If this is spam, my bad ^^;, I have like 1,000 KH2FM dumps if you need any. And I have I think 2 KH1 dumps. But I think someone tried Sephiroth, I actually might try the code if it works. I'm sure it'll work but 1 thing might happen, it MIGHT (MIGHT) freeze when you move. If not, it'll work fine.
Well, I'm sure someone else has already played as Sephy in KH1, so it really isn't my code. So yeah. . . . I will get the dump. I know people who can get me one. Trust me, I'll get the job done by tomorrow.
As soon as I get a Spehiroth dump I'll make the code and you guys can do what ever you want to do with it. But if it works, I don't want any credit or anything like that.
Ummm, anyone can test. . . . I don't really care xDD Anyone got a Sephiroth dump?
It's very possible, I dunno if he freezes though. I'll look into it, you can be my tester if you want (I'm waaaaaay to lazy to test play as boss codes :P)
Well, who do you wanna play as? I'll make you the code. But it'll only work in one room.
Ummm, no. That's not it, I'm sure of it.
Yup, model+mset modding works perfectly for KH1. You can play as ANYONE and you'll be able to attack and everything, even if you're a boss. It's pretty sweet ;)
No, he meant Swap Magic Coder.
:\ Guys, just don't worry about it. What ever it is, it's just for fun so everyone who's stressing over this, take a breather, and please stop trying to guess and stop asking if it's a code. Just wait until it gets released.
I like code number 4 the best, it reminded me of Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children when Cloud fought Sephiroth xD
Hey Ultima, I just thought I'd let you know that I'm mad at you, you lied to me, and then you never came back. Thanks a lot D<
I was at least hoping for a 4 on the sig ;-;
Ava: 9.5/10 Sig: 9/10
GUH! This is no time to ask DjC's opinion, it's question time with you *slaps* so I'll be doing the talking around here. . . . . . and the answer to your question lies deep within someones sleep, in other words, ask Advent my evil bro in crime >D Do wolfs have dps? D:
Zomg, i r in meh group 8d <3
I'm surprised that I even have ONE message -,- I sux0rz :/ (No, not in a gay way, get your head out of the gutter :O)
I'm October 20th 8D, sucks though :/ there's never ANYTHING new that comes out on a my birthday ;-; but what about all you lucky /b/tards? I mean c'mon my cousin's birthday was the day the PS3 was released (November 17, 2007 ftw), I hate him just for that :D
Have you ever ran around naked dancing to party boy music? xD
It'll be a DMA code (meaning it would only work in one room) and kinda pointless because it would be yet another *shivers* Play as Hooded Roxas Code *gasps*, what I mean by that is it will be ANOTHER epically long code, sorry. . .