Nothing much my dear, yourself? Ever so busy with school and people and parties and all sorts of strange stuff. How are you darling? I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH.
Hello there darlings.
Hurrah, that means I am successful.
Asdfghjkllll sssh you.
Oh you flatterer c: Now I'm blushing. Meh. I don't like blushing. All your fault.
Lovely lovely
Tea is always good m'dear, always good. And I wish I could get on Skype or something, but it's two in the morning here and my silly family are all...
Music and chocolate. And tea.
Oh blargh, I see. My condolences to you darling, if there is anything I can do, or if you want to talk and stuff, just....let me know.
I am rather tired, to the point where you end up getting weirdly hyper and laughing at everything. Or that night just be me. But yesh. Have some...
GODDAMNIT Apologies sweetie, this new website thingy is still confusing me. I thought I had replied or something. Argh. And then I ignore all the...
I CAN'T LIVE WITH OR WITHOUT YOUUUUUU woaaahhhhhhhh wooaaaahhhhhhhhh AND YOU GIVE YOURSELF AWAY AND YOU GIVE AND YOU GIVE YOURSELF AWAY and and My dad and myself were singing this one time as we walked through Dalkey, and Bono was laughing at us. It was awkward. /throwingthatoutthere
Hard choice, hard choice indeed. I would want to meet nearly everyone on here. Really. It would be wonderful. But I suppose I would most like to meet either Droid, Kelly, Lyanne or Adam in real life. Because I love them. Indeed. But then there are ever so many random people I would want to meet, from Tom Hiddleston to that guy I saw on the news who lived with 125 chickens. Just because. Real but now dead person? Mmm. Again, hard choice. I would love to meet my grandad, my mothers father, as he was, from the stories I have heard, an amazing man, with a great job and sense of humour and stuff. But I would also love to meet someone like Patrick Pearse (also a distant relative of mine, random fact of the day) or Michael Collins, people who fought and made a difference in history and stuff. Or Walt Disney. Or who ever brought tea over to Ireland. Beautiful people. Right. Fictional. Uhm. Let's go with Iron Man. Because I am in a Marvel mood. Again. Or Thor. Or Loki. Or someone. I would love to see Sephiroth, just because. He's pretty. And then tons of people from various books, other game/movie characters, everyone. A Flareon. I like Flareons. But. Yesh. Long detailed post is long and detailed.
If everyone else is good with that song, shall we enter it? And Kelly my darling, that description seems grand me thinks, but if anyone wants to write a different one or whatnot, go ahead. The only song I can think of, at this moment in time, that makes me sad is 'Daniel' by Elton John, but that's just because.....alright, soppy backstory time. My friend died, four, five years ago, and he has/had a little brother called Daniel. And it just, ugh. There's a line in the song that's like "Daniel my brother, you are older than me" and it just gets me, as Daniel is almost the age Rob was when he passed away, and will be older than him. And. Sorry. Danu shutting up. But yesh. Random blargh was random, Lyanne that song is also lovely.
If ones on offer, I cannot refuse.
Dat ass.
Not pushy at all sweetie, t'is an excellent song. So. Yesh. Shall we use that one my dears and darlings?
COULSON NOOOOOOOO YOU WILL BE AVENGED I was dying. With tears running down my face. And then Bruce running away. Just. Yes. Excellent.