Only got for sora: Sora Infinite HP 6U6D-HHTU-459ZY XUZG-0PZH-BG4DB
well... even though im not experienced, i would say to be yourself (yeah, thats what everyone says, but i trust it)
here you go: Infinite Drive 3KEG-AXTF-MVP26 65AW-9QMP-VYWT3 Free Drive W4M9-P6M2-792P7 6DZ7-0WFZ-DG983 ADUW-9W1J-KZFT0 /OFF = a08001b0 you use this to turn some code off. not sure for what code, but you remplace it with the second part of the code
Noxas looked at him. hey, take us seriously. he said
Noxas silently followed Xane
Hey Evil, can you give me the Joker code? i need to joker the full party mod =S
I see... also... what happened to him? he asked this as he watched the dead man in the floor
Noxas walked out of the ship, and went to Nulix and Xane. What happened here? he asked Did you find anything?
OOC: what we up to?
OOC: hey guys
yeah, your right >=) I WONT GIVE UP ive edured it 4 years. why give up now?!
OOC:crap.. ive gotta go guys. ill seeya tomorrow
Noxas looked down at the floor... huh... why wasnt I on the the book.... its not like I care but... does that mean... that im not considered part of the organization? Noxas got confused over what the man said. I.. do... do you guys... actually consider me part of this? he asked
Mr... i think its great that your here, and warned us and all, but how do we know that we can trust you?
Noxas felt his strength comming back. thanks, Nulix" he said as he went back with the others OOC: wow, that means, that ive been around the begginign =D
Noxas went to bed, as the man talked to the others. "I wonder who he is" he thought
OOC: i have a question... how to you pronounce Ouegh??? O_o
ill do it if you want EDIT: it works, makes Goofy get replaced by Xemnas in black Coat. but, he doesnt have his attacks... when he is about to make a move, he "freezes" and then a dash like attack which is what happens everytime. oh, and you cant drive either.not even Limit form. though you can attack him at all times hope that helped
ok.. ill go rest for the time being. he said huh... whos that? he asked
i think... damn... last thing i remember... was my entire body in shock... im not sure... what happened.. but i think it was... in the battle" he could barely talk.