Search Results

  1. Daxa~
    I have always loved the name Aoife, or Iona. Both lovely lovely names.
    Also Saoirse, the name of my half sister. It means freedom in Irish, and I just love the sound of it.
    And many others. Like Tony. I just adore that name.
    My mind is blank right now, but give me a while and I shall come up with more.
    Post by: Daxa~, Oct 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Daxa~
    Wait what.
    Hello new thread.
    Hello all who are in new thread.
    Post by: Daxa~, Oct 4, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Daxa~
    I adore my heels. They make me tall.
    Oh god. No. Thats just. Argh. Too hot. Far too hot. You poor darling.
    Oh, lovely, lovely. Mine is about the effects of additiives and stuff in food on teenagers, which then ties into obesity and all that kinda stuff.
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Daxa~
    It can be, indeed. I shall be wearing my heels tomorrow just to prove a point, what point I do not know, but meh.
    Hot? You lucky lucky duckling, it is frerzing over here. And semi flooded. It just rained for the past week or so, and drowned the whole country, argh.
    I am alright, thank you sweetheart. Trying to write up that lecture, while listening to music, so I keep on putting lyrics down instead of words and just confusing mess, indeed.
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Daxa~
  6. Daxa~
    Mmm, maybe.
    Oh you flatterer <3 I do hope you get better then sweetheart, anything in particular bothering you?

    Hiya Hu-Bu~
    Apologies, am writing up a lecture thingy right now, so I am only kinda half here. But still.
    How are you?
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Daxa~
    Hello Lyanne sweetheart, I have missed you ever so much~
    Right now, I am stressed and rather tired, but in general I am good, yesh indeed. Thank you kindly for asking, how are you?
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Daxa~

    But anyways.
    Happy birthday darling Adam, I shall arrive at your door with a cake someday in the future, that I promise.
    All my love, and Ingrids as well I am sure (I shall double check, indeed).
    And a random but true fact, today is Arthurs day in Ireland, where we celebrate the man who made Guinness. And there is music and free drink all around, yesh.
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Daxa~
    Good evening/afternoon/morning all~
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Daxa~
    Oh hai darling~
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. Daxa~
    No movies really, no. Just been super busy with school, although I must say it is great fun. Good old Transition Year, yesh yesh.

    Blargh, I see sweetheart, I see. And thank you kindly.
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Daxa~
    Not really, its more strange personal stuff mixed with things I know that could run people's relationships but then might not ruin them and the fact I am and just argh blargh moo.
    Thank you though.
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. Daxa~
    I am rather meh at the moment, confusing people and emotions and blargh.
    But thank you for asking Ben~

    Anything I can do to help sweetie?
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  14. Daxa~
    Good evening everyone and anyone, how are you all?
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Daxa~
  16. Daxa~
  17. Daxa~
  18. Daxa~
    Come over here and let me smother you to my bosom my darling.
    Whatever is wrong shall look a lot better after a lovely cup of tea and some loud old rock music.
    In other words, if you need anything, to talk or stuff, I am here for you.
    Now have a picture of a sleepy cat. Just because.
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Daxa~
    Shoot to Thrill, play to kill,
    Too many women with too many pills, yeah~

    Good evening all, I have been dancing around my house to AC/DC for the past hour or so. Found all my dads old albums, and am blasting them. While ignoring my homework. Meh. Next up we have Led Zeppelin, followed by Pink Floyd, by which time it shall be around three or four in the morning. Reminds me of my childhood, lovely lovely.
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Daxa~
    Well there are a ton of new people in my year, and most are now shocked at how much I have found out about them in the past week. So yesh. Although a few of them have been somehow counter stalking me, and two or three have told me that they enjoy knowing I care enough to stalk. Uhm.
    Oh you <3
    D'aww thank you sweetie <3 What/who has you annoyed? Need anyone malleted?
    I am alright, ever so tired, but yesh.
    Post by: Daxa~, Sep 18, 2012 in forum: The Playground