Meh... I didn't get it either.... "Hand clappin Hip Shaken' Heartbreaking There's no faking What you feel when your riding home Yeah, yeah Music's in my soul I can hear it every day, every night It's the one thing on my mind Music's got control And I'm letting go, no no I just wanna play my music"
Well... That was... Odd. Bye Trace.
Why my stuff? Why not Fire's?
I like them the way they are. I find it really cool how there are some difference to some of the Organization members cloaks. Like how most of them at bell shaped sleeves but Axel's tightens at the wrist.
Glad to be seen on...? I laughed at that Fire.
......... *Facepalm*
I could care less who either of them date. Their living their lives so we might as well just deal with it.
Bleh, Kib. Hi Last. I don't own a diary...
Wow, it's Kib. Sup dawg? EDIT: Hey Lightisgone.
*Throws up Pimp Hat and picks up golden cane* Ey you! *Points cane at Fire* Make yo self useful and get y'all's trick out of mi room, iight? Translation: Get Rising Storm out of my room, understand? xD
Pssh. Y'all ain't got nothing on me. I'm hell up tight, iight? ..... Yes, bow in my Pimp-ness. Bow.
I really liked it, it was very interesting.
Yahh dude. Hommie. ... I'm bored out of my mind.
Now do I really gotta answer that hommie?
Yes! I don't suck! FIRE! *Hugz* .... I put a "Z" at the end of the word "Hugs" because I'm a flippin' Pimp.
I want to believe Sora would win, but it would probably Link who would conquer.
So..... I'm here on my own again...?
Make time for yourself, it's okay to say no to things. If that doesn't work, punch a wall or something.
At least one KH game should be on Wii. Preferably, 358/2 it seems.
Hollow Bastion and Alantica were my favorites.