I think i sorted the W2D problem. Unequip all combo's,arials stufflikethat moves and keep only Negative Combo. You can use w 2 d finishers and starters. This should work. (It did for meh )
Ok: I tested them. Here is what happened: I struck my blade - It was kingdom key. No change. I was playing as da Sora man. I clicked start, and even though it was Sora it said Riku. Then i checked the weapon. It said WTD but i still had kingdo key. Then i go into battle, the ame freezes.
Ah sorry man. ;) I'll do it now.
I loaded, equiped Kingdom Key...And nothing happened :(
XX is replaced by RIku's digit. YY is replaced by SOra's digit.
Hm. I loaded my game with that code on and then in "The Usual Spot" tried to strike with my blade. The game frooze. I'm gonna try in a different world. EDIT: It freezes whenever i try to do seomething apart from walk. -.-
Xemnas dosen't work: You can only get the armored versions as far as i know. You can get Ultima from the official website i think. If not i'll try and get it. ;) For auron's ability: Enable Code: 02BZ-7GEF-733C4 E5ZY-T38R-2JBFJ Abilty's: ETNT-7XMN-KJGMC AKK9-P42M-M6DGD MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF V7CU-DMEN-BGG6X FY7C-MWXP-685FJ BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY WGKN-DP0Y-YEG9C UDX7-1HK7-TGTRD 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ Might be actually. y enable code is very different to yours. However the rest appears the same. I'll test in when i' done with my Roxas v. Sephirtoh fight. :P
Why is the line diff. to line i wonder... Anyway: Test theese would ya? Play as Christas Jack: MBVB-J2B9-ZBGWA KF3B-2J11-8ZR3B Play as Simba: RG96-7HCY-ET5A5 U20W-P5G4-4HBBW Both are all world codes.
C31H-2EAX-ZT28K QAMY-3VN6-0EMHQ That should work. If not i'll find a different one. ;)
Good News for all you ARMAXERS! I have converted these codes! So far i have the Sora - Riku and Enable. Just post a request and i'll convert :) Enable Code: 02BZ-7GEF-733C4 E5ZY-T38R-2JBFJ Riku - Sora: 7RW7-QQ2A-HMF21 QYFG-KHTP-WXYTC MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF NAWT-WKKX-GJAY7 FY7C-MWXP-685FJ BD85-AMDP-9JUNK WGKN-DP0Y-YEG9C UDX7-1HK7-TGTRD 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ
In terms of difficulty: 1. Xaldin - Screw you! He pwns me pretty easy on crit. mode! 2. Demyx - I HATE HIM! -.- Water Forms....100 in what? 30 seconds? 3. Xigbar - ...-.-... 4. Xemnas - Damn his final form! 5. Maruluxia - Well...same as above! 6. Saix - AGHHHH! HE'S JUST SO...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7. Laxues - How is his name spelt? XD SCREW HIM! 8. Axel - ...................................................................Not much to say.... 9. Luxord - Getting easier 10. Zexion - Easier still 11. Vexen - Easier still! 12. Roxas - Looking forward to his and way to easy! 13. Laxerene - I just found her easy =/
4735 Damn, i forgot what i was going to say!
You can synthesise in this game? How? Thanks for the adivce on parasite cage.
I need serious help! 1. I have seen people who have decks for example with only cloud cards...How can i get more of them? I got the one from beating Cloud but how do i get more? 2. I need a bunch on 9 cards...How can i get them? 3. Same for Zeros. 4. Cure cards? How can i get more. 5. How do i beat Parasite Cage? Thanks.
Me and a few freinds reckon his real name was actually Alex...See, it already has an X so they dont need to add one, just rearrabge. Anyway, damn funny. Took me a couple of mins to get it though.
My list: World: Toy Story - Partner: Buzz - Boss: Zurg World: Destiny Islands - Partner: Kairi - Boss: Darkside World: Monsters Inc. - Partner: Sully - Boss: Randal - Summon Earned - Mike. World: The Suite Life of Zack and Cody: Partner: Zack and Cody - Boss: Mr. Moesby World: Midgar - Partner: Cloud - Boss: Sephiroth World: The Incredibles - Partner: Dash - Boss: Syndrome World: Disney Castle - Partner: Mickey Mouse - Boss: Pete World: Neverland - Partner: Peter Pan - Boss: Mr Smee and Captain Hook World: The World that Never Was - Partner: Axel - Boss: E.S World: Doctor Who (I wish!) - Partner: The Doctor (David Tennant) - Boss: Black Dalek (Dalek Sek) World: ??? - Partner: Axel, RIku, Mickey, Kairi - Boss: ??? Lol, wierd list huh?
Wow, seriously nice dude. I wish i could do this witha PAL ARMAX.
You know your obsessed with Kingdom Hearts when you smash a chair over your sisters shadow saying, "DIE YOU FRIGGIN HEARTLESS!" - Trus me, its happened...
Theme: Anything (Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, Yugioh etc.) Due Date: 28th April Rules: No offensive language. Entrys will be marked by myself and a few freinds. Good luck.