Yeah...oh well...hmm...surprising...I had heard it was or almost was the largest one in the going to something like that is surely...
Eh...just glad you will be able to relax some silly...miss seeing you on too...
Eh...I guess I shall edit it some then...might as well make it fit into the setting...sounds good...
*falls over* I guess that will long as there is no rush on your end...
Ah cool...been considering flying with my dad to attend Anime Expo in California...however that will probably not be happening this year since I...
Yeah...just got this job this week...before that I have been working to just find one...good to hear you have been doing ok...
*raises eyebrow* Guess I was expecting a difference...hmm...not as far as I know...
Ello...going ok I guess...really tired from work are you?...
Xemnas watched one by one as the members slowly, surprisingly enough, began to finally remove themselves from the throne room. Just as he was about to contemplate and leave himself to thought all by himself in the large room he noticed out of the corner of his eye Demyx, apparently making such a begging gesture. "Hmm...what is it Demyx..." he said tilting his head slightly and making his cold lifeless stare pierce a glare through his, "I take it then you were not satisfied with the orders given..." he said making noticing and reference once again to the begging gesture. "I must say...this is rather surprisingly considering any mission I send you on you seem to disapprove of it in some manner or form..." He sighed rubbing his temples slightly, "Very well...once again you shall have a chance to prove yourself..." he said sternly and firm along with the words. "You shall go in search of this other Organization's headquarters...speak with Zexion before you leave...he might have some helpful advice..." He said before ushering for him to finally leave the room, "you shall test your not fail me..." he said waiting until he had made sure to leave the room. He quietly leaned back in his chair and rested his head back with his eyes closed. "Soon...with Kingdom Hearts...there shall not be a single foe daring to strike a blow against us..." he said letting himself vanish in a dark vortex.
Xemnas quietly listened expecting Marluxia to speak merely on which the girl had spoken, giving a slight nod when he had finished. Honestly there wasn't much more to say, other then him speaking to the certain few who would be responsible for upgraded the castle's defenses. For the time being he would have the Organization build itself up as this sort of laziness letting intruders just waltz right in was highly unacceptable. Counter measures and offensives would all come in due time as this so called other Organization would not go unpunished for their meddling in affairs. His eyes left Marluxia when he had ceased his moment of encounter and took a glance once again amongst his Organization. "If there is no further evidence or information that could be shared I shall call this meeting adjourned for the time being..." he said leaning forward a little in his seat, his voice cold and calm. "If any notice or trace is found of this other Organization anywhere near this headquarters you have the immediate order to report to me at once..." he said giving everyone a knowing stare. "For the time being I expect you all to continue your daily missions...a few select of you shall have jobs useful in this trying time...recruiters...Marluxia and Axel...if possible use this chance to bring about other members of this Organization with a ruse..." His attention slowly slid its way over to Zexion and Luxord, " and Luxord shall prepare working on this castle's upgraded defenses..."
Xemnas glanced around seeing that the members had started to accumulate into their thrones as some looked bored, annoyed, and even a few with a glint of curiosity who had not managed to make it to the scene in time. He noticed a few members seemed to be missing, but he expected them to show up, they would be reminded of the tolerance required for attending the meetings after which. He sighed before letting his deep and stern voice begin its echo throughout the throne room, "I have called this meeting on the grounds of the castle being breached..." he said making sure he met everyone's eyes upon saying this. "But for now I shall leave the encouragement of this headquarters defenses to a latter time period...what must be discussed is what the invader relinquished to our Graceful Assassin..." His eyes slowly made their way over to where he sat, his gaze unchanging just as his tone was. "For those of you who did witness the incident you noticed that this was not just some lost soul...nor was it a mere messenger...a message was indeed left but how the courier carried out such message is what needs to be observed..." He closed his eyes as his thoughts wandered on the mysterious girl but he allowed himself to continue, "Marluxia encountered her in the main hallway...which shall not go un-noticed...but back to the girl...she engaged him in combat..." He let his orange orbs once again be revealed a slight hint of curiosity perhaps picked up by a few, "it is obvious to assume this was no ordinary girl...but indeed one of us...a nobody..." He let another sigh cross his lips before continuing, "I would ask that you reveal the exact words spoken Marluxia by the girl...perhaps amongst them lies more clues as to who she belongs to or if she is indeed a new guest to this abyss..." After saying so his eyes then turned to Zexion, "I would like for you in turn to gather as much research from the scene as you can...your sense of scent could perhaps give us some more clues to this mysterious stranger..." His attention returned back to the room, once again meeting everyone's eyes, "Once Marluxia finishes I expect consideration of this to be taken as far as keeping a watchful would not be foolish enough to take on our Organization..."
Marluxia raised an eyebrow seeing as Axel was even allowing himself to annoy Demyx with not getting to the point of this whole ordeal. So it was dark and there was a explosion, he didn't want to see this little science fair in the first place, and if anything the fact Vexen's backfired on him once again just made the situation even more of a bore. When Axel lit up the room, he took a hand and placed it to his brow blocking it out some as to not be flared in the eyes. However his eyes then trailed to the site he had come to the conclusion was what Axel had intended to keep secret for a while longer. The mutilated body of Vexen, but then again he didn't doubt that he had performed such experiments before. But to see him actually being dead, in a mess in front of everything, this was something completely different, but still did not call for any care to be shed on his end. "Well seems the old man couldn't handle his last experiment...that is what he gets for choosing to leave himself alone working on junk such as that...." he said his voice showing its lack of care and a hint suggesting that everyone else rather take a similiar approach to it. Then again there were some people who probably actually cared that this fate had befallen him, Zexion of course, Lexasus, the Superior hearing his best scientist had been lost, and then maybe some of the other members too. He took a small glance over in Larxene's direction, expecting to see a similiar gesture from her end, then again one on a higher scale probably. His eyes went to Axel who he would imagine even had a small glint of "good riddance" attitude for the old man. Zexion had started to grow somewhat annoyed with Axel's little game as well, seeing as now was definitely not a time for such trivial secrets. He crossed his arms and was about to speak, assuring that the message finally be addressed by order but as he opened his mouth he met Axel's light of the room. Shielding his eyes somewhat as well he looked around calmly and quietly until his eyes too beheld the gruesome site. His eyes froze, a glazed look of horror upon them, seeing one of his fellow six laying lifeless upon the ruin of his works. He fought to say something but at first had trouble finding words to fit the situation at hand. His legs were stuck stiff to the floor and if he had a heart at this very moment it would be beating like crazy. "Vexen..." he finally managed to utter and spew from his lips, however none dared follow as this horror still had its grip on him. He shook his head realizing this was in no way related to the dreams he had experienced, this was indeed a real life nightmare right before his eyes. After a moment he composed himself, still slightly shaken by the loss of his comrade, however he would not let it get the best of him. "The Superior must be notified at once of this grave as it may be things must continue on course..." he said quietly and making sure he made eye contact with everyone. "I would imagine the Superior shall call for a meeting of sorts over the matter...and of course per usual what shall be done since a member of the six has been slain..."
Indeed...the characters I would have chosen were taken so I figured I would also try my Xemnas...thank you...
Xemnas quietly and in thought proceeded to make way to Where Nothing Gathers, taking in the fullness of what had just occurred in his castle. His eye blankly staring ahead and his footsteps following that same pattern, but his head was clearly elsewhere, wrapped around this intruder's feeble attempt of being a courier. It still was rather interesting that she would indeed break in, which should have been prevented in the first place and he intended to have the castle's defenses re-examined immediately after the meeting, but why she would cause such a ruckus lest she had intended to show some sort of power to the mass of members, either that or just plain suicidal intentions. His feet finally rested at the entrance to the throne room, before looking around to check if anyone had managed to show such an eagerness as to beat him here. Even Larxene who had apparently been rather curious to hear the news , however based along with her personality, had proven to not even be such one. Honestly it didn't matter to him how early they showed, the matter of course being that they did indeed show, and not the least bit late to it either. This was not just some regular evaluation of missions, progress on Kingdom Hearts, or promotion of rank type meeting, the value of this discussion would prove vital. He made his way over to his throne, casting a casual glance upward before the dark vortex once again consumed him and he had placed himself atop this throne. He sat quietly sat, either arm resting lightly on the arm rests, his eyelids slowly descending until his eyes were full cloaked. Judging by Larxene's speed, and obviously dislike of such a task bestowed upon her, he figured she would make due haste in getting the members here in an orderly fashion. He sighed however knowing that this interuption at hand would indeed slow the progress some of his project, something he had intended to maintain priority over and at the highest due any cost. Anyone who would dare interfere in such a way would definitely be receiving a well gestured replied.
Xemnas continued to quietly observe the...fight...if it could be called that. He watched as instead of blows and strikes were exchanged, apparently the girl thought she would speak in riddle, and Marluxia would of course try to impress the onlookers. He noticed however after a minute the girl drew close upon Marluxia, whispering something in his ear, and as soon as her objective of speech was done vanished. His eyes trailed down to Larxene who had apparently decided it was safe and approved to approach Marluxia about the matter. He had narrowed his eyes at the Assassin, not approving of the tone or words he had used towards him. "You shall hold your tongue Marluxia...let you not forget this is my castle and even so I am still your Superior..." he added with a cold undertone. His eyes then trailed to Larxene, "you shall assist Zexion in gathering the members to Where Nothing Gathers...what has just occurred shall be discussed then and there..." he said before looking up at Zexion, giving him a nod knowing he would not need to be told twice.
Xemnas stood quietly at the Altar of Naught, his eyes closed and his thoughts were calm as he listened to the euphoria of his latest project at work. "Soon shall provide us with all the source of power we need..." he uttered quietly and stern, his concentration solid, wishing to stay in such a state as was pleasing to himself. However it was thrown off slightly as his eyelids slowly found themselves opening a tad and the orange dark orbs of his pupils showing themselves. "Who would dare interupt such a glorious moment such as this..." he said his face however not changing, and no hint of anger bestowed in his voice. He took down his arms and hands, placing them casually at his sides, and proceeded to head down the spiraled walkway, letting himself pass all the way down to the floor where this apparent ruckus was being caused. His eyes slowly rested upon Marluxia, before they switched over to the girl, a unknown name as to his mind. "I see...we have a guest..." he said taking a stance on the balcony above, "and apparently Marluxia is the one to have greeted her first...pity..." His eyes looked around to see if any of his other members were perhaps engaged in watching the scrawl, before returning his eyes back to the two. He decided he would allow Marluxia to handle this considering he had not been a spectator of his abilities in sometime and it would of course have surely been altered slightly seeing him on a different playing field than Castle Oblivion.
Marluxia had found himself too engaged in a rather alluring dream, one which he would enjoy as much as could be. Ironically as any other nobody he found himself dreaming of when he was actually a somebody, rather being somebody. He walked quietly among his garden that he used to keep, all sorts and kinds of flowers laying patched and draped about his little natural shrine. However as was custom, his prize laid near the back securing a corner all to itself, his batch of pageant winning roses. He lightly reached out and grasped one in his hand, twirling it around a bit between his fingers. He inhaled slightly letting the scent glide around and into his nose. The luscious petals and hard bud a fair sign that it was healthy and taken care of the best it could be. However what came next would awaken him and let the world around him melt, then again the world he would be creating for himself wouldn't be too bad of a reality. He felt a prick and looked down, a small trickle of blood flowing down his pointer as he slowly removed the thorn from his finger. His eyes awoke and casually gazed around noticing it had once again been a dream, not one he would rely his thoughts on for the moment though. He elegantly sat up and looked around noticing most of the others seemed to still be unconscious. He then took his hands and lightly fluffed and ruffled the sides of his hair a bit before finding everything to be in order, "You two stop your gossiping and get things back in order..." he uttered quietly. Zexion had all ready awoken quite sometime before the others as was due to his adopted and practiced schedule. Less time sleeping meant the more he could accomplish, and hopefully the more the rest of the Organization could accomplish towards the goal at hand. His eyes slowly and calmly scoured the pages of a book, one such on the analysis of heartless and nobodies alike. Vexen had spoken of a recent project that he had been working on for the Superior, one that would hold key to Kingdom Hearts itself. Unfornately as usual though he did not relinquish much other information, as was his surprise nature, almost as if he were a little kid trying to win the science fair. He sighed quietly setting the book down and heading out of the library, "Hopefully everyone else is all ready starting to awake...nothing we can do sleeping the whole day away..." he said moving a bit of his bangs from the one clear eye. "By the sounds of it though many must still be asleep...I guess I shall stroll over to Lexasus's room...perhaps he shall be awake..." He changed his footing and began heading down a corridor and taking a right, wasting no time with his steps. When he had made it to the Original Six's hold he quietly placed himself in front of his door and let his gloved knuckles lightly rattle on the hard steel door. "Good morning Lexasus..." He awoke quietly however, most of his dreams being rather timid and uneventful, seeing as he indeed only had one goal. Sometimes he would dream of it, but most of the time his dreams would play as useless a part most of the days events before him. He sighed looking around noticing the others were still rather knocked out from the incident, but managed to spot Axel speaking with Demyx. "Axel...rather then speaking to me awake the other members..." He then turned his attention to Marluxia, "Nothing will get accomplished with such a tone or attitude...much less do you have the right in this help them awake the other members..."
If I may Xemnas please. "Transformers, Suddenly, Bananas?"
Zexion quietly and calmly proceeded to head down the steps of Castle Oblivion's basements until he had finally reached the cold dark abyss known as the fifth floor. He looked around, slightly cautious, even though they had worked together in life as somebodies Vexen's motivation and experiments had definitely taken a darker turn, no pun intended. He approached the laboratory door, letting the back of his knuckles lightly bang on it, the echo of steel and emptiness apparent on the other side. He crossed his arms as he waited, slowly growing somewhat annoyed as the minutes continued on with not a word or sound from the crazed mature scientist. He sighed slightly and reached from the handle before he was taken aback as it swung open, his eyes beholding Vexen obviously annoyed at the interuption, no telling what he had made him put a pause on this time. "Before you speak let me say I do not enjoy being an errand boy either but Xemnas has requested word of your progress..." he uttered quietly and honestly not the least bit interested himself. "He expects your project to be finished rather soon and if not well...we both know how Xemnas can be now don't we..." he said with a sigh.
If I may Marluxia...and as a twist if I might Zexion as well. "Viva La Veterans".