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  1. Meilin Lee
    Following the major announcements regarding the future of the series (including the confirmation of Kingdom Hearts 4!!!), the development staff conducted a Q&A session with fans in attendance, providing some interesting pieces of information. Several Twitter users who attended the event posted what was discussed, and KHInsider was able to compile all the answers, which can be viewed below:
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Apr 11, 2022, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Meilin Lee
    During today's 20th anniversary event for the Kingdom Hearts series, some major announcements were made in regards to the future of the series!

    First off, 'Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road' will finally get its long awaited finale this upcoming August for free!

    Secondly, a new game for mobile devices called 'Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link' was announced, and appears to be a sequel to 'Union X[cross]', allowing players to embark on adventures from the realm of Scala ad Caelum into the real world! A closed beta release of the game will be available in 2022 for iOS/Android devices.

    Lastly, the announcement that everyone was most likely waiting for... Kingdom Hearts IV has been officially announced! The trailer shows off Sora's new look in the game, as well as gameplay in Quadrarum where Sora is battling a massive Heartless on his own! While it hasn't been stated which platforms the game will be released, it most likely will be for the PS5/XBOX Series X. Check out the trailer for these three games below:

    To celebrate the occasion, Tetsuya Nomura provided the following message on Twitter for fans:

    Lastly, artwork that Nomura was working on for the 20th anniversary event was revealed, and includes Sora in his new KH4 look (credit to @tm_bonist for getting a photo of the artwork):
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Apr 10, 2022, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Meilin Lee
    On this day twenty years ago, the Kingdom Hearts series was officially born with the release of the original Kingdom Hearts game in Japan! Series director Tetsuya Nomura took the opportunity to post a message on Twitter, giving us a preview of artwork he is currently preparing for the upcoming 20th anniversary event scheduled on April 10th:

    The tweet translates to the following (credit to @RyujiBlades for the translation):
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Mar 27, 2022, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Meilin Lee
    I get that. I just didn't know if the huge drama leading up to SwSh's release may have convinced them to better prepare for that in some way. One can dream...
    But like you said, that doesn't seem to be the case. And with that, my enthusiasm to buy a Switch and the next mainline Pokemon game remains dampened.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Feb 27, 2022 in forum: Gaming
  5. Meilin Lee
    Although I skipped SwSh because of the while National Dex fiasco, this looks more interesting quite honestly. Loving the open world look of the game and the Spanish influence. Sprigatito looks so adorable and is giving me major Fennekin vibes (will be going with that starter if I ever get the game). And I can't not see KH Donald whenever I see Quaxley

    While I doubt it'll happen, I am still hoping that they find a way to satisfy those of us who want the national dex in some format (whether on initial release or with future patching).
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Feb 27, 2022 in forum: Gaming
  6. Meilin Lee
    An event commemorating the Kingdom Hearts series' 20th anniversary has finally been announced, scheduled to take place in Tokyo on April 10th! The event will have a mini-concert, a Q&A session with the development team, an exhibition, and other unannounced surprises! A video of the event will made available for all to view at a later date.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jan 18, 2022, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix announced earlier today that cloud versions of 'Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX', 'Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue', and Kingdom Hearts III' (with the ReMind DLC) will all be released next month on February 10th! These titles can be purchased individually or by purchasing an all-in-one package called the Integrum Masterpiece. Additionally, those who either purchase the Integrum Masterpiece or 'Kingdom Hearts III' individually will get an exclusive keyblade in 'Kingdom Hearts III' called the Advent Red Keyblade:
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jan 18, 2022, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Meilin Lee
    Joined when I was 20, and now I'm 30.
    Damn, I feel old...
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jan 1, 2022 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Meilin Lee
  10. Meilin Lee
    One of the announcements made last week as part of the Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary celebration was the release of the entire series on the Nintendo Switch via cloud versions. While many would've preferred a native copy of these ports, series producer Ichiro Hazama is aware of this, as he discussed the possibility with Nintendo Life. Check out the short interview below:
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Oct 15, 2021, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Meilin Lee
    Following the exciting reveal of Sora's addition to 'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate', Square-Enix revealed plans for the 20th anniversary of the series:

    As the above video shows:
    • Cloud versions of 'Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD ReMix', 'Kingsom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue', and 'Kingdom Hearts III' (with the ReMind DLC included) are coming soon to the Nintendo Switch!
    • Multiple merchandise to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series!
    • The rest of the 'Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road' story (up to the ending!) will be released this winter in one go!
    • A Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary Event will be taking place! More details to come at a later date.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Oct 5, 2021, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Meilin Lee
    After many requests for his addition into the crossover fighting game 'Super Smah Bros. Ultimate' for the Nintendo Switch, Sora has finally been revealed as the game's final DLC character! In addition to his inclusion, a new stage will also be added to the game based on Hollow Bastion from KH1, and can transform into a Station of Awakening! While Sora's default look is based on his KH1 appearance, he will also have alternate looks based on his KH2, KH3D, KH3, Valor Form, Wisdom Form, Ultimate Form, and Timeless River appearances. He will be available for purchase on October 18 for $5.99! Check out the reveal trailer below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Oct 5, 2021, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Meilin Lee
    I've never played rhythm games before, so MoM was a first for me, and I loved it!

    I was actually able to get a 30$ discount on it when it released (thank you Best Buy rewards ).

    Despite me wanting many more tracks to be included (Hundred Acre Wood, Port Royal/Caribbean, Symphony of Sorcery, "Face my Fears", different variations of existing themes, as well as tracks from Union X, 0.2 BBS, and KH3), I think the selection was still great and have spent a good amount of time going through them.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Aug 5, 2021 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
  14. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix today released a patch (Version for the PC version of 'Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 HD ReMix' via the Epic Games Store, with the size of the patch being roughly 8 GB. As for the contents of this patch, Square-Enix support indicates that the patch fixes a bug in 'Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix', improving stability.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jul 28, 2021, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Meilin Lee
    I really wish I didn’t have to write what I’m about to say, but here I am…

    While working on a new post, I've been trying to brainstorm and think of what to write. But as I stared at my screen, I just couldn't write anything. I was thinking that maybe it was a bad case of writer's block. As I thought more and more about it, I realized it was more than just a simple case of writer's block. I came to the conclusion that I have finally reached the point where I just couldn't continue RPing any longer.

    I think it's something I've been thinking for a while but didn’t want to admit, and sitting here and typing this feels like the final step to a journey I started way back in 2013.

    I love this RP. I've spent a bit more than a quarter of my life on it. It's hard to think how my life during the past eight years may have been different if I never took part in Mario’s High School Days. I've poured so much into the RP, constantly brainstorming plots while also getting ideas from shows, movies, and games I am into. It hasn't always been a healthy relationship though... I think I was too close to the RP, too involved. I let it consume me. I didn't think about or do anything else. Working on just one post at a time would take me days, sometimes more than a week to complete, because there were so many things to take into account. I had to think of what each character would say, how would they react, and whether their actions were logical based on their history and personality. And I would always have to circle back to past posts constantly to make sure nothing I was posting was conflicting with things that were established in the RP already. My commitment to the RP made having time for playing video games and watching shows/movies pretty scarce.

    But I wouldn't trade my experiences in HSD for the world, and I don't know what I would be without this RP. I joined as a very novice RPer, not sure what I was doing at first, just wanting to have fun having characters I like interacting with other characters I like or am not even familiar with. And I'm leaving, with a firm grasp on who I am and who I want to be.

    It's just time. Time for me to go. I just don't have the time for this RP anymore. I work full-time and have been mainly on my own ever since my co-worker retired months ago (and I just got a promotion yesterday, meaning even more responsibility for me). I’m in a serious relationship and am focusing on trying to get engaged to my girlfriend within several months. Point being, I just don't have time to commit to this RP anymore. But it may be also the fact that I'm growing up and have more important commitments in my life. And because of that, I am going to have to prioritize. I wish I could reserve time for this RP because I truly do love it, I love the stories I've brought to life in it, and I love seeing all the possible character interactions. But I have to face facts. These are things that just aren't feasible anymore. I feel I have to come out and say that there are just other things in my life now that take precedent, other things I want to pursue. And it's time to finally make this decision.

    Not going to lie, this was not an easy decision for me at all. I kept going back and forth whether this was the right decision or not. I wanted to see through the stories of all these amazing characters and give them all a proper ending. I had ideas for new characters I wanted to reserve and bring into HSD. I wanted to write some additional side stories that contribute to the HSD canon. I had already planned out the remaining stories for MHSD 2, and had ideas for a third (and final) RP that would finally conclude the overarching story that started since 2013. But I have to accept the fact that, given how things were moving along, getting to that point was going to take so many more years to reach, and just wasn't feasible. I do feel terrible that many questions I've left open across the story may never get answered. Perhaps one day I can write up an outline detailing my plans right towards the finishing point. Maybe one day in the future if I feel like it, I can continue writing the story to the end and post it online for whoever may want to read it.

    To those of you reading this, there's plenty I'd like to say, and maybe I'll get a chance to say something. But I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for sticking with HSD all these years and continuing to participate, for exchanging ideas for plots, for putting up with me when I reach out and offer comments on certain posts. It's been a joy working with you all.

    If you want to reach out to me, it may be best to do it over a PM here on KHV. I'm not sure if I'll even be logging into Skype for a while.

    It's been amazing.

    Post by: Meilin Lee, Apr 24, 2021 in forum: OOC Lounge
  16. Meilin Lee
    With only one day to go before the release of the Kingdom Hearts series on PC, Square-Enix surprised fans early today with a brand new update (Version 1.04) to 'Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory':
    As mentioned in the tweet above, besides some bug fixes, one of the game's cutscenes was apparently updated to include a new scene. You can check out the updated cutscene below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Mar 29, 2021, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Meilin Lee
    ~Nantucket, Massachusetts - Javert’s Mansion~


    I call them splinter bombs,” Javert told Bobbi as they discussed the attack that occurred in Buffalo, “Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?” “Is there any way for me to get my hands on a splinter bomb?” Bobbi asked, “Those really are a thing of beauty.” “Unfortunately, I shipped them all out yesterday,” Javert replied, “Plus, I can't take all the credit. Without the Diviner, the splinter bombs wouldn’t be as effective as they are now.” “The Diviner?” Bobbi wondered out loud. “That's what the lunatic who brought it to us calls it, anyway,” Javert responded, “I heard it's of S-type origin.” Meanwhile, back at the Quinjet not too far from the mansion where Lance and May were eavesdropping on the conversation going on…


    Upon hearing Javert mention the Diviner, Lance asked May, “You don't think he means…?” “It’s the Obelisk,” May responded, knowing what Lance was going to ask, “At least we now know what they’re using to help them design those splinter bombs.” Just then, Hunter heard his tablet beeping, saying, “Javert's people have an incoming message.” Tapping on his tablet to see what message was being sent, Hunter’s heart sank upon noticing that the message was footage of Bobbi helping Jemma Simmons escape from the New World Order facility in Los Angeles a week ago, revealing to Javert and his goons that Bobbi is working against the New World Order. “Oh, no…” Hunter remarked. “What?” May questioned. Without saying a word, Hunter tossed the tablet aside and rushed to the Quinjet’s exit in order to go save Bobbi.


    ~Alaska - Rebel Hideout (Briefing Room)~


    The Rebels in Alaska were on high alert, having discovered that Lavos, one of the New World Order’s three S-type superweapons, was approaching their base, most certainly with the intention to annihilate it and all the Rebels in it. Having secured the plans detailing the weak points in the three S-type superweapons, the Rebels figured now was the time to face off against one of the superweapons, and put an end to its threat. Speaking in front of a group of Rebel X-Wing pilots, Bogo went over the plans, detailing where Lavos’s weak point is. “Lavos has a very high level of defense, and can easily annihilate an entire city,” Bogo informed the Rebels, “In addition to its defense, it will be supported by a Helicarrier, along with TIE fighters. Nevertheless, a small one-man fighter should be able to penetrate Lavos’s defense.” “Pardon me for asking, sir, but what good are snub fighters going to be against that thing?” Nick Wilde questioned. “Well, the New World Order doesn't consider a small one-man fighter to be any threat, so that there would be our advantage,” Bogo responded, “An analysis of the plans retrieved by Rogue One has demonstrated a weakness inside Lavos. The approach will not be easy. You are required to maneuver straight through one of Lavos’s pores, going right inside it. The target area is only two meters wide. It's a small hole, located in the center of its spine. It leads directly to its mind. A precise hit will start a chain reaction which should destroy Lavos’s mind, and then Lavos itself will then be destroyed. Only a precise hit will set up a chain reaction. The hole is ray-shielded, so you'll have to use proton torpedoes.” “Not to sound like a debbie downer, but the chances of this succeeding are very low,” Clawhauser whispered to Judy, “Trying to aim at a target two meters wide while flying fast is really difficult!” “It's not impossible,” Judy retorted, “I used to throw a football while driving around in an ATV towards a target that wasn’t much bigger than two meters.” “Man your ships!” Bogo ordered the Rebels, “And good luck.


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    "Well, I haven't heard anything yet," Darien responded to Serena, "I know Connor was meeting with the local Rebel leader, but I'm not sure what was discussed." "Darien, Serena, there you are," Connor called out to the two as he approached them…


    "Oh, Connor," Darien greeted Connor, "All done with the meeting?" "I am," Connor replied, "I will be making an announcement shortly to the Rebels on a plan to attack the New World Order’s base of operations in the city. While the groups have yet to be announced, I have requested that the two of you, plus Rini, join me in the attack." "Of course," Darien said, "I'm always ready for another chance to battle by your side." Smiling in response, Connor continued, "I appreciate that Darien. Now, during my discussion with Riad, he suggested I include a local Rebel into our group. So while I will be battling with you two and Rini, we will have someone else battling by our side." "Really? Who?" Darien questioned. "Him," Connor replied, pointing to a local young man with his Chimchar on his shoulder approaching the group…


    "So, you're Darien and Serena, huh?" Aladdin said, "Pleasure to meet you. Ratonhnhaké:ton told me you two were pretty great fighters. Can't wait to take on the New World Order with you." "Hey there," Darien responded, "And, you are?" "Oh, my bad, I completely forgot to introduce myself. The name's Aladdin. And this little furry guy is Abu," Aladdin said while Abu chattered as he raised his hat to introduce himself.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    Very well then,” Lydia responded as she summoned her Keyblade while Lucario put his paws together and spread them apart, creating two blue bones of energy to use as weapons. “Let’s begin,” Lydia continued as she and Lucario rushed towards Jake and Gia to begin sparring with them.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums~


    Scootaloo?! Scootaloo?!” Leia cried out to Scootaloo as she and the others had left Marle’s office, trying to locate the little pony to pass along Marle’s message. “Where could she have gone off to?” Finn wondered out loud. “Are you looking for Scootaloo?” a girl asked the group as they passed by her. “Why, yes,” Leia responded, “Are you a friend of hers?” “Yep,” the girl answered, “We sometimes play together. Anyway, she said she was going to the junkyard over that way.” As the girl pointed to the direction of the junkyard where Scootaloo went, Finn said, “Thanks, kid.” “Well, at least we have an idea of where she is,” Leia commented, “Now let’s go find her.” Nodding, Finn followed Leia with the others as they headed towards the junkyard.


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    You’re welcome,” Cere replied to Elsa as she finished her food as well, noticed everyone was done, “It looks like we’re all done. I say we get moving right now.” “Agreed,” Cal concurred, “Let’s go, BD.” BD-1 climbed up to Cal’s shoulder as he and the rest of the group got up, ready to leave. Just then, the waitress from earlier came by and handed Kristoff some carrots, telling him, “Yer in luck honey. Looks like we had some carrots in the back after all.” “Thanks ma’am, I appreciate it,” Kristoff thanked the waitress. Nodding, the waitress told the group, “Have a wonderful rest of the day, dears!” “Thank you!” both Saphir and Olaf replied as the group headed outside towards Kristoff’s truck. But as they left, one of the Stormtroopers that had entered the diner earlier glanced at the group suspiciously…



    ~Gringey City, Japan - Abandoned Pym Tech Factory (Dr. Hank Pym’s Office)~


    Hiro and the others arrived at the old office that once belonged to the late Dr. Hank Pym, noticing the office was in disarray, like the rest of the factory, with documents scattered all over, along with dust and cobwebs gathering throughout the office. “Okay, let’s see if we can find those Pym Particles here,” Hiro remarked. “Right… but remind me again how those Pym Particles look like,” Finnick replied. “Here,” Hiro said as he took out a small vial and showed it to the others, “My hope is we can find more of these vials. But if not, at least something to show me how to manufacture them myself. Maybe one of these documents on the floor can help. But we won’t know for sure until we search.” “All right, guess it’s time to start searching,” Finnick commented as the search throughout the office began.


    ~Malibu, California: Tony Stark’s Mansion~


    Once Rhodey and the Stormtroopers accompanying him had left Stark’s mansion, Pepper commented, “Well, didn’t expect that. Egypt, huh? Wonder why whoever stole the suit would fly it all the way over there.” “Beats me,” Tony replied, “But, speaking of Egypt, you know what’s strange… I’ve been noticing that the Holonet News has suddenly been avoiding covering news from Egypt recently… almost as though it’s on purpose.” “W-What are you saying?” a confused Pepper asked, “Are you saying that the New World Order is purposely hiding something that’s happened there?” “Could be,” Stark answered, “They probably did something bad that they don’t want to admit… or it could just be a glitch with the Holonet News. Who knows? Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to take a shower. Good talk.” “Y-Yeah,” Pepper responded as Tony left to take a shower, wondering if there was something to the words he mentioned.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Rebel Hideout~


    Once Akko and her group were ready to join Kassandra on her mission to investigate Corcovado for a suspected Inquisitor, Kassandra approached them, asking, "Are you ready?" Akko and the others nodded in response, with Kassandra remarking, "Thank you for volunteering in this mission. Now then, follow me. I know an underground path leading to Corcovado that would prevent us from being detected by the New World Order." Kassandra then led the group as they headed to the very mountain where the Christ the Redeemer statue was located.


    ~The Star Road Dimension: The Planet of Morag~


    Exploring the planet of Morag, Quill came across an old temple where he believes he would locate the Orb. Upon entering the old empty temple, Peter eventually came across a pedestal, containing the Orb on top. Grabbing it, Quill thought to himself, ‘Huh, that was easy…’ “Drop it!” a voice ordered Peter. Turning around, Peter noticed the voice came from General Grievous, who was accompanied by two Super Battle Droids…


    Uh… hey,” Quill responded. “Drop it, now!” Grievous ordered Peter once more. “Hey, cool, man. No problem,” Peter responded as he dropped the Orb just as the two battle droids approached him with their blasters pointed at him, “No problem at all.” Picking up the Orb, Grievous questioned, “How do you know about this?” “I don’t even know what that is. I’m just a junker, man. I was just… just checking stuff out,” Peter responded. “You don’t look like a junker. You’re wearing Ravager garb,” Grievous said. “This is just an outfit, man,” Quill responded as one of the battle droids shoved him forward, “Hey, Robocop, you better stop poking me.” “Hmm, you look familiar,” Grievous commented, “What is your name?” “My name is Peter Quill, okay?” Quill responded. “Move!” Grievous ordered Quill. “Why?” Peter questioned. “Ronan and Nehellenia may have questions for you,” General Grievous responded. And just as General Grievous turned to start walking away, Quill said, “Hey, you know what? There’s another name you might know me by.” Once Grievous stopped and turned around to hear what Quill had to say, Peter continued, “Star-Lord.” “Who?” a confused General Grievous questioned. “Star-Lord, man. Legendary outlaw,” Peter responded, with Grievous simply shaking his head and turning to walk away, “Guys?” “Move!” Grievous ordered as he continued walking away. “Ah, forget this,” Quill said, pulling out his pair of Quad Blasters and shooting the two battle droids, destroying them. Quill then shot Grievous in his shoulder, knocking him out. Quill then grabbed the Orb that Grievous dropped. But once Quill hid the orb in his pocket, he noticed General Grievous getting up, pulling out a grenade and throwing it towards Peter. Peter managed to dodge the grenade, which instead hit a wall, and upon exploding, created an exit leading outside. Activating his helmet, which made it materialize around his head, Star-Lord used rockets on his boots to propel himself out of the temple, trying to rush back to his ship.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Mar 25, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Meilin Lee
    ~The Capital - Outside Bus Station~


    "Told you he was good at this sort of thing," Jenny told Kiriko after she remarked on how Shirou was able to detect what the Rebel informant did by simply sniffing, "Okay, here it is." Officer Jenny led the group to a bus station, which was the closest location to the auto repair shop that had lockers for the public to use. Upon hearing Kiriko hoping they wouldn't have to search through all the lockers, Looker told her, "Don't worry, we don't need to search all the lockers. We can simply have a look at the security footage and try to locate the person Shirou was able to detect. I know the guy in charge of security here. He'll be able to grant us access to the security footage in no time."

    OOC: Only posting this segment just to avoid breaking the two week rule. Next post will have more segments.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Mar 12, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Meilin Lee
    ~Nantucket, Massachusetts - Javert’s Mansion~


    The tea needs to steep for at least seven minutes,” Javert told Bobbi as he had someone bring in the tea that Bobbi asked about earlier. “Mmm, perfect time for us to talk business, then,” Bobbi replied. “Forgive me, but I'd like to clear something up first,” Javert said, “You see, there's a nasty rumor going around that you are actually working with the Rebel Alliance.” “Javert, please,” Bobbi scoffed, “Aren't we all working with Rebels in a way? Didn't you hear about what happened in Buffalo? Those guys were on the news with that silly Rebel logo on their chests. They were totally our people disguised as Rebels. But those weapons they had... your work, I presume?” “How could you tell?” Javert questioned. Meanwhile, back at the Quinjet not too far from the mansion where Lance and May were eavesdropping on the conversation going on…


    This poor sap's buying every word she says,” Hunter remarked. “That's what we want,” May replied. “I just feel sorry for the guy,” Lance said, “Making targets feel special... that's her thing. You know, when I gave her my nan's pearl earrings, she was like-” “You know I don't like you, right?” May interrupted Hunter as she was getting annoyed at Lance complaining about his ex-wife.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    As T’Challa and the others anxiously waited, they watched as a Stormtrooper in handcuffs was escorted by Rebels while his head was covered in a burlap sack so that he wouldn’t know the base’s location. Once he arrived, one of the Rebels removed the sack, revealing the Stormtrooper’s face to everyone…


    Speak,” T’Challa ordered the Stormtrooper known as Erik Killmonger. “I'm standing in your house, requesting that I be treated as one of your own, exactly as I should be,” Killmonger replied. Slowly approaching Killmonger, T'Challa whispered to him, “Let me warn you, the only reason I don't kill you where you stand, especially after what happened in Nigeria, is because I know who you are... now what do you want?” Grinning, Killmonger answered, “I want the title of the Black Panther.” Several Rebels scoffed and laughed after hearing Killmonger’s request, who appeared unfazed by the others’ reactions.

    Y'all were sittin' up in Wakanda comfortable before the Purge. Must’ve felt good,” Killmonger commented, “While that was happening, there were about 2 billion people all over the world that looks like us but their lives were a lot harder. Wakanda had the tools to liberate them all, but y’all never did.” “And what tools are those?” T’Challa questioned. “Vibranium,” Killmonger answered, “Your weapons.” “Our weapons were never to be used to wage war on the world,” T’Challa retorted, “It was never our way to be judge, jury, and executioner for people who are not our own.” “Not your own?” Killmonger questioned, “But didn't life start here, on this continent? So ain't all people your people? Funny how you talk about not waging war on the world, but you’ve been providing Rebels with X-Wings and sonic stabilizers.” “Wakanda was never responsible for all people,” T’Challa retorted, “We were only responsible for the people of Wakanda. And it was our responsibility to make sure our people were safe and that Vibranium never fell into the hands of a person like you. Unfortunately… it seems like we failed. The Cybermen were created with the Vibranium and were then used to create the environment that the world is in right now.” “T’Challa, we have entertained this man for too long. We should just lock him up,” Okoye suggested. Looking around, Killmonger said, “Anybody want to ask who I am first?” “I looked up your records. You are Eric Killmonger,” Shuri replied, “A former Japanese black operative who was declared a traitor after being accused of being with the Crystal Order. Once your name was cleared following the Great Purge, you joined the Stormtroopers. That's who you are.” “That's not my real name, Princess,” Killmonger told Shuri before shifting his attention back to T’Challa, “Ask me, King.” “No,” T’Challa replied. “Ask me,” Killmonger repeated. “Enough of this, take him away,” Okoye ordered. Just then, one of the Rebels in attendance, genuinely curious about what Killmonger was trying to reveal, asked in Xhosa (the native language of Wakanda), “Who are you?” “I am N'Jadaka, son of Prince N'Jobu!” Killmonger yelled out in Xhosa. “The son of N'Jobu?!” Okoye wondered out loud. “I found my daddy with Panther claws in his chest!” Killmonger angrily yelled at T’Challa, “You ain't the son of a king, you a son of a murderer!” “You're lying!” Shuri angrily retorted. “I’m afraid not,” one of the Rebels who had apprehended Killmonger earlier spoke up, showing everyone a ring necklace he confiscated from Killmonger, which appeared to look exactly like the ring T’Challa wore on his hand, which belonged to T’Challa’s and Killmonger’s grandfather. “He really is the son of N'Jobu,” Nakia remarked. “I'm exercising my blood right to challenge for the mantle of Black Panther,” Killmonger announced. “Don’t do this, T’Challa,” Shuri advised her brother. “Unfortunately, as the son of N'Jobu... he is within his rights,” Okoye said with a look of disappointment on her face. “Let’s make it interesting,” Killmonger suggested with a grin, “You let me go. We meet back in a few days in Warrior Falls in Wakanda, where these challenges always took place. I’ll set something up with the New World Order. We’ll make a bet. If you win, not only will you keep your title as the Black Panther, but the New World Order will surrender all of Africa to the Rebel Alliance, including Wakanda. But if I win… I become the new Black Panther, while the Rebels, well… hehe… we’ll kill every single one of y'all.” After hearing what Killmonger just said, Thorax asked T’Challa, “T’Challa… what will you do?” Taking a deep breath, T’Challa looked at Killmonger, telling him, “I accept your challenge.


    ~The Capital - Outside Marty’s Auto Repair Shop~


    "Well, I'm not surprised," Looker replied to Kiriko, "This guy was associated with the Rebels after all. He definitely would've taken precaution to avoid any sort of detection." "Either way… it seems I'll have to use my abilities to see what the security footage can't," Shirou said. Closing his eyes and using his keen sense of smell, Shirou was able to detect the multiple scents that were in this area over the past few days. Using his psychometric ability, Shirou was able to use the scents he picked up to create a mental image in his mind of what each individual was doing at the time of the Rebel informant's appearance in the area. Remembering how the Rebel informant looked like in what little footage there was of him in the security footage, Shirou was able to locate him in his mental image. Watching the Rebel informant, Shirou noticed he was trying to avoid the security camera from the nearby repair shop, but also appeared to be waiting for something, or someone. Soon enough, Shirou saw the Rebel informant meet up with another individual, handing him a card of some sort, and then leaving the area while the other person also went his separate way. Once Shirou opened his eyes, Officer Jenny asked, "Shirou, what did you see?" "The person we are looking for was definitely here," Ogami responded, "I saw him meet with another individual. He gave him something. It appeared to be a card of some sort." "A key card perhaps? Or maybe even a credit card?" Jenny pondered out loud. "No," Shirou replied, "The card was made out of paper… resembling a parking receipt… or even a ticket one would receive when using a coin locker…" Once Shirou mentioned the possibility that the person they were looking for may have had a ticket from using a locker, Looker and Jenny were beginning to wonder if that was a possible clue. "Where's the closest place containing lockers?" Looker questioned. "Not too far from here," Jenny replied, "I can lead the way."


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    While Darien was chatting with Celestia, the two noticed Serena looking for Darien. "Well, guess I'll leave you two alone," Celestia told Darien. Darien nodded in response as Celestia left while he approached Serena. "Hey Serena, need something?" Darien asked Serena.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    "Hmm, this'll certainly do," Lydia remarked after walking with the group towards the training room, as she and Lucario looked around, "Now then… would either of you care for a friendly challenge against Lucario and myself?"


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums: Marle’s Office~


    Looking at Scootaloo, Finn noticed she had something on her back made out of cardboard, with the shape of the item looking familiar. “Hey, is that… ?” Finn wondered out loud, appearing to have realized what it was that Scootaloo was carrying. “Yep,” Scootaloo replied, grabbing the item from behind her back and showing it to Finn, which was a cardboard cutout designed to look like Finn’s Keyblade, “I made it myself. It looks like your weapon! When I grow up, I wanna be as strong and heroic just like you!” Taken aback by Scootaloo’s admiration for him, Finn shook his head as he told her, “Trust me kid, I’m no hero.” “Of course you are!” Scootaloo replied, “The way you stormed into the bad guys’ place and saved Leia… you’re definitely a hero to me!” “She’s right, Finn,” Leia concurred with Finn. As Finn blushed and scratched his head, unsure of what to say, Scootaloo asked Marle, “Hey Marle, can I go out and play?” “Alright, but don’t talk to strangers,” Marle replied. “Yes, ma’am,” Scootaloo said with a salute as she rushed outside, “Bye everyone!” Once Scootaloo left, Finn said, “Well… anyway, I guess we better get going.” “Understood,” Marle replied, “I’ll be sure to send those items as soon as I can.” “Thank you, Marle,” Leia thanked Marle. “Oh, by the way, could you do me a favor on your way out?” Marle asked. “Sure, what is it?” Finn questioned. “If you see Scootaloo outside, could you tell her that I need her back here in an hour?” Marle requested. “Sure, we can do that,” Leia replied. “Thanks, I appreciate it,” Marle thanked the group.


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    “How’s the food so far?” the waitress asked as she passed by the group’s table. “Delicious!” both Cal and Saphir responded as they ate their food. “Happy to hear that,” the waitress said. “Hey,” Cere told the waitress as she handed her the check with money covering the cost plus tip, “We’re in a rush to leave once we’re done, so here you go.” “Why thank you,” the waitress responded as she placed the check and money in her pocket and was about to leave to go to the cash register when she suddenly noticed Kristoff appearing to need something from her, “Yes, dear?” “Do you by any chance happen to have any carrots in the kitchen?” Kristoff asked as he handed her some money, “You see, I have a reindeer outside, and I was hoping to get him something to eat. Take this money as payment for it.” “Hmm, I can certainly ask and see if we can get ya something for your reindeer,” the waitress replied. “Thanks, I appreciate it,” Kristoff said as the waitress left.


    ~Gringey City, Japan - Abandoned Pym Tech Factory~


    As Hiro and the others entered the abandoned factory, Coulson asked, "So where do you think we’ll find something on those Pym Particles?" "Not sure," Hiro replied, "I'd like to see if there might be something we can find in Dr. Pym's old office." "Well, in that case, let’s split up," Fury suggested, "Half can search that office. Other half can keep searching around and make sure we don't have any uninvited guests." "I agree," Finnick said, "Lita, Baymax, and Hiro… we'll check out that office. Hiro, you lead the way." Nodding, Hiro led Baymax, Finnick, and Lita to try and find the office he mentioned, while the others continued searching throughout the factory for any clues.


    ~Malibu, California: Tony Stark’s Mansion~


    While accompanied by Stormtroopers, Rhodey repeatedly rang the doorbell, needing to talk to Tony urgently. Not too long after, he noticed Pepper open the door, surprised that she was at Stark’s place now that she no longer worked for him…


    Pepper?” a surprised Rhodey wondered out loud. “Rhodey, what are you doing here?” Pepper asked. “I gotta speak with Tony,” Rhodey responded, “Aren’t you busy with CEO duties?” “Well, yeah, but I came to ask Tony for some advi-” Pepper answered before she was interrupted by Stormtroopers ignoring her as they forced their way inside, “H-Hey! What’s going on here?” “Sorry Pepper, but we gotta make sure Tony isn’t responsible for something that happened in Egypt earlier today,” Rhodey said as he led Stormtroopers to the stairs, “Half of you go upstairs, the other half with me downstairs.” “Rhodey! What is the meaning of this?!” Pepper questioned as she followed him and the Stormtroopers that went downstairs, “What’s all this about Egypt?!” “The Iron Man suit has been located in Egypt attacking New World Order forces,” Rhodey replied, “If we can’t find Tony in this building, then he is unfortunately a suspect in that attack.” “I’m a what?” Tony’s voice questioned Rhodey, surprising him and the Stormtroopers with him…


    Noticing Tony was inside a gym that they passed by without noticing, Rhodey and his Stormtroopers entered it, with Rhodey asking, “Tony, what are you doing?” “What does it look like?” Tony responded while exercising with a pulldown machine, “Trying to beat my record… ah!” Getting up from the machine after finishing exercising, Tony continued, “Oh, that felt good. I think I’m gonna go take a shower.” “T-Tony, wait…” Rhodey pleaded as he took out his phone, and showed Tony images of the Iron Man suit in Egypt battling New World Order forces, “These images were taken from Egypt today. You’re my friend, and I don’t wanna accuse you of something that I am not 100 percent sure you did. But what the hell is going on here?” “Egypt?! Wow, so that’s where it went?” Tony questioned. “Where what went?” Rhodey asked. Taking out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, Tony handed it to Rhodey. Unfolding it, Rhodey realized it was a copy of a local police report filed the previous day, indicating that Stark’s Iron Man suit had been stolen. Sighing, Rhodey handed the police report back to Tony and then told his Stormtroopers, “Alright guys, false alarm. Let’s get out of here.” The Stormtroopers then headed back to the stairs, while Rhodey looked at both Stark and Pepper, telling them, “Hey, sorry about what just happened… it’s just been really crazy.” “Hey, no worries,” Tony replied, “You did what you had to do. We’re still bowling tomorrow, right?” “Heh, you know it,” Rhodes said as he left, “Catch ya later, Tony.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Rebel Hideout~


    Hey, Kassandra… may I ask you something?” Ursula asked Kassandra while the Rebel leader was busy preparing for the mission to deal with the Inquisitor she mentioned to Akko and her group earlier. “Of course,” Kassandra replied, “What is it?” “Well, when you were battling outside, the weapon you used was quite… peculiar,” Ursula said, “Is… is it a Keyblade?” “I guess it is,” Kassandra replied as she summoned her Keyblade, “To be honest, I never knew it was called that until you mentioned it. How do you know about the… Keyblade, was it?” “Well, I don’t wield one myself,” Ursula said, “But, I do know a bit about it, like how only certain individuals can wield it, and how it can open any lock. Have you always had it?” “Well, ever since I was a teenager,” Kassandra answered, “One day, I was cornered by a group of thugs in the street who wanted to ‘have fun’ with me. All of a sudden, it just appeared in my hand when I felt like I desperately needed help. I used it to teach those guys a lesson. And from that day on, I always summoned it whenever I needed to battle.” “I see…” Ursula said as she pondered to herself. “Is there any particular reason you’re interested in the Keyblade?” Kassandra questioned. “Umm, no, it’s just, well… let’s just say Akko, one of the girls in my group, carries a weapon that has a deep connection to the legend of the Keyblade. What that connection is, well, that’s a discussion for another day…” Ursula responded, thinking back to what she learned about the Keyblade with her old friend long ago. “Huh, interesting,” Kassandra responded as Ursula walked away.


    ~The Star Road Dimension: The Planet of Morag~

    Flying towards an abandoned planet known as Morag, a ship called the Milano slowly descended until it was able to land in a safe spot. Inside the ship was a ragtag group that called themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy, consisting of Rocket Racoon, Groot, and Peter Quill (or as he liked to be called, “Star-Lord”)...


    Yeeesh, this place gives me the creeps,” Rocket commented as he took a look at the area from inside the cockpit, “Hey, Quill… you sure you trust that junk dealer from Tatooine? You really think we’ll find that orb thingy here?” “Well, it’s the only lead we have,” Quill responded as he got ready to go out, “And besides, this job’s gonna pay handsomely. Once we find the Orb and get paid, you’re gonna thank me.” “I am Groot,” Groot remarked, expressing doubt that they’ll find the Orb on this planet. “Oh, come on, Groot, don’t be such a downer,” Peter replied, apparently understanding what Groot just said, “I’ll come back with the Orb, guys, promise!” Quill then headed outside to explore and try to locate the Orb that he and the others were looking for. “I betcha he ain’t gonna last an hour before he comes back whining that he can’t find it,” Rocket told Groot. “I am Groot,” Groot responded, thinking that Quill might try searching longer than that. “Eh, I think that’s a bit too generous,” Rocket responded, understanding what Groot said, “Wanna bet?
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Feb 25, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Meilin Lee
    ~Nantucket, Massachusetts - Javert’s Mansion~


    As she was seated with Javert on a balcony in his mansion, Bobbi asked, “Do you still have that pan-fired green tea? It's from Shizuoka in Japan, right?” “You always remember every little detail,” Javert remarked with a grin. Meanwhile, listening in to the conversation between Bobbi and Javert were Lance and May from the Quinjet not too far from the mansion…


    Try being married to somebody who remembers every little detail. It's not that charming,” Hunter remarked after hearing what Javert told Bobbi. Hearing May sigh after hearing his remark, Hunter told her, “You think I'm being petty, don't you? Well, I'm not. I don't have a problem with Bob flirting with that guy.” “Good,” May simply replied while they continued eavesdropping on the conversation between Bobbi and Javert.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    T’Challa!” Okoye cried as she rushed towards T’Challa while he was walking down a hallway. “Okoye? What is it?” T’Challa questioned, surprised by Okoye’s distressed tone. “We apprehended a Stormtrooper 80 kilometers to the west,” Okoye responded, “But it isn’t just any Stormtrooper… this is the same one we encountered in Nigeria… the one wearing a Wakandan mask.” “What?!” T’Challa questioned, shocked by what he just heard. “There’s more…” Okoye replied, “He surrendered himself… said he wanted to see you.” After hearing what Okoye just said, T’Challa remained silent for a bit before telling Okoye, “Then let him come.


    ~The Capital - Outside Marty’s Auto Repair Shop~


    Arriving outside Marty’s Auto Repair Shop with Jenny and Kiriko, Looker noticed Ogami waiting for them with his Murkow, Kuro…


    "Ogami, thank you for waiting," Looker told Shirou, "Have you found out anything yet?" "I just spoke to the manager at the shop and had a look at the security footage," Ogami replied as he handed Officer Jenny a DVD of the shop's security footage, "The person of interest is barely in it."


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    As Connor strategized with Riad and the others on how to attack the New World Order’s base of operations in Aleppo, they were able to come up with a list of attack teams, who would be included in those teams, and how they would go about attacking. “... and that just leaves me,” Connor remarked as the only team left to set up was his, “My team will be small and will be the one to lead all the other teams as we storm the steel factory. Given my great experience fighting alongside them, I will be joined by Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Mini Moon.” “But wouldn’t you need more people on your team?” Riad replied. “I suppose I can add one more person, but it would have to be one of your Rebels, as all the ones on my side have been assigned to their respective groups,” Connor said, “Is there anyone in particular on your mind?” “Hmmm… there is…” Riad answered.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    In that case… would you mind directing me to a suitable location where we would be able to practice combat?” Lydia asked Gia and the others as she finished her drink from earlier and got up.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums: Marle’s Office~


    Leading them into her small mobile office, Marle showed Finn and the others an Excel spreadsheet on her computer, telling them, “Most of the items on Nikolai’s list are highlighted in yellow, meaning they are available to be shipped immediately, so I can have those sent out to you guys soon. But a few, however, are highlighted in red, meaning I’ll need time to get those out for you.” “That’s fine, we can wait,” Finn replied. “Thank you so much, Marle,” Leia thanked Marle. “Leia!” a voice cried out from a nearby room. Looking to see who was calling her name, Leia was pleasantly surprised to see Scootaloo, one of the orphans she looked after prior to the New World Order tearing down the orphanage where she worked…


    Scootaloo!” Leia cried as she and the little pony hugged, “I missed you so much!” “Scotaloo’s such a good girl,” Marle remarked as she saw Leia and Scootaloo hugging each other, “Gotta say Leia, when you brought her to me after what happened with the orphanage, I honestly wasn’t sure I was up to the task to look after her. But… I was gladly wrong. I’m truly thankful to you for bringing her into my life.” Looking at Marle, Leia smiled and replied, “It was my pleasure.


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    “Food’s ready!” the waitress from earlier announced as she was carrying a tray full of what everyone entered. “Ah, perfect timing! I’m starving!” Greez remarked as the waitress placed everyone’s order on the table. “Mmm, that looks delicious,” Kristoff remarked, as he was ready to dig in. “Alright,” the waitress said as she placed the check on the table, “No rush dears. Hope you enjoy it!” “Thank you!” Saphir and Cal responded as they began eating. As Kristoff reached out to the ticket to see how much he would have to pay, Cere grabbed it first, telling Kristoff, “Sorry, but I’m paying for breakfast.” “Come on, I insist. Let me pay,” Kristoff pleaded. “I appreciate it, but… let me take care of it,” Cere replied, “Consider it a way of making up for the fact it’ll be a while before Greez and I can get you to where you want to go.” Sighing, Kristoff saw no point in continuing to argue over who’ll pay for the meal, conceding, “Alright… you win. You’ll pay for breakfast. Let’s just be able to enjoy it before we have to leave.


    ~Gringey City, Japan - Abandoned Pym Tech Factory~


    With both vehicles parking outside the abandoned factory that Hiro was familiar with, he and the others stepped out and took a look at the old building, with Hiro remarking, “Well, this is it.” “Is it safe though?” Coulson questioned. Scanning the area, Baymax replied, “Building has been scanned. There are no life-forms inside.” “That’s a relief,” Finnick commented. “Still, we have to be cautious. You never know if the New World Order shows up out of nowhere,” Adewale added, eliciting a nod from the others. Once Hiro and Baymax wore their battle attire, the group was ready to go in…


    Alright, let’s go,” Fury said as the group entered the old factory. Unbeknownst to the group, however, a single Cyberman was watching from a rooftop several buildings away…



    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    Great work guys!” Sunset Shimmer commended Wanda, Pietro, and Peter once they were done with the obstacle course and were escorted towards Sunset Shimmer and Alpha by Stormtroopers, “I still need to write up a report for Strucker, but I can honestly say you all far exceeded my expectations. Give yourselves a pat in the back.” “Nice!” Peter exclaimed, “We did it guys!” “We sure did!” Wanda concurred as she, Pietro, and Peter all gave each other a high five before being escorted by Stormtroopers back to their cells.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Rebel Hideout~


    As Kassandra was showing Akko and the others the underground Rebel hideout, Lotte told Kassandra, "I noticed your accent sounds different than that of the locals. What is that? Greek?" "Correct," Kassandra responded with a smile, "Yes, I'm not actually Brazilian, but Greek instead." "So how did you end up being the Rebel leader in Brazil even though you're from halfway across the world?" Sucy questioned. "It started when I survived the Great Purge," Kassandra replied, "I was wounded, and I hid in a cargo ship to avoid getting caught by the New World Order. The ship docked in Rio de Janeiro, and I figured I'd stay here for the time being. When I noticed that there was very little resistance to the New World Order, I decided to secretly work with locals who wanted to put an end to the regime. Eventually, our group grew and we officially joined with the global Rebel Alliance, and I was voted to lead the group in Brazil, even though I refused." "Well, if they wanted you as leader, then they must have a good reason," Amanda commented, "You should proudly accept your role." "I did, eventually," Kassandra replied, "And ever since, my focus has been battling the New World Order all across Brazil." "So how are things going so far?" Diana questioned. "We win some battles, we lose others," Kassandra answered, "I'm lucky none of the Rebels with me died during the battle earlier today. Still… despite having grown the movement in Brazil tremendously, we are not big enough, and the losses we suffer are heavy. So, to avoid losing Rebels, my focus has been weakening the New World Order by aiming for high ranking targets. That way, we'd be relying on battles less, and that in turn would mean less casualties." "'High ranking targets'?" Akko wondered out loud. "Yes," Kassandra responded, "For example, one of my informants notified me that he believes he has located an Inquisitor lurking in Corcovado, which you all might know as the mountain where the Christ the Redeemer statue is located." "I see…" Ursula commented, "I guess that's your current target?" "Yes," Kassandra replied, "And I was hoping all of you could help investigate and possibly deal with this Inquisitor." "Well, you can surely count on us!" Amanda assured Kassandra, with the rest of her team nodding in concurrence. "Thank you," Kassandra responded with a smile.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Feb 4, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena