nonono, derep me not rep.
Really? we totally didnt know.
We arent living on a prayer, kthnx
when in that post did i say i dislike khv xD and yay 9 points closer to -1,500
nonono dont rep me, derep me >.<
October is over. How was the orgasm?
yes .
Sucks just as hard as bleach.
nonononono youre supposed to derep. trying to max red gems
The blue Line In jack is higher quality than the microphone jack
sure .
Not banworthy
Xendran and/or Kayleah
Derep me, i want to get maximum red gems
Luka Xendran, Desi User below gets no question. Make it up yourself
Yes .
same size
Oh hey this thread sure smells like a 2 person convo that isnt really needed outside of PMing
Bad acid trip = not fun