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  1. Last of the Organization
    Profile Post

    How are you Fire?...

    How are you Fire?...
    Profile Post by Last of the Organization for Firekeyblade, May 24, 2009
  2. Last of the Organization
    Profile Post

    Eh not that bad lol...

    Eh not that bad lol...
    Profile Post by Last of the Organization for fire mage, May 20, 2009
  3. Last of the Organization
    Profile Post

    Like it?...

    Like it?...
    Profile Post by Last of the Organization for fire mage, May 20, 2009
  4. Last of the Organization
    Been thinking a long those lines myself dear...guess we have a moment where we finally choose to lose as much contact with this place as possible...I wish you the best in life and if you ever need anything just ask...
    Post by: Last of the Organization, May 12, 2009 in forum: Departure Hall
  5. Last of the Organization
    Hopefully will at least catch you on in a pm or vm...if not its understandable...thank you for allowing your friendship and care to be here...take care...
    Post by: Last of the Organization, May 10, 2009 in forum: Departure Hall
  6. Last of the Organization
    My days used to tread on,
    Well that is after a restless night,
    But seeing as the semester has ended,
    I had expected them to finally be gone.

    But it seems as if nothing has changed,
    Going through days with no rest,
    Nothing seems to have changed at all,
    Still not knowing what is best.

    Still I wander on though,
    Not bothering wondering about my sleep,
    Or how I will get through tomorrow,
    Or even perhaps of where I shall go.

    Very little do I find content in this world,
    Or rather very little will keep me at that stage,
    Just a few people or things in my life,
    A few things that feel like my life's wage.

    However you my dear are like a cherry blossom,
    Sweet in both nature and appearance,
    Holding the true beauty I do not see in the world,
    And that my dear is why I think you are awesome.

    Your face is like the bud slowly opening,
    Allowing the whole world to finally see you,
    Your lips rosy pink just like the petals,
    Always smiling that is what you do.

    Just like a gentle petal falling into my hand,
    I like to hold you in a soft embrace,
    Not letting the wind blow you anywhere I might not be,
    Rather always holding each other would be grand.

    But just like the cherry blossom...,
    Sometimes things seem that way,
    You act somewhat distant,
    at least it seems that from day to day.

    Sometimes I feel rather down,
    More than usual I guess you could put it,
    Not walking to see a cherry blossom,
    But rather trapped inside a cold steel town.

    I see you blown away by the wind,
    Your bud slowly closing once again,
    The petals slowly starting to wither,
    With me wishing time I could bend.

    Once again my opportunity is gone,
    My chance to have my precious flower,
    When the moment had been laid right before me,
    But a decision I could not make by the hour.

    So now I must wait another period of time,
    Another season for you to wait again and bloom,
    I only hope by the next time I have to share,
    I will be able to tell my flower by the next rhyme.
    Thread by: Last of the Organization, May 10, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Last of the Organization
    Telren rolled his eyes unimpressed by Frostex's big claim of being able to handle a hit from him. "So you are willing to sacrifice your life to prove my...seems the intelligence went away as well..." he scoffed readying his weapon.

    Silax let Garxena go when she proved that she was well off enough to at least fight some, he readied his dirks for the cue.

    Yeifou shook his head, "you are the fool...look at have to have minions...turn people against their will to follow you..." he said pointing things out one by one. "The thing is know you are fighting for a lost cause...even Xemnas had people actually follow him..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, May 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Last of the Organization
  9. Last of the Organization
  10. Last of the Organization
    OOC: Isn't that the

    BIC: Yeifou took a breather, this was turning out to definately be a rather hard fight than used to, especially during their little break. He looked up raising an eyebrow, Kade's voice not yet registering in his head. "Sure dear...we all need to help take this fool down..."

    Silax nodded, he gently wrapped his arm around Garxena looking her over, "don't worry love...we will get you some soon as we can't take back revenge on this filth who is the source of our misery..."

    Telren sighed and rubbed his temples, "you fools really are expect to defeat me when all you have done is sit around..." he scoffed. "You did not train...set up your defenses at the last second...had a group of unorganized fools go for minions..." his eyes made their way to Yeifou's, and your "smart" leader wasted his time looking for me..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Last of the Organization
    OOC: Like TN I am also neutral, guess I will base mine on what I see from everyone else.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Mar 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia tensed greatly upon seeing Sparrow grab his love and hold her threateningly, however he was no fool in seeing that he would have to oblige by his demands to get his precious back. He shook out of fighting back with any clever scheme after he proved that he would not be allowing time to think or reaction in what might prove to be a rash manner. His eyes cold and stern but his hands moving back to take the effects in hand and turning back to Sparrow.

    He quickly passed the effect to Namine, not knowing what else to do, and seeing that this pirate might not be a complete fool at the works of his means of escape. He watched quietly to see if he could perhaps find a means of freeing his love and once again best this scum into turning this into a brighter day. He would be sure to give Sparrow the royal treatment of a dirtbag when he managed to get ahold of him.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Mar 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia tilted his head slightly as she started to sit up and eventually looked him in the eyes. His gentle eyes searching hers letting her know just by the look that she was not required to get up and he would allow her to rest as much as possible. He couldn't help but hide a slight grin however when her eyes once again found themselves shut, showing she truly wasn't eager about getting up but perhaps realized it would probably be best to do so.

    He looked down at their hands noticing she had actually returned his clasp of her hand, nodding slightly, and returning the gesture with a soft squeeze before continuing to massage it with his thumb. "Very well..." he spoke softly, "to be honest I wasn't too eager to relay the small bits of information I retained from the meeting anyways..." He didn't know why but he always seemed to be at peace with Larxene, even though he was heartless and uncaring, for some reason or another he just felt comfortable when she was around.

    Furthering on that note he hoped and believed that she too was comfortable around him, they being the only two that could turn to each other for anything in their pathetic existence and in turn receive the other's full and unprecedented understanding of the other. Knowing how she must feel and what would probably help her he spoke softly again, "my bathroom is open to your use...bath or shower..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Mar 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia noticed Larxene had stirred some, he however didn't turn around from his stance at the window. "Rest...when you are ready to get up I will explain...Xemnas held a meeting...his new foolish plan at work..." he said narrowing his eyes. He sensed she was still rather tense, letting out a sigh and turning around to look at her laying in his bed almost in a debated state of wanting to get up and not wanting to get up.

    "I did it for your own good I hope you realize that..." he spoke softly, "besides...I would like to have my turn at the little brat as well for his actions against my partner..." he tensing slightly his eyes casting a cold glare at his thought. He gently moved some hair from her face and gave her forehead a slight kiss, the only comfortable friendly gesture he could think of for now. Although he took his hand softly take her hand in his, and began to gently massage it with his thumb.

    His eyes darted back to the window, his wanting to be free of his enemies castle and back in his own still very clear. He closed his eyes his thoughts still trailing over Xemnas's foolish words, his overconfidence being very apparent.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Mar 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia continued to keep his eyes on the scalawag, not liking the looks of this fool at all. But as much as he didn't like this want to be pirate...he had to admit he doubted either of this clumsy soldiers of us were the ones to save miss Reinholde. He sighed putting away his sword, and extending his hand forward to the man, "I believe thanks are in order for the rescue of Miss Reinholde..."

    He watched the man for any sort of tricks before noticing he was willing to return the handshake, grasping onto his hand to make sure he would not run, he quickly moved the sleeve of his shirt with his other hand. A knowing scoff came from his lips as his eyes found the branded P he was suspicious of. "Had a brush with the East India Trading Company did we...." he said before locking eyes, "...pirate..."

    He nodded to his men, "keep your guns on him men...Jalett fetch some irons for this poor fellow..." he said a hint of pride in his voice noticing he had yet again put a foul person behind bars. He raised the sleeve even more, his eyes noticing the tattoo, "or should I say Axel Sparrow is it..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Mar 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia shook his head, " should be one to demand that Xemnas..." he said looking him dead in the eye. "I am thinking...unlike the rest of your mind driven slaves in this Organization...I am not your pet..." he said swiftly but composed. He gently rubbed the back of Larxene's hand, "this girl has chosen to break away from your ideals as well...and for that I applause her...better to die free than imprisoned by someone else's views..."

    He stood up letting her hand fall gently back onto the bed, "you're right...I will have myself to thank for freeing her from your grasp soon enough my friend..." he added heading back to the window. "Very well...I shall continue my charade at the meetings...just know...I am not afraid of hiding from you Xemnas...and your time is coming to an end...soon...lets hope your fall is not too much of a let down..."

    He turned around to face him, "I will relay everything to Larxene when she awakens...if there is nothing left to be you pointed out neither of us is fond of the others presence so if you will excuse me superior..." He said before turning around again, "I have things to be thinking over as far as my plan goes..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Mar 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Last of the Organization
    Prince Caspian shook his head softly, "its ok Elizabeth...later tonight I shall explain to you...I promise..." he said trying to get her to just forget about it, feeling guilty now that she no longer seemed to be happy.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Mar 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Last of the Organization
    Prince Caspian sighed softly noticing that his earlier sigh had not gone unnoticed, "perhaps I could speak with you later tonight then miss Elizabeth...for now though I wish not to take your eyes off things you find wonderful..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Mar 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Last of the Organization
    Prince Caspian turned back around noticing more and more of Anvard starting to come into view, "yes miss Elizabeth that would be my home..." he said with a soft sigh hoping none of them heard it. He understood it was probably something not beheld by them, but to him it was the opposite of exciting.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Mar 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Last of the Organization
    Prince Caspian nodded softly, "I know miss Elizabeth..." he said quietly continuing to walk towards Anvard, which you could see the highest point of the castle if you looked closely from here. "But I wanted to..." he added turning around for a moment and giving her a gentle smile.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Mar 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home