Miss ya xx
Greetings, warm regards, dancing moose to you all. How has everyone been? All good? All bad? Fab. Easter eggs. Eggs. "Cheep". Like a bird. I make myself laugh. In other news, I am tired and rather hungry and just got back from a Comic Con in Dublin. My lovely Dublin. Comic Con. Who would have thought it. But there was Kingdom Hearts merch there. Which made me think of here. And lo and behold, here I am. (Insert the deepest, most heartfelt, most dramatised statement of how much I missed you all here) (cause I did miss ya) (ssh)
Why thank you darling.
Creeping on youuuuu because I am bored hai.
So the Dublin LGBT Pride Parade was today. And it was magical and hilarious. And I sang "Sweet Transvestite" with some sweet transvestites and danced and got hugs off everyone because everyone was drunk and happy and just. It was lovely. Oh so lovely. And so many people were there and it was just great fun. And I felt the need to share that information with you all because I just got home and I'm still buzzing. Woo.
I should be sleeping but nooooooo.
I only came on because darling Droid made me. And I've been alright, happy it's summer time, even though its pretty much rained non stop because...
Dropping by because I have missed you. And you are always my son. And myself and Ingrid named a teddy bear after you last month and carried it...
Which means its time to get creative.
Ya that is me ya hello there ya
Plums Plums Plums I missed you hello hello hello <3
The Mishapocalypse was so beautiful and I spent the whole day in tears from laughing like wow yes (and then I contributed a picture of Dr Frank N Furter AKA TIM as Misha and I made myself laugh) and yes THE WHOLE CAST IN GENERAL IS JUST PERFECT LIKE WOW. And did it kill you. Myself and one of my friends burst into tears in class the next day because we remembered and just Cas and Sammy and CROWLEY and everyone and Metatron deserves to be in the cage like no. DONT WATCH IT OH GOD DONT DO IT ABORT MISSION.
Misha Misha Misha I do like a Misha in the morning, indeed I do, squishy little Misha. Just. Misha Collins. Perfect man. And I cry over Jensen a lot because hot damn yes please and thank you anytime anywhere. AND DON'T FORGET JARED PADALECKI AKA THE MOOSE OF RAINBOWS AND SUNSHINE. And no no no. It gets so much worse. Oh no no no no. LIKE THE END OF SEASON 8 I NO NOT JUST. No. NO. Nope.
Spoiler: just don't ask ok Woo for blurry bad camera hurrah but yes. Look. Its a DanĂº.
Its happening, and we can wear badges and just yes everything will be lovely. OH SWEET LUCIFER DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON SUPERNATURAL OH MY CASTIEL YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I AM SITTING HERE DRINKING OUT OF A SUPERNATURAL MUG WHILE WEARING PLAID AND I HAVE THE SAMULET ON. and no Merlin no not ok Cat. Just don't remind me of it. Pain.
Stop ssh don't even make me think about it and JUST NO MY BABIES Indeed, indeed.
Just a night out, t'was lovely. All the love m'dear, all the love. And just. I AM NOT READY FOR DR WHO 50TH ANNIVERSARY OH GOD CAT HOLD ME JUST NO IT WILL KILL ME. OH GOD. AGREED. We should make a club.
Its all good, although I need some chocolate to make myself feel better, tragic. And I was too lazy to click reply on the posts just there so yes.
Very good question, not sure yet. Vodka. And whatever people gave me oh god I sound like an alcoholic again I am not I swear. CAT I MISSED YOU SO VERY MUCH <3