._. The spikey hair isn't that bad. . . and don't worry, Roxas shall pay >D and I'm not flaming him, we're friends that are annoying one another xD
ROXAS!!! Stop calling me a wrestler Dx and this means war! NEYHAHAHAHA! >D
LOL, I can't wait till he sees this thread >D
Who me o_O? Well umm. . . *looks at user name* I'm DjC =DDD
LOl, he hacks codes with me, he's usually at The Code Vault.
00Roxas00's face is REVEALED. . . kinda. . . anyway me and him have been going at it all day threatening to post each other's pics on the forums if [insert comment here]. So he said "I dare you to post my pic >D" and here I am. . . doing so >D
:0 I know you guys!
Um Hippie Jesus. . . . Don't drop the soap O_O
It's possible to play as ANYONE in KH1. With a model and mset mod, you can play as anyone.
Well not just Hooded Roxas, anyone *smiles* But if we give them their mset, you can't move, and that's not what we want ._.;
What is this talk of Boss Movements? I've seen Anti talk about it but I'm completely confused, can anyone explain?
Yes, it's possible, but it's pointless. Play as Bosses = Horrible Reasons: 1. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY TOO LONG 2. It works in one little tiny room (YAY! [/sarcasm]) 3. It would be just as glitchy as Hooded Roxas 4. Playing as bosses feels weird due to lack of playable animations, like in KH1 playing as bosses is actually not that bad because they move without the hassle of other codes and it actually feels like they were meant to be played, unlike KH2 where there is the problem of animations looping forever until they get hit out of it (Basically a T-Stance without the T)
NOBODIES HAVING A WAR!. . . . WITHOUT ME! >D *grabs firearm* this'll be fun >DD
No, DMA is Dynamic Memory Allocation, it means it only works in one room. That's the easy definition xD. What it really is is when you restart/reload/reboot/turn on the game the memory area that it was in last time, it won't be there no more. It'll jump to another part of the game's memory. Hackers hate it, Programmers love it.
Wait, what? It's okay if you try and make a play as boss code, nobody can stop you from doing it so you can do what ever you want. I have 2 NTSC dumps. I'm too lazy to upload thought. . . . I'll file transfer on MSN/AIM if you have one.
Okay, this should fix your image showing problem. . . but anyway, awesome pics =D too bad it's DMA ;-;
I can't find one, I'm sure Truth can get me one though.
Yeah, sadly all models and msets are DMA :/ but I was told some of them work in several rooms, like you can go to the next room and it won't BSOD/crash but if you go to another room it'll crash. And some just work in one room. But I dunno how true it is, I never tested any play as boss codes.
0_o yeah they do xD The emulator executes things differently than the PS2. I'm no Emu nazi, so I can't really get into detail on why things work on the emu and not PS2.
You can make the animation mods, I won't be using the codes so it doesn't bother me. And about those pics, Truth already did that so it's nothing new :/