous acts are committed. But we have pinpointed about a dozen locations of interest that may indicate where we can locate the informant. The three officers leading this case will be the Police Rangers themselves… Looker, Kiriko, and Jenny, while I will be providing support. Lastly, since I said the New World Order is putting heavy emphasis on cases involving Rebels, we have asked Looker to hire Shirou Ogami, a private investigator who I’m sure many of you are familiar with, in helping solve these cases as soon as possible. If there is any assistance you need with a case, Mr. Ogami over here will be the first contact you should reach out to. Do I make myself clear?” “Yes, sir,” Looker responded. Although she wasn’t exactly thrilled with the emphasis on Rebel-related cases as opposed to regular cases they usually deal with, Officer Jenny sighed and begrudgingly said, “Yes, sir.” “Understood,” Ogami added.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil~


    As they were rushing towards Kassandra’s location, Akko and the others noticed a Stormtrooper was sent flying straight towards them…


    Gasping, the group got out of the way, with the Stormtrooper crashing to the ground really hard, groaning as he couldn’t get up. “Huh?!” a startled Akko exclaimed, “Did… Kassandra just do that?” “Only one way to find out,” Sucy replied as she and the others continued on their way towards Kassandra’s location. Eventually, the group arrived at Kassandra's location, where they witnessed Kassandra battling Stormtroopers and Cybermen along with two Rebels with her Keyblade…


    Huh… looks like she’s handling herself pretty well,” Lotte commented. Meanwhile, as Ursula watched, she recognized the weapon Kassandra was using, thinking to herself, ‘Wait, is that… a Keyblade?!’ “Should we help?” Jasminka questioned. “Oh yeah!” Amanda replied, “Time to teach these New World Order punks once again not to mess wi-” “No,” Ursula interrupted Amanda, “Let Kassandra and the others continue battling. There’s something I want to see.” “Wait… seriously?” Amanda questioned, as she and the others in the group were surprised by what Ursula just said. “Ursula… are you sure about this?” Diana asked. “Yes,” Ursula responded, “I promise, if things look bad for Kassandra and her group, then we get involved. But right now, I really want to see how she can deal with the enemy right now.


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    Connor and his group of Rebels slowly made their way through the city, not seeing a single sign of life as they passed by countless damaged buildings. “Is there anyone still living here?” Thor wondered out loud. “I do sense signs of life not too far from here,” Mewtwo responded, “We simply must keep looking.” As the group kept searching, the Terminator suddenly noticed something. “Two lifeforms detected over there,” the Terminator said, pointing to a location not too far from where the group was. Looking to where the Terminator was pointing, the group noticed a little boy and girl, most likely siblings, peeking at the group from a side of a building. Smiling upon noticing them, Rini called out to the two kids, saying, “Hey there! Are you lost?” Appearing frightful, the two kids backed away a bit, with Rini having a concerned look on her face as she said, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” “Hey, Rini, let me give it a try,” Darien told Rini as he looked at the children, trying to brush up on his Arabic as he tried communicating with them in their own language, “Nahno ashab.” “What did you just tell them?” Sammy asked Darien. “I just said that we were friends,” Darien replied. The two children looked at each other, and ran towards the street behind them. “Wait!” Connor cried, rushing towards the direction where the children ran while followed by the rest of his group. Eventually, the group arrived at an empty street, where buildings on both sides of the street were damaged like all the others they’ve seen earlier. “Empty…” Dick commented, looking around. Having a gut feeling that there were people around, Connor yelled out, “I am Ratonhnhaké:ton! I have come to find Riad Mousa al-Asaad to help him and the local Rebels in their fight against the New World Order. Please, let me help!” After a few moments of silence, it seemed like there really wasn’t anyone nearby, and that Connor and the others would have to continue searching for the local Rebels. However, just then, the group noticed people peeking out of the damaged buildings from both sides of the street, seemingly recognizing Connor. “Connor, I think we finally found them,” Katniss told Connor, who was happy to see the locals finally appear. The people in the buildings, consisting of different age groups, then began to emerge, forming into a crowd that approached the group, full of happiness to see the leader of the Rebel Alliance himself arrive with his group. Connor and many members of his group were happy to see many smiling faces surround them as they greeted them and welcomed them with cheers. “Wow, they’re so hospitable,” Star commented as an elderly woman wearing a hijab was hugging her and kissing her in her cheeks while telling her in Arabic ‘May God protect and preserve you’. Bonnie and her Dedenne were jumping around in joy as women were throwing rice in the air to celebrate. Approaching Serena, a little girl smiled and showed Serena a rose, saying, "Hayda la ileek." "What did she say?" Rini wondered out loud. "I think she told Serena that she can have the rose," Darien said, translating what the little Syrian girl said. Looking around, Connor eventually found Riad Mousa al-Asaad, leader of the Rebels in the Middle East, slowly walking towards the group with the help of a cane…


    Ratonhnhaké:ton! Ahlan wa sahlan,” Riad greeted Connor in Arabic before switching to a language Connor's group would understand, “It is a pleasure to finally meet you face to face.” “The pleasure is all mine, Riad,” Connor replied as the two shook hands.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    Xehanort?” Sunburst wondered out loud. “Yes,” Luke replied, “A silver haired boy wielding a Keyblade who refers to himself as the Descendant of Sauron.” Gasping upon hearing what Luke just said and realizing the seriousness of the situation, Sunburst exclaimed, “No way…” Nodding, Luke continued, “It seems Xehanort also has the full backing of the New World Order, as he is accompanied by Stormtroopers and Cybermen at his side wherever he goes.” “So… if we are to stop Xehanort…” Sunburst pondered out loud. “Then we would also have to stop the New World Order,” Lydia said, finishing Sunburst’s sentence. “And for that, I do think it is time we Keyblade wielders join together to defeat the New World Order and stop Xehanort before he is able to achieve what he plans to do,” Luke said. “Understood, Master,” Sunburst replied, “I’ll do whatever it takes.” “Speaking of which… if I remember correctly, you left to join the Rebels right before it was time for your Mark of Mastery Exam,” Luke told the pony. “Oh, right…” Sunburst replied as he sweatdropped.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums~


    On the way to Marle, Finn was passing through the slums of Irkutsk along with Leia, Rey, and BB-8. But as they walked, Leia couldn’t help but notice locals giving Finn a weird look. “I don’t get it… why do they look at you like that?” Leia asked. “Isn’t it obvious?” Finn asked, “Look at the color of my skin. It’s not very common to see people like me in Russia, of all places. To the locals, I pretty much stick out like a sore thumb.” “Huh… well that’s not nice,” Leia replied, “Oh, I know!” Leia then suddenly wrapped her arms around Finn’s right arm, much to his surprise. “W-What are you doing?” Finn questioned. “Rey, you do the same as well,” Leia requested of Rey before shifting her attention back to Finn, “If we make it look as though you have girlfriends who look like they’re from around here, then maybe the locals won’t look at you so strangely.” “Wait, what?!” a flustered Finn questioned while blushing, “That’s not making the situation better! You’re just making me look like a pimp!” “Oh come on, doesn’t hurt to try,” Leia responded with a flirty tone to her voice, “Come on, Rey. Do it!


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    "So Cal... what was the reason you reached out to me in the first place?" Cere asked. "Well, Kristoff and his group needed some help," Cal responded. "Yeah, the thing is... we parted ways with a different group of Rebels back in Kentucky," Kristoff added, "So we've been on the road ever since. I was thinking of maybe meeting up with the North American Rebel leader, Jeffrey Mace, hoping he can help us out. Cal said you might be able take care of that for us." "I might," Cere commented, "But it'll cost you." "As in... money?" Olaf asked. "Actually, volunteer work," Cere replied, "As Cal knows, Greez has a ship he uses to transfer supplies to different Rebel cells across North America. We're already on a tight schedule. We had to heavily adjust prior arrangements just to make time to meet you all today. Now I don't mind taking you to meet Mace, but it'll require you to spend time on Greez's ship for a few days, helping us deliver supplies to Rebels on time. Once our schedule is free, we'll be more than happy to take you to Jeffrey Mace himself. But that's the best offer I can give." "Well, Kristoff... what do you think?" Cal asked. Sighing, Kristoff looked at Saphir, Olaf, Anna, and Elsa, and finally said, "I guess we have no choice. Alright, we'll take it... unless someone has objections?" Olaf simply shook his head while Saphir replied, "Nope. Nothing from me."


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    Alright guys, listen up,” Sunset Shimmer told Wanda, Pietro, and Peter as they were gathered while Stormtroopers monitored them, “Today, we’ll be doing something a little different than what we’ve been doing before with testing your powers. Dr. List has prepared an obstacle course that you will all take part in to bring out the full potential of your powers. This obstacle course will not only require you to go from Point A to Point B. You will also be dealing with Stormtroopers and Cybermen who’ll get in your way. Don’t worry, they will only use non-lethal weapons against you. So suit up, and get yourselves ready. Any questions?” Peter, Wanda, and Pietro simply shook their heads, and Sunset Shimmer said, “All right. Then let’s get to work.


    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    A fierce battle was ongoing in the outskirts of Siwa, Egypt, where Bayek and his wife, Aya, were leading Rebel forces battling Stormtroopers, Cybermen, and multiple AT-ST walkers. Using his khopesh, Bayek slashed several Stormtroopers while also using his bow to shoot arrows with a sonic stabilizer on their tips towards Cybermen in order to weaken their metal and make them vulnerable to attack.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 14, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Meilin Lee
    Doing one quick reserve...

    Description: An elderly woman living in the slums of Irkutsk in Russia who is good friends with Leia. Marle owns a small food distribution company, using it to secretly provide local Rebels with food, something she has done ever since becoming sympathetic to the Rebel cause.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Final Fantasy 7 Remake
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 9, 2020 in forum: OOC Lounge
  15. Meilin Lee
    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    I’ll take tea, thank you,” Luke told Gia, picking the cup of tea, while Lydia decided to go with hot chocolate. As both Luke and Lydia took a sip of their drinks, Sunburst looked at Lydia, asking, “So, your name is Lydia, huh? Are you training under Master Skywalker to be a Keyblade Master too?” “Correct,” Lydia responded, “But, before… I was training under his granddaughter, Korrina.” “Korrina…” Sunburst remarked, realizing that despite the fact the Lucario with Luke belonged to Korrina, Korrina was nowhere to be seen, while also remembering that Shalour City was taken back by the New World Order some time ago, “Wait… Master, regarding Korrina… is she…?” Noticing the somber look on Luke’s face, Sunburst realized that Korrina was indeed dead, feeling sad for his master’s loss. “Master… I’m so sorry…” a saddened Sunburst said as he lowered his head. “My granddaughter died trying to protect the Tower of Mastery, as was her duty,” Luke replied, “She may be gone, but I will not allow her death to be in vain. That is why I am here. Because we Keyblade wielders need to get ourselves ready for the battle ahead.” “You mean, against the New World Order?” Sunburst asked. “The New World Order must certainly be dealt with, for sure,” Luke replied, “But the threat I’m talking about is even worse. It’s in the form of a Seeker of Darkness, going by the name of Xehanort.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Rebel Hideout~


    Finn,” Nikolai called out to Finn as he entered the room where Finn and the other Rebels were, “I need you to go to Marle and have her order these food items for us.” Approaching Finn, Nikolai handed him a list, as well as an envelope containing Gil. “And make sure she is paid,” Nikolai continued, “Leia and Rey can join you.” “Copy that,” Finn replied as he looked at Leia and Rey, “Shall we?


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Sounds good!” Lt. Surge remarked after Lita accepted his offer to take part in a mission, “We’ll be leavin’ aftah breakfast. If ya also know anyone else who’d like ta join as well, we won’t say no ta more volunteers.” Lt. Surge and his Raichu then left for breakfast.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil~


    Arriving to a location near the Carioca Aqueduct, Kassandra and the two Rebels accompanying her stopped as they noticed additional Stormtroopers, along with several Cybermen, in their way, pointing their weapons at them. Realizing they were now surrounded, Kassandra and the two Rebels accompanying her realized that they would have to fight. “Put your hands in the air, now!” one of the Stormtroopers ordered the Rebels. Grinning, Kassandra said, “Big mistake.

    Extending her arm out, Kassandra summoned a Keybalde, ready to battle the New World Order forces.


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    “All right, I’ll be right back with those drinks,” the waitress told the group, “Take as much time as you need to go through the menu. No rush. You can order whenever yer ready.” “Thank you,” Saphir thanked the waitress as she left. Just then Cal noticed two individuals heading towards his group’s table, instantly recognizing them…


    Well, well, well…” Cere remarked as she and Greez joined the others at the table, “Cal Kestis. Never thought I’d hear from you again, especially when you made it clear you were a one man show.” “Heh, Cere… man, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” Cal replied, happy to see Cere again after not seeing her for about a month, “Greez, good to see you too.” “Glad to see you’re still managing to survive kid,” the four-armed Greez said, “And it looks like you’ve made some friends along the way too.” “Y-Yeah…” Cal replied before realizing he should introduce Cere and Greez to the others, “Uhh, guys, this is Cere, the person I’ve told you all about who was supposed to meet us here. And this is Greez, a smuggler who works for the Rebels under Cere’s supervision.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Kristoff told Cere and Greez, “I’m Kristoff, from Arendelle.” “And I’m Olaf!” Olaf added, “It’s nice to get to meet Cal’s friends!” Looking at Cere and Greez, Saphir said, “And I’m-” “I know who you are,” Cere interrupted Saphir before turning to look at Cal, “I see you’ve not only got the Arendelle royal sisters, Anna and Elsa, in your group, but also Saphir… brother to Demande, the New World Order regional governor of Europe… Cal, are you crazy?!” “It’s okay,” Cal said, trying to reassure Cere, “I think we can trust Saphir.” Taking another look at Saphir, Cere sighed as she said, “Alright. I’ll take your word for it, Cal.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Entering the police headquarters while his Murkrow, Kuro, remained on his shoulder, Shirou Ogami looked around, and noticed Looker and Officer Jenny approaching him…


    Ogami! Thank you for coming,” Looker thanked Shirou. “You called?” Shirou questioned. “As a matter of fact, yes,” Looker responded to the private investigator, “Please follow Officer Jenny. She’ll explain everything on the way to the conference room.” “Very well,” Shirou said as Officer Jenny led him towards the conference room while Looker was gathering all the officers in the building to go to the conference room to hear what Vanitas had to say.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~


    As the Holonet News channel was on television, Skye and Shining Armor watched as Grand Moff Dolores Umbridge was being interviewed by Malva regarding the current war between the New World Order and the Rebels…


    ... They are not Rebels,” Umbridge said during her interview, “They are terrorists, and they should be treated as such.” “And what do you plan to discuss during the session between the Grand Moffs and the Supreme Leaders tomorrow?” Malva questioned. “What I plan to do is lay out a proposal to triple our efforts in targeting not only Rebels, but those suspected of having ties with them, using any and all means necessary,” Umbridge replied, “This infestation needs to be exterminated. We will have order!” Switching the television off, Skye sarcastically remarked, “I bet she’d be great to hang around with.” “Either way… we have to keep taking these threats seriously,” Shining Armor responded, with Skye nodded in agreement.


    ~Siberia, Russia~


    Connor!” Darien called out to the Rebel leader as he, along with Rini, Sammy, Serena, and Luna joined Connor and the rest of the Rebels outside, ready to teleport to Syria. “Darien, there you are,” Connor replied. “Is that everyone?” Katniss questioned. “Looks like it,” Dick replied. “In that case… Discord, take us to Syria now,” Connor ordered Discord. “Yes, sir,” Discord replied, “Going to Syria in 3… 2… 1…” Discord then clapped his paws, and the entire group was teleported away. Meanwhile, having watched Connor’s group teleport away, Tom leaned against the side of a building as he pondered to himself…


    Good luck, Star,” Tom quietly said to himself, wondering when he’d meet Star again.


    ~Aleppo, Syria - Old Fortress~


    Connor and the rest of the Rebels teleported to an old fortress, with Discord remarking, “We’re here!” “So, this is Syria?” Marco asked. “It sure is,” Discord replied, “Aleppo, to be more specific. Or as it’s referred to by locals, ‘Halab’.” “Well, then what are we waiting for? Let’s check it out!” Ritchie exclaimed. “Pika!” Sparky concurred. The group then headed towards the ancient fortress’s exit. But once they stepped outside, many members of the group were horrified by the sight of the city…

    Aleppo was a city completely in ruins, damaged by years of war, now looking like a ghost town. “My goodness… it’s hard to believe this was once a vibrant place,” Clemont remarked. “I heard things were bad in Syria, but I didn’t know they were this bad,” Luna added. “What you see is the result of close to three years of war that ravaged this country,” Connor said, “Even before the New World Order came to be, the Syrians were battling a bloody civil war. Now, they have to either submit to the will of the New World Order, or fight. Aleppo, in particular, has been a stronghold for rebels during the Syrian Civil War, and once again in their resistance to the New World Order. Let us go. We need to meet up with the local Rebels.” The other Rebels nodded as they began following Connor in heading towards the city. Meanwhile, the more Rini stared at the destruction in the city, the more she began to reminisce of the destruction she experienced herself in the future.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 9, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Meilin Lee
    The official 'Kingdom Hearts III' Japanese website was updated today, revealing the entire tracklist for the soundtrack, finally providing us official names for tracks we've heard not only from 'Kingdom Hearts III', but also in 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue as well as in Unchained X[chi]! Check out the tracklist below:

    • 1 誓い -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version-
    • 2 Face My Fears -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version-
    • 3 Dearly Beloved -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 4 Face My Fears (Japanese Version)
    • 5 Dive into the Heart -Destati- Third Inception
    • 6 Burning Ambition
    • 7 Return of the Titans
    • 8 Mount Olympus
    • 9 Hero's Fanfare
    • 10 The Deep End -Rock Titan's Rage-
    • 11 Olympus Coliseum -The Shining Summit-
    • 12 Go for It! -Into the Clouds-
    • 13 Titanic Clash
    • 14 Sky of Wonder
    • 15 First Flight
    • 16 Engage!
    • 17 Heart of Mystery
    • 18 The Afternoon Streets -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 19 Working Together -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 20 Pixel Hero
    • 21 The Little Chef
    • 1 Dearly Beloved -Forest Memory-
    • 2 VERUM REX
    • 3 君はともだち -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 4 Toy Box Jam
    • 5 Shrouding Dark Cloud -Gigas Blast-
    • 6 It's a New Record!
    • 7 The Corrupted -Monstrous Monsters-
    • 8 Sora -Orchestra of Toads-
    • 9 Tension Rising -Angelic Amber-
    • 10 Friendship's Union
    • 11 Skyward Striker
    • 12 Happy Hair Day
    • 13 Swingin' Free
    • 14 Happy Hair Day -Into the Forest Deep-
    • 15 Swingin' Free -Into the Forest Deep-
    • 16 Maximus's Matchup
    • 17 Rowdy Rumble -The Crazy Carriage-
    • 18 Say Cheese!
    • 19 Sunshine Dancer
    • 20 Lanterns in the Sky
    • 21 Tension Rising -Reaper's Revenge-
    • 22 The Lost Princess
    • 23 The Falling
    • 24 Anger Unchained
    • 25 Teardrop of the Sun
    • 1 Shipmeisters' Shanty -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 2 Blast Off! -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 3 Star Explorer
    • 4 Lock, Load, and Blast!
    • 5 Crossing the Finish Line -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 6 Monstropolis Now
    • 7 Monster Smash!
    • 8 Zero Hour -The Chase-
    • 9 Monstropolis Now -Code 72-16-
    • 10 Monster Smash! -Code 72-16-
    • 11 Unforgettable -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 12 Dual Hearts
    • 13 くまのプーさん -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 14 Bounce-O-Rama -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 15 Little Lovely Moments
    • 16 Go! Go! Rumble Racer -Pudding Grand Prix-
    • 17 Flantastic Fight
    • 18 Hand in Hand -Attraction Flow Version-
    • 19 Dream Eaters -Attraction Flow Version-
    • 20 8Bit Smasher -Attraction Flow Version-
    • 21 Savannah Pride -Attraction Flow Version-
    • 22 An Adventure in Atlantica -Attraction Flow Version-
    • 23 Mákaukau? -Attraction Flow Version-
    1 Frozen Wonderland
    2 Miracle on Ice
    3 Frozen Wonderland -Eternal Winter-
    4 Miracle on Ice -Eternal Winter-
    5 レット・イット・ゴー 〜ありのままで〜
    6 Sky High Slider
    7 The Coolest Contest
    8 Frozen Heart
    9 No Surrender!
    10 True Love
    11 A Pirate's Adventure
    12 Flags of Fury
    13 A Pirate's Freedom
    14 Winds of Fate
    15 Flags of Fury -Leviathan Awakened-
    16 Hearts of Courage
    17 Eye of the Storm
    18 The Victorious
    • 1 The Encounter -Metal Charge-
    • 2 AR -Augmented Rhythm-
    • 3 Robot Overdrive
    • 4 Heroes' Gathering
    • 5 Flash Tracer
    • 6 Hero Upgrade
    • 7 Data Trace Complete
    • 8 Zero Hour -The Rescue-
    • 9 Baymax Rebooted
    • 10 Aqua -Dark Dive-
    • 11 Enter the Darkness -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 12 Guardians of Light
    • 13 The Star Fortress
    • 15 Stranded Beyond
    • 16 Dive into the Heart -Destati- Third Revival
    • 17 Graveyard Labyrinth
    • 18 Rise of the Union
    • 19 Forze Del Male -Dark Riku-
    • 1 Organization XIII -Mark of Fate-
    • 2 Dawn of Hope
    • 3 Chains to Bonds
    • 4 Roxas's Return
    • 5 Hearts as One
    • 6 Forza Finale
    • 7 Scala ad Caelum
    • 8 Edge of Existence
    • 9 Replicas
    • 10 Critical Crossroad
    • 11 True Darkness
    • 12 Dark Domination
    • 13 光 -KINGDOM Tres Orchestra Instrumental Version-
    • 14 誓い
    • 15 Rhapsody in Tres for Piano, Chorus and Orchestra
    • 16 Epilogue
    • 17 Secrets of the Night
    • 1 Cavern of Remembrance -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version-
    • 2 L'Oscurità dell'Ignoto -Young Xehanort-
    • 3 L'Eminenza Oscura I -Ansem-
    • 4 L'Oscurità dell'Ignoto -Xemnas-
    • 5 The 13th Dilemma -Xigbar-
    • 6 The 13th Dilemma -Saïx-
    • 7 The 13th Struggle -Luxord-
    • 8 Lord of the Castle -Marluxia-
    • 9 The 13th Struggle -Larxene-
    • 10 Dismiss -Terra-Xehanort-
    • 11 Vector to the Heavens -Xion-
    • 12 Forze dell'Oscurita -Xehanort-
    • 13 Key of the Brave
    • 14 Link to All -Lights of Destiny-
    • 1 Dearly Beloved -Unchained χ Version-
    • 2 Before The Daylight
    • 3 Wake Up, World!
    • 4 Mission Complete!
    • 5 Dearly Beloved -Union χ Version-
    • 6 Hand in Hand -Union χ Version-
    • 7 Game Central Station
    • 8 The Candy-Filled Kingdom
    • 9 The Fastest Racer
    • 10 A Nameless Planet
    • 11 Hero's Duty Troopers
    • 12 Welcome to Niceland
    • 13 I'm Gonna Wreck It!
    • 14 Dearly Beloved -χ Back Cover Version-
    • 15 Passing the Power
    • 16 The Foretellers
    • 17 Master of Masters
    • 18 光 -Ray Of Hope MIX-
    • 19 The World Within
    • 20 Forest of Thorns
    • 21 Aqua -Mirror Illusion-
    • 22 Wave of Darkness I
    • 23 Wave of Darkness II
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 25, 2020, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Meilin Lee
    Earlier today, Square-Enix confirmed that a playable demo of 'Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory', will be available in a few weeks during mid-October for the PS4, XBONE, and the Switch! We'll be sure to keep you updated once a specific date is announced!
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Sep 25, 2020, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Meilin Lee
    ~The Star Road Dimension: Azarath~


    And what of Red Skull?” Thanos asked as Ronan and Nehelenia were explaining to him what’s been happening since Zordon defeated him decades ago. “He followed Zordon to the Earth dimension because he took the Relic with him,” Ronan responded. “But I heard that Red Skull was defeated a few years after his arrival to Earth,” Nehelenia added, “I believe the S-types are now led by one of their kind who goes by the name of Astral.” “Hmph, so the S-types continued on their quest to get control of the Relic,” Thanos remarked, “That object served no purpose to me other than to open a path to the Earth dimension. But with the path between the two dimensions remaining open, the Relic is of no use to me anymore. What matters now is finishing what my mother started. Speaking of which… care to explain why my mother’s vast empire has been reduced to just the planet of Xandar?” “Well, you see… Taneleer has retreated to Knowhere, while Malekith remains in hibernation, leaving Nehelenia and myself to try and manage it on our own,” Ronan responded. “The news of both your mother’s death and your defeat led to many planets rising up against the empire,” Nehelenia added, “Now we’re facing off not only against the rebels on Xandar, but also against the Galactic Federation, which is made up of all the planets in the Star Road dimension formerly controlled by the empire.” Not appearing to be satisfied with their answer, Thanos approached the two as he said, “I think you two have misunderstood. I asked for a reason why the empire has been failing all these years, not for your pathetic excuses.” Trembling, both Ronan and Nehelenia knelt down in fear, with Ronan saying, “Forgive us, Thanos. We clearly were not capable of maintaining the empire with the absence of you and Queen Beryl.” “We will do anything to redeem ourselves,” Nehelenia added. As he pondered their words, Thanos said, “Very well. I will give you a chance to prove yourselves.” “Thank you, Thanos,” Ronan thanked Thanos. “How shall we prove ourselves?” Nehelenia questioned. Showing them his Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos replied, “When Zordon defeated me, three Infinity Stones were displaced from my gauntlet. I want those stones retrieved and brought back to me.” “We will certainly make sure to try and locate them, Thanos,” Ronan said, with Nehelenia nodding in concurrence with Ronan. “Good,” Thanos replied, “There is something else I would like to know as well. Where are my daughters?


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    I would very much like that, thank you,” Luke responded to Gia. “Please, make yourselves at home,” Sunburst told Luke, Lydia, and Lucario. "Thank you, Sunburst," Luke responded as he, Lydia, and Lucario found some seats near a table to sit in.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil~


    As Akko and the others traversed across the city, passing through the large crowds, they heard a commotion nearby, wondering what was going on. “Huh? What could that be?” Akko wondered out loud. “This way,” Sucy replied, leading the group towards the source of the commotion. Once they were close enough, they noticed Stormtroopers chasing Kassandra (who Akko and the others were looking for) and two other Rebels…


    “Stop right there!” one of the Stormtroopers ordered Kassandra as she and the other two Rebels with her were running away from the Stormtroopers. Gasping, Ursula said, “It’s Kassandra!” “What do we do?” Lotte questioned. “We follow them, of course!” Amanda replied as she immediately started running. Sighing, Diana remarked, “Guess we’re doing this again.” Diana and the others then proceeded to follow Amanda, expecting to get in trouble with the New World Order once again.


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    “Hey there, hon,” a middle aged waitress speaking with a Midwestern accent greeted Cal as he entered the diner known as Penny’s Place along with the others, “How many will it be?” “Uhh, I think there’s a reservation for a big party under the name Cere,” Cal replied. Looking through a list on a clipboard, the waitress nodded as she said, “Yep, we got a table setup for ya. Follow me.” Nodding, Cal and the others followed the waitress, who led them to a large table. “Looks like Cere isn’t here yet. Guess we’re going to have to wait for her,” Cal told the group as they took a seat. Meanwhile, Saphir noticed Elsa writing something in the parchment, figuring it was for Harold. “So, can I getcha anything to drink while you look at the menu?” the waitress asked the group. “I’ll just have an OJ,” Cal responded. “Same thing,” Saphir added. “OJ and coffee. With cream and sugar, please,” Kristoff told the waitress. “I’ll just have iced water,” Olaf said. “And what about you, dears?” the waitress asked Anna and Elsa.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Noticing Lita cooking with the other cooks while Ami assisted her, Lt. Surge walked over to her as he said, “‘ey there… Lita, was it? Ya know, Finnick actually told me how he helped ya practice yer punches last week. Said you were pretty good. He also recommended ya as a volunteer for any future missions. Well, a couple of us are gonna be takin’ part in a mission later today. Dat somethin’ you’d be interested in?


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Rebel Hideout~


    Only if we storm another New World Order base or facility,” Finn replied to Red XIII when he mentioned the possibility of finding other Summon Materia, “Which I am not looking forward to.” “Anyway, I’ll just be leavin’ this here,” Cid commented as he placed the box he was carrying on a nearby table, “It’s full of Magic Materia. They're the green ones. Feel free to take any you’d like.” “Thanks, Cid,” Sabine thanked Cid, grabbing a Fire Materia, while Gilda grabbed a Wind Materia, and Galina grabbed an Ice Materia. “You gonna pick one for yourself?” Finn asked Natasha. “Hmm… I’d rather think about it first,” Natasha responded. “Fair enough,” Finn said before turning to face Leia, “How about you, Leia?” “Hmm…” Leia pondered out loud as she looked at the Materia inside the box, grabbing three of them (Fire, Ice, and Lightning), and then grabbing her nearby blaster, “I’m gonna see if I can attach these three to my blaster. That way, I’d be able to do a lot more than just shoot.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Ah, good morning, Vanitas!” Looker greeted Vanitas as the Inquisitor entered the police headquarters along with two Stormtroopers, carrying a wet umbrella, “How are you today?” “Wet,” Vanitas replied as he put his umbrella aside, “But, I’m ready to get to work. So, is that private investigator on his way?” “As a matter of fact, yes,” Looker answered. “Good,” Vanitas remarked, “I’m gonna be in the conference room setting things up. Once that private eye is here, I want him, along with every officer in the building attending the conference room for a mandatory briefing.” “Yes, sir,” Looker responded with a nod as Vanitas and his Stormtroopers headed to the conference room.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground (Jeffrey Mace’s Office)~


    Mace, quick question,” Hunter said as he entered Mace’s office. “No, this wasn't us,” Mace responded, thinking that Hunter was going to ask about the attack in Buffalo. “Oh, tha... uh, great,” Hunter said, “Um... May said I'd be going on a mission with Bobbi?” “Is that gonna be a problem?” Jeffrey asked. “Did she say it was gonna be a problem?” Hunter questioned. “I won't dignify that with a response,” Mace responded. “So... she... didn't?” Hunter continued asking. “I think we all know how you feel about your ex-wife,” Jeffrey replied, “But if it's too complicated, then by all means.” As Mace pointed out the door to signal to Hunter that he could opt out of the mission if he wanted to, he continued, “We’re at war. And instead of using their own forces to destroy us, the New World Order are now making us look like the bad guys.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Restaurant~


    Well, if our visits to China and here in Russia are any indication, we’d most likely be helping them out,” Darien responded. “Yep,” Rini concurred with a nod. Eventually, Darien, Rini, and Sammy were finished with their breakfast, with Darien commenting, “Well, time to go outside and join the others.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 25, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Meilin Lee
    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Good morning girls!” Grandpa Hino greeted Ami and Lita in the kitchen as he entered with Chad, “Don’t mind me. I’ll just be taking some of this food out for the others outside.” “Piplup!” Chad concurred as he and Grandpa both carried trays of food and were about to head out. But before they left the kitchen, Lt. Surge arrived with his Raichu…


    Well, good morning there, Lieutenant!” Grandpa Hino greeted Lt. Surge, “How’re things going?” “Pretty okay, I guess,” Surge responded, “Me an’ a couple o’ guys will be goin’ to Gringey City, infiltratin’ an old factory. There may be somethin’ ovah there dat Hiro is lookin’ for. I’m just checkin’ around ta see if anyone else would like ta volunteer for da mission.” “Oh, I see,” Grandpa said, “Well, I would gladly volunteer, but I’m pretty sure Rei would go crazy if I did, saying I’m too old or I’m no spring chicken. Sorry, Lieutenant. Wish I could help.” “Dat’s alright,” Surge replied, with Grandpa giving a nod as he and Chad exited the kitchen to hand out food outside.


    ~The Star Road Dimension: Azarath~


    As Ronan and Nehelenia continued passing through the many ruins of Azarath, Ronan suddenly stopped, with Nehelenia asking, “What is it?” “I don’t think we’re alone…” Ronan replied. Looking around to see if someone was watching them, Ronan and Nehelenia suddenly noticed certain dark creatures appear, surrounding them…


    Gasping as she noticed them, Nehelenia cried, “What are they?!” “Creatures of darkness it seems,” Ronan replied, “Come now, my queen! Let us make sure these creatures learn to never oppose us!” Nodding, Nehelenia began blasting a couple of Shadows and Neoshadows with energy waves trying to avoid their Scratch attacks. Ronan, meanwhile, used his Cosmi-Rod to blast a concussive force at Shadows, sending them flying away, while also swinging his weapon to smash and defeat Darkballs while avoiding there attacks as they thrashed while floating in the air. One of the Darkballs, however, reduced itself to a small, purple cloud, flying towards Nehelenia. “Nehelenia, watch out!” Ronan cried. Hearing Ronan calling out to her, Nehelenia got out of the way, with the Darkball that tried to attack her reverting back to its original self, only to get blasted by Nehelenia’s energy wave. And as Ronana and Nehelenia continued battling these monsters, they suddenly heard a voice say, “Enough!” Upon hearing the voice, the monsters teleported away, surprising Ronan and Nehelenia. “Who’s there? Show yourself!” Ronan demanded.

    Ronan and Nehelenia then heard footsteps approaching them. Looking to see who was coming, the two were stunned. Walking towards them was a towering 8 foot tall figure, someone who Ronan and Nehelenia instantly recognized as Thanos…


    It cannot be…” Ronan remarked as he dropped his weapon. “Thanos… how is it possible?” Nehelenia questioned. Looking at the two, Thanos simply grinned.


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School (Hallway)~


    Hey, Anais,” Peni greeted Anais in the hallway where Anais was grabbing text books from her locker. “Hey, Peni. Good morning,” Anais replied as she closed her locker, “So, any luck catching a glimpse of Spider-Woman while using your suit?” “Nah, no luck so far,” Peni replied as she and Anais were walking down the hallway. “I see,” Anais said, “Don’t give up, I’m sure you’ll get a chance to meet her again.” “Thanks, Anais,” Peni thanked Anais, “I’m actually gonna give it another try tonight.” “I see. Wish I could help out, but my family’s going to go watch a movie tonight,” Anais replied. “Oh, cool!” Peni exclaimed, “What movie are you going to see?” “Don’t remember the title. It’s some romantic movie set in London… blegh,” Anais responded, expressing her disgust at watching a movie dealing with romance, “It’s one of the few movies releasing this month that haven’t been banned by the New World Order.” “Ah, sorry,” Peni said, feeling sorry Anais had to sit through a movie like that, “Well, at least you can poke fun of it after you finish watching it.” The two eventually passed by a cabinet displaying trophies won by the school’s sports teams over the years. As they stopped and took a look at the cabinet, they noticed one particular trophy won by the Nintendo High School girls basketball team last year for winning a basketball tournament in the country, making them the best team in Japan the previous year. Near the trophy was a photo of the team:

    Yeah, I remember them,” an elderly janitor with glasses told Peni and Anais as he was mopping near them…


    They were some of the best basketball players I’ve ever seen in my life,” the janitor continued as he proceeded mopping the floor. “That’s so amazing,” Peni commented as she gazed at the trophy and the picture of the team, “I remember going to one of their games. They certainly made an impact. It was all thanks to their leader, Michiru Kagemori. She’s the second one from the right in the photo. She really knew how to lead the team to victory after victory. She inspired many that year.” “She was a senior last year, wasn’t she?” Anais asked, “She graduated, right?” “Yeah,” Peni replied, “In a way, what she did last year for me is very similar to what Spider-Woman did for me this year. Someone to look up to and inspire me to be the best I can be. I’m no good at sports, but, if I can get to fight crime with my suit and save lives… I hope I can inspire others as well just like Michiru and Spider-Woman.” “So that’s why deep down you feel like you need to do all this,” Anais commented. Peni responded with a nod, feeling positive about continuing to try and perfect her suit to be able to do what Spider-Woman does.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    You want me to drop the case?” Jenny asked Looker while seated in her desk as the two of them were drinking coffee. “More like putting it to the backburner for now,” Looker replied, “The Punisher hasn’t committed any attacks since last week. And right now, the New World Order is pushing us to focus on particular cases.” “You mean like that threat of a theft in Tokyo Cathedral?” Officer Jenny asked. “Well, since the threat appears to be from someone associated with Rangers or Riders, the New World Order of course wants us to focus on that even if nothing’s happened yet,” Looker replied, “Hence Why I have Carter and Eppes continuing to patrol the area right now. Anyway, as far as you’re concerned, the New World Order wants us to investigate and locate potential Rebels in the city. Vanitas and his Stormtroopers will be leading the effort.” “I see,” Jenny commented as she took a sip of her coffee, “Anything else?” “Well, we were asked to get any help we could with these investigations we’re about to do, so we called in Ogami,” Looker replied. “Already? We don’t usually hire him until we arrive at an absolute dead end with cases,” Jenny commented. “I know, but the New World Order wants us to be fully prepared to deal with Rebels as quickly as possible,” Looker replied, “So if that means hiring someone to help expedite the process, then that’s what we’ll do.” “Very well,” Jenny said as she drank her coffee, feeling slightly miffed that the New World Order is making them focus on trying to deal with Rebels more than what they regularly focus on.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    Y-Yeah, that’s him,” Sunburst replied to Kira as he approached Luke, with a look of guilt on his face, “M-Master, I… I… I’m so sorry!” Sunburst then gave Skywalker a bow as he continued with a remorseful tone, “Please forgive me for leaving you so quickly so I could join the Rebels.” Smiling, Luke knelt and placed his hand over Sunburst’s head, telling him, “There is no need to apologize, Sunburst. All is forgiven. You simply did what your heart felt was right. As a matter of fact, you have my full blessing in joining the Rebel Alliance.” “Master…” Sunburst replied as he looked up at Luke with a smile of relief, “Thank you…” Getting back up, Luke noticed Sunburst’s fellow Rebel friends, telling them, “I apologize for coming in uninvited, but I had to come see my apprentice regarding an urgent matter. My name is Luke Skywalker. This is Lydia, and over here is my Lucario.




    Well, having survived the Great Purge like me, Cere tries to keep a low profile in order to avoid getting caught by the New World Order. Probably why she preferred we meet in some rural town in Wisconsin,” Cal responded to Elsa, “Given her military background, I’m sure she knows what she’s doing. Which reminds me, we all gotta keep a low profile, especially with the New World Order looking for Saphir, along with you and your sister.” “Hey Cal, I think this is it,” Kristoff said, driving the truck to a family owned diner called Penny's Place. “Yep, this is definitely the place,” Cal responded. “Good, ‘cause I’m starving,” Kristoff said as he parked the truck next to the diner, “I'm really craving some protein right now.” “Now remember what I said, low profile, we don’t wanna attract any attention,” Cal warned the others as he stepped out of the truck while BD-1 got up on his shoulder. “Got it,” Spahir replied as he and Olaf stepped out as well. As for Kristoff, he went over to Sven in the back of the truck, telling him, “Hey Sven, I’m gonna need you to stay outside for a bit, okay?” Noticing the disappointed look on Sven’s face, Kristoff voiced Sven's thoughts in a gruff, goofy, exaggerated tone, saying, “But it’s not fair that you get to go inside and eat while I’m left out here to starve!” “Alright, well how ‘bout I see if I can get you something to eat once we’re done,” Kristoff told his reindeer, “I’m sure they’ve got something that is reindeer-edible.” Smiling, Sven nodded to indicate he was good with what Kristoff suggested.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Restaurant~


    So, you sure you’ll be fine here on your own while we leave?” Marco asked Tom as they were having breakfast along with Star. “It’s probably for the best,” Tom replied as he looked at Star, “I don’t think Star is ready to forgive me for the way I acted right before we broke up. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’d be happy to help out the Rebels here.” As she stopped eating upon hearing what Tom just said, Star sighed as she looked at him and said, “Just… be careful, okay? Just because we broke up on bad terms, and even if it still upsets me at times... doesn’t mean I’m not worried about you. If things work out… I’d… I’d like us to be friends. Okay Tom?” Surprised by what he heard Star say, Tom smiled as he replied, “Thanks, Star, that’s all I wanted to hear.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Rebel Hideout~


    But y’know, I didn’ stop there,” Cid remarked, “I figured, if the New World Order can make Summon Materia based on mythological beings, why can’t I put my own spin into the Materia.” “Cid… where are you going with this?” Finn asked, not sure he was liking where this discussion was going. “Heh, this!” Cid replied as he took out another red Materia from his box, “While I was analyzin’ Rey’s Summon Materia, I realized I could do some reverse engineerin’, and I created a Summon Materia of my own. But this one doesn’t use the power of some mythological beast. Instead, it uses the power of the Millenium Falcon!” “...What?” a confused Finn questioned, trying to make sure he heard Cid correctly. “You heard me. This here Summon Materia projects the power of my own ship, right in the palm of your hands. And it’s all yours!” Cid told Finn, handing him the Millenium Falcon Summon Materia. “Uh, thanks…” Finn replied, not sure how a Summon Materia based on the Millenium Falcon would work in battle.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Restaurant (Again)~


    As Darien was having breakfast with Rini, Sammy, and Serena, Connor was walking past the group before he stopped to greet them…


    Good morning, my friends,” Connor greeted the group. “Morning, Connor,” Darien replied. “Aren’t you going to eat something?” Rini asked. “I already had a quick bite,” Connor responded, “I need to take care of a few things before we all go to Syria.” “Understood. Take your time,” Darien said, with Connor nodding in reply as he left. “Wait, Syria… wasn’t there like a war or something over there?” Sammy asked. “Yeah,” Darien replied, “About three years ago, the people in the country began to revolt against the country’s dictator, leading to a deadly civil war. But when the New World Order took over the globe, now the Syrians are revolting against a different dictatorship. Their situation is really sad. They haven’t had peace in a long time.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil~


    As soon as she arrived to Rio de Janeiro with the others, Akko was scratching her head, wondering where the local Rebels that they were supposed to meet were located. “So anybody know where we promised to meet them?” Akko questioned. “Nope,” Amanda replied while Lotte and Sucy shook their heads. “Looks like we might be a little off,” Ursula commented. “Didn’t you follow the directions that Kassandra provided us?” Diana asked Constanze, who shrugged in response to indicate that she simply did as was told. “Well, I’m sure we’ll find Kassandra and the other local Rebels pretty soon,” Akko said, “But we need to go!” “But where?” Lotte asked. “Across the city?” Sucy questioned. “Yep. That’s the plan!” Akko responded as she turned around, heading towards the crowded downtown area. “Uh, Akko, wait up!” Lotte cried as she and the others followed Akko, trying to stay close to each other so they don’t get lost in the crowd.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    Good morning, Kevin,” Shuri greeted Kevin Flynn as she was having a video call with him on a tablet. “Morning to you, Shuri,” Kevin replied as he was speaking from the abandoned Japanese military base being used by the Rebels, “I believe you have some news regarding those Cybermen schematics we got from Scotland some time ago?” “Yes,” Shuri said, “Almost all of it was information we already knew, and is practically useless. But the detail that was truly important was in reference to the Master Control Program, or MCP for short. The MCP is what controls all the Cybermen around the world, and unless we get rid of it, we will never be able to end the threat of the Cybermen.” “Right,” Kevin said, “So what do you propose?” “Well, we will need to find a way to access the system where the MCP is located,” Shuri replied, “But even if we were able to create a link, we still need a way to deal with whatever the MCP sends our way. I suggest creating an MCP Eradication Program, as well as two separate programs to help transport the Eradication Program and deal with the MCP. What do you think?” As he pondered what Shuri told him, Kevin said, “I think that’s a good idea. Do you have some pseudocode prepared? Maybe I can start working on creating these programs.” “I’m glad you asked,” Shuri replied, “I’ll be sending over the pseudocode I’ve written right now. Feel free to make any changes that you feel are necessary.” “Will do,” Kevin said, “Thank you Shuri. Let’s meet again once I can provide you with an update on my progress.” Nodding, Shuri replied, “Sounds like a plan.” The video call then ended, and Shuri proceeded to forward three pseudocode files over to Kevin, with the files titled “EradicationProgram”, “Tron”, and “Quorra”.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~


    Watching the Holonet News channel on TV, Jessie, James, and Meowth were watching news coverage of an attack on a nursing home in Buffalo, New York, with the attack being blamed on Rebels…


    An attack today at a nursing home in Buffalo left dozens dead,” Malva announced on television. Just then, Jeffrey Mace passed by the trio, wanting to grab a mug in order to get a cup of coffee…


    Sir, this wasn't us, was it?” Jessie asked Mace in reference to what was shown on TV. “No, this has the New World Order’s fingerprints all over it,” Mace replied, “Apparently they’re trying a new tactic to try and cast us in a negative light.” “Hmm, they just won’t stop, will they…” James remarked as he crossed his arms. Grabbing a particular mug from a nearby cabinet, Mace showed it to the trio, asking, “Okay, who brought this mug?” Jessie and James suddenly looked at Meowth, thinking he was the one who brought it. “Huh, why are you lookin’ at me?” Meowth questioned. “Anyway, I want you three scouring government channels, see what we're up against,” Jeffrey ordered Jessie, James, and Meowth. “Yes, sir!” the trio responded as they all gave a salute and left to do as they were told. Meanwhile, Jeffrey poured some coffee into the mug he picked up earlier, and headed to his office, where he was approached by Jemma Simmons and Bobbie Morse…


    Just saw the news... we're not responsible for this, are we, sir?” Simmons questioned. Mace simply gave Jemma a look that could translate to ‘Really?’. “Didn't think so. Just wanted to triple-check,” Simmons said as she and Bobbi followed Mace into his office. “It seems that those that were killed just disintegrated after they were hit with a particular weapon,” Bobbi commented as she retrieved security footage of the attack using a tablet she was carrying, showing Jemma and Mace what the weapon that was used looked like. “Huh, I saw references to this weapon in the New World Order lab I infiltrated,” Jemma said upon recognizing the weapon that was used, “Yeah, sent from a demolitions expert, uh, I believe his name was Javert.” “Ah, Javert. I've crossed paths with him before,” Bobbi replied, “He has a private mansion over in Nantucket.” “Good. Then that's where you're going,” Mace told Bobbi, “We need to find the location of the next attack and stop it before it happens. May's taking point on this op. You can meet her and Hunter in the hangar.” “Hunter's going?” Bobbi questioned, surprised to hear that she’d be working with her ex-husband. Jeffrey simply nodded, and Bobbi said, “Got it. Thank you, sir.” Shifting his attention to Jemma, Mace said, “I need you to dig through the hard drive you brought back from Los Angeles.” “I'll find out whatever I can about those weapons,” Jemma replied as she left to do as she was instructed.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    Walking towards the other side of the research facility where the lights were off and it was hard to see things, Dr. List and Sunset Shimmer noticed Alpha 5 working with a tablet…


    Good morning, Alpha,” Sunset Shimmer greeted the robot. “Oh, good morning, Miss Shimmer,” Alpha responded. “Alpha, I need you to show her what I’ve been working on recently,” Dr. List ordered Alpha. Nodding, Alpha pressed a button on a nearby wall, with the lights in the area switching on, and revealing what appeared to be a very challenging obstacle course. “Hello… what do we have here?” Sunset Shimmer questioned. “An obstacle course,” Dr. List responded, “We can use it along with Stormtroopers and Cybermen to help train the subjects for combat.” “Huh, gotta say, I’m impressed, Doc,” Sunset Shimmer remarked, “And the subjects can use it as early as today?” “Absolutely,” Dr. List replied.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 13, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Meilin Lee
    Seven Days Later...

    ~The Current Day is now Friday, February 21, 2014~


    View attachment 50586

    December 19, 2013

    Ever since the days of the Crystal Order, the S-types have provided much valuable knowledge on the Star Road dimension, and what happened there. Originally, the S-types were led by a warlord named Thanos, who led conquests taking over planets to expand an empire led by his mother, Queen Beryl. But following Beryl’s death, Thanos seemed focused on capturing the Relic in order to use its Dimension Key capabilities to open a path into our dimension, destroying the planet of Azarath in the process. Unfortunately for Thanos, Zordon trapped him in an unreachable void called the Phantom Zone. The sage then headed towards the Earth dimension while followed by the S-types, now under the command of Red Skull, Astral’s predecessor. That event was the catalyst that led to the events we are experiencing on Earth right now. But why did Thanos so desperately want to come to the Earth dimension? The answer lies with his own mother, Queen Beryl. Beryl was actually from the Earth dimension, and had tried conquering a kingdom that had existed on the moon. If this is true, then this indicates that Queen Beryl was the evil witch from the children’s fairy tale, ‘The Moon Kingdom’. Then that would mean Thanos would want to extract revenge on those responsible for her defeat. Yet at the same time, I feel there must be more to the story. Why was Queen Beryl particularly interested in the Moon Kingdom? And why did the Keyblade War happen so soon following Beryl’s defeat? These two events cannot simply be coincidences. There has to be some sort of connection. I do have a hypothesis, but I cannot be certain without additional discoveries, but I feel that the connection lies with one very specific entity… Kingdom Hearts.


    ~The Capital - Cemetery~


    Arriving at a cemetery in the Capital while it rained, Master Xehanort approached two particular tombstones, kneeling next to them as he placed flowers for both of them. With a somber look on his face, Xehanort’s eyes closed as he remained near the tombstones. “Hey there! I figured you’d be here,” Vanitas told Master Xehanort as he approached him while holding an umbrella…


    Don’t get yourself wet. You’ll catch a cold,” Vanitas warned Xehanort. “I’ll be fine,” Xehanort responded as he got up. Taking a look at the tombstones, Vanitas realized they were the tombstones of Gaston and Trixie, Xehanort’s friends who were killed the day before the Great Purge. “Huh, so you still visit them,” Vanitas commented, “You still blame yourself for what happened to them?” “It’s not that,” Xehanort replied, “I simply feel like they need someone to talk to from time to time. Their families can’t come all the time, so I come to fill the gap when no one’s visiting them.” “Hmm, I see…” Vanitas said, “Well, I should be on my way. The local police department’s probably waiting for me.” “Very well,” Xehanort replied as he summoned a Corridor of Darkness, walking towards it and then disappearing as the portal vanished. Grinning, Vanitas took one last look at the two tombstones before turning around and walking away.


    ~The Star Road Dimension: Azarath~


    Arriving to the dark and desolate planet of Azarath on their ship, Ronan and his wife, Nehelenia, exited the ship while followed by their top general, Grievous. “No need, Grievous,” Ronan informed General Grievous, “Nehelenia and I can manage on our own here. Stay and guard the ship.” “As you wish, Ronan,” General Grievous responded with a bow, returning to the ship. “So… this is where the signals have been originating,” Nehlenia commented, “Ronan… do you think it’s true? Could Thanos really have returned?” “I cannot say,” Ronan responded as he stared at the ruins all over the place, “Azarath was the last place he was seen, completely destroying it before the Harbinger, Zordon, had his way. All we can do is find out ourselves whether there is truth to his return or not.” “Agreed,” Nehelenia concurred as she and Ronan began to walk together.




    You sure this is where she is?” Kristoff asked as he was driving the truck through a small town in southwestern Wisconsin. “Yeah,” Cal replied, “This is definitely the place. Cere said she’d meet us in a restaurant somewhere. I’ll give you the address once we get closer.” “Copy that,” Kristoff said while Olaf gazed at the sight outside. “Ahh, Wisconsin… the land of cheese,” Olaf commented.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~


    Drinking a cup of coffee after waking up, Jemma was going over some research on her laptop. “Hey, morning,” Skye greeted Jemma as she approached her…


    Good morning,” Jemma responded. “So how have you been holding up this whole week?” Skye asked. “Taking it one small step at a time,” Jemma replied, “Spending all that time inside the New World Order changes you.” “Sacrifices we make for valuable intel, right?” Skype said. “Yeah,” Jemma concurred. “Jemma Simmons... undercover at the New World Order,” Skye said. “I thought I was a dead woman at least four times,” Jemma replied. “I'm glad you're not,” Skye said. “Me too,” Simmons replied. “It really is great to have you back,” Skye told Jemma as she patted her on the back.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    T’Challa had been upset over the past week after learning what his father did to his uncle many years ago, with Nakia trying to comfort him as they sat on a bench together. “He killed his own brother... and left a child behind with nothing,” T’Challa said, “What kind of king... what kind of man does that?” “No man is perfect. Not even your father,” Nakia responded. “He didn't even give him a proper burial,” T’Challa continued, “My uncle N'Jobu betrayed us, but my father may have created something even worse.” As T’Challa sighed and stared at the floor, Nakia told him, “Hey. Look at me. You can't let your father's mistakes define who you are. You get to decide what kind of Black Panther you are going to be.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Corcovado Mountain~


    Standing next to the famous Christ the Redeemer statue, Alexios and Croix were looking over the city of Rio de Janeiro as Croix commented, “Ah, Brazil… I’ve always wanted to come here on vacation with my best friend back when I was younger. Never thought I’d be here for work.” “What do you want from me?” Alexios questioned, “What could possibly be happening in Brazil that would require the attention of an Inquisitor such as myself?” “The Shiny Rod, of course,” Croix answered, “I have sources indicating that little Miss Kagari is on her way here with her friends, carrying the Shiny Rod with her.” “The Shiny Rod… Master Xehanort indicated he was very interested in it,” Alexios commented, “But I don’t understand why he would care about something like that.” “The Shiny Rod conceals a major truth hidden within,” Croix replied, “But it requires seven words to be revived for the truth to be revealed. Three have been revived so far.” “I see…” Alexios commented, “For someone who isn’t an Inquisitor, you sure are very involved in our affairs.” “Every stride I make is a stride for all of us,” Croix responded. “Oh really? And exactly are we striding towards?” Alexios questioned, wondering what Croix’s goal is. “Hmm? Alexios, do I detect a hint of treachery in your words?” Croix asked with a grin. “What? Don’t be absurd. I serve the New World Order, like all Inquisitors,” Alexios retorted. “Good. Glad to see we’re all allegiant to the New World Order,” Croix commented, “But I wonder… are you Inquisitors more loyal to the New World Order, or to Master Xehanort?” “Why do you even ask that question? Master Xehanort is just as loyal to the New World Order as all Inquisitors are,” Alexios replied, “Are you looking to be an Inquisitor yourself? Is that what this is all about?” “It’s complicated,” Croix replied, “All you need to know is that Master Xehanort trusts me completely.” “Very well,” Alexios said, “But anyway, I know this region better than you. Stay out of my way.” “Oh, of course,” Croix responded as she turned and walked away, “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be watching from the shadows. Please don’t disappoint.” Croix then apparated away, while Alexios was left alone. Extending his right arm, Alexios summoned a Keyblade, grinning before snapping his fingers on his left hand, with several Shadows appearing next to him...


    Looking at the dark monsters that just appeared, Alexios turned to face the city, saying, “Let’s see how they deal with what I have prepared for them…


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Rebel Hideout~


    Rise and shine, Rebels!” Cid exclaimed as he entered the Rebel hideout with BB-8 while carrying a box as the Rebels inside were having breakfast. “Cid? What’s up?” Finn asked. “Well, I got good news for yer friend, Rey,” Cid replied as he shifted his attention to Rey, taking out a red colored Materia from the box he was carrying and handing it to her, “Yer in luck, darlin’. This Materia’s good to go. You’ve got the power of Ifrit in that little orb!


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    As he was drinking tea while reading alone in his room, Sunburst was startled by the sound of an alarm blaring throughout the Rebel hideout. Gasping, Sunburst charged out of his room, worried that the New World Order had infiltrated the hideout where he resided, yelling, “Intruder alert! We got intruders! Be prepared for an imminent attack!” Eventually, Sunburst arrived to a hallway, where his jaw dropped as he found the cause for the intruder alert, and it certainly wasn’t the New World Order…


    ‘Intruder’?” Luke Skywalker questioned while Lydia and Lucario were with him, “Now is that anyway to treat your old master?” “M-Master?” a surprised Sunburst mumbled as he pushed a button on the wall to switch the alarm throughout the hideout off.


    ~The Capital: Watterson Household~


    Yawning as she woke up and got up while stretching, Nicole told her husband, Richard, “Good morning, Richard. How are you today?” However, as Nicole was walking towards the closet, she tripped and almost fell over a pile of dirty laundry on the floor. “Uh, Richard... I just tripped over a pile of your dirty laundry.” “Oh, uh... sorry,” Richard apologized while still in bed, “Maybe, uh, just walk around it?” “No, I'm not gonna walk around it,” Nicole retorted, “Why is it even there?” “Well, you have your pile of dirty laundry,” Richard said, pointing to Nicole’s dirty laundry in the nearby laundry basket. “Well, how about doing something romantic for me for once? So, you know, maybe you could just... move it,” Nicole suggested as Richard got out of bed. “Or we could ignore it. That's romantic too,” Richard replied. “Well, if this is your idea of being romantic, it's not working on me,” Nicole said as she was beginning to get upset, “On a scale of this to Michael Bolton, this is this.” “You don't have to bring up Michael Bolton every single time,” Richard replied. “Oh, here we go…” Nicole complained. “I'm never gonna be your Michael Bolton!” Richard explained. “You don't even try to be him, Richard!” an upset Nicole responded. “I grew my hair long once!” Richard retorted with a loud voice. And as the two continued arguing, their children were peeking to see what the fight was about...



    ~Siberia, Russia: Apartment~


    All done?” Sammy asked Rini as she finished packing her things, since Connor’s Rebels were going to travel to their next destination right after having breakfast at the restaurant. “Yep,” Rini replied as she joined Sammy at the door, “Can’t wait to go to our next destination.” “It’s gonna be in the Middle East, so it’ll be much warmer than it is here. About time, I really hate freezing temperatures,” Sammy said, “Hey, Serena! Darien! Are you two lovebirds ready yet? I don’t wanna miss out on breakfast.” “Don’t worry, I’m here,” Darien responded as he stepped out of the bathroom while carrying his stuff, joining Sammy and Rini…


    Come on, Luna,” Rini called out to Luna so she could carry her to the restaurant.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Restaurant~


    ... and we have recruited about two dozen new Rebels throughout Russia over the past week,” Nikolai said from a tablet as Connor was communicating with him while seated alone in the restaurant. “Numbers could be higher, but I suppose it will do,” Connor responded, “Anything happen in Irkutsk recently?” “Nothing so far. It has been strangely quiet ever since we attacked their facility here,” Nikolai answered, “Though I’m worried if that just means they are secretly planning something.” “Be on your guard,” Connor advised, “You can never be too sure with the New World Order.” “Understood, Ratonhnhaké:ton,” Nikolai replied with a bow, “Best of luck in Syria. I look forward to speaking with you again.” Nodding, Connor said, “Farewell, Nikolai. And be careful.” Nikolai then nodded in response, and the video call with him ended. Putting the tablet away, Connor was expecting Rebels to start coming into the restaurant for breakfast.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Good morning, guys,” Hiro greeted Fury and the others as they were waiting for him and Baymax, “Thank you for waiting.” “Morning,” Coulson replied. “So, what’s this about?” Adewale asked. “Well, to put it simply, I’m running out of Pym Particles,” Hiro replied. “Uh, what?” Lt. Surge asked. “Pym Particles… it’s the stuff he uses to shrink when using the Ant-Man suit,” Fury answered. “Oh,” Lt. Surge said in response to Fury. “So, if you’re running out of them, can you get more?” Finnick asked. “It’s not that simple,” Hiro replied, “The man who created them, Dr. Hank Pym, created them only for himself in a very limited quantity.” “So what’s the plan then?” Coulson asked. “Well, it may be a long shot, but I’m thinking of infiltrating the old Pym Tech factory in Gringey City,” Hiro answered, “Nick knows where I’m talking about. My hope is that if I can’t find any Pym Particles, then at least the formula needed to create them. Personally, I’d prefer the formula so I could create as many as I want myself. Anyway, my hope is to infiltrate that building today. Any volunteers?” “I’m in,” Finnick replied. “Me too,” Coulson added. “I will help as well,” Adewale said. “Looks like we’re all going to help out,” Fury said. “Yeah, we’ll go aftah breakfast,” Lt. Surge, "I'll even ask around if anyone else wants ta join us as well." Smiling, Hiro replied, “Thanks guys.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    Good morning Doctor,” Sunset Shimmer greeted Dr. List as she approached him while drinking coffee. “Good morning to you as well, Miss Shimmer,” Dr. List responded, “So, how was your call with Grand Moff Strucker?” “Well, while he is satisfied with the subjects’ progress, he would like more testing that involves actual combat,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Hmm, well he is in luck. I have been working on something for some time now that may just be what he is looking for,” Dr. List said, “Come, follow me. I can show you what I am referring to.” “Right behind you,” Sunset Shimmer responded as she followed Dr. List.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Sep 10, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena