"I-I don't know..." Leah said, weakly. "I didn't believe it at first, but..." She paused and suddenly pressed her lips against his, kissing him.
You know you can't live without the Organization, Larxene... *smirks* Demyx... *sighs* I've told you a million times... I was forced to go and got drunk... It wasn't my fault. -_-
Leah opened her eyes and groaned, softly. "I-I think... I figured it out, now..." She whispered in his ear. "Why I'm able to be injured so easliy... Why I feel I can't live without breathing... Why I have a heartbeat and can sleep..." She felt tears fall down her cheeks again. "I'm not a vampire, anymore... I-I'm-... I'm human..." OOC- ;D
*growls* You better watch it, Larxene... And Demyx, when did you become such a... well pervert? O_o
OOC- I don't remember, either... Argh, and I spent 4 hours learning how to do CPR and use that thing, too! >_< I know it starts with an 'A'... an APU? Yeah, I think that's it... The nurse held him back, trying to calm him down. A doctor shouted frantically at one of the nurses. She ran off and quickly came back with a small, box-like thing. A doctor opened it and took out two square pads. Another doctor ripped Leah's shirt so that the skin on her chest was exposed. They placed the pads on her chest and everyone backed away about a foot. The doctor glanced around him. "Clear!" he shouted and then hit a button on the APU. Leah jumped a bit at the shock, gasping as the machine beside the bed began beeping again. The doctor sighed in relief and then removed the pads, closing up the box. A nurse took it away, again. They pulled the bed's covers up over Leah's ripped shirt and the nurse let go of George, allowing him to go over to Leah. The doctors all muttered confused to each other.
Oh my gosh... You know what? Why do I even bother with you idiots. -.-
"Sir, please step back!" The doctor said, sternly. "I know this is upsetting to you, but we can help her. It's not safe with you standing here, though... Now will you please step back, sir." OOC- What are those shocker things called again? o.o
O_o .............................. How many other things have happened that I don't know about?!
What are you two talking about?
Leah's hands suddenly loosened and fell limp from George's hands and she fell unconcious. A few doctors rushed in as the machine stopped beeping and made a low, humming noise. "Sir, we're going to need to ask you to step back," One of the doctors said to George.
*grumbles unhappily to self*
Leah shook her head. She wanted to try and comfort him, but she couldn't think of a way to. She closed her eyes tightly and let out a small whimper at the pain. The machine next to the bed started beeping faster.
OOC- You can just call me Angel, ya know. XP Hailey nodded and got out of the car.
"I-It's nothing..." She breathed. "Just... a bit of pain..." She gently patted his hand, though the pain was still there. It was making it hard for her to breathe, which normally wouldn't be a problem, but she felt like she needed to breathe. Like she couldn't live without breathing. This confused her. I'm picking up more human traits than I should be... She thought and weakly lifted her arm, feeling right underneath the corner of her jaw. I still have a heartbeat... What's wrong with me? She wondered. The pain was growing alot worse and she winced, not loosening her grip on his hand.
OOC- Just pretend they're in the car. XP Hailey got into the car.
"Nobody does... But we just have to hope for the best, right?" She looked up at him, smiling. Suddenly, Leah felt a sharp pain in her chest and she held on to George's hand as tight as she could, without hurting him.
Yah... lol and the three boys are the only three we have in our class. >_< but, besides her telling us that, we didn't do anything in drama today. :/
"I'm not..." She admitted. "But It's better to be hopeful..." She didn't let go of his hand.
Hailey followed them, silently.
"Shh..." She soothed gently. "It's going to be okay..."