He had at least 2 bitches, that's at least two.
Don't touch Mike's butt, you *******.
Don't shit in your shower then be upset when you slip in the morning.
Snitching on staff to staff should surely display unsavory behaviour
Standing beside you, bb.
This has went swimmingly, see you all next year.
So....Yes then. Never left.
And after much meditation and realization I've finally come to the obvious conclusion for myself. I no longer associate myself as a 'he', from this point forward and until the end of my days, I would like you all to refer to me as 'lord'. That's right, I've finally come to terms with that fact that i'm not simply a man, but the spirit of a 16th century noble in a 21st century world. I ask that you respect my wishes, anything other would be an insult to my being and an attack on my very person.
I once dreamt I spent an afternoon in an arcade with Marina Diamandis trying to win her a plushie from the crane game. That is all.
Great original thoughts going on in this chat.
I went full physical ps4 version because STATUE. I wantz it.
Present and reporting for duty, sir.
Bro whats with the potato quality sig? Surely there must be millions of HQ Bludburn images on the web.
kiiiiind of, but it only lasts for an hour, and there's usually input delay with share play, with a fighter game that's probably not advisable
Any of you ****s got MKX on PS4? If so hit me up, we fight and stuff.
It would seem like a waste of a lesson if the result was "I asked the internet for help"
I Sexually Identify As An Attack Helicopter. Ever Since I Was A Boy I Dreamed Of Soaring Over The Oilfields Dropping Hot Sticky Loads On Disgusting Foreigners. People Say To Me That A Person Being A Helicopter Is Impossible And I'm F'king Retrded But I Don't Care, I'm Beautiful. I'm Having A Plastic Surgeon Install Rotary Blades, 30 Mm Cannons And AMG-114 Hellfire Missiles On My Body. From Now On I Want You Guys To Call Me "Apache" And Respect My Right To Kill From Above And Kill Needlessly. If You Can't Accept Me You're A Heliphobe And Need To Check Your Vehicle Privilege. Thank You For Being So Understanding.
My finished tattoo, all coloured and freshly done. Spoiler
It's tempting, but i honestly don't play fighting games enough to warrant a £50 purchase.