YOU RESERVED THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND. I think I just burst my spleen from laughing. Oh god.
I should stop myself from watching the gymnastics in the Olympics. I get grumpy and decide I could do all those flips and tumbles. It ends in pain. On the plus side, it turns out I can actually do a cartwheel, leading into a backflip thingy. Indeed. Hai all. EDIT- I'm a thread killer makes it die hard fade away hard wish you never ever met me at all~
Little Queenie needed her night time cup of teaaaaa. D'awwww <3 I was worried for him when it showed all the fireworks following the boat. I mean,...
I want a hug >:3 But blargh, fine. Oh, what were you streaming? And I was going to be able to sleep last night, I was tired and warm and just settling in, when the freaking foxes that live in the forest started barking at each other, and then the dogs the neighbours all have joined in. Oh god. So loud. I hate animals. The front part, that kinda goes over the forehead? But you kinda cut it to the side, or part it, or yesh. c: I see, I see. Is it a really big store, or what? /fascinatedbyAmericanstores You would look lovely my dear, as usual. And it really is a lot of fun, people freak.
I am pretty sure you would have heard the fangirl scream I let out there. Look at my little Loki and he's dancing and grumpy and oh my god so...
Hai sweetie <3 I shall make a guess, and say Home Depot is some kind of furniture/carpet/floor/bathroom/home stuff store. Indeed. If that is the case, be sure to hide under things and grab peoples legs, it really is a lot of fun to do. Oh please, get your ass on a plane and get over here. Now. I am sure you look lovely sweetie, better than me at least. It is very possible my fringe was annoying me so I got a scissors and hacked at it. Indeed. Not such a good idea of mine.
Hai sweetie~ It's more than alright, means I do not have to bother pretending I feel alright, and instead can sit on the couch with a blanket and eat lts of ice cream and chocolate cake. As I finished the Chinese. Comfort eating for the win. I am alright, could be better, but yesh. How are you?
Oh my god yes. I was in shock. Mixed with screaming. And the helicopter entrance. Genius. I do adore the Queen. And how bored she was during the...
My mother and brother have gone away until Monday, my dad is out drinking, and I am left at home eating Chinese food and watching the Olympics. Life is good.