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  1. willi_211191
    What about a Play as Terra one??
    Post by: willi_211191, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. willi_211191
    hey guys!
    its been almost a year since I last looked around here in the Code vault, so I was wondering....
    has there been made a code so you'r able to play as Terra? if there isnt, what about his keyblade? is it possible to make Sora use it?
    Post by: willi_211191, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. willi_211191
    looks pretty good imo =)

    btw... I wonder why Terra's keyblade isnt as long as it was on KH2FM??? i mean, when you fight him, its (i think) longer than Sora xD
    Post by: willi_211191, Dec 12, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. willi_211191
    thanks for the scans Mike! Theyr getting more and more interesting as time passes!
    heh, I can remember the "old days" when we thought it was nearly a miracle that we got any new info. now we are getting them almost every week =D
    btw, I have a few things to point out (though I dont know japanese):

    in the first scan, the CGI one, Terra, Ven and Aqua have something in they're hands. it either looks like the "keychain" aqua made for everyone in the latest trailer, or its another one completely (maybe the "final" keychain to obtain full control of the keyblade?)

    We see kairi, and her grandmother in the second one.
    WHAT is her connection to our three heroes?? and aqua is talking to kairi, so there's definitely something there.... (maybe a sister xD)

    and lastly, we see in the last scan, Goofy and Donald in they're respective "castle" armor's.
    Yen Sid is there too, so we will probably hear more from the unversed from him
    Post by: willi_211191, Dec 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. willi_211191
  6. willi_211191
  7. willi_211191
    ok, then ill go get something for myself.
    well... lets just hope this ends up being a good race.

    OOC: hey, im leaving now. really sleepy =.=
    seeya tomorrow
    Post by: willi_211191, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. willi_211191
    *gets creeped out* o-oh... i see... well, good luck cloud ^^;
    hmm... I wonder when they will start running... ill go get something to drink... you guys want something??
    Post by: willi_211191, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. willi_211191
    uurgh.... that was close... thanks Zack.
    hey, Cloud, as an apology, what about I give you a disc with every season of Sailor Moon?? how does that sound??

    OOC: its already 1AM here ._.
    Post by: willi_211191, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. willi_211191
    OOC: awesome xD... btw, what time is it there???

    BIC: Ah, I see... *looks back at cloud* sorry, couldnt resis.... WAH!! fire! my pants!!! *runs in circle* *grrrr....* A challenge, is it?
    Post by: willi_211191, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. willi_211191
    OOC: damn, your on DC? btw, can I be Master Xehanort and his "aprentice"??
    BIC: Luxord: oh, hey Zack, hey Cloud. *looks at cloud* hey, zack... is cloud looking at sephiroth's ass O_o
    Post by: willi_211191, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. willi_211191
    OOC: hey guys
    BIC: *Luxord arrived from the popcorn machine* Its already started?!
    *sits down with the rest of the audience*
    Post by: willi_211191, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. willi_211191
    when do we start btw? =P
    Post by: willi_211191, Oct 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. willi_211191
    can I be Luxord??
    Post by: willi_211191, Oct 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. willi_211191
    I have a little theory....
    i think we all know that Terra, Ven and Aqua dont have keychains, right? well... if you notice Master Xehanorts "apprentice" dont have one either, but on the other side, both masters (elax, erauqs or whatever his name is) DO have them... mayb possessing one means they'r a keyblade master???
    Post by: willi_211191, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. willi_211191
  17. willi_211191
  18. willi_211191
  19. willi_211191
  20. willi_211191