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  1. Last of the Organization
  2. Last of the Organization
  3. Last of the Organization
  4. Last of the Organization
    Xemnas quietly was in thought, everyone had seemingly gone about their business or rather the business that had been placed upon them. As for himself and the of course prioritized goal of Kingdom Hearts, nothing would get in the way of that. He portalled himself from which his throne stood and sat himself in his office, looking over his notes. He had managed to find his place marker before a voice had rasped through his mind. Demyx. He had recalled giving the Nocturne his assignment, hoping he would have at least been satisfied with such a thing seeing as he was rarely called upon. He sighed and returned the telepathy, "Briefly and short, the office," he sent forth from his mind. "With Roxas being occupied on assisting us with this threat...we lose half our intake of hearts...this will not do..." he said taking one of the papers and calculating. "He shall have to go assisted but he will be required to collect hearts again..."

    As he waited on Demyx he continued to plan out assignments and went about figuring where everyone would be best suited to counter the threat at hand. "Zexion shall let me know when the defenses are taken care of...the recruiters shall take one last strain at it...Roxas shall collect hearts accompanied by another member..." he said letting everything sink in and repress itself in his mind. "Capturing of a member of course proving vital in which case we should learn more about these similiar beings..." he said questioning how a supposed group of nobodies like themselves could have been undetectable until now, and of course not choosing to show themselves until now either.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia sighed upon receiving the message for the meeting, another annoying message to be received from the person he most found annoying. He opened his eyes, pushing his cordial thoughts to the back of his mind until he would call them forth again. He opened a portal allowing it to end right on his throne with which he took a elegant sit before lightly brushing out his hair. His eyes trailed around the room, seeing everyone for the most part present and accounted for, his eyes stopped upon Larxene however. Her expression of course was the usual shared one for anything their "superior" had to say. As much as her and him had discussed their plan, he had figured she had been other occupied, growing tired of it even at some points. He let his eyes continue to wonder perhaps hoping to grab a glimpse of maybe a reasoning for this meeting.

    And lo and behold, there perhaps it stood before his eyes. Taking notice of a rather small girl apparently being watched over by Lexaeus. Ironically enough the girl was about the age of Namine it seemed, and of course it intrigued him as to why the superior had placed her under watch by him seeing as he was indeed a guard but for a girl like that? Anyways he had spent far too much time on a petty thought as is, "Agreed...reasoning for this outcall would be nice to hear of at some point...preferably the sooner the better..." he said leaning back on his seat. The sooner this thing could be over and done with, the sooner things would progress along in his plans.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Last of the Organization
  7. Last of the Organization
  8. Last of the Organization
  9. Last of the Organization
  10. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia continued to listen to this bickering and nonsense that spewed from these fools mouths. On one hand he was beginning to grow a headache from Axel believing he had a place of leadership, and on the other he was highly surprised Larxene had taken to such a cowardly tone that wasn't usually like her. If anything in his eyes he saw this as a mere test of sorts to be give in preparation for his betrayal of the Organization. "Indeed...go about your businesses I have grown tired of all this childish bickering..." he said before turning to Lexasus and raising a eyebrow. "I this is our be it...we shall find this thing and rid it of it presence on this world..."

    He quietly headed towards the entrance way into the hallway, waiting for the rock hardened fellow and young girl to accompany him. To be honest this team wasn't too bad in his opinion, a quiet fellow who usually followed orders, and the blind but not in the least held down young girl who he had helped teach some of the ropes of the Organization to along with Xigbar. He sighed rubbing his temples as this task wasn't all that appealing but the sooner they finished it up the sooner they could each focus their attentions onto what was indeed important. He gave Larxene a glance, a disturbed one at that, showing he intended for things to continue as planned once this annoyance was dealt with.

    Zexion sighed as everyone continued to show a lack of Organization and proper etiquette. This was indeed the reason he chose to stray away from socializing in any shape or form with most of these members being dull or immature...even both for some of them. He agreed however with the final decision of everyone doing whatever they wanted, the strong and smart would prevail no matter what. His eyes met along with Demyx's and Xigbar's, before speaking, "you two shall accompany me...while Axel intends to restore power we shall make our way to the headquarters defense system..." he said ushering for them both to come over.

    He took a glance around the remaining members in the room before letting out another sigh, "the rest of you I would suggest accompanying a this point it would not matter much which..." he said before meeting gazes with Larxene. "As a suggestion for would benefit the most with restoring power to the headquarters or the defense I would advise joining Axel or myself..." After which he found himself standing out in the hallway as well waiting for the other two to find themselves in a similar stance to go.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Aug 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia closed his eyes and quietly listened, growing even more into the depths of boredom if that were even possible. Ideally this situation was practical and simple, something that shouldn't require minutes...or in their case...hours to discuss even just the start. At this point in time everyone's voices had just become a utter boom of annoyance that even the thunder and lightning was starting to be unable to drown out. He sighed and opened his eyes again, the aqua orbs making their way back and forth across the room seeing once again that nothing much but idle words of the least importance were continuing to be spoken. "If everyone is quite finished...what say we actually do something productive...and trust me rarely do those words cross these lips for this Organization..." he said making sure clarification was given as to his status as far as this Organization goes.

    His interest however became peaked somewhat when he heard about coming from the halls the sound of someone familiar, and someone surprisingly enough that he did not find annoying on a constant stage. Xioimara. He raised his eyebrow as to what the ruckus could be caused about and sighed in annoyance when Axel purposefully yelled out to her, definitely the best way to handle the situation, not. Either way the sooner everyone was informed and fully aware of the circumstances that would allow for the final removal of everyone from the room and hopefully something interesting perhaps.

    Zexion nodded in agreement with Lexasus on the terms of them being unique, then again the orginal six at least had always been unique even in life. Then again he would have to have guessed that these people as well, the latter nine, indeed had to be in some way or thus they wouldn't have been in this Organization. He was a little shocked to hear however him agree with the plan of splitting up, which he believed to have a few tad too many flaws to it, but then again even a high ranking wouldn't develop much resource when out voted. He knew when he had been discouraged from the course of things, however he would not let it get him down as some of the members had been known to do so.

    "Very well then...we shall await Xioimara's arrival...then we shall go forth with Axel's plan..." he said his eyes trailing around the room, "my group however shall go in search of restoring power and the defense systems back to their online quality..." He thought for a moment before continuing, "as for Marluxia's group, muscled should be used where it is best, apprenhending this nuisance..." He breathed in a little deeper then usually, containing the scent in, "as for your group Axel...I expect formidable results as well...whatever task you believe best suits..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jul 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Last of the Organization
    Zexion quietly listened as Axel began to speak on his...plan could you even call such a simplistic thing such? Either way now was not the time to be questioning what should be done, that is other then who indeed was giving the orders. "I'm afraid I would have to agree with Larxene..." he said stopping himself and rolling his eyes, "only on certain aspects of her speech...there are people in higher ranking in this room other then yourself Axel...even myself being one of them..." He quietly contemplated for a moment, one of his hands finding refuge nestled under his chain and a look of concentration on his face. "I will however point out your gesture of turning on the power to the headquarters again will be a much needed action taken hastily...then we can perhaps unravel more about said mystery..."

    He sighed rubbing his temples lightly, his attention however turned to Roxas, the small boy and of course youngest of them actually showing some respect to a fellow member, well hopefully at least some. Even though they were not required to exactly "like" each other, that still did not change the two simple points of this Organization. Complete loyalty to the Superior...which unfornately was all ready looking glim...and of course the fact THEY were a ORGANIZATION. He was beginning to think though it would eventually become a rift between the original and new members, and if his conclusions were correct they were all ready starting the game down one player.

    Marluxia stood with his arms crossed, honestly his eyes being closed for the matter of the arguing, debating, whatever to each his own interpretation of what was being spat about amongst them. However in his mind things were indeed simplistic, one such problem to him and his ploy was down and out, this little nuisance he would not dare a wink to. If anything he was proud and to go even farther his pride so extended as to make sure everyone knew as such. Elegance, properness, and accuracy were all ethics he made sure to live in every aspect of life, no matter the circumstance, even one such as now. He sighed finally when everyone had ceased talking for the moment. His eyes trailed to Axel, honestly, the member had no previous leadership experience and even as Zexion had pointed out nor did he dare have the rank to order them as such. His eyes then traveled over to Zexion, such an annoyance, the sewer rat living in the basement of his castle. He wasn't stupid when Xemnas had mentioned he would be occupying those bottom floors, obviously not to bring him "aid".

    And finally his eyes beheld the young boy, the spoiled and pampered little kid with the key who Xemnas so fondly tried to keep in this Organization at all costs, claiming he was indeed the key to their hearts. "Why would you show compassion...a fake emotion as such to start out with...but secondly for a thing if that...a fabrication of nothing...." he said shaking his head slightly. "It seems Xemnas has indeed not imprinted what we were and what we can not feel and do into your shell yet..." He sighed again and uncrossed his arms looking around the room, "As was said...I agree a higher member should dispense what he thinks is best for us...I have no problem searching...that is unless we plan to wait for our great...Superior to awaken next...."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jul 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Last of the Organization
  14. Last of the Organization
  15. Last of the Organization
  16. Last of the Organization
  17. Last of the Organization
  18. Last of the Organization
  19. Last of the Organization
  20. Last of the Organization