>Encourages parents to see a play I'm in. >Forgets to tell them I'm in only one scene. >Father falls asleep during scene I'm in. >After the show, father asks why I lied to him. >Internally crying for rest of the night. D;
Starting to really regret spending $90+ for a ticket to an anime convention... D;
Yikes, yeah definitely got the word about the reviews for the reboot of Fantastic 4, lol. From what friends had told me, it at least makes the original more tolerable. And on a sort of related note, it kind of sucks to see POC actors and actresses get casted in these kinds of roles but then have the movie be completely sub-par or at least below expectations. It was the Annie reboot and now this. Then again, the casting for Johnny to be black but not his sister is quite questionable. :| Also kind of funny in a retrospective way, I recall glimpsing at a few interviews with the cast of Fantastic 4 and remembering them being very not engaged or just really out of it. Made me think that they were just simply tired but now looking back, they pretty much were bracing themselves of the horrible outcome.
Let's just say I did a lot of cosplay selfies this past weekend :x Spoiler
You could always just take a swim in the ocean if you miss them that badly...........
Damn, this is a heavy loss. I sense Nintendo's future becoming dimmer, but still, what a legacy he left behind. RIP Satoru Iwata
All I can say is that standardized testing sucks. :x If you did well on it, then that's great but ultimately, it doesn't really measure your true intelligence.
I vividly remember dreaming about being in the Les Miserables movie alongside Russell Crowe. Nobody on set knew how to sing so we just winged it. And then I woke up legitimately laughing to myself...
Been hot glue gunning and hot air gunning all day and now I can't feel the tips of my fingers. :c
Kinda wanted to see who would've been the last state to holdout on legalizing gay marriage... but neverthless, a great turning point for America~ Also a bit surprised by the 5-4 ruling and it's still long way to go in terms of overall equality, but I'm very happy for my friends and family. c:
Semi-Judgmental Panda and still the Queen of the Dim Sum Palace
At least your classes sound pretty cool and within your major, I assume. Miniscule general education requirements and non-transferrable credits are killing my schedule, which resulted in me becoming a super senior this fall. ;c
H-H-He's staring right into my soul... (.____.) I gotta catch up on Doctor Who too
Wow, a release window on the horizon seems too good to be true, haha. Welp, any news is good news, I guess. No doubt most of the new worlds will feature films post Pixar-acquistion. The graphics engine was practically made to imitate such vibrancy and detail. Kind of "meh" on the Hercules world being featured yet again, but hoping it will be featured less (like Atlantica in KH2 sans singing) or maybe even as a tutorial world in the sense that Ursula had in 3DDD. However, I do believe any live-action films they choose will be able to fit even better within the aesthetic that KH3 is already going for.
Everybody needs a designated driver. You also witness amazing things when you're the sober one...
I kind of expected KH3 to make some appearance, so it didn't give me that incredible "wow" factor that the announcement trailer gave me two years ago. But still pretty exciting stuff. Horizon: Zero Dawn was also pretty close but the first time I've really been exposed to it was when it was shown at the Sony conference, so I'm still looking into it and deciding whether or not I want to continue following its development. But even if there was no gameplay and it was merely an announcement trailer, FFVII Remake takes cake. I told myself I wouldn't be surprised whether or not they would but well, it did and for that, it got to me in a special place. The Last Guardian was very, very close, but kind of like KH3, there was an expectation that it was going to resurface. Amazing visuals and gameplay shown, there just may have not been enough to top the sheer impact FFVII Remake's trailer had.
Yeeeeeeah, about that Nintendo E3 Direct... All I can speculate is that they spent more effort on the puppets...
Almost read that as Jesus and Satan, but hey, we could thank him, too. Cause all of that glorious shiny graphics and explosions and animations and stuff were almost too sinful for my eyes to bear. ;-;
As predicted, lol. But, if anything coincidental or not, perhaps it will be released sometime shy of its upcoming anniversary in a few years. They are going to have to remake a whole lot of content...
Time for crossdressing Cloud in HD