hey guys! how are you doing??? been a loooong time since I last went around these places! actualy even forgot about this place XD
hey hey, I am!!! xD well, you are ;) :P huh? posters? where? *looks* MINE *steals*
yeaah...... *silence* xD
woot, nah, dont even know how to make em xDD though I do remember having some years ago :P
really hope its sooner xDDD so whats up? typing this while in class :P
dueling? where? how!? O.o ok, seriously, what do you mean ._.
yep, thats always a good thing!
yeah, but its really tiring -_- ah well, just gotta get a hold of myself and finish the damn thing...
yep, I'm back, actually never left just that I usually now only see if there's any news and if not, I just close the site again xD
Im good! Im now officially a college student! =P
I'm SO hoping its not a April's Fool joke from Nomura... xD though another thing I'm hoping is that the games dont lose the quality. I mean, like the FF series, where people started to dislike the games after 9 *coughcoughXIIcough* btw, thanks Mike for the mention :P
hey!!!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN??!!!
Finally! I knew it was going to get released on NA! well... that surely hints for a Japanese Final Mix, don't you think???
hey, been a while! well, dunno if I'll be able just now, been busy with college stuff.... starting this year.... in about a month and a half... so...
i know how you feel.... I was speechless too. VERY beautiful op. now we only need to play the game...
i know, just dont wanna spoil myself
man.... so tempting to click that link and watch it.... BUT I WONT! ill see it in my PSP when I get the chance >_< EDIT: too late... already watched the OP... sent a million shivers down my spine.... its too awesome...
*must... fight... urge... to watch....* so hard to not watch the stream and the OP... I need to see it from my own PSP!
who's timber??? O_o
I see, thanks anyway, just gotta wait for him then...