There's deer in the Rainforest. That was more of a mind**** than anything. I got a lot of pictures of deer if you wanna see, I need to upload them though.
It was pretty fun, a very relaxing trip. The group I was with was a great group to go with. I would like to go back again someday, but I would need to save up a lot. Maybe I can just live in one of the temples, todaiji seemed pretty cool with all the deer....
So long as all members know and accept a multi-person relationship I don't think there is a problem with polygamy. Communication is a very large part of relationships and as long as that stays strong and everyone is happy who am I to say it's wrong? Consenting members can do whatever they wish however they wish as long as they meet the emotional needs of everyone involved. I personally am far to clingy to be happy in such a relationship, I get somewhat upset when other people cuddle my partner. I do however have two sets of friends that are pretty okay with having a large relationship group and a smaller group where one of the men has a boyfriend and a girlfriend. I also do think that one couple can remain happy and love each other for life. It takes work and communication from both sides, and for a lot of people it's common to just fall out of love, that's natural too! Emotions don't abide to the rules of logic or willpower. I think groups can also have that sort of life long love if they find the right people. Everyone should just do what makes them happy. (◡‿◡✿)
I took a study trip to Japan for 2 weeks with my Language class. We stayed in Osaka so I was on a 14 hour time difference.
Ehh, being nocturnal is a way of life now. Took a trip halfway around the world and didn't adjust to being back home. Cyborgs are still part human so they probably at some point would procrastinate. It really depends on when they where made one I suppose.
I'll only be lively for another few hours. Gonna crash soon, been up all night. I don't think humans properly function without a healthy dose of procrastination. Anyone who does is probably just a robot.
It is sort of fun having titles though. Well whatever the final decision is isn't too big of a deal.
I'm not sure how I decided on optimistic in the first place... I can't remember it being all that fitting at any point in my life? Not to say I'm overly pessimistic, though optimists sort of upset me because they don't look at things realistically. If we change titles around then I'll need to actually think of what a suitable one would be for myself. uwu
Elegy is a word I picked up along the way, it's essentially a lament for the deceased. Elegy as a username was taken on the site I wanted to use it on though (after also trying Limpid) so I added Quiet to the beginning. I think it has a nice ring to it, and it's been free on every site I've tried it on. Oh jeez I'm still listed as Kaitou Sai and "optimistic sister" wow laughs into the sun
I'm sad nobody here has shared the pain of Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant I didn't finish that book. I really REALLY tried to finish it, but I just couldn't. Every character is awful and miserable aside from one... but the one redeeming character goes through hell and finally when he finds a girl he could be happy with together she got stolen and marred by his brother who doesnt even really like her and made her miserable. Also, Shakespeare in school is quite awful, as stated by Nel. I really love Hamlet for a few reasons, but it was absolutely butchered my the kids trying to read it out as we played a painful game of see who the teacher preys on next. I tried to liven it up when reading but it really did nothing for the overall presentation of it. Of Mice and Men I just didn't like. I felt no connection to the characters, no interest in what happens to them, I really didn't like the plot... it just wasn't my sort of book. I have mixed feelings about some of the other books being mentioned here too... specifically Catcher in the Rye was never a book I read in school, so I decided to read it on my own time mainly due to Ghost in the Shell and I did like it, though I can see why a lot of people wouldn't. I liked Lord of the Flies as well (again though, I never read it in school.) Overall for the required novel reading I did in my classes have been pretty alright; we never touched many 'classics' so I have the luxury of getting to those on my own time.
I was dragged back from falling off the face of this site by a member I was friends with quite a long time ago. I found a few old members I was friends with still hang around here so I decided I may as well stick around and catch up with people I previously thought I probably would never speak to again. I'm not a very active member on forums, I tend to hover around the art sections, but I thought I may as well say hello to any who remember me from several years ago. I may pop out of hiding in the old forum family and art section to check out other sections. Who knows. Feels good to be back though, a lot of things still feel familiar. See you guys around~
I did the thing. Now we just need to do the other things and get some voodoo magic all up and kicking around here. Yeaaaah voodoo band. We'll be famous. also gonna change my username to QuietElegy because that's my username everywhere now.
Perhaps. We'll have to see.
I told Doom to come back. I'm not sure when he'll get the message though.
Cadaverific hmm? I guess we'll need to change that.
I've come back around to say hello as well. I apologize for my absence, I have actually missed you guys a great deal. I'm surprised the thread is still here, it's been a very long time. It also sort of feels like nothing as changed...
Well that's not the slightest bit sketchy.
Is it a banana muffin?
Sorry, I'm just being a total lurk and not posting. ._.
Pain? I have not heard of such a thing, must be unimportant.