Change the face in your avvy to Trump and I will.
When did Amaury get so sassy?
Nova, pls, don't make fun of me for my looks. It's not my fault I need to feast on the flesh of injured wieners. And that's rather presumptuous of you, Nova. It's not that I don't care - there's still some members here I care for - but I'm not in the habit of babying folk who are desperate for the constant attention and support of others. It's far too draining and unhealthy. You can think of it as selfish if you want, but I'd rather give my attention and energy to folk who really need it than those who use it to validate themselves.
You're gonna jinx it.
I like to think I'm smarter than the average bear. At least I'm smart enough not to say I'm leaving and then come back a wee while later, no?
Once I didn't look at the alerts and managed to accumulate over 120. Then I accidentally hovered over it...I couldn't look at khv for a while afterwards.
You gotta eat all those while they're still fresh. WASTING EVEN ONE MAKES YOU A HORRIBLE BEING!
Yuri. I love Yuri! I'm past the point of feeling guilty about it but I do sometimes get the worrying thought that someone in my hardcore Christian family will look in my bookcase and find the 5 or so shelves filled with Yuri. Heaven forbid they decide to look in my manga folder on my computer! All SFW, of course.
Definitely a story to share with his kids.
Honestly, PS3 or emulation (or both if your PC can handle emulation). PS3 games are pretty cheap now so you can get entire series for a small amount.
Ghetto if he isn't awready there.
Makaze on this list makes me lol.
But they're all so boring!
Bueno since he's living the dream!
I would vote for myself but instant disqualification.
Makaze, for he is committed to MAYHEM! have other qualities worth voting for.
Gonna say everyone on that list. Amaury's gonna kidnap each of them and force them to log on everyday and be part of his cyber family. Hint: libre is the dad.
What was smart enough not to return.
Kelly's like that puppy that pees all over the floor. Excitable and loveable. <3