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  1. Kross123

    Seeing nothing else to do here, Ohm turned and vanished in a flash of light. He ended up back at the disney castley library. It looked like the coliseum wasn't the place where the hero rested either. Two worlds and no hero, he started to think this was just some wild goose chase. It was discouraging, mounted on to the fact that Ohm was still worried sick about his sister. It plagued his mind that she'd use such a sinister power to kill him but it wasn't just her actions to kill him that broke his heart, she had effectively cut her ties to him, the only person who ever cared about her, Ohm loved his sister, she was his world and seeing her this lost, this gone saddened him. He put a hand to his chest and touched his back to the cool wall, sliding down so he was sitting, legs crossed and his other hand cupped his chin.​
    Post by: Kross123, Apr 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Kross123
    Kross might not have been the brightest of the group but he certainly wasn't dense. He noticed Raisor's momentary spazzout, but moments later, he got back up, even more determined than ever to finish this bout. He'd ask about it later, but like Iskander stated, they needed to finish this battle, they still had a bit to go, but Kross would not give up, not while he had breath. He was ready to go when Raisor was. He held his keyblade behind him, then he put a hand forward and stood his ground."Hey you bullies, if you have time to fight HIM, you have time to fight ME too!" He called out. THis seemed to call their attention. One two..two, two came at him. It was perfect. He sighed out and closed his eyes, raising his head as a honey colored aura flowed around him. He gripped his keyblade and then spun it on his hand, the blade dancing as if it was an independant being. He floated a few inches off the ground and charged, waving up his hand as the keyblade followed his motions, spinning like a buzz saw as he made quick work of one lance soldier before moving on to the next with elegant grace. He twirled and the keyblade kept up with his movements as he made quick work of the second. He then caught his keyblade and held the keyblade at his side again and gave a sigh, the aura fading out as he grinned at Raisor, taking a Potion out of his inventory and tossed it to him."If you're feeling down, take this! I can't worry about these things and you at the same time, ya know!"

    Lance Soldiers: 0/8~
    Post by: Kross123, Apr 7, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Kross123

    Panting came from the fading smoke, with such a flurry of spells it was surprising for anyone to be able to survive that but there was the mute, prone onto the sword sticking up from the ground, still pulsing grey from the rune recently being used. The time Rune had allowed Ohm to escape critical injury but a good number of scratches here and there were unavoidable. He shook off the tiredness from using up so much mana, but he'd recover. His eyes were focusing, trying to discern the blurring colors and odd shapes. It looked like Beuce had backed off for now, thinking there were no survivors in that assault of magic. He picked up the footsteps of Gwen leaving the area but he didn't budge an inch, questions still lingered..who was that man who attacked them? Did he know where his sister was? Was she safe?​
    Post by: Kross123, Apr 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Kross123

    'Deep Freeze!' the command rang out from his opponent. Ohm could start to feel the chill of the coming wind even before the attack initiated. His body enveloped in an orange and red aura as his eyes turned the same color. His body enveloped in the aura and the light shot out to meet the cold spell of Deep Freeze. Option number three. Both attacks cancelled each other out and a huge blast of power rang out from both of them as a result, making the earth around them crack in an instant and shake for a few seconds. Ohm stood his ground however, sword at the ready and glare set, it seemed that Beuce would either have to come at him this time, or retreat, and depending on everything, Ohm just hoped for the latter.​
    Post by: Kross123, Mar 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Kross123

    Ohm had expected Beuce to use some BS super move. Their eyes met and he knew right then that he was singled out. He stood on guard as Beuce charged him and he watched every step the guy made as if it were in slow motion. Though the steps were delibrate, they weren't with intention of charging at him, just closing the distance between the two. Once close, Beuce created a sort of makeshift magical barrier out of sheer wind. One thing about magic was that it took many forms for one spell but the difference with wind magic was that it took mana to maintain. It was a double edged sword, it's incredibly powerful but maintaining it would be a *****. He then heard Beuce speak and snapped his attention, looking around for any way out, not really looking like he was paying any attention, but he heard every word. It looked like he had to do the one thing that he didn't want to do..fight Beuce first one on one.

    The boss music kicked up full blast and Ohm had his sword at the ready, wasn't like he had a choice in the matter anyway. He held his sword to his side, raised it up and brandished it, sparks danced across his skin as his eyes opened, revealing the Thunder rune in place of his pupils as lightning danced around the two combatants. He tapped both feet and then vanished, only blurs of him remained where he once was as he slashed at Beuce from all sides, not in a full on attempt to defeat him but keep the guy on his toes and pelt him with little attacks.​
    Post by: Kross123, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Kross123
    A pair of arms reached around Samsara in a warm and loving embrace. Someone a little taller than her was embracing her in a loving fashion, and if she looked up, she would see the kind face of her father staring back, navy blue hair ruffly framed his young and soft face and light brown eyes made contact with hers."Anadi, It's going to be okay.."He said and gently ran the back of his hand over her cheek."You really changed your didn't want to worry your brother did you?"He said and took both of her hands."But look, your brother still worries about you, and he still adores you as he always has. Ohm is an usual young man..You know he never speaks but most of the time, he never has to. You can tell what he is feeling, that is enough..sometimes emotions can speak even louder than words."He said and squeezed her hands gently before letting them go."He loves you more than anything and anyone else..and he doesn't have to say anything to prove it, ever since you two were little, even when you were a baby..Ohm was enamored by you, he would never leave your side."He said and kneeled down so his head was to her neck."I know you still love him..please promise me, Anadi..please promise me that you won't let your hatred for your mother consume who you really are..No matter what, Ananta and I still love you. It was why I had to sacrifice myself and split my soul in fighter spirit rests within you, and my heroic spirit rests within Ohm." He ran a hand to her cheek and grinned, brushing a knuckle to it softly."Continue to fight for the sake of your comrades and friends, despite that you may be in a bad crowd right now..and Ohm will continue to fight to help you. He is still your brother, after all."He said."You're his heart, his world..never forget that, okay?"
    Post by: Kross123, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Kross123

    Ohm shouldn't have been surprised when Beuce knocked away his attack. Ohm was a master at swordsmanship but Beuce's magical arm was something to be concerned at. His eyes sharpened, Beuce had Ohm where he wanted him but he didn't kill Ohm or attempted him any fatal threat, why? He grimaced deeply and took his stance again, watching his two other comrades come at Beuce only to be flicked away as easily as he was. He then made eye contact with Beuce and held his sword up, then took a low stance to ground himself. He wasn't going to give up though, not until he could find a weakness to that magical arm of his.​
    Post by: Kross123, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Kross123
    Despite having little interaction into this RP for about a month, being as work and personal life was getting a little crazy, Kross was ready and raring to go. Although he hadn't partnered up with anybody in the immediate group(He kind of hoped to be paired with Ananta) He settled with Raisor. A chill rushed through the young mage as he could see shadows rushing towards them, then out leaped the Heartless. Lance Soldiers to be exact, these were the tricky heartless, using their unpredictable and clumsy tactics to lull opponents to a false sense of security, but Kross wouldn't fall for it. He felt his keyblade appear in his hand and he breathed in as the light it radiated warmed him. "All right."He murmured, time to shine.

    One of the lance Soldiers turned their sights on the mage and sprung to action. Kross snapped to a stance, he trained for this so he was prepared for this. He evaded the spear being thrown at him and immediately, he went for the lance bouncing around. He felt that familiar pull as the lance tugged him around like a rag doll, but he managed to regain control of it and sent it diving at the soldier. If the heartless even had a mouth, it would be saying 'oh shi-' before it was struck violently and poofed into the darkness from whence it came. He managed to regain his footing and landed to the ground safely. He breathed out and took a look at how Raisor was doing, and it looked like he was doing just fine, even gave the heartless the old uppercut."Nice!" He called out with a grin. Another targeted him and he eyed the heartless charging at him, spear out. He dodged and used the momentum to grab the spear in his arms and threw it to the side in a swift, circular motion. He then combo'd the heartless before raising his keyblade and twirled elegantly, releasing a series of thunder spells to fry the heartless, He stopped the twirling as the heartless burned away in darkness. that took care of a couple of heartless on their side, but there were plenty more to tackle down.

    Heartless: 31/35
    Post by: Kross123, Mar 12, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Kross123

    The Behemoth was pathetic, it was slow and weak. Ohm could take it out in one stroke, albeit he had to use one of his runes but regardless, it wasn't even a challenge. He sighed and brandished his sword, sheathing it and started to turn to try and see how his comrades were doing, but lo and behold another stood in his way, a lot smaller than the behemoth and humanoid, with silvery hair, a weird arm and...a keyblade.. It was just like his sister, this man was a wielder, did he have a connection with what happened to Anadi? Was that keyblade the source of darkness and corruption that overtook his sister. Regardless, the man presented himself as a threat and Ohm responded almost automatically. He drew the Rune sword, brandishing it slowly and held it behind him, taking a stance. Maybe this man would present more of a challenge to him, and totally NOT PULL AN OP DICK MOVE RIENZEL >.>. I'm getting off track, sorry guys. Anyway, Ohm readied himself and his legs moved for him. He charged at Beuce, giving a sharp cry as he swung the blade horizontal, aiming to cleave his unfortunate challenger in half at the waist.​
    Post by: Kross123, Mar 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Kross123

    The others were fighting their opponents, pretty average sized if you ask me, but what Ohm was facing was...a little bigger, if you count a 10 times height difference as a 'little bigger'. It looked intimidating but Ohm had faced over whelming odds before, namely his sister and his father but that wasn't the point. Were it not for the weird whipping hairs that this monster had, Ohm would legitely be scared of this battle. His sword danced in his hands and he took a stance.

    The behemoth gave a roar, possibly opting to try to get Ohm to scream in terror...or something of that nature, but all that elicited was, surprise, more silence from Ohm. The monster became angry and lifted a leg. Ohm calmly put one hand behind him, the other hand held his sword outways. The Behemoth charged him but Ohm merely shifted to the side, causing the monster to fall clumsily over. He eyed the monster as it stood up and sprung to action, his eyes flashed yellow with the thunder rune and sliced right through the monster, it immediately split in half.

    Overpowered weapon is overpowered, lolamirite?​
    Post by: Kross123, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Kross123
    Olympus Colesseum, as these people referred it by. It wasn't particularly sprawling or impressively big by any means, but it still had that atmosphere of heroism, of strength in battles passed. It brought back many memories of Ohm training with his father, the mute swordsman became a master but it was by no means easy. Kross was a gentle hearted man but his training methods were nothing to sneeze at. Kross was a master swordsman as well as a master sorcerer. He taught Ohm both the physical and magical aspects of battle and what to expect, but that could be saved for another time. Ohm had other things on his mind. Why was his sister acting like this? Had she given herself to the darkness? What could have snapped in her for her to be attacking him? He wracked his brain for answers but nothing came to mind. He trekked behind his allies, only catching bits of their conversation, Ohm was mulling and he was mulling very hard. He stared blankly, only realizing his surroundings too late, the entire atmosphere turned dark, chilling, what was this? He stopped when someone mentioned that the group had company and creatures of the darkness slowly began to emerge from inside of the ground. As startled as he was, he wasn't unprepared for this. Quickly, he drew his sword and turned towards his enemies, taking a battle stance and planted his feet firmly to hold his ground, he would fight alongside them, show them that he was more than capable of taking care of himself.​
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Kross123

    This was going to be a huge problem, but Ohm's objective was still clear. He had to save his sister and bring her back home. This new resolve brought him to his feet and his eyes went yellow with the lightning rune for his pupils. He stuck his sword in the ground and flashed away in a bright light along with his sword. The next time he appeared, he was in the colisseum. He saw the others ahead of him and he ran to catch up, slowing to a walk and looked around, watching for any signs of danger, ready to spring into action whenever danger reared its ugly head.​
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Kross123
    Other people their own problems going down the stairs but Kross had the stamina to so. He could feel the necklace bounce a bit with his steps, remembering how Ananta gave it to him but he only continued in cold silence. It was clear he was in a bad mood, why? It was obvious. He was sick and tired of others judging him. He wasn't a child! He could have good ideas too. But no, They took his idea and stomped on it, and rejecting his idea ended up getting the princess captured ontop of that! These people were not experienced at all with keeping a 'low profile'.
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 18, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Kross123
    Something else caught Kross's eyes, in the corner of them, he could see in the reflection of the water that Gexln had raised his blade against Ananta. He gritted his teeth and closed them again, he needed the concentration for now."Mother Crystal.. Ek'Tok, it is time for you two to ally, protect our children with your light..Mother Crystal, with your grace, watch over Anadi..Ek'Tok, with your raw power, guard Ohm."He said, two lights came out of the crystals as he recited this prayer." said long ago that despite having the powers of the mother soul is my own."He said, light flaking off of him as he started to fade, his body glowing bright blue."I hope you have not forgotten."He said. He completely faded, the crystal dropping into the water and completely dissolved.

    A light sphere floated down between both Ananta and Gexln, exploding in a flash. Out of the light stepped an ethereal form of Kross, reaching out and gently touched Gexln's arm."Stay your blade from this innocent."He spoke in a gentle voice.
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Kross123
    • [​IMG]
      Ohm was worried now, his sister just used the very power that his father had fought against for over 300 years and it worried him even more that she would use it against her own brother. What was wrong with her? His father's wisdom would be enough for him to figure this out, but unfortunately the big lug wasn't around when he needed him. He saw her disappear behind doors and he gave a nod to the skittles text guy and ran forward, right forearm slamming through the door, to find nothing. He felt his knees become weak and, this was bad, very bad. Did he lose his sister forever? The one he loved the most? What was going on. He grit his teeth, blaming this damn rebellion would be illogical but what else could he do? She used an evil and forbidden power, something that could very well corrupt her, and he couldn't save her this time. He clenched his fists and threw his head back, letting out a cry from his very heart, enraged and really sad.
    • In his house, he knelt down infront of a small pond, his eyes conveying great sorrow, the reflection in the water showed the conflict between the two siblings...and that power. He closed his eyes and hung his head."Ananta..this test is too much for this point, I will HAVE to interfere." He said calmly and opened his eyes. He stood to his feet. He was worried, not only for his children but now for his wife, what was she doing? He knew she had cast that spell on Ohm, and she could very well have severed Anadi's connection to Crystallis, and now she was actually surrendering the secrets of the crystals to the enemy, to a man who would use them for selfish gain. He opened his eyes and they set to a glare."Everything I do, I do for my home..both of them, even if I have to take up the sword against my own family, I love them too much to let them fall apart like this."He said and took the necklace off of his neck. He looked at the water and held the crystal up."I myself, cast a spell on Anadi..just in case something like this would guide her in spirit if she ever went astray..after all, she's as my daughter as my wife's..Ohm, I'm proud of you, you've become so kind and sacrificial..the traits of a true hero are not defined by their physical appearance..but their heart.."He said his red eyes faded back to their honey brown color, his hair starting to darken from white and took on a shade of blue slowly.
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Kross123

    Now Ohm was even more worried, the fact that she denied his existence alone was breaking enough but the darkness in her hand, that was clearly meant to destroy him was even more chilling. He put his shirt back on and reached for his sword, drawing it and took a low stance, his eyes flashing yellow with the lightning rune, ready to slice through the ball when it got near him..except it didn't. Skittles managed to intercept the attack for him while attacking his sister in tandem. He stood straight and drew his sword, keeping an eye on Anadi for the time being while the man interrogated her. He was right, why attack him? Why call him a fake?​
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Kross123
    Kross sighed, the battle was over for now and he was glad of that. He didn't need the added tensity for long. The relief didn't last long, as the three came back with bad news. His mood sagged more as did his shoulders, if they had just gotten to the carriage instead of following this insane 'plot' Steel was spouting about, if they had just followed his idea instead of throwing it in his face..He sighed, he missed Anora. She wasn't judgy at all, at least not this judgy and at least Karina had the decency to hear him out. He noticed Ananta out of the corner of his eye, one of the people who hurt his feelings had to talk to him while he wasn't in the best of moods. He heard her question about the necklace and stayed quiet. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the piece of Jewlery, putting it in her hand and just walked faster ahead without another word, he wasn't in the mood to talk right now..
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 12, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Kross123
    As Ohm was the better swordsman, he was able to fend off Anadi's attacks quite effectively. He only twisted his body certain ways and drew his sword only half way to block her attacks, not even drawing all the way out. As a Master Swordsman, he didn't really see the need to. He had some breathing room when she finally jumped back. Her question warranted Ohm's silence, as usual. His expression was concern and confusion, what could have possibly caused this? Her malicious laugh gave him chills but he stood there, unmoving for a second. Then he reached and clutched the hem of his tunic, pulling it slowly over his head and revealed his toned, athletic upper body. His torso was littered with scars, notable an x-scar on his left pec either from training or battle. Quietly. he twisted his forearm a bit, a tattoo of a star, much similar to his father's was there resting just below his shoulder. He looked from the tattoo to Anadi, a soft expression adorned his features."Ana.."He said, but it was just a sound, one could swear he was trying to say his sister's name.​
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Kross123

    Ohm saw his allies step through the portal of darkness, not two seconds after, Lexcifur already made a snide comment about the castle, this earned a glare from the silent swordsman, and he was about to protest that insult to this beautiful world when a curse in his own language was heard by him. He stiffened, his sister...Anadi was okay? He turned and smiled brightly, preparing to greet his younger sibling warmly when something was off, she wasn't charging at him to hug him..she was attacking him. His bright expression faded and he quickly jumped out of the way of the forceful stroke of her keyblade, he observed the torn, violated floor with a look of mild confusion and turned to his sister, a look of light shock on his expression, was she trying to fight him? was she trying to kill him? He knew better than anyone in this room that he was the better fighter but he couldn't just fight his sister without a reason!​
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Kross123

    It seemed they were victorious in their efforts to defeat that...thing, whatever it was. Ohm brandished his sword, twirled it so he held it back hand style and skillfully sheathed it. He turned and walked back to his allies, his serious expression was quite cheerful, it wasn't too tough of a battle but victory was always sweet. The blonde in armor proposed that they keep looking for this hero and he nodded, agreeing. They still had a mission to complete. Their musings, however were interrupted by the man who lounged to the side while they had fought. He said that the hero could not be found here, and Ohm knew that better than anyone here. The man opened a dark portal and Ohm froze up, feeling that familiar chill down his spine, he did not like that feeling and this kind of magic was something that he was not particularly fond of. Ein entered the portal of her own accord so Ohm would do the same, giving a passing glare at the man he clearly did not trust. He entered the portal and came out into the library back at the castle. It looked like this trip was fruitless after all. "Haa..."He heaved out a heavy hearted sigh, looking around. It seemed like his sister was still not back quite yet, and honestly that worried him. If anything happened to Anadi, He swore that her allies and enemies alike would pay dearly for putting his sister in danger. He ground his teeth together, everything about him screamed anxious, he was so worried.​
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home