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  1. Sonic the Hedgehog
    I wanna know.Who do you guys like me better as.

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    Shadow The Hedgehog
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Feb 5, 2009, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog
    Look in my sig for this new banner I made.Tell me what you guys think of it.I will make more and post them up.Even give me a request.I'll be happy to make them.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Feb 2, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog
    Ya know what?I was just watching a vid of star Wars,that was backwards>Obi-Wan v.s General Grievous from Episode III Revenge of The Sith.And I noticed that when a ligthsaber ignites,and when it turns off.They are the same.When you turn a lightsaber off,it's the ignite sound played backwards.Watch this video backwards,and you will understand what I mean.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Feb 1, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Discussion
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog
    I like gum.How many of you chewed over like,10 pieces of gum?I've done 20,that's my best.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 31, 2009, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog
    Don't touch my god damn cookies!!!*hides them*Muahaha!Now you can't get them!
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 31, 2009, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog
    I was on Youtube.And I heard about this new DBZ special.Goku and his friends return.That's what it's called.Is has high quality,so the special is well done.It's supposed to be funnier,but it didn't seem funny to me one bit.The guy they fight at the end is a joke.Goku ss1 takes him out with a kamehameha and a punch in the gut.Wow.I hear the special aleready has been dubbed by funimation.But I'm not sure,I'll look it up.I only saw the japanese dub version.I give the special a 6.5/10.Only for it's quality.

    But,the characters seem out of place.Only a few.And it has a little DBZ nostolgia feeling,but it's not true DBZ.It's made by Akira Toriyama,the creator of DB,and DBZ.Not GT.
    Discuss what you think of this.

    Here are the links to the parts.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 28, 2009, 34 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog
    I hate to say this.But I am leaving Kh-v against my will.I got freaking grounded until like June.I"m so pissed off.I may be hanging around if I can sneak on.And weekends I can get on maybe.But weekdays.No.So,I'm giving some shoutouts to my good friends.

    Axelkh765:Thank you for what you've done,you were one of my best friends.I will see you around buddy.

    Silver The Hedgehog:I love ya bro,take care of Kate.

    lil woj:See ya on the flip side

    Day~Dream:Try not to get drunk while I"m not here.

    Roxas24Sora:Take care of Day~Dream.

    TAFFY:Sorry about our outing,it will have to wait.

    Star_Angel:Your my BFF forever Kaytie.Take care.*hugs*

    scarred_heart634:See ya later Meg.

    Renegade:You were one of the coolest guys I knew you spamming whore.Just kidding.See ya Mr.Spamming President.

    And to everyone else,I will catch you guys later I hope.I need to pressure my parents into letting me stay.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 28, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  8. Sonic the Hedgehog
    Welcome guys.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 26, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog
    I like Mudkips,they are like,the best things in the freakin world am I right?Help the Mdkips rules the world,not Bunny.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 25, 2009, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sonic the Hedgehog
    I think that they need a green drive form.I don't know what it would specialize ni,but the green fairy got jipped.Tell me what you guys think.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 19, 2009, 31 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Sonic the Hedgehog
    Allright,I've joined to become the next hokage.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 19, 2009, 37 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  12. Sonic the Hedgehog
    I have over 10,000 Vm's,and I bet you guys don't have anything closer.Do you?
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 18, 2009, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Sonic the Hedgehog
    I worked for about 1 hour on this video.I wanted to see what you guys thought of it.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 16, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog
    I'm thinkin baout changing my name.You guys decide.Keep it the same,or make up one for me and post it?
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 10, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog

    My God!!!

    Someone help!I recently became a premium,and the green username is taking over my mind.Help me snap out of it by smacking me with any item of your choice!Now please!
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 10, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sonic the Hedgehog
    Alllright!I'm in!
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 9, 2009, 23 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  17. Sonic the Hedgehog


    I made this because a friend wanted me to,and I wanted to as well.
    So you can talk about the DB series here,new games coming out if you wanna discuss em,and chat about the anime.No spam allowed!!Seriously.Stay on topic please.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 5, 2009, 248 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  18. Sonic the Hedgehog


    I want you guys to kill me with anything you choose.Go ahead.I'm not liking myself right now.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 4, 2009, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Sonic the Hedgehog
    I saw the trailer for the new live action movie of Dragonball Evolution,and all I gotta say is,it's gonna suck!!!!!!!The special effects may be good,but the plot sucks,Justin Chatwin plays Goku,some characters who never were able to fight,can now!!!Like Bulma.I have been going out of my freaking mind about this movie.And I want you guys to see the trailer and tell me,what your opinions are on this.
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 4, 2009, 174 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Sonic the Hedgehog

    The Darkness

    Ever been afraid of the dark,

    Alot have,even me,

    Some still may be scared,

    The Monsters that come out and kill the innocent,

    Or what about the Vampires that suck your blood for kicks,

    I don't like the darkness,not at all,

    And remember this,don't eat a sandwich and sleep,

    You might be scared out of your mind,

    Certain foods give nightmares...........
    Thread by: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jan 4, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Archives