Undertale (collab? :p) Hatoful boyfriend
The wall would take too many resources and wouldn't get passed, let alone built, in a term, which I feel is all he will last.
Damn good taste
Everything can be hacked... and everyone.
Spoiler: Devour our our View attachment 45695 [/SOOILER]
I adore Primarina. Elegant Pokémon are always my favorite, no matter how girly or prissy they look. I see a lot of hate towards it and I feel it's unjust! If that's the one reason people are going to avoid it, seems a bit of a double standard because Incineroar is overly-manly. As far as Incineroar and Decidueye go, Incineroar reminds me of Zangief from Street fighter and Decidueye looks like Green Arrow, so I'm on board. As Dark-type is my favorite, Incineroar ends up taking my second favorite spot, though I don't dislike the remaining starter. As always, I'll end up using all three for different teams. Alola looks to me like it's the best region so far. I'm VERY excited for it!
Count me in. It'll give me a reason to work on my novel again. It's about a group of female pirates that travel to every corner of their world to stop a great evil ;p
Hillary is corrupt but at least she has the general populace's interests at heart, whereas trump is focusing on the rich white males that think everything is theirs and think America needs to be made great again. No, I don't like Hillary, but honestly? I'd take her over Trump any day. I had to think about this long and hard- Third party is something important that I've considered but I strongly feel like Hillary is the best course of action, in this case. By best, I mean safest, because I DONT want a liar leading the country. If Hillary's racist, I've seen it be nothing but ignorance, whereas trump is a performer- her plays it up for laughs.
*sticks out my leggy* Hi I'll name myself thanks ;3c *sticks out other leggy* luff u <33333 Anyway... I'm recovering from an abusive relationship still. I'm bisexual but on a very small ratio, I prefer girls to guys heavily. I've dated about 5 people on this site (counting little ol' @Heart ❤ )
I'm going to laugh when Popplio ends up being the strongest starter. You'll see. You'll all see. Me and Popplio are gonna be the champs!
Because people have interests and they're allowed to like stuff.
I'm not old, but how much I've changed in a lot of people's eyes makes me feel like I am. I mean @DigitalAtlas and I used to loathe each other- then we both discovered we dislike Twilight Princess's badly-written and rushed plot and from then on we've been civil
To be fair if I lose to Cat I won't even be mad.
I forgot you're legal now. Our love can truly blossom again <3
They're putting WAY too much focus on Red. I dislike that he's taking the place of other protagonists. This pretty much means we won't get to see him be fought on Mt. Silver by Lyra or Kris or Ethan, which kinda stinks. People have been wanting to see what team Ethan had. It wrongly shafts the protagonists of the games (a bad habit in Pokémon, I mean, where's Leaf?)
Not here too.
Write-in for Crossover Cove because that RP was my jam. Should have nominated it but life keeps me busy.