If I give you guys $100 can I be admin/forum helper?
Now I wish we put money on it.
I'm gonna bump this so Blaine can see it and make me admin by default of only one applicant.
Except you came back. So really you're following them.
Wow, Libre and Stardust look the same. You'd think they were the same person!
Vivi, do we need to put you back in incontinent knickers?
Who do you think Blaine is?
Watch out for cliffs.
Khv: Civil War Coming soon to a forum near You!
Aye, seems like a blast.
Please, this is a PG-13 site. We don't want to scare the children!
Utah. Just helping my sister out. She's expecting twins while already having a two year old and two dogs. so naturally I'm caring for the dogs...
How do I find you guys?
Today was the first time in a long long time. Good, good! Currently in the US dying in the heat. How about you? DID YOU GET ALL THE AWESOME...
I thought Sabby was Chun-Li. Not sure if that's racist, tho. It's the sexy thighs., honest.
I always saw myself as a benevolent dictator but I guess I was wrong. Two minutes in the door and folk are already leaving! jks aside, stop being such a weiner. Fair enough if you're bored of khv but don't blame e-drama and folk you can easily ignore.
What a bunch of lamers.