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  1. Heaven's Angel
    OOC- >> Nice name, FF... ^^

    Anywho, it's the 3rd day in the morning before school starts... Emily and Jake kissed... George's dad disowned him because he walked in their dorm to find them asleep in a bed together (JUST sleeping <<) and he got furious. Leah's afraid, like Mr. Strong told her before he left, that she's going to lose control one day and kill George on accident. The next morning, after hunting, she went and took a walk through the park and got hit by a car. She's in the hospital and George got called and told about it, now he rushed there, too. Leah's confused cuz a car shouldn't be able to hurt a vampire, but she was badly injured by it... It's all a part of my plan... >D

    "I... don't know..." She said and sighed, closing her eyes. She gently squeezed George's hand, worried. Something's going on, but I can't seem to tell what it is... She thought.
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Heaven's Angel
    "I'm... hmm? Oh..." She said and sighed, remembering. "Something's wrong... A car hitting me shouldn't have left me... injured. Something as weak as that shouldn't have even left a scratch on me..." She was confused. "Cars can't hurt a vampire..."
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Heaven's Angel
    Leah remained unconcious for a while, but she awoke to the sound of someone crying. George...? She thought and gently squeezed his hand. "George...?" She whispered, looking up at him, weakly. She felt drained, and most of her body ached. "You're... crying..." She said, confused. "Why...?"
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Heaven's Angel
    Leah remained passed out.
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Heaven's Angel
    The nurse hung up. Leah laid in one of the hospital rooms in a bed. Bandages were wrapped around her head and she had a few cuts and scrapes. The burns on her arms had disappeared overnight. There were bandages wrapped around her left ankle that she had sprained and also around her right leg. She was out cold.
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Heaven's Angel
    AHH... I can't understand u guys. >_<

    Grr, I have school tomorrow, so I gtg to bed... night!
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Heaven's Angel
    "She hasn't woken up yet, but you're welcome to come see her..." The nurse replied, gently. "We ran a few tests to confirm what injuries she has, and the doctors are analyzing the results, now. They don't seem too bad, thought, so you don't need to be worried. She got really lucky, I can say that much..."
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Heaven's Angel
    The nurse answered him in the softest voice she could manage. "Hello, George? I'm Mimi, a nurse from the city hospital. I'm afraid there's been a bit of an accident..." She explained to him what had happened with the car crash.
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Heaven's Angel
    I only understood 'kawaii', which means 'cute', and I think 'desu' means 'name'? o.o
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Heaven's Angel
    OOC- That could work.

    An ambulance came and took Leah to the hospital. She was then taken into the ER to see what injuries she had. Meanwhile, a nurse called the school to inform them, and the lady in the front office told them to call George, too. They called the phone that's in their dorm, waiting for someone to answer.
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Heaven's Angel
    Gir, why is there BACON IN THE SOAP?!

    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Heaven's Angel
    OOC- Nope... Sorry, I can't... I have this planned out. XD

    Except for who's going to tell George about it... forgot about that part. XD

    The driver freaked out and got out of the car, running over to Leah. "Miss?! Miss, are you alright?!" He asked, frantically. She didn't respond. A bunch of people stopped to look, now. The driver pulled out his cell phone and called 911, panicking as he explained what had happened.
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Heaven's Angel


    Squeegly spleech... XDDD
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Heaven's Angel
    Leah looked at the ground as she walked, not really paying attention since she had alot on her mind. When she crossed the street, she didn't notice the car heading full speed towards her until it was too late. She looked up a second before the car hit her, knocking her back and onto the road. She did not scream. Her head hit the pavement and she passed out.

    OOC- Part of my plan... XP
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Heaven's Angel
    It's a cute idea, but as DSK said, a bit confusing... If you really can't ask her face-to-face, hand her the pieces of paper (in order!!) and ask her if she'll proofread a report or story or something... But really, it'd probably just be better to as her to her face. It may sound strange, but that also makes a relationship stronger and makes it last longer. There's nothing to be afraid of when asking a girl out... We don't bite. ;D

    And if it's rejection you're afraid of, paper won't help, anyways... It may sting a bit, but you just have to get up and not let yourself get upset. We all fall sometimes, but there are other people out there. :)

    Good luck, hun! <3
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  16. Heaven's Angel
    "Okay," Leah said and gently kissed his cheek, smiling before she ran off. Once she was outside of school grounds, she ran at her full speed into the forest and drank the blood from a few animals. Once she had finished, Leah ran back towards the school, but stopped running once she came near it. School doesn't start for a while... I'm going to walk through the park, for a bit, first... She thought and headed in the direction of the park.
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Heaven's Angel
    Leah quickly turned around, surprised to see him awake. "I need to go on a hunting trip before school starts, today," She said, softly. "I'll be right back."
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Heaven's Angel
    Hailey made herself smile a little. "O-Okay..." She said, softly.
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Heaven's Angel
    Leah couldn't tell George was awake. She gently got up from the bed, trying not to make any motions that would "wake" him. Her throat was dry and burning, and she felt like she should go hunt, but george couldn't come with her.
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Heaven's Angel
    Leah woke up the next morning, sleepily. She looked over at George.
    Post by: Heaven's Angel, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home