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  1. Last of the Organization
  2. Last of the Organization
  3. Last of the Organization
  4. Last of the Organization
    Prince Caspian sighed and shook his head, "no thanks...what I had been looking for at least was a friend...I'll see you back at the camp..." he said softly and started to head back to camp. He sat down leaning against a tree, seeing that the fire had gone down some, but it was rather late and he was tired from their long trek.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Last of the Organization
    Prince Caspian stopped slowly hearing her address him in what seemed to be a hard tone, however because of it not wanting to turn around and closed his eyes sighing. He just stood there a minute hearing her claim, before softly speaking, "then why does your tone say different..." he said finally turning around to face her.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Last of the Organization
    Profile Post

    Yeah I do.

    Yeah I do.
    Profile Post by Last of the Organization for keyblademaster_wannabe+, Feb 10, 2009
  7. Last of the Organization
    Prince Caspian sighed letting the stone lightly fall from his hand and not even hearing the gentle thud it made because of the soothing waves. He rubbed the back of his head and glanced over at her only once before turning around and walking slowly, "maybe it would just be best if we headed back to camp..." he said softly. It was obvious she was not interested in a walk, however it confused him that she would agree when it was so apparent.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Last of the Organization
  9. Last of the Organization
  10. Last of the Organization
    Prince Caspian sighed softly and continued walking, looking off into the distance as his legs slowly trudged him along. When they had made it close enough to the coast, he changed his line of vision to the ground, looking for just the perfect rock. When he found one that suited well enough he swung back and lightly tossed it watching it skitter across the gentle wave. He picked up another stone and held it slightly out in a offering manner, "would you like to try..." he asked softly.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Last of the Organization
    Prince Caspian raised an eyebrow noticing she hadn't said anything or made any attempt to take his hand, it gave him a feeling of rejection as even a friend, but he tried not to let it get to him. He slowly started to walk to the coast, once again closing his eyes at the gentle breeze passing over his face and through his hair.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Last of the Organization
    Prince Caspian nodded softly, he began to stand up brushing off the little bits of grass and sand that had gotten over his clothes. He stretched slightly before extending his hand out to Alexandria, "I'm ready if you are miss Alexandria..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Last of the Organization
    Prince Caspian laid on his back looking up at the stars too, "hmm..." he said softly before turning his head towards Alexandria, "would you...perhaps like to take a walk miss Alexandria?" he asked. He sat up quickly and brushed himself off a little, "its up to you though..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Last of the Organization
  15. Last of the Organization
  16. Last of the Organization