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  1. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia wondered quietly to himself why in the world he had even bothered to come to class. He had been having a perfectly fine day by just laying in bed before Larxene he recalled had busted into his room and commenced complaining that they were going to be late. Then again, come to think of it he questioned as to why Larxene even cared as well...although that was probably a poor choice of words. In a likewise manner she thought the exact same way he did, viewing high school as a chance to manipulate teachers and students into benefits.

    Either way it was too late now, he was stuck in class and would just have to endure it. Even though his goals were simple and somewhat alike he still never understood why the other students were so rowdy and willing to let themselves get in trouble over the stupidest stuff. His trust was only saved for himself, if not a little bit for his friend Larxene, but none the less he never found himself trying to get in trouble with no cause that would end up in the feat being a pointless stunt.

    He sighed and proceeded to look out the window, trying to help the day go by as fast as he knew how. He could always trying daydreaming, however that would require him to think up an excuse if caught by the teacher, and to be honest he didn't exactly feel up to that.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Apr 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Last of the Organization
    Profile Post

    Forgive me...

    Forgive me...
    Profile Post by Last of the Organization for HellKitten, Apr 5, 2010
  3. Last of the Organization
    Profile Post

    Ah..I'm sorry...

    Ah..I'm sorry...
    Profile Post by Last of the Organization for Sabby, Apr 5, 2010
  4. Last of the Organization
  5. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia had excused himself from the throne room a short time everyone else had managed to do so. He hardly wanted to be alone in such a room with such a person as their superior. He sighed realizing that even with a few strong members gone, there was still not enough power on his side yet to enact his own plan. Besides he was curious to see perhaps if he could obtain any information as to if they could benefit him in any sort of way to start with. The fact he would have to enlist a talk or conference with Xemnas about it though almost encouraged himself enough not to do so.

    He however pushed through it and continued his trek along the corridors and hallways before his feet finally stopped before the door. "All in due time...this shall all crumble..." he said lightly raising his gloved hand and knocking with the back of his knuckles. No further introduction would he give however since he would rather not be here in the first and wished to keep only what needed be said to the superior. He quietly awaited a response or verbal gesture that he could enter.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Last of the Organization
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Last of the Organization for Spaze, Aug 25, 2009
  7. Last of the Organization
    Profile Post

    Ah I see...

    Ah I see...
    Profile Post by Last of the Organization for Firekeyblade, Aug 25, 2009
  8. Last of the Organization
  9. Last of the Organization
  10. Last of the Organization
  11. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia sat quietly, halfway on the verge of what was taking place in the meeting and of course the other half of his thoughts trailing away to more important matters he believed. Much less the fact that this whole ordeal had been called under the circumstances that a nameless group such as themselves had taken appearance on this newly found world. If anything it seemed as much of an annoyance now that instead of only having to destroy the complex fibers of this Organization he stood in, but now part of his attention would have to be diverted to making sure this other nuisance didn't get in his way. Of course there would be no better place to perhaps find such information then to raise his hand and return once again to the pitiful place...however another idea managed to overcome his train of thought.

    He had one of "them" right here in their very castle, the only problem being if Xemnas would indeed allow him to perhaps share in the care of watching over her. If anything he believed he had shown capable of such a task, watching over his Castle and Namine of course being the card he would play should he need to, and that would prove if done correctly to be enough incentive to put him in a close enough position to her. He would of course wait until after the meeting allowing him to have a better chance to speak with the "superior" about it afterwords.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Last of the Organization
  13. Last of the Organization
  14. Last of the Organization
  15. Last of the Organization
  16. Last of the Organization
  17. Last of the Organization
    Xemnas didn't bother looking up upon hearing the swirling vortex open up but however continued about his calculations and such. He did however pay mind to the words coming from Demyx, seeing as whether him being here was truly of the essence of time granted him or idle chit chat. Once again he heard the confusion and nerve wracking studder and sighed. He gently set down his work in front of him and leaned back in his chair, making sure to make clear solid eye contact with him. "Could you not prove useful you would be a dusk...could you not prove useful to me you would not be apart of this Organization..." he started out saying assuming Demyx would gather about his wits its meaning.

    "You ask for a assignment...but how do you expect one when you show yourself as such Nocturne..." he said shaking his blank expression back and forth, "not only do you belittle this Organization by such a slouch in mood but you degrade yourself too...use the potential you have been given and it shall lead to more doors opening up." He said before pulling out the sheet of paper that had Demyx's previous missions and such on it, a background check and record if you would. His eyes trailed over it lightly before stopping at his recollection of previous assignments given, "On and off...some you seem to enjoy...others you despise...seemingly combat..." He placed his hand under his chin and thought a moment before speaking again, "You prefer working with team members...a good attribute...but you won't always be with them either..." He once again pondered for a second before finally coming to a resolution for the matter, "you shall be assigned to search the worlds for clue or tracks of these fools..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Last of the Organization
  19. Last of the Organization
  20. Last of the Organization