"I dont want to fight my brother though."
"Rhys."Eva choked out "Hes right...we have to go."
Rhys stared backat his brother,eyes wide and mouth open,he had to help him somehow
Eoughan reched loudly,blood spilling from his mouth and he twisted in an unatural way again,all the while making enough noise to alert anyone or anything near by,the pain of resting to kill was too much and he didnt know how much more he could take Eva hurried over to Rhys and hauled him to his feet,tugging him away from their older brother,tears pouring down her face
what spending hours a day on here? yeah for me it is...I guess i just grew out of it...i only come on...reply to any rps i have and check my...
Im sorry but i went off line,i dont spend as much time here as i used to :/
no who said that?
oh i will haha :P
yeah im good thanks :)
Yeah im good :) back to college next week cant wait :D
The Initation The Captive The Power are the books
Hey how are you? :)
heyyy :) how are you?
Rhys slowly started inch his way forward,moving away from the car and moving slowly,he turned back to give his sister a reasurring smile when something metal was launched across the street,missing him by inches,by his brother. Little did Rhys know,he'd stayed in the cross infected line of sight too long,Rhys looked up in shock as his brother was suddenly running at him. Eoughan made a grab for his brother,who scuttled backwards away from him with a yell,while his sister started screaming at him to stop it,he froze for a second,and stared at his brother's panic striken face then at his sister,he twisted away slightly and thumped himself against the car next to him,there he wiggled and failed about,being cross infected he had more control,but this was the price,pain.
"We have to move."Rhysmuttered
No problem :) There's no wound i think I've pulled something
"Dont you dare think about hurting him"Eva said
ill check it out :) Meh went walking all day with my friends yesterday and I think ive hurt my foot
Hey how are you
Ooc I meant our " he's our brother"