Roger? That's a bit too vague for me it seems.
Depends, I get dressed up with my wigs and such a lot, but actually cosplaying of a character is only every so often. Usually at most I only get two new cosplays a year, which I use three or four times each that year. There's exceptions though, like Izaya Orihara who I cosplay to death to troll my friends~
Eh, not entirely, but I tried. I'm back form the con anyway. I'm not sure if it was the best it could have been, but it was pretty damn good.
It's a cosplay for my boyfriend, and there's a convention the day after tomorrow. Because of that I need to get it done for him. It's Mystia Lorelei from Touhou 8 Imperishable Night. It's that danmaku game I showed you. I dropped mine because I started so late and have no time to finish it; I'm even cutting it close here with his cosplay time wise.
Kiryu's right, there's a lot to hate but any one thing isn't enough to really bother me, it's everything together. I'll be gone for a while longer if you don't mind. I already had a breakdown today over this it needs to be done for the 14th it's not even close. It's not even for me so I can't just drop it. I've already dropped my own cosplay. I need more than 1 meal a day and 4 horus aof sleep a night...
Slycrg: Avi: 3/10 Very hard to see and read Sig: 7/10 Is that American Mcgee's Alice? I like the text on it quite a bit, and though it's simple it's nice. It's also a bit hard to read though.
I can't say I hate every factor of humanity, and I can't bring myself to hate every human on the face of the earth, because it's a specific set of things I hate. What I hate however outweighs the good, and I find it kind of hard to turn a blind eye to what's so incredibly wrong with our society when it's so evident that we are in fact very backwards. As a side note, though reality maybe hard don't think what's not real can't be as hard and destructive if not more than what we know as our reality.
What I said is more of the fact that people know what they are. I know what smith is, I've seen the movies. My point was a human wrote the story and screenplay. That's all in perspective. Everything in this world is really.
What's really eye opening is that a human wrote that.
Britishism avi - 10/10 Don't see any way it could be improved, so it gets a 10. Sig - 7/10 At first I was kinda just going 'wat', but the more I watch it the more amusing it gets.
Avi- 5/10 It's alright but there isn't much to it. Sig- 10/10 I don't love it, but looking at the work put into it I think it's quite nice. I also have to say the little line you have under it is very nice. I like it quite a bit.
It's not the most common word, but it's far from dead. I hear it every so often,but that's probably because of the shows and such I like.
Because quite frankly though I may seem like a hypocrite saying such since I know I am one; I really hate humans, and thus my name is only a description of myself. They're disgusting vile things that almost like an instinct bring misery upon eachother, and like it. Oh the hypocrisy though, I actually do love to see people in emotional if I cause it or physical pain and if it wasn't illegal I would cause some of the later. Worse yet even though I hate what I've become, I love myself for it. So that's me. Humble little misanthrope who usually keeps dark thoughts to herself. Any more questions? I should play the RE series sometime...
I'd say I would try ti but that would be a blatant lie. On a side note, as much as I'm sure it means the best 'mansauce' could be taken in a very bad way. Though that opens up a whole other fandom...
Micromanaging is basically when you to order around a lot of smaller groups of things separately for the most efficiency instead of just ordering everything around at once. Tabletop games are easier to do it in than a video game, but I prefer not to play games like that either way. Besides maybe one game, but I haven't tried it yet and it's like 6 hours if you even know what you're doing... I should play sometime.
I think you may know just a bit too much there B.
Well the reason they are banned here isn't because they themselves are banned, just the order Carnivora that they're from. I'm not sure about places like California but it maybe the same reason, or possibly the fact they are more specifically a fox is a reason too. Well if they are little schemers then all the better Kiryu, I've been looking for a helper.
Around a tree? If you mean the last image it's actually in a couch XD Well they are famed escape artists, maybe they have double lives humans don't know about yet.
I dunno, a lot of stuff is banned in California apparently. Higher, I know and I understand that. I'm ready for the effort one would be. Though they are incredibly active, the energy does run out. One wouldn't be pulling their hair out trying to get it to calm down all day. They rest more than dogs do because they use the energy so quickly. As well as though naturally they are nocturnal, I had already mentioned that they can adapt after time to a day schedule. This is of no harm to their heath or their eyes. On a side note, I didn't know anything about them and only wanted on on a whim, I wouldn't be trying to find a job to pay for it on top of trying to legalize them here. I've studied up on this and thought it out quite a bit.
It'd probably be easier for you to get one. They're legal basically everywhere but here and California. More breeders in the US too :/