Search Results

  1. Ienzo
    Who seems really nice and yet you know nothing about them? This isn't friendliest member, that person could put the milk in their bowl before the cereal for all you currently know but you'd still like to know more about them.

    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    @. : tale : .
    @Princess ♥
    Thread by: Ienzo, Aug 17, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: 2015
  2. Ienzo
    "He is definitely the best."
    "No, don't be so silly- he smells like a rotten vegetable."

    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    @Jiku Neon
    Thread by: Ienzo, Aug 17, 2015, 3 replies, in forum: 2015
  3. Ienzo
    I shall try and fix it :3

    EDIT: Should be fixed now, I hope 0.o
    Post by: Ienzo, Aug 17, 2015 in forum: 2015
  4. Ienzo

    Manliest Man

    Which one of these fabulous nominees can step on lego? Bare foot. Over Lava. While balancing the entire cast of Cats on their left shoulder. While drinking the manliest drink you can think of.

    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    @Ars Nova
    Thread by: Ienzo, Aug 17, 2015, 2 replies, in forum: 2015