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  1. Kross123
    These heartless were strong, but Kross was nimble and bunches faster. He eyed a lance soldier coming towards him and he readied his keyblade. He then saw one more chasing the rogue spear and got an idea. He jumped up and used the Lance Soldier's face as a pedestal to grab the rogue lance that the other one was chasing after. He felt a jerk suddenly and he was flying around with the thrashing spear, He wasn't about to let go though and used his strength to guide the spear up so he could get a view of where he was. He saw the lance soldier staring at him. If they had faces, it would convey one of either shock, or would say 'oh shi-' before he dove with the spear and kicked off at the last second, letting it slam into the Heartless and annihilate it, releasing its heart. The other one charged at him and attempted a series of jabs, which Kross quickly albeit gracefully dodged. He swung his keyblade up and knocked the spear out of the Soldier's hands. He then aimed his keyblade at the Soldier's face and then aimed up."Time!!" He cried out, a magic then ceased the rest of the heartless in their place, and Kross wailed on his attacker while waiting for the stop spell to wear off.

    Kross has cast stop!
    Lance Soldier defeated: 2
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 28, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Kross123
    Kross heard another male and turned his head to regard him. The white hair and weird attitude gave the man away quite quickly. His expression didn't even shift as the man commented on their little scuffle that happened over three centuries ago."My copy."He corrected pointedly. Ignoring the exploding Hunter and the culprit behind the overkill, he turned to Beuce fully, looking him up and down before looking over at Xero."Sorry Xero, guy talk."He said and went closer to Beuce and looked at him."Despite the unpleasant welcoming committee, it's good to see you again, Beuce."He said in a calm, much softer voice."And don't fake your emotions towards Ananta, dishonesty is unlike you."He said. "You are the man I wanted to see, it a favor from an old don't have to do this if you do not want to're the only friend I can trust."He said."I have a daughter who's run away from home and a son I have sent to find her. I have a bad feeling about what they may have gotten themselves into. Ohm has a one-track mind but Anadi..she'll do anything for a thrill."He said, so much like his wife."If anything happens as I feel it may, I would like you to at least keep an eye on them."He said. He put a hand on Beuce's shoulder."Can I trust you to do that?"


    Ohm grit his teeth, it looked like the attack hit but the stingray was still up and kicking, and now it flew out of range of close attacks. He wasn't much good at long range fighting as he was at close range. He would have to use that rune to even try to get a hit off, it wasn't even guaranteed to be very accurate either. His eyes glowed red, the fire rune replacing his pupils as he brandished his sword in a fluid, repeating motion. Orangish red light flew out of the sword's edge and flew in a stream towards the distanced stingray.​
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Kross123
    "People are piss-weak?" came a voice from the heavens right above Ananta and Hunter. Down descended another in Keyblade armor, fresh off of his keyglider. His blue armor peeled off, revealing piercing red eyes and white hair with a healthy fair complexion. His glare was firm and his key glider disappeared into the quirky Odin keyblade that he possessed. shards of his armor were still flaking off of him in bright white light."I could BLINK and you'd be dead, youngster." came the voice. He backed up beside Ananta and stared Hunter down, silently scrutinizing him before he turned his gaze to Xero."Get your husband, your friends and get out of our home." He said in an angry tone, though not full blown rage, it was heavily suppressed."And you.."He turned his gaze to Hunter."Don't you dare taunt my wife. I don't care about your plot, your filler or your damn fourth wall, I had to deal with Beuce for that annoying habit, I will not have it in my home."
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 23, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Kross123
    Kross only held his arms behind his back as he walked. He wasn't angry with any of his allies by any means but they had been treating him like he was stupid from the moment they had even arrived here, stomping on his idea and telling him that the 'plot had to continue' What were they even doing? small amounts of anger boiled inside of him and he found himself clenching his fists. He sighed and slowly dropped his arms to his sides. He hung his head and just watched as his feet dragged him forward. 'Adults are stupid..' He thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by someone who came over and asked him what was wrong, It was Kel, he recognized that voice anyway, they did help each other at one time. He turned his head to the side."Chipper as ever."He answered. He had good reason to turn his head because just as he did so, he saw several dark portals manifest around him. He grimaced and glared sharply, freaking knew it..They shouldn't have stalled so much. He could hear the screams in the distance and he glanced up, seeing the carriage being raided by three figures."Queen Minnie!" He shouted and ran forward, only to be stopped by a group of Soldiers. He slid to a stop and watched them surround him. He ground his teeth and summoned his keyblade, brandishing it and taking his stance."Bring it.." He said in a dangerous growl.

    Two leaped at him and he sprung to action, bending at the knees and leaped into the air. He started pointing his keyblade up and twirled in mid air. His body started sparking yellow and golden colored lightning rained down from the sky, crashing into the heartless and caused the earth to briefly rumble under the power of the spell. The two heartless convulsed from the spell being used on them and swelled up, popping into the darkness whence they came. That will teach them not to mess with keyblade wielders.

    Lance Soldier 14/20
    Soldier 14/20
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 21, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Kross123

    His thoughts of someday teaching that stuck up prick a lesson was cut short by Freya. Ohm turned his attention to her and quietly listened. He looked down and only nodded, maybe Lexcifur wasn't the best guy to be social with but he was still an ally. He looked up when Freya thanked him . He smiled and gave a nod to her thanks. He looked back behind him and then caught up with the group. Up they went, and when they got there, trouble was waiting. A huge sting ray with a man standing on top of it. He drew his sword immediately and narrowed his eyes, this was the anomaly he sensed earlier. The thing attacked with lazers and the lazers came towards him, but stopped. The lasers swelled and then exploded into steam that harmlessly wafted past Ohm's form, his sword brandished and his eyes a cyan blue with the Ice rune in them. He saved his own ass just in time but it was time to pay that giant ******* back for that cheap shot. He poised his blade again and let out a cry, swinging and sending an energy chakram spinning towards the sting ray.​
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Kross123
    Kross felt a sting as Steel got him to shush down, he looked to Ananta..maybe she would believe him. She said to leave her alone while she talked to Steel. Though her anger wasn't directed at him, he still felt that sting of her biting words. She went on ahead to talk, or more yell at Steel and his head went downcast. He lagged a little more behind, he was already behind the group anyway so they wouldn't notice his slowness. 'Am I that annoying?' He asked in his mind. His gaze went to Kel. surely he would believe him if no one else wo- he stopped himself, no...Kel would tell him to beat it too, maybe he shouldn't have come at all. He only followed behind the group, head downcast. Maybe he should find a way out of there..they didn't need him anyway.
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 16, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Kross123

    Ohm's eyes sharpened as the Berserker was thrown towards him, hand on the hilt of his sword tightening considerably. However, it looked like Lexcifur came to the rescue. With everything in order, he sheathed his sword, but turned and stared forward, he could sense something, something big, and something very bad was waiting for them at the end of this world. He only heard partially of what Lexcifur said but chose to ignore it. he had other things on his mind, what was that terrible feeling. He then heard Lexcifur talk towards Freya, telling her to get up and he shot a piercing glare at him, the girl was still prone and he had the gall to order her around. Lexcifur had a point though. He looked at Freya with a soft expression, as if he was saying 'Don't force yourself if you don't have to.' He went away from the two to join his other allies, he was ready to just get this over with and go back to the meeting place, he wanted to see his sister.​
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Kross123
    It looked like everyone was ready to go. Kross was currently adjusting the tightness on his pants, sighing. He had to choose the pair that were too big for him. He turned and grinned as Mickey spoke."I'm ready to go."He said with a confirmed nod. His grin fading as they tried out a catch phrase, which Goofy seemed to mess up taking from Donald's reaction. As usual, Mickey's boundless optimism showed through and Kross couldn't help but smile. Pete approached them and began to give them specifics on what their mission was. Supposedly they were supposed to protect a princess..from far behind the carriage. As a mage, Kross could do long range magic, but he still found it strange that Pete would assign the queen's best protection so far from contact. What if something happened? As the group left, Kross stood there for a moment, his eyes narrowing into Pete's retreating back, before he slowly followed along, soon catching up with Ananta.

    The theme song could be heard faintly behind him and he turned, expecting to see a chorus, but no one was there. He blinked and hurriedly caught up with Ananta again, leaning in real close."Ananta..don't you find this a bit strange? Why would the leader want us to be so far from the queen? It doesn't make any sense."He murmured so he wouldn't look so conspicuous to anyone else.
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Kross123
    Kross was pretty much the last to change. He looked down at his own clothes, these were his traditional clothes and he could move more freely in them, covering them would hinder his movements. He sighed and nodded, the red jacket was on first, he took the ring keeping his thin ponytail in place and his navy blue hair flowed out, free of their restraints. He pocketed the embroided ring before stepping into the pants, it slid over his waist and he secured it. He then put on the blue pull over, at least it was his color. He selected a hat from the pile and took his hair up in a bun, securing it with the ring he had in his hair earlier and put on the hat so it covered his head. He turned, seeing Ananta in the same outfit and smiled brightly."Ananta, it looks great on you!" He complimented cheerily. "Hey Steel. we're ready when you guys are."
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 5, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Kross123
    Kross contented himself to evading Donald's attacks, spinning and twirling in an elegant manner. He heard what Ananta said and nodded silently in agreement. He dodged to the side from another attack."His attacks are too erratic."He said."Charging headlong into battle is not how you win them."He stated in an emotionless tone, it was something that his Master had taught him. "Ananta, remember that attacking without taking damage is possible, dodge and wait for an opening, and then strike."He said, stepping back from an attempted jab by Donald.
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 2, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Kross123
    A really bad dog? That was a strange thing to say. Kross had to stroke his chin and process this for a moment. He turned towards Mickey and tilted his head, the guy looked slightly familiar. He couldn't put his finger on it but he knew a long time ago, he was searching in Yen Sid's library at the time during one of his studies, a curious mind back then. He saw a symbol of a larger circle with two smaller ones, just like the shape of this guy's head. He asked Yen Sid about it and he only said that it was a pupil of his, then discussion over. "Nice to meet you, Mickey..I'm Kross, nice to meet you."He greeted with a smile. When they brought out their keyblades, Mickey asked them if they were from another world. He blinked, that caught him off guard a bit. "I guess since everyone's whipped out their keyblades, guess I will too."He said. Star Seeker appeared in his hand in a flash of light and he smiled."I guess I am, although I'm technically not allowed to reveal that, but then found out so.."He laughed and rubbed the back of his head. The proposition of a friendly spar sparked that all familiar joy in him. He held his keyblade behind him, pressed his feet together and put his hand out infront of him and stood alongside Ananta."Nice to meet you Donald, and I hope this will be a great fight."He said."Ananta, let's enjoy this."
    Post by: Kross123, Dec 28, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Kross123
    Kross sagged his shoulders as his idea was shot from all sides, even Ananta disagreed with his plan. It sounded like such a great idea too. he watched them walk away and he frowned."Yeah, a plan where there is less time exploring, more ground cover and less chance for a massive ambush, that's a real bad idea."He snarled in a sarcastic tone to himself. yeah, what a nitwit he was. He followed behind at a slower pace, looking more like a kicked puppy than anything. He paused when one crashed through the wall with a bucket on his head and he stepped back in surprise. He looked around until he saw two more enter. He was still quite cautious, tense for a fight though he didn't draw his weapon. He saw the janitor run back out after the duck and looked at the mouse. He looked familiar was strange. He stepped along with the group and put his fist on his chest, bowing his head."We're here to search for something, have you seen any dark creatures around?"He asked curiously.
    Post by: Kross123, Dec 23, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Kross123
    Kross stopped infront of them and heaved a sigh before standing up straight. "It's great to see you all, no one is hurt right."He said before noticing Steel walked up. He gave a grin."We meet again."He greeted cheerily. He began to walk but a yell from above interrupted his train of thought. He looked up just in time to see a flash of green hair just a millisecond before it landed on him, an audible SNAP resounded as she landed..right on his back and brought him to the ground hard."GAH!!" He cried out, the air knocked out of his lungs. That landing hurt..a lot. He tried to struggle for a moment under her but found that everything hurt. Her rolling him over hurt a bit more and she profusively apologized while spamming the Cure spell on him. His only response weakly droned out."I think that knocked down some of my HP.."He groaned. Though he had the strength to stand while she continued spamming Cure on him. He went over and took her shoulders."Easy Ananta.."He said in a gentle tone."Save your magic, we're sure to run into trouble here." He said. He listened to Raisor and counted the Keybladers silently in his head. There was Steel, Raisor, Ananta, himself and Kel..uneven number, but hell, why not? "I say we split up."He said, looking at the group."We can cover more ground that way. There's an odd number of us here, but we can make it work."
    Post by: Kross123, Dec 21, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Kross123

    Ohm felt a strange sensation surround him, vaguely he felt like flying and the feeling felt incredibly warm and invigorating. He turned his head, attempting to smile gratefully to Freya for the help but he saw her sway a bit, only to be caught by the other man and carried to the castle. He hurried after them but stopped as two Berserkers guarded side by side at the entrance. As Lexcifur placed her against the wall and go to fight the berserkers. He quickly went over to Freya's side. He blinked and his eyes glowed green, the Rune for healing showed in place of his pupils and cast Green healing magic on Freya, it should at least stave off her fatigue and give her a chance to rest. He stood and turned, taking his place a little infront of the faint girl protectively, ready to aid Lexcifur if he needed it.​
    Post by: Kross123, Dec 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Kross123

    It seemed Ohm's little slip up caused more of these strange creatures to surround the group. While he did admire the fighting strategies, he couldn't simply sit by and watch them do this themselves. He turned to see a group of dusks twitch and dance around before him. Well, there was opposition and he needed to crush it. He rose his Rune Sword and closed his eyes. the Thunder Rune glowed in a resounding golden aura and he opened his eyes, now turned from blue to gold with the thunder rune in place of his pupils. He vanished instantly and appeared behind the dusks, all in the blink of an eye. He brandished his sword and his eyes flickered back to their normal color. The dusks that opposed him fell apart, one by one at the hip before they vanished. He wordlessly surveyed how his allies were doing. They were slow but they made solid progress in dispatching the enemy. He was proud of them, proud that they would not give up. There was another thing on his mind too. Anadi..he wondered if she ran into any opposition yet, he hated not being there to pull her out of harm's way. She was strong but Ohm still loved her.​
    Post by: Kross123, Dec 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Kross123
    Kross reached the gate and walked along the wall slowly, he looked for any clues as to where the culprit behind his Master's current ailment might be. He finally saw an ink splotch and his curiosity piqued. He tilted his head and slowly reached out, this was as if something was calling him to touch the splotch. He paused when Ananta spoke to him. Necklace..did she mean the one she dropped earlier. He turned his head to her, his hand accidentally placed on the splotch. he felt a forceful tug on his arm and he turned, alarmed. He struggled but it seemed that the ink was pulling him in forcefully."Anantaaaaa---"

    "Aaaa!" Kross's eyes widened as he saw the ground approaching fast. He had to act fast. He reoriented himself and twirled in mid air, magical light danced around his feet and it slowed his descent. He touched the ground elegantly and stood straight, looking around. He saw two others, Kel and Raisor nearby and he hurried over."Guys!"He called out. He was quite relieved to see them, familiar faces. Raisor brought up an excellent point, where were they? It appeared to be a sprawling castle with a large gate that led out to a vast countryside. He turned."Maybe we'll find answers here?"He said, positive Kross was positive.
    Post by: Kross123, Dec 19, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Kross123
    Kross is departing to the Country of the Musketeers

    Wish me luck! o:
    Post by: Kross123, Dec 15, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  18. Kross123

    Ohm walked alongside his allies, keeping as alert as he could but at the same time he did his best to look inconspicuous as to not alarm anybody. He heard Freya mention that they were not alone and he immediately snapped to attention, drawing his Rune Sword and snapped his wrist so it glowed a pure white color. He turned his eyes to the shadows and narrowed his eyes with suspicion. He charged towards the shadows and raised his sword."Haaa!" He cried out, striking the ground, only to discover that he struck at nothing."Mm??"He snapped up and looked around.​
    Post by: Kross123, Dec 11, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Kross123
    Kross was silent as he listened to Ananta. He was trained by Master Yen Sid and had the experience under his belt to fight but Ananta..She was trained in a spontanious way, the most spontaneous way possible. She was thrown right into the fray. Her survival for this long was admirable, Ananta wasn't trained to be a combatant, she was trained to be a healer. Kross couldn't help but feel a sense of understanding. He was thrown into the fray without much combat prowess at first.He set the half eaten pie to the side and didn't even touch his milk. He heard her question and looked forward, away from her as he stood up."Wherever our heart takes us, it's just the issue of getting there and finding out the truth. I want to bring an end to Master Yen Sid's ailment as soon as possible, and I think I know where we can do that."He said. He turned to her and said."Come on."He said and walked ahead. His eyes landed on the gate and he breathed in, heaving a quiet sigh before setting his stroll towards that way.
    Post by: Kross123, Dec 8, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Kross123
    Kross blinked, looking visibly startled when her hands rose up that he immediately took them off. He was silent at her words, thinking about it for a moment, yes, Beuce had literally lost an arm in that horrible fight with the Heartless. He sighed and shook his head."I already know."He murmured. He then heard her question and looked up to her. He was about to answer her when she turned to the bag and got out a couple of things. He saw the necklace drop out and he picked it up, staring at it for a moment before he pocketed it. He turned to feel Ananta put a container in his hands. He then took the carton and looked at it. Milk? He heard Ananta speak again and glanced up to her. Date? But he didn't remember asking her on a date, it was just two friends hanging out right? He got up and sat beside her."Ananta."He said and looked at her."I'm not going to go off."He said with a friend."I want you to help me continue that search."He said, opening the container."Oh, it looks great!"He said with a joyful smile, eating on it little by little but he visibly enjoyed it while doing so.
    Post by: Kross123, Dec 3, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena