B( Lance....
Hey Maka, how are you? It's been a while so I just wanted to say hello~
I can't believe this is what we've turned into. We're DPing and nothing else.
So Pidge. Got a secret? Hmmmmmmm?
Keith! c:
I'm up for singing a second song too lmao
If you had to choose one tell all end all fighting game character to represent me out of all the fighting games you know I play, who would it be and why?
That is actually specifically why I stated she is okay with being called either of her two names haha! I was hoping someone would catch that.
View attachment 45115 PATIENT Name: Elizabeth Jolene-Joanna Williams (don't call her JoJo, she hates that. She prefers Lisa or Elizabeth but doesn't frown upon being called Jolene or Joanna) Age: 18 Gender: Female Sexuality: If she had to guess, she's bisexual, but she really doesn't care and she'd prefer to make friends.
Impressions? (No I'm not sorry)
I'm really sorry to hear, my man. All the best vibes towards you.
Well boy do I have news for you on who just came back then.
10/10. I'm with this sapphire blue.
I supported that BEFORE you got admin'd. Still baffled by that, but I know you care about the site so I'm glad it happened!
I wish prems were still teal. Way better than pink in my opinion lmao
I'm experimenting to be honest. But noted~
Oh, that's right! You use the white skin! My bad my dude, I'll change that pronto to something light skin friendly. No reason to make you change.
Lmao you kids and your which anime character is stronger
This looks good. I'm willing to give it a try.