Kross had to suppress an irritated snarl. Luna was going to ruin everything. He wasn't even planning to fire at the doctor, heaven knows he wouldn't kill anyone. His eyes sharpened as Karina received a shock. He'd heal her but right now it seemed that the other good guys were here. Instead of hiding them however, it seemed that the doctor was thinking. He could literally hear the gears in his head turning. As the cages opened, Kross dropped out and landed gracefully. It seemed that the doctor made his decision to let them go and he flashed a grin at the man."I was wrong about you, you're not cold and heartless." He said. His eyes turned to Karina and he frowned. Why was Karina all the way over there where she could be over here with people who cared about her. Well...he cared if no one else did. He just continued staring, his honey gaze unwavering. Gingerly, he approached, taking a seat beside the distressed girl and pulled his knees up to his chest.".....It's been a while since we've talked, huh?" He said, trying to sound as cheerful as usual. It failed.
"A cage without a door."Kross repeated. This was going to be a problem, a big one. He closed his eyes and twitched a brow, his hair flaring as he tried to keep as calm as possible."You know what your doorless cages can't do?" He asked the doctor in a low and dangerous tone, catching Karina reaching out to the doctor-to strangle him."Defend you from a very angry Karina. You made a bad call, trying to restrain her." He aimed his keyblade at the doctor's chest, the tip glowing a yellowish orange as he prepared a fire spell."You will tell us how to get out of here, or consider your goose cooked!" He warned in a snarl. He wasn't bound to miss with Karina holding him in place."Now!"
"You're no man of science.."Kross said in a low voice and narrowed his eyes at the doctor. He was definitely not in the best of moods for this musical mayhem. They were strapped for time and he had a master to save, they needed to get out of here. He grit his teeth and held the bars tight in shaking hands, his glare dark and filled with fury. "We don't have time for this mad man..."He said in a low tone and glanced to Karina."Karina, please tell me you have something that can get us out of this...?" He asked. If anything, Karina was the best shot they got. If not, he had to come up with something...anything to give them a foothold and escape. If nothing else, there was always the keyblade that could unlock ANY kind of lock in existence. What the heck were they waiting for? He sharpened his eyes and stepped back, holding a hand out and closed his eyes tight, mentally calling out to his keyblade."Keyblade...give me wisdom.."He murmured, a sharp spear of light and out popped Star Seeker. He turned and then swung at the cage."Let's see your cage hold us in now!"
The others were here, good, it meant the inklings were playing into his hands. Honey eyes snapped up at the sound of a familiar voice. His eyes met sky blue. Long green hair gave her almost immediately. He stood, hands on the cage."Ananta, I'm okay!" He said, looking around to his allies and then to the singing scientist."P'tak miantik! Kih siam pant'tik ki! Mik' kiantikik'!!" He yelled in his language, banging at the cage to try to scare the scientist."P'tak miantik!" He exclaimed, maybe the scientist would be frightened enough to retaliate somehow."Why don't you get yourself over here and fight instead of hiding behind your cages and machik'!"He exclaimed.
Kross paused, the castle wasn't too far now but even with that, how was he going to get to his allies? The castle was clearly occupied and he needed to get inside somehow...but how? Blots began to surround him and solidify into strange creatures. His smart mind deduced them to be from the castle. He only raised his hands, maybe these could lead him to his allies."I'll turn myself in, just take me to my friends."He said. He really didn't think that far ahead but there was no turning back now. He had to do this. 'For my friends...I need to reunite with them...' he thought to himself, from there he could strategize and plan, maybe even execute an escape plan in one swipe, maybe this time they would listen. Mere minutes later, he was being led to the castle, arms behind him. His eyes focused fiercely forward."Hang on everyone...I'm coming to get you all...we'll all get out..."
This was it, they released the hero. Even Ohm couldn't deny the shuddering darkness that had been released that very moment. This was a hero of darkness, not of light, why could they not see this? Oh right, senseless violence. 'Father, what would you do...?' The mute warrior intoned. As much as it sickened him to admit it, he admired Kross. He might have not been the best dad but he was vastly wise. In his own little dimension, he rose. He knew one thing his father would ever do, let this boil over. He took his sword ad pointed it skyward. Next stop, The goddess. He vanished in a flash of golden light.
Kross opened his honey golden eyes with a start, he was still in Disney Town...What had he been doing? His friends were not around so he stood. The music still playing through empty streets. As cheerful as it was, it still left a feeling of unease and a sense of eeriness. He looked around and silently walked the parameter of the plaza. No one was here, where had they all gone? He softly sighed out and stroked his chin."...Now what? I've nothing to do, not even Ananta remained to wake me up.."He said."....I hate being ignored." Suddenly, he felt something almost trip him. He rounded to see a book and picked it up."Did someone drop this?" He looked around. No owner to claim it. It was just a book...right? It had no title, but plot compelled him to open it and try to read anyway. A bright yellow light shone and he shielded his face. Soon the book dropped, but Kross was no where to be found. Spiralling, dropping. The world was just a random batch of colors for him. He felt like throwing up and tapped his belt to try to call his armor but...nothing."Damn.."He whispered and felt his back hit solid ground. hard. He gasped and jolted, looking around. He got up and felt his legs give out, causing him to stumble and fall onto his knees."Ugh...what a fall.." WHen he looked, what laid infront of him...was a castle. Oh no... He winced at the sound of thunder."All right, to this castle I go."He said, hurrying his way forward.
No one...absolutely no one even considered his plans. He began to wonder why he even went with the group he had in the first place. They didn't even listen to him or talk it out. He sighed and shook his head in frustration. Okay, maybe it wasn't right for him to be in a bad mood but he had been on the sidelines for far too long and even the first time, the first few seconds he had said something useful. He was shot down for it. He could feel a pair of eyes on him and he turned up his honey amber gaze, meeting the sky blue eyes of Ananta. Even she..someone he could trust didn't trust him enough to side with him. He tore his gaze away and crossed his arms over his chest, glancing away. He didn't care, he would continue to find a way to save his master, these kids could go goof off if they wanted to.
Ohm removed the finger from his nose and affixed Hunter with a glare . Having his back to the mute was a bad idea but he didn't make a move to attack him. He instead walked to the entrance to the cave and eyed them all."Good ruck." He said in his broken accent, they needed it to fix this mistake of releasing that warmonger into the worlds. Now to warn the goddess.
It was not long before the Ohm found the house and the three allies that had made it before him. Seven locks held a figure.. So this was the all famous hero. He walked over, eyes inspecting the lock. He felt like the only one here who knew the truth behind the lies. This journey was pointless. With that in mind, he decided to do something actually meaningful. He turned towards the three and drew his sword from its sheath. He affixed the trio with a glare and pointed his them. No games, he was tired of it. The persecution ended here.
The battle was finally over. It felt like an adventure but it was more than that. It gave everyone the opportunity to rethink of the reason they were here. Kross had not helped much and he was not in the best of moods even when they made their way back to Disneytown. Once there, he immediately separated himself from the group and made his way over to one of the benches. He took a seat, a lot was on his mind.
Very sorry for delays, internet is out. I'm waiting for it to get fixed.
The mute boy's hair flared as he took Samsara's punishing shock and it prompted him to pull his arm the **** away from Samsara's grip. He affixed her a blank stare and watched as she headed off. Contrary to her order, he followed, more likely because he had no one else to go with.
"Here comes Kross!"Exclaimed said surprised guest. After the writer being on Hiatus for so long, Kross himself was restless and ready to spring back into action. When Kel brought hell upon the small Beagle, he followed up with a STOP spell and twirled around the enemy, slashing him multiple times before ending with a charge slash just as time continued. Small Beage: 21/100
While the others driveled on and on about their questionable experiences in leadership, Ohm actually took the time to survey the area, blue eyes scanning the area in silence. He heard the suggestion and turned, maybe splitting up would cover more ground. He nodded to Freya and came up to stand beside Samsara, he knew who he wanted to come with, he wanted to find out more about this girl.
Ohm quietly watched as Lexcifur entered and then immediately left for some unknown reason. His brows furrowed but he didn't seem to care any more than that, if the guy wanted to leave, Ohm would not hinder him. The greeting rang in his ears as Jackie came. He heard her nickname towards him and gave an annoyed glare right at her. He turned away and grunted. If he wasn't hurt before, he was now. He saw another enter the world. it was the white haired girl he had seen earlier. He could smell the darkness coming off of her and his head turned away, his expression unsure of whether or not he should even address the girl. He just wanted to search for his sister and somehow bring her back. He walked past Samsara and inspected the landscape in silence. Space, nothing but empty, vaccumous space.
Kross took this chance to wind down, those excessive attacks were killer on his stamina, but when he was ticked off, he intended to vent it out, bottling up emotions were not that great for him. He heard steps and he turned his head to see Ananta approach him. He straightened himself up and smiled in reply to her words."Don't worry about me."He stated and looked to see any heartless that were left. He turned fully to her and looked her over for a moment to try to spot any injuries."You're not hurt, are you?"He asked her. he had seen that she had healed herself prior to talking with him, but he was still concerned for her healthy. Healing magic was nice for getting one back on their feet but it was up to the person's natural healing rate that really made the difference. He turned from Ananta and eyed the remaining Heartless."Ananta."He said, taking his mages stance with his keyblade pointed behind him."Are you ready?"He asked her.
Ohm was not the type of guy to think things through. He didn't seem like the type of guy who could lead an army with inspiration speeches. He could communicate, he just had his own way of doing so. So when he saw Zavion open a dark portal to another world, he got up and rushed towards the portal."Haaaa!" He shouted, diving through and rolled, ending up on Treasure Planet, Cautiously, he took in his surroundings and rose to his feet.
There was some ruckus nearby that caught Kross's attention. Blue eyes looked up from his knees to see Samsara talking to a male who threatened to kill her on the spot. He frowned, more malice was going on and as much as he enjoyed a good romp every now and then, this was neither the time nor the place to do any major fighting or killing, they could save it for the Heartless and nobodies. No one needed teamwork to be compromised."Oi."He grunted annoyedly at Caleb and Samsara, his expression furrowed with mild irritation, he was not having a fight while he was here in the safe zone.
It was NOT KROSS"S FAULT that he was in the world of Limbo, he had been waiting and waiting for Raisor to reply. So now that he got the chance to(Also, no thanks to bad internet) He was ready to fight again. He wasn't getting caught off guard again and like HELL he would even give these Heartless the time of day. He took his keyblade and turned towards the rest of the heartless, noting some environmental damage done. Electricity still sparked from the various points of earth where he used his Thundara. He sighed and brandished his keyblade."Right, time to get back to work then."He said. He rushed forward in a rapid motion, swinging and slashing each Heartless one at a time. He was done with five of them and slid forward to a stop, his keyblade out and his eyes sharp. He heard them vanish one by one and he smirked, standing straight and looked back at the disappearing Heartless."That'll teach you to mess with me and my friends."He snarled in a glaring tone.