Search Results

  1. RoxasXIIIX
    Hmm. No. I hug my friend all the time. He's a guy. I don't make out with him. I only make out with girls. Hugging a guy does not make you gay?'

    Incedently, how old are you? Guys often go through this stage. I did once.
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. RoxasXIIIX
    Wait what? S'it possible to cheat this for PAL?
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. RoxasXIIIX
    I reckon he was gonna eat...HIS DAD! Which is why he wasnt at dinner. :P
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. RoxasXIIIX
    Right. Seriously. What happened to eerkz and the UCM code?????
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. RoxasXIIIX
    I quote myself guys.
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 4, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. RoxasXIIIX
    Oi! Get on topic. That lives in da video warehouse...THIS IS A CHEAT THREAD!
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. RoxasXIIIX
    Which they could have waited for...for KHIII.

    I think they just wanted Sora fans to keep playing. Also...many peeps have phones so lots of peeps can get it. (Also, yu can get Mobile game emulators).

    Plus, if KH-Vids get the cutscenes and bossbattles i'll make a movie.

    Kh Mobile Movie anyone? :D
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. RoxasXIIIX
    Its Riku - Riku the timetraveller. :)

    Seriously. They arent boobs. So yeah...might be aqua, but the hair is ALL WRONG!
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. RoxasXIIIX

    This game will own.

    Nuff Said.
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. RoxasXIIIX
    Nah, it was me. I checked. Anywayz, i tested them. The Riku part dont work. I think the enable one does tho.
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. RoxasXIIIX
    Kingdom Hearts 3
    Past to Present

    Chapter 1

    Sora lay back on the tree that he and Riku had spent many a times on. It was a breezey day, with a hint of fear in the air, although Sora did not realise it. Sora was pondering. Pondering about the letter that the king had sent him. It had explained something about needing to return to Disney Castle, but Sora could not read all of it. The ink had run while it was in the water. Riku had been spending alot of time trying to decipher what it said, but was having no luck. There were lots of times when Sora thought about unlocking the door in the secret cave and crossing over into Disney Castle. Yet he knew Riku would come after him, leaving Kairi behind with no way to reach them. Sora turned his head slightly so that he could see the water. The distingushing boat of Riku's was visible in the distance, coming ever closer. There was a wave on the front, and several etchings of The Way To Dawn on the side. Riku had decorated it when he returned. As Riku came closer, Sora could make out his expression. Fear. His face was etched with fear. As his boat docked he jumped up in a panic. Riku kept glancing behind him, at the first island. Sora looked over to, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. He looked back at Riku, who had stopped and was motioning for Sora to come and join him. Sora jumped off his log and walked over, with a puzzeled look on his face. He scanned Riku's face and saw a deep gash on the side of his cheek.
    "Riku...?" Sora asked.
    Riku still looked scared, and was panting, obvisouly out of breath.
    "We have to leave, Sora!" Riku said.
    Sora looked ever-more puzzeled. "Why?"
    "I deciphered the kings message! I rewrote it. Here." Riku handed Sora a piece of paper.
    "Dear Sora and Riku. I regret to inform you that Destiny Islands will be attacked. Prepare for the worst. King Mickey." Sora finsihed reading the letter. Then it hit him.
    "Sora! We have to go!" Riku shouted.
    "But what about Kairi!?" Sora screamed back.
    Riku turned, and pointed at the sky. At first Sora couldn't see anything, but then he managed to glimpse a body suspened in the air before it fell. Then there was an incredibly loud bang, and the island was enfugled in a white light. Destiny Island One was gone. Sora turned on his heel, summoned his keyblade, and ran for the secret cave, with Riku following him. Sora skidded through the small hole and rolled over to stand. He pointed the keyblade at the door. It opened and Sora went through, with Riku trailing behind him.

    Sora fell onto the ground and looked up. They had ended up in a courtyard outside a castle. Standing up, Sora realised that they were at Disney castle. The warm feeling of light eradiating from the castle was spreading through Sora's arms and legs, giving him strength. Riku was already at the door to the castle, waiting for Sora.
    "Oi! Sora! C'mon!" he shouted.
    Sora nodded and went over, summoning his keyblade...just in case. Riku pushed the large doors open, and was suprised to see the immensity of the height.
    "Sora...Doesen't a mouse live here?" Riku asked, with just a hint of disbelief in his voice.
    Sora nodded. "Shall we go then? Find King Mickey?"
    Riku nodded enthusiasticcly at the chance of seeing his old compainion. RIku and The King had travelled through world, after world, after world, in search of Sora. Little did they know, Sora was often just behind them. But when Sora and his friend were close to finding Riku, he left The King because of the darkness in his heart. He sought help from DiZ, who was Ansem the Wise. When he found out Sora would be sleeping for an entire year, he realised he had to bring Roxas to him, to join them. Nobodies and Somebodies together. Riku immersed himself in Darkness, changing his appereance and personality. But now Riku was a boy again. He was ready to start another adventure. But without Kairi?
    Sora and Riku walked slowly together down the corridor, towards the throne room. Sora pushed open the small part of the door, and ducked inside. Riku laughed at the design, and followed suit. Sora looked up at the throne. It was empty, but the passage to the cornerstone of light was open. Sora ran towards the stairs that lead to beneath the castle, with Riku following him. Sora skidded to a halt at the bottom and shouted with joy. Riku came skidding down too, and laughed with happiness. Standing there was King Mickey.
    "King!" Riku shouted.
    Mickey turned around to see who had shouted, and then a smile grew on his face.
    "Sora! Riku!" the small mouse said.
    Riku gave Mickey a small squeeze, and released him. Then a stern look appeared on Mickey's face.
    "Where is Kairi?" He asked.
    Riku gave a small cough. "She...she died...when the island exploded...we think we..." Riku couldn't take it anymore, and burst into tears.
    The King bowed his head in sorrow, then looked up. "Go upstairs. There is someone who wants to see you."

    Sora pushed open another set of doors, to see a man with a sword sheathed on his back looking out of the window. He turned, slowly, so very slowly, to face Sora and Riku. Cloud looked at Sora. You could see the sorrow in Cloud's eyes. It looked like he had been crying, like he had also lost someone special.
    "Cloud?" Sora asked, slowly approaching him.
    Cloud fell to his knees before speaking. "I killed Sephiroth..."
    Sora was puzzeled. Why was he so sad about that? "But Cloud...isn't that-?"
    "He killed Aerith. He killed Tifa. HE KILLED EVERYONE!" Cloud shouted. "My light is gone..."
    Riku shook his head. "No Cloud. I havent met you before, but i know...i know that deep down in your heart, your light is there. Just like mine." Riku kneeled down in front of Cloud. "I just lost someone special. But she is still here, in my heart." Riku placed his hand to his heart, a tear forming in his eye.
    Cloud looked at him and nodded. "I wanted to see you Sora."
    Sora nodded. "Yeah, what is it?"
    "A new evil is rising. When fighting Sephiroth, my world fell into Darkness. It was caused by a man called...Kloana? He said he was from the past, from before your keyblades time. I managed to escape, but only just. I was able to save Denzel and Marlene, but everyone else, just fell..." Cloud said.
    While Sora was speaking with Cloud, Riku slipped away towards the door, opened it and ran out. Sora turned.
    "Riku! Wait!" Sora ran after Riku down the flights of stairs. After catching up with him, Sora smashed him to the ground.
    "Where are you going?" Sora snarled.
    "I know Kloana. WHen Xeheahort was in my heart, i felt another presence. Kloana. Kloana was inside me too, pleading with the Darkness to let him leave." Riku said.
    "And...what did he say?"
    "He told me of his past...of how he came to be."

    The man had dark brown hair and wore gold armor. His brown hair stood up, like his fathers had. He had blue eyes, and a soft voice. His name was Kloana. He sat on a rock, in a desert wasteland: Sunset Horizons. The sun was always setting, it was never up, or down. It was always halfway. Kloana was tired of it. He hated the way he had been taken away from his home, just to train under his Master, who had betrayed him. Kloana was alone now, and would always be alone until he found his way back home. But since his Master had betrayed him, he had no way to cross over to other worlds, and now lived in the wasteland. He would never live anywhere else as far as his Master was concerned. He had long since given up being an apprentice to his Master, with his two friends. They had stayed, had not followed Kloana. So Kloana was alone. But Kloana had learned to deal with it, by fighting. In fact, that was exactly where Kloana was headed. He had stopped to rest, as he had been walking for two days. Kloana put his feet on the ground and stood up. Kloana was a natural born fighter, and loved fighting in the arena. He had hopes he would run into one of his friends there one day. Kloana's hand went towards his belt, where his sword was sheathed, then to his back, where a bow was strung and finaly to his other arm, where a dagger was sheathed. Kloana broke into a run towards the arena. He ran on, and stopped when he reached the town. Finally, he had reached Darkgraph City, home of the national arena. Kloana ran over towards one of the market stands, to stock up on potions. He put three coins on the counter, and said, "Potion pack please." The man behind the counter nodded behind his hood. He placed a package on the table in front of Kloana. As he turned to leave with his potions the man spoke.
    "Running is futile."
    Kloana looked at him. "Excuse me?"
    "You will never understand."
    "What are you talking about?" Kloana asked.
    The man laughed. "You will meet your end, and you will understand my words: Running is futile, death is bound, hearts will fall."
    Kloana just looked at the man, and shook his head. "I have better things to worry about than the words of an old man." Kloana turned away so he faced the steps up to the entrance arena. He took them three at a time, the excitment brewing in him. He pushed open the large doors and walked in. He felt a rush of warmth from seeing his faviroute surroundings again. He walked up to the registration desk, and glanced at the person behind it. It was girl with long black hair, tied up in a pigtail. He nodded at her, "I want to enter the tournement."
    "Ok! Just sign your name, go -" the girl was cut off by Kloana.
    "I know what to do," Kloana said, in a cold voice. he signed his name on a piece of paper and went through the door on the left side. The lights shone into his face and blinded him. A voice spoke and carried over the entire arena.
    "Entering the fray, Kloana!"
    Applause filled the stadium as Kloana waved at the crowd. He went over to the contestant bench, sat down and crossed his arms and legs. There were 5 others on the bench at the moment. A boy who looked no more than seventeen years old, carrying a sword. A man who looked like he was in his 40's, with gray hair and carrying only a dagger. A set of twins, each holding a sword, looking 20 years old. And finally a girl behind a gray hood, holding no weapon. As the final ten miniutes of waitin passed, there were no other contestants. The same voice that had announced Kloana's name carried through the stadium once more.
    "Now then! It is time for the first match to begin! Kloana versus Rexolio!" The seventeen year old boy stood up and faced Kloana. As they stepped together into the stadium, the corwd cheered. Rexolio pointed his sword at Kloana. Kloana un-sheathed his sword and held it above his head with one hand. The other hand was swinging about.
    And then the bell sounded.
    Rexolio rolled over to the side and jumped up, running towards Kloana, and raised his sword over his head, bringing it smashing down towards Kloana's head with immense speed. It was a close call, but Kloana managed to jump to the side, bringin his own sword around his waist, sending it slamming into Rexolio. Rexolio then lifted his sword and charged at Kloana, stabbing his arm. Kloana screamed with pain and his eyes flashed from blue to black. His armor glowed with the essence of darkness, and fell of Kloana. Kloana was dressed in long sweeping trousers and a shirt. The glowed with darkness and Kloana lifted his free hand.
    "DARKAGA!" He screamed.
    Shadow balls appeared in the air around Kloana's hand. Kloana pointed at Rexolio and they sweeped towards him. Rexolio dodged them by rolling to the side and jumping up over them. He ran at Kloana, with his sword pointed at his cheast. Just as the sword should have come into contact, Kloana raised his hand and a shield grew up in front of him. Kloana knew using his darkness powers was a bad idea, but he couldn't control them. And when he was hurt, they just came to him. Kloana rolled to the side, skidding with his hand on the floor and stood up behind Rexolio. Kloana threw another shadow ball at Rexolio, knocking him over. Rexolio hung suspended in the air, and the fell to the ground. Kloana's eyes flickered, the darkness faded and he fell to the ground, clutching his arm. His eyes slowly closed, and he passed out.

    It was white. Everything aound him was white. Kloana was surronded by whiteness. He wondered where he was. Then a voice spoke out.
    Kloana blinked up and looked at the sky.
    "Kloana. Don't wake up..." the voice said. It sounded female.
    "Why not?" Kloana asked.
    "A plot...A plot revolving around you Kloana."
    Kloana blinked and fell through the white floor, if it was a floor. A pillar rose up in front of him as he fell. A man with his arms folded stood on top, looking down on Kloana.
    "Beware...Kingdom Hearts!"

    Kloana opened his eyes. He looked around. He seemed to be back in the desert of sunset horizons. The scenery was all to familliar. He was in the same place his master had first betrayed him. The place where Kloana had fallen from the cliff. The place where Kloana had lost his memories.

    Riku looked up at Sora. "That's all he remembered."
    Thread by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 2, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. RoxasXIIIX
    Yeah but theb UCM code is a code allowing you to "switch hands" if you will. Even if we can only wield one, we could still go on a star wars rampage.

    Good News for all you ARMAXERS!

    I have converted these codes!

    So far i have the Sora - Riku and Enable. Just post a request and i'll convert

    Enable Code:

    Riku - Sora:

    Didnt i convert theese`? Then screwed up my converting computer?
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. RoxasXIIIX
    Any news on the UCM code thingy? I really wannna try to get Xemnas´s weapons for sora.
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Oct 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. RoxasXIIIX
    Well...For emblems i found:

    Emblem codes...

    Complete any level so the game

    updates the number of emblems held

    Green forest
    2 Y05M-6U15-Y49GJ

    White jungle
    1 FNA5-GY2F-W17CC
    2 N3X7-CG9Y-XGJ05
    3 J9Z8-4CXG-KV3DJ

    Pumpkin hill
    1 JZ3U-QZ8U-G5ADP
    2 JQY9-4DV7-96J37

    Sky rail
    1 740H-XWTH-VE9CD
    2 5WWF-R42J-KWRGG
    3 UY5U-U80N-NE5HB

    Aquatic mine
    1 CHHG-8BNQ-H33TP
    3 C6FY-8X6N-1CWD2

    Security hall
    2 WF91-17JA-GPHAR
    3 RJBH-PBC6-HZ179

    Prison lane
    2 YZJ8-6E4J-NZG37
    3 FG5H-5N8R-CG4AK

    Metal harbor
    1 DX5X-7UP8-2GHGX
    2 UP05-Z1ZC-1FRTW
    3 XJFX-T09P-5N7DD

    Iron gate
    1 FUM0-U2ZQ-AUQ29
    3 DZMG-5F87-VXYGA

    Weapons bed
    1 UDMW-2BD6-G26W7
    2 2732-N3MA-8J3KA
    3 4RD2-PQM3-JNGJ3

    City escape
    1 8NCE-906U-7YQVZ
    2 6CHU-5MYQ-KA93A
    3 2XFA-KZ0V-X516C

    Radical highway
    2 MHUB-RP8P-G3959
    3 4YTQ-K2QY-EEB26

    Wild canyon
    2 2551-49CK-AVJG8

    Mission street
    1 DFRA-T9B3-Z6CC5
    2 F0QT-96PZ-VW0VR
    3 CJXX-9ZYT-N8NW6

    Dry lagoon
    1 W7MD-M0UW-F1QFF
    3 CU7P-6PVE-10Z2X

    Sand ocean
    1 82H0-1M05-Z8UGZ
    2 0QWD-B0ED-M5F79
    3 HEKF-Y1WD-3RJ1Y

    Crazy gadget
    1 8YWH-1XMH-DXH5H
    2 N5X7-6MUD-J8JUH
    3 KBZ8-Z0PX-170WW

    Hidden base
    2 8NXE-F76Z-RR4BZ
    3 PD7V-UJ9D-EJV2U

    Eternal engine
    1 BHA6-U6ZY-TD1YA
    2 HKQX-4U8B-W25AE
    3 0123-N3R3-JQXTR

    Death chamber
    1 K2D3-P49V-YM4GN
    2 J7CV-3MRF-VXY37

    Egg quarters
    1 HQ9F-AAA6-8P5UW
    2 20F2-CT81-K89EF

    Lost colony
    1 6D95-JC2G-5YD4D
    2 FEN2-Q93N-JTQ23
    3 Z9AR-BFWY-1DAE9

    Pyramid cave
    1 85FG-EQN1-UCTT9
    2 1HG0-DN12-UVQFP
    3 39ZF-1UMW-3B8ZU

    Final rush
    1 82NC-PH6Q-KX8KN
    2 ZG6Q-9CPZ-BH8GZ

    Green hills
    1 CNZ5-DF8X-6ZKMQ
    3 83AF-5RBB-ZNCW5

    Meteor Head
    2 Y4JT-JFA5-9WAU9
    3 2UWH-53ZD-DF9QJ

    Cannon's core
    1 92BA-9QHR-Q5WMD
    2 882J-AD8V-E9DJW
    3 1A2E-CU6P-AKRQR

    Final chase
    1 9NP4-9FM9-F5FNQ
    2 TVQH-KT7T-4D023
    3 RV3K-Z7XA-F22KF

    Cosmic wall
    1 0689-2YQR-5TVHT
    2 P7EW-7AE7-Y7966
    3 WTWE-RX6E-Y6DV3

    Mad space
    1 ZE2Q-4QY3-ZZTRK
    2 G53G-4UJK-NAEY4

    Route 101
    1 NC74-4Y52-3R0B9
    2 2REY-6WHE-6AXMA
    3 B39Q-9ZPQ-GJZWH

    Route 280
    1 4N3X-W2PP-ZZ2DX
    2 EJ24-2XYP-WZDQJ
    3 KD8U-KNYT-19C81

    S. Sonic and Shadow codes...i tried to get em but they JUST DONT EXIST. Sorry. Same for the other thing. Sorry mate.
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Sep 30, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. RoxasXIIIX
    But wont they dissaåear? Like the way to dawn. I mean, there shoudnt be a way to wield something like that.
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. RoxasXIIIX
    Wonderin what you mean with playing with kairis blade. Would it mean we could use, or example, Xemnases lightsabers and go starwarsy?
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. RoxasXIIIX
  18. RoxasXIIIX
    Sit poaaible to get floating keyblade for Sora?
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Sep 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. RoxasXIIIX
    Sora...and if possible goofy. XD
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. RoxasXIIIX
    Anyone got a wield struggle weapon code?
    Post by: RoxasXIIIX, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault